The document is an agenda for The Future of Work Forum. It outlines the schedule, including a continental breakfast from 8:00-8:30 AM. From 8:30-9:00 AM, Connie Chan and Jacob Morgan will provide a welcome and announcements. From 9:00-9:45 AM, Anna Binder will discuss how to develop a culture that matters and helps companies win by focusing on more than just free beer on Fridays. From 9:45-10:30 AM, Pat Wadors will discuss how to effectively lead and engage the millennial workforce by appealing to their motivations of purpose and curiosity rather than a traditional career ladder.
This short note expresses appreciation for friends and wishes them blessings. The writer wants friends to know they care about them and hopes God will watch over and care for friends as well. In a few simple sentences, the note conveys gratitude and care for others.
The document is an agenda for The Future of Work Forum. It outlines the schedule, including a continental breakfast from 8:00-8:30 AM. From 8:30-9:00 AM, Connie Chan and Jacob Morgan will provide a welcome and announcements. From 9:00-9:45 AM, Anna Binder will discuss how to develop a culture that matters and helps companies win by focusing on more than just free beer on Fridays. From 9:45-10:30 AM, Pat Wadors will discuss how to effectively lead and engage the millennial workforce by appealing to their motivations of purpose and curiosity rather than a traditional career ladder.
This short note expresses appreciation for friends and wishes them blessings. The writer wants friends to know they care about them and hopes God will watch over and care for friends as well. In a few simple sentences, the note conveys gratitude and care for others.
Orienta巽達o para novos funcion叩rios tes teAlves Sud
O documento fornece orienta巽達o para novos funcion叩rios sobre como se familiarizar com suas novas atribui巽探es, ambientes e colegas de trabalho. Ele discute objetivos de aprendizagem, tecnologia, procedimentos, pol鱈ticas e benef鱈cios. Tamb辿m apresenta um estudo de caso sobre os desafios de um novo funcion叩rio e recursos para apoio.
Assessing the Impact of Entrepreneurship EducationNorris Krueger
The document discusses assessing the impact of education programs on developing an entrepreneurial mindset. It argues that the best programs focus on:
1. Developing an entrepreneurial mindset, not just skills or knowledge.
2. Immersing and co-immersing students in entrepreneurial ecosystems through connections to experts, peers, and the community.
3. Providing critical developmental experiences that can change students' deep beliefs and help them progress from novice to expert mindsets.
El documento habla sobre la 辿tica profesional y la responsabilidad profesional. Define la 辿tica profesional como un conjunto de normas que gu鱈an el comportamiento de los profesionales para asegurar que desempe単en sus actividades de manera coherente y sensata. Tambi辿n describe que la responsabilidad profesional proviene del conocimiento especializado que poseen los profesionales y c坦mo este conocimiento debe usarse para el bienestar de los dem叩s.
Technology skills are important for both college and careers as many jobs now require experience with computers. Without being digitally literate and experienced with technology, it could prevent someone from getting a job or succeeding in college. Developing technological skills has become almost a necessity to fully participate in today's advanced world.
This document discusses digital security and the importance of protecting personal information online. It defines digital security as electronic precautions to guarantee safety and protect digital identities. Examples of security measures include home alarm systems that notify of dangers and technology firewalls and Wi-Fi protections. Statistics show data breaches are common, with 43% of companies experiencing one in the past year, costing the global economy hundreds of billions annually. The document urges readers to take security seriously by using different passwords, antivirus software, and avoiding public Wi-Fi to prevent hacking and protect themselves from financial losses.
Este documento presenta los resultados de un estudio sobre la calidad de la dieta, el sobrepeso y la obesidad en estudiantes universitarios. El estudio evalu坦 la alimentaci坦n de 749 estudiantes utilizando 鱈ndices como el de calidad de dieta. Los resultados mostraron que la calidad de la dieta est叩 relacionada con el sobrepeso y la obesidad, y que existen variaciones seg炭n el sexo y el consumo de alcohol. La mayor鱈a de los estudiantes no siguen una dieta saludable y necesitan mejorar su ingesta de frutas y ver
El documento describe los efectos del cambio clim叩tico como el derretimiento de los polos y aumento de las temperaturas. Se単ala que estas im叩genes podr鱈an no importar hoy pero s鱈 a las futuras generaciones. Exhorta a las personas a tomar acciones simples como apagar las luces innecesarias, caminar o usar bicicleta en lugar de veh鱈culos, y no tirar basura para ayudar a reducir los impactos. Finalmente pide reenviar el mensaje para crear conciencia sobre la necesidad de proteger el planeta.
Revista Faeba Educa巽達o e contemporaneidadeCassia Barbosa
Here is a 3 sentence summary of the document:
[SUMMARY] The document provides information about the editorial board and advisory board of the "Revista da FAEEBA: Educa巽達o e Contemporaneidade" journal. It lists the rector, vice-rector and directors of the University of Bahia and the Education Department. It also lists the national and international members of the editorial and advisory boards who will oversee the journal.
Digital law governs technology use and prevents cyberbullying, illegal downloading, computer viruses, hacking, illegal file sharing, and plagiarism. Violating these laws by stealing identities, spreading viruses, hacking networks, or sharing copyrighted content without permission can result in federal legal trouble or jail time. Digital law aims to protect individuals' digital property and security online.
Los malos h叩bitos alimenticios son m叩s f叩ciles de romper que corregir, por lo que es importante establecer buenos h叩bitos desde una edad temprana para llevar una vida saludable.
El documento define el software libre como aquel que permite a los usuarios ejecutar, copiar, distribuir, estudiar y modificar el software, y redistribuir versiones modificadas. Explica que el software libre generalmente es gratuito o de bajo costo, pero no necesariamente. Enumera ventajas como escrutinio p炭blico, independencia del proveedor, seguridad y continuidad, as鱈 como ahorros en costos. Tambi辿n menciona posibles desventajas como dificultades en el intercambio de archivos y mayores costos de implement
The document provides a project menu for a second grade space unit with activities tiered by difficulty into three columns. The first column contains more advanced activities, the second column contains on-level activities, and the third column contains novice activities. Students must complete at least three activities, which can be accessed at school during free time or at home. The activities include calculating weight on other planets, building a solar system model, writing planet advertisements, and more, and are designed to be educational while allowing choice for students of different levels.
Dokumen tersebut membahas sejarah pembukuan hadits, mulai dari masa Nabi Muhammad SAW hingga abad ke-3 Hijriyah. Pada awalnya hadits ditulis secara terpisah, kemudian dihimpun menjadi kitab-kitab hadits pada abad ke-2 dan 3 H. Akan tetapi, hadits-hadits shahih belum dipisahkan dengan hadits yang lemah. Masalah yang muncul adalah pemalsuan hadits oleh beberapa golongan untuk kepent
1. Realizacja umow y jest w sp坦finansow ana ze rodk坦w Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Rozw oju
Regionalnego 2007-2013, projekt Tw orzenie i rozw 坦j sieci w sp坦pracy Centr坦w Obsugi Inw estora
Nazwa lokalizacji
Site name
Sanok Wierchy
Wierchy in Sanok
Miasto / Gmina
Town / Commune
Province (Voivodship)
Area of property
Maksymalna dostpna powierzchnia (w jednym
kawaku) ha
Max. area available (as one piece) ha
Ksztat dziaki
The shape of the site
Mo甜liwoci powikszenia terenu (kr坦tki opis)
Possibilityfor expansion (shortdescription)
TAK (mo甜liwo bezprzetargowej sprzeda甜y
dziaki przylegajcej do przedmiotowej
nieruchomoci ,o pow. 502m2
YES (the possibilityof selling the land
adjacentto the subjectproperty with the area.
of 502m2 withoutcall for tenders
Orientacyjna cena gruntu PLN/m2
wczajc 22% VAT
Approx. land price PLN/m2
including 22% VAT
361,92 [PLN/m2]cena wywoawcza
361,92 [PLN/m2]asking price
Waciciel /waciciele
Wasno gminySanok
Sanok commune
Aktualny plan zagospodarowania
przestrzennego (T/N)
Valid zoning plan (Y/N)
Przeznaczenie w miejscowym planie
zagospodarowania przestrzennego
Teren zabudowy usugowej zmo甜liwoci
lokalizacji obiekt坦w handlowych o powierzchni
sprzeda甜y powy甜ej 2000m2
Area for services,the possibilityof commercial
center location with the sales area ofmore
than 2000m2
Klasa grunt坦w wraz z powierzchni ha
Soil class with area ha
Bz 2,2102 ha
R坦甜nica poziom坦w terenu m
Differences in land level m
Teren paski
Flat area
Obecne u甜ytkowanie
Stadion sportowy
Zanieczyszczenia w坦d powierzchniowych
i gruntowych (T/N)
Soil and underground water
pollution (Y/N)
2. Realizacja umow y jest w sp坦finansow ana ze rodk坦w Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Rozw oju
Regionalnego 2007-2013, projekt Tw orzenie i rozw 坦j sieci w sp坦pracy Centr坦w Obsugi Inw estora
Poziom w坦d gruntowych m
Underground water level m
Max poni甜ej 4 [m]
Max below 4 [m]
Czy byy prowadzone badania geologiczne
terenu (T/N)
Were geological research done (Y/N)
Ryzyko wystpienia zala lub obsuni terenu
Risk of flooding or land slide (Y/N)
Przeszkody podziemne (T/N)
Underground obstacles (Y/N)
TAK (sie ciepownicza)
Yes ((the heating network)
Przeszkody wystpujce na powierzchni terenu
Ground and overhead obstacles (Y/N)
Istniejce ograniczenia ekologiczne (T/N)
Ecological restrictions (Y/N)
Budynki i zabudowania na terenie (T/N)
Buildings /other constructions on site (Y/N)
Dwa rodzaje trybun kryta na 809 miejsc
siedzcych i na 150 os坦b.Wok坦 pyty boiska
do piki no甜nej jestbie甜nia lekkoatletyczna o
strukturze 甜u甜lowej i wymiarach 400 m x 7,2
Two types of stands.The first one, under the
roof for 809 people and the second one for
150 people.Around the pitch there is an
athletic track of the slag structure and
dimensions of400 m x 7.2 m
Transport links
Droga dojazdowa do terenu (rodzaj drogi
i jej szeroko)
Access road to the plot(type and width of
access road)
Teren poo甜ony pomidzy ulicami 纏wirki i
Wigury, Mickiewicza, Staszica (fragmentdrogi
krajowej nr 28) i Traugutta
The area is located between 纏wirki i Wigury
Street, Staszica Street (the part of the national
road No 28) and Traugutta Street.
Autostrada / droga krajowa km
Nearestmotorway/ national road km
Droga krajowa nr 84 1,5 km
Droga krajowa nr 28- przylega
Autostrada: w budowie
National road No 84 1,5 km
National road No 28 adjacentto the plot
Motorway under construction ~ 78 km
Porty rzeczne i morskie w odlegoci do 200 km
Sea and river ports located up to 200 km
Kolej km
Railwayline km
TAK 2,2 km
Y 2,2 km
Bocznica kolejowa km
Railwaysiding km
TAK 2,2 km
Y 2,2 km
Najbli甜sze lotnisko midzynarodowe km
Nearestinternational airport km
Rzesz坦w-Jasionka 90 km
3. Realizacja umow y jest w sp坦finansow ana ze rodk坦w Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Rozw oju
Regionalnego 2007-2013, projekt Tw orzenie i rozw 坦j sieci w sp坦pracy Centr坦w Obsugi Inw estora
Najbli甜sze miasto wojew坦dzkie km
Nearestprovince capital km
Rzesz坦w 78 km
Elektryczno na terenie (T/N)
Electricity (Y/N)
Odlego przycza od granicy terenu
Connection point (distance from
boundary) m
Na dziace
On the plot
Voltage kV
Szczeg坦y do uzgodnienia z Zakadem
To be determined with the Energetic Plant
Dostpna moc
Available capacity MW
Szczeg坦y do uzgodnienia z Zakadem
To be determined with the Energetic Plant
Gaz na terenie (T/N)
Gas (Y/N)
Odlego przycza od granicy dziaki
Connection point(distance from
boundary) m
Na dziace
On the plot
Warto kaloryczna
Calorific value MJ/Nm3
Szczeg坦y do uzgodnienia z Zakadem
To be determined with the Gas Plant.
rednica rury
Pipe diameter mm
200 mm
Dostpna objto
Available capacity Nm3
Szczeg坦y do uzgodnienia z Zakadem
To be determined with the Gas Plant.
Woda na terenie (T/N)
Water supply(Y/N)
Odlego przycza od granicy terenu
Connection point(distance from
boundary) m
Na dziace
On the plot
Dostpna objto
Available capacity m3
Szczeg坦y do uzgodnienia z Zakadem Usug
To be determined with the Communal
Services Office.
Kanalizacja na terenie (T/N)
Sewage discharge (Y/N)
Odlego przycza od granicy terenu
Connection point(distance from
boundary) m
15 m
Dostpna objto
Available capacity m3
Szczeg坦y do uzgodnienia z Zakadem Usug
To be determined with the Communal
Services Office.
Oczyszczalnia ciek坦w na terenie bd添
w bezporednim ssiedztwie
Treatmentplant (Y/N)
Telefony (T/N)
Telephone (Y/N)
Odlego przycza od granicy terenu
Connection point(distance from
boundary) m
10 m
4. Realizacja umow y jest w sp坦finansow ana ze rodk坦w Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Rozw oju
Regionalnego 2007-2013, projekt Tw orzenie i rozw 坦j sieci w sp坦pracy Centr坦w Obsugi Inw estora
prepared by
Konrad Biaas,Naczelnik Wydziau Rozwoju Miasta,13 4652826,
Konrad Biaas,head of City DevelopmentDepartment,13 4652826,
Osoby do
Contact person
Konrad Biaas,Naczelnik Wydziau Rozwoju Miasta,13 4652826,
Konrad Biaas,head of City DevelopmentDepartment,13 4652826,