호텔, 리조트에 적격인 반영구 전자명찰(추가 비용 없이 내용변경 무제한 가능)DG Tag디지태그의 전자명찰은 명찰 내용을 무제한으로 변경하여 사용할 수 있으며, 배터리나 전력이 들어가지 않는 경제적인 솔루션입니다.
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대량구매는 070-4693-5158 로 연락 부탁드립니다.
Death and Disease Rates of Vegetarians and Vegans – Summary of Prospective Co...Jussi RiekkiVegetarians and vegans have lower mortality rates than the general population according to several prospective cohort studies from 1960-2014. A 1999 meta-analysis found vegetarians had a 24% lower risk of heart disease but no difference for other causes of death. A 2012 meta-analysis found lower cancer incidence and heart disease mortality for vegetarians, but no difference for other outcomes. More recent studies find vegetarian diets associated with lower risks of various diseases and all-cause mortality, with some evidence that pescatarian diets may have the lowest risks.
Employment Outlook for Science ProfessionalsKelly ServicesJob projections for science professionals through 2024 forecast 13% growth and 135,829 new jobs. The top 10 occupations projected to see the greatest growth are medical/clinical laboratory technologists, clinical research/medical scientists, environmental scientists/specialists, biological technicians, chemists, geoscientists, chemical technicians, life/physical/social science technicians, environmental science/protection technicians, and biochemists and biophysicists. The metropolitan areas projected to have the greatest demand are Boston, San Francisco, Houston, San Diego, Los Angeles, Dallas, Washington D.C., Denver, Phoenix, and Philadelphia.
A Bug's Life - 10 Interesting Facts About InsectsݺߣShop.comUnless you're an entomologist, you are probably not aware of these 10 interesting facts about common insects. Check this presentation and realize that bugs, no matter how small they are, live an interesting life.
More themed slides here: https://slideshop.com/Themed-ݺߣs
The Secret Sauce of Successful TeamsSven PetersEvery software team writes code, but some teams produce fewer bugs than others. Every software team creates new features, but some teams develop them faster than others. What do high performance teams do differently, and why are team members more focused, satisfied and relaxed? They truly work together. No 10x rockstar programmer can achieve what a well rounded, enthusiastic team can.
Sven examines how the best software teams set and follow goals, integrate new members fast, ensure diversity, monitor and continually improve team health, embrace transparency, use a playbook to guide them through every phase of development and much more. He shares techniques including: bugfix rotations, OKRs, feature buddies, open demos, focus days and many more that help teams and team members to work more effectively together, and produce awesome results.
Do You Struggle With Employee Recognition?Elodie A.Recognizing employees is one of the most overlooked facets of managements that even great leaders sometimes forget about. Without a good employee recognition strategy, people will feel unappreciated and build up stress.
In fact, the number 1 reason why most Americans leave their jobs is that they don’t feel appreciated . The last thing you want is to have high employee turnover because of poor employee recognition.
Read Our Guide to Learn More:
Secrets to a Great TeamElodie A.As a leader, you spend a lot of your time making sure that your team is working well together. Here are the secrets that every manager should know to make your team successful.
Subscribe to our free 11-day email course on HOW TO BE A BETTER LEADER:
Read more on employee engagement on Officevibe blog:
The State of Sales & Marketing at the 50 Fastest-Growing B2B CompaniesMattermarkThere’s a lot of information out there for sales and marketing professionals. In fact, as our friend Erik Devaney at Drift.com points out, a quick search of the term “sales and marketing advice” yields more than 90 million results on Google.
What’s more, there are tons of industry influencers who, on a regular basis, share their views on everything from content marketing and sales, to pricing and customer success. It’s a noisy conversation, and for many, a confusing one.
So, how do you make sense of it all?
By focusing on the sales and marketing efforts that actually produce results, not flash-in-the-pan engagement. But finding those results is a little challenging. That’s why we decided to put together our latest report with Drift.com, The State of Sales and Marketing at the 50 Fastest-Growing B2B Companies.
Using Mattermark data, we were able to identify the fifty high-growth companies in the U.S. and evaluate their marketing activities to understand which practices really moved the needle. In order to make the qualitative portion of our research more tangible, we evaluated each company on the list in light of how they approached content, customer communication, path to purchase, and pricing.
What we and the team at Drift.com discovered was surprising, to say the least.
10 Ways Your Boss Kills Employee MotivationOfficevibeThis document outlines 10 ways that bosses can kill employee motivation, including micromanaging employees, focusing only on mistakes, dismissing new ideas, holding useless meetings, making empty promises, telling inappropriate jokes, not keeping their word, measuring employee success in the wrong way, setting unrealistic deadlines, and playing favorites. The document encourages bosses to listen to employee concerns to better motivate them.
Death and Disease Rates of Vegetarians and Vegans – Summary of Prospective Co...Jussi RiekkiVegetarians and vegans have lower mortality rates than the general population according to several prospective cohort studies from 1960-2014. A 1999 meta-analysis found vegetarians had a 24% lower risk of heart disease but no difference for other causes of death. A 2012 meta-analysis found lower cancer incidence and heart disease mortality for vegetarians, but no difference for other outcomes. More recent studies find vegetarian diets associated with lower risks of various diseases and all-cause mortality, with some evidence that pescatarian diets may have the lowest risks.
Employment Outlook for Science ProfessionalsKelly ServicesJob projections for science professionals through 2024 forecast 13% growth and 135,829 new jobs. The top 10 occupations projected to see the greatest growth are medical/clinical laboratory technologists, clinical research/medical scientists, environmental scientists/specialists, biological technicians, chemists, geoscientists, chemical technicians, life/physical/social science technicians, environmental science/protection technicians, and biochemists and biophysicists. The metropolitan areas projected to have the greatest demand are Boston, San Francisco, Houston, San Diego, Los Angeles, Dallas, Washington D.C., Denver, Phoenix, and Philadelphia.
A Bug's Life - 10 Interesting Facts About InsectsݺߣShop.comUnless you're an entomologist, you are probably not aware of these 10 interesting facts about common insects. Check this presentation and realize that bugs, no matter how small they are, live an interesting life.
More themed slides here: https://slideshop.com/Themed-ݺߣs
The Secret Sauce of Successful TeamsSven PetersEvery software team writes code, but some teams produce fewer bugs than others. Every software team creates new features, but some teams develop them faster than others. What do high performance teams do differently, and why are team members more focused, satisfied and relaxed? They truly work together. No 10x rockstar programmer can achieve what a well rounded, enthusiastic team can.
Sven examines how the best software teams set and follow goals, integrate new members fast, ensure diversity, monitor and continually improve team health, embrace transparency, use a playbook to guide them through every phase of development and much more. He shares techniques including: bugfix rotations, OKRs, feature buddies, open demos, focus days and many more that help teams and team members to work more effectively together, and produce awesome results.
Do You Struggle With Employee Recognition?Elodie A.Recognizing employees is one of the most overlooked facets of managements that even great leaders sometimes forget about. Without a good employee recognition strategy, people will feel unappreciated and build up stress.
In fact, the number 1 reason why most Americans leave their jobs is that they don’t feel appreciated . The last thing you want is to have high employee turnover because of poor employee recognition.
Read Our Guide to Learn More:
Secrets to a Great TeamElodie A.As a leader, you spend a lot of your time making sure that your team is working well together. Here are the secrets that every manager should know to make your team successful.
Subscribe to our free 11-day email course on HOW TO BE A BETTER LEADER:
Read more on employee engagement on Officevibe blog:
The State of Sales & Marketing at the 50 Fastest-Growing B2B CompaniesMattermarkThere’s a lot of information out there for sales and marketing professionals. In fact, as our friend Erik Devaney at Drift.com points out, a quick search of the term “sales and marketing advice” yields more than 90 million results on Google.
What’s more, there are tons of industry influencers who, on a regular basis, share their views on everything from content marketing and sales, to pricing and customer success. It’s a noisy conversation, and for many, a confusing one.
So, how do you make sense of it all?
By focusing on the sales and marketing efforts that actually produce results, not flash-in-the-pan engagement. But finding those results is a little challenging. That’s why we decided to put together our latest report with Drift.com, The State of Sales and Marketing at the 50 Fastest-Growing B2B Companies.
Using Mattermark data, we were able to identify the fifty high-growth companies in the U.S. and evaluate their marketing activities to understand which practices really moved the needle. In order to make the qualitative portion of our research more tangible, we evaluated each company on the list in light of how they approached content, customer communication, path to purchase, and pricing.
What we and the team at Drift.com discovered was surprising, to say the least.
10 Ways Your Boss Kills Employee MotivationOfficevibeThis document outlines 10 ways that bosses can kill employee motivation, including micromanaging employees, focusing only on mistakes, dismissing new ideas, holding useless meetings, making empty promises, telling inappropriate jokes, not keeping their word, measuring employee success in the wrong way, setting unrealistic deadlines, and playing favorites. The document encourages bosses to listen to employee concerns to better motivate them.
글로벌 CDN서비스와 웹 성능 향상 방법론 | Devon 2012Daum DNAThis document discusses techniques for improving global web performance and content delivery networks (CDNs). It begins by explaining how internet speeds vary globally and within Korea. It then discusses how CDNs work by caching content at the edge to reduce latency. Both national and global CDNs are described, with global CDNs having points of presence around the world. Metrics for measuring website performance like waterfall charts are also presented. Methods for optimizing websites through techniques like initializing TCP connections and front-end optimizations are then covered. The document concludes by discussing some advanced topics like mobile network latency.
MongoDB: Scaling write performance | Devon 2012Daum DNAThis document discusses strategies for scaling write performance in MongoDB. It begins by noting that while MongoDB is easy to install and use for simple data models, scaling write performance becomes challenging, especially with secondary indexes. Maintaining high insert throughput requires careful consideration of the shard key to ensure even data distribution and avoid overloading indexes. Techniques discussed include partitioning collections by time, upgrading hardware with more RAM and IOPS, and choosing a low-cardinality hash prefix plus sequential field as the shard key. The key lessons are to understand how indexes impact performance, test shard key choices thoroughly, and recognize that linear scalability requires significant hardware resources.
1. 힐링이 필요해
정신 놓고 사는 팀원 | 잉여력이 폭발하는 팀원 | 하루 종일 일만 하는 팀원
2013. 2. 1. DAUM 13th DEV DAY 1
2. Who am I
정신줄을 놓고 사는 팀원
POSITION: 기획자 & 개
NAME: 이용희 AGE:
무엇이 중요한지…
가끔 잊고 삽니다.
정신줄이 어디로 갔는지도 알 수 없습니다.
2013. 2. 1. DAUM 13 th DEV DAY 2
3. Who am I
잉여력이 폭발하는 팀원
POSITION: 디자이너 &
NAME: 임우리
타의 추종을 불허!
AGE: ??
하는 사색가의 자질
을 갖고 있는 뇨자!
폭발하는 잉여력은
과연 어디에?!
아직.. 확인된 적이 없습니다.
2013. 2. 1. DAUM 13 th DEV DAY 3
4. Who am I
하루 종일 일만 하는 팀원
POSITION: 개발 & 개발
& 개발자
일을 합니다.
NAME: 고민수 AGE:
아침부터 합니다.
설계를 합니다.
점심시간에도 합니다.
코딩을 합니다.
오후까지 합니다.
QA를 합니다.
야근도 합니다.
디버깅을 합니다.
새벽까지 합니다.
대체.. 잠은 언제 자는 건지 모릅니다. 공부를 합니다.
아침 전까지 합니다.
2013. 2. 1. DAUM 13 th DEV DAY 4
5. Team GOAL
우리의 소원은 무얼까요~ ><?
Team building date:
last month
We got a dream: last
2013. 2. 1. DAUM 13th DEV DAY 5
8. Team GOAL
우리의 소원은 무얼까요~ ><?
Team building date:
last month
We got a dream: last
Emotion IT
2013. 2. 1. DAUM 13 th DEV DAY 8
9. Team GOAL
우리의 소원은 무얼까요~ ><?
Team building date:
last month
We got a dream: last
Emotion IT
2013. 2. 1. DAUM 13 th DEV DAY 9
10. Time Capsule
어느 시점의 개봉을 전재로
소원을 모아 묻는 용기
사람A | 사람B | 장소C | 어느 시점D | 편지E |
Single Sign On | Map API
2013. 2. 1. DAUM 13 th DEV DAY 10
11. Time Capsule
어느 시점의 개봉을 전재로
소원을 모아 묻는 용기
사람A | 사람B | 장소C | 어느 시점D | 편지E |
Single Sign On | Map API
2013. 2. 1. DAUM 13 th DEV DAY 11
12. Time Capsule
어느 시점의 개봉을 전재로
소원을 모아 묻는 용기
사람A | 사람B | 장소C | 어느 시점D | 편지E |
Single Sign On | Map API
2013. 2. 1. DAUM DEV DAY 12
13. Time Capsule
어느 시점의 개봉을 전재로
소원을 모아 묻는 용기
사람A | 사람B | 장소C | 어느 시점D | 편지E |
Single Sign On | Map API
2013. 2. 1. DAUM DEV DAY 13
14. Time Capsule
어느 시점의 개봉을 전재로
소원을 모아 묻는 용기
사람A | 사람B | 장소C | 어느 시점D | 편지E |
Single Sign On | Map API
2013. 2. 1. DAUM DEV DAY 14
15. Time Capsule
어느 시점의 개봉을 전재로
소원을 모아 묻는 용기
사람A | 사람B | 장소C | 어느 시점D | 편지E |
Single Sign On | Map API
2013. 2. 1. DAUM DEV DAY 15
16. Time Capsule
어느 시점의 개봉을 전재로
소원을 모아 묻는 용기
사람A | 사람B | 장소C | 어느 시점D | 편지E |
Single Sign On | Map API
2013. 2. 1. DAUM DEV DAY 16
17. Time Capsule
어느 시점의 개봉을 전재로
소원을 모아 묻는 용기
사람A | 사람B | 장소C | 어느 시점D | 편지E |
Single Sign On | Map API
2013. 2. 1. DAUM DEV DAY 17
18. Time Capsule
어느 시점의 개봉을 전재로
소원을 모아 묻는 용기
사람A | 사람B | 장소C | 어느 시점D | 편지E |
Single Sign On | Map API
2013. 2. 1. DAUM DEV DAY 18
19. Time Capsule
어느 시점의 개봉을 전재로
소원을 모아 묻는 용기
사람A | 사람B | 장소C | 어느 시점D | 편지E |
Single Sign On | Map API
2013. 2. 1. DAUM DEV DAY 19
20. Time Capsule
어느 시점의 개봉을 전재로
소원을 모아 묻는 용기
사람A | 사람B | 장소C | 어느 시점D | 편지E |
Single Sign On | Map API
2013. 2. 1. DAUM DEV DAY 20
21. Time Capsule
어느 시점의 개봉을 전재로
소원을 모아 묻는 용기
사람A | 사람B | 장소C | 어느 시점D | 편지E |
Single Sign On | Map API
2013. 2. 1. DAUM DEV DAY 21
23. Time Capsule
어느 시점의 개봉을 전재로
소원을 모아 묻는 용기
싸움에 억울함을 하소연 할 수 없었던 연인이여!
미래의 자신에게 편지를 보내고 싶었던 사람들이여!
기념일에 맞춘 글을 미리 써두고 싶었던 귀차니스트여!
그 모든 꿈을 이룰 수 있을 것입니다.
- 타임캡슐과 함께라면 -
2013. 2. 1. DAUM DEV DAY 23
24. Time Capsule
어느 시점의 개봉을 전재로 소원을 모아 묻는 용기
& With Team - [힐링이 필요해 : 이용희, 고민
수, 임우리]
& Sponsors by [다음 13회 데브데이], [한라산 백록
담의 정기]
2013. 2. 1. DAUM DEV DAY 24