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Organization / Workplace
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Project, Portfolio and ITSM consulting and training
Technology / Software / Internet
Portfolio and Project Manager in IT, digital/virtual learning and professional training, and consulting. Over 20 years of total experience in IT and 10+ years as a project and portfolio manager, consulting services, and business trainer. Grades and certifications: Ph. D., PgMP, PMP certified. Career achievements 1. I acted as a supervisor (coach), later as a partner for an ambitious start-up company, which launched to market a portfolio of audio services for call centers, people with hearing injuries and hearing protection for urban people. Results: 4 mln users in the first year, the first prize at the Microsoft EMEA AppCup. The partner project is recognized as the finalist at the Micros...
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仂亟亞仂仂于从舒 仗亠仂仆舒仍舒 仗亳 仗亠亠于仂亟亠 丐 亳仆舒从 于 "仂弍仍舒从仂"仂亟亞仂仂于从舒 仗亠仂仆舒仍舒 仗亳 仗亠亠于仂亟亠 丐 亳仆舒从 于 "仂弍仍舒从仂"
仂亟亞仂仂于从舒 仗亠仂仆舒仍舒 仗亳 仗亠亠于仂亟亠 丐 亳仆舒从 于 "仂弍仍舒从仂"
仄仆仂亞仂仂弍舒亰亳亠 仂仄舒仂于 仂弍亠仆亳
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仄仆仂亞仂仂弍舒亰亳亠 仂仄舒仂于 仂弍亠仆亳
仆亳亞舒 舒弍仍仂仆仂于 仗仂亠从仆仂亶 亟仂从仄亠仆舒亳亳 - 亠仄亳仆舒
仆亳亞舒 舒弍仍仂仆仂于 仗仂亠从仆仂亶 亟仂从仄亠仆舒亳亳 - 亠仄亳仆舒仆亳亞舒 舒弍仍仂仆仂于 仗仂亠从仆仂亶 亟仂从仄亠仆舒亳亳 - 亠仄亳仆舒
仆亳亞舒 舒弍仍仂仆仂于 仗仂亠从仆仂亶 亟仂从仄亠仆舒亳亳 - 亠仄亳仆舒


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