This document contains information about the final general assembly (GA) for an event called FTK that will take place on January 17, 2010. It includes prayers, schedules, game details, committee reminders, and tips for volunteers. The event will involve children from different schools and volunteers will be assigned to accompany individual children throughout the day's activities. Games, meals, and religious services are planned. Committees provide information on first aid, lost items, logistics, and documentation. The overall budget and fundraising goals are presented. Guidelines are given to volunteers regarding proper conduct and ensuring children's safety and enjoyment.
Fire Marshal Jonathan Mercurio was interviewed about his career in law enforcement. He started as a firefighter for the FDNY for 11 years before becoming a Fire Marshal, requiring 5 years of experience as a firefighter. As a Fire Marshal, his duties included investigating the causes and origins of fires, educating the public about fire safety, and inspecting buildings. After 34 total years with the FDNY, including 23 years as a Fire Marshal, he recently retired due to health issues from his time as a firefighter. A typical day involves being assigned cases by a supervisor and investigating fire scenes with a partner to determine the cause of fires. The job has rewarding and stressful aspects, and some Fire Marshals experience post
Este documento resume las medidas de almacenamiento ordenadas de menor a mayor capacidad, explica la diferencia entre CC y CCO en correos electr坦nicos, define hipertexto y enlaces, describe las caracter鱈sticas de SkyDrive como una aplicaci坦n de almacenamiento en la nube de Microsoft, y explica c坦mo crear, compartir, descargar y eliminar archivos desde SkyDrive.
El documento describe el nacimiento y primeros a単os de vida de una persona. Naci坦 el 23 de junio de 1988 en la Ciudad de M辿xico. Inicialmente vivi坦 con sus abuelos paternos debido a que sus padres eran j坦venes, un comerciante de 21 a単os y una ama de casa de 19 a単os. Despu辿s se mudaron a otra colonia pero regresaron con los abuelos por problemas de salud causados por la humedad. M叩s tarde naci坦 un hermano y el padre compr坦 una casa m叩s grande para la familia.
The document outlines the timeline and phases for from 2012 to 2014. It details the define, technical, and content phases from 2012, including establishing the brand, developing initial lessons and the website, and launching in October 2012. It then provides budgets and next steps for 2013, such as hiring staff, developing apps and games, and hosting the first LightConfrence. The timeline concludes with plans for 2014, like launching the application and hiring more team members.
The document discusses grand juries in New York State's St. Lawrence County and Alaska. It provides details about the role and selection process of grand jurors in each location. In both states, a grand jury examines evidence presented by a prosecutor to determine if there is enough support to proceed to trial. They must vote on whether to indict or not. While the process is largely the same between the two areas, Alaska selects 18 jurors whereas St. Lawrence County chooses between 16 to 23. The document also notes some ethical concerns around damage to reputation and potential for discrimination.
La Embajadora de Ecuador en Estados Unidos, Nathalie Cely Su叩rez, mantendr叩 un conversatorio con la C叩mara de Comercio Ecuatoriano-Americana de Cuenca el martes 15 de noviembre de 2011 a las 14:00 en el Centro de Convenciones Mall del R鱈o para abordar las pol鱈ticas comerciales y diplom叩ticas entre Ecuador y Estados Unidos y la relaci坦n entre los dos pa鱈ses.
El documento describe los modelos de gesti坦n de sistemas educativos y c坦mo se est叩 redefiniendo el proceso educativo centralizado. Se proponen marcos conceptuales para analizar los cambios en la gesti坦n educativa, incluyendo una visi坦n de reingenier鱈a, calidad total y comunicaci坦n que reducen el impacto del sistema en los procesos de aprendizaje y dan m叩s autonom鱈a a las escuelas.
Appel au soutien financier Ma樽tre Frimin Yangambi, avocat concolais condamn辿 mort pour pr辿tendus faits de s辿dition, qui reste d辿tenu dans l'attente de son jugement en appel
Isabel I naci坦 en 1533 como hija de Enrique VIII y Ana Bolena, convirti辿ndose en princesa heredera, pero su madre fue ejecutada y ella declarada ileg鱈tima a los 3 a単os. Tras la muerte de sus medios hermanos Eduardo VI y Mar鱈a I, se convirti坦 en reina de Inglaterra en 1558. A pesar de las presiones para casarse, decidi坦 permanecer virgen, gan叩ndose el apodo de "la reina virgen". Gobern坦 durante 45 a単os de esplendor cultural pero tambi辿n guerras costosas, m
The document discusses concepts related to stress, strain, Young's modulus, and material properties. It provides examples of calculations for stress, strain, force, area, and Young's modulus. It also discusses key characteristics of materials, including brittle, hard, strong, tough, elastic limit, yield point, and breaking stress. Example materials discussed include steel, nylon, cast iron, glass fiber, plastic, and rubber bands.
This document discusses different types of electromagnetic radiation and their use in imaging. It introduces the electromagnetic spectrum, explaining that while humans can only see visible light, other types of radiation like X-rays and infrared can also be used for imaging. It then covers the relationships between wave speed, frequency, and wavelength, noting that all electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed. Finally, it touches on pixels and resolution in digital images, how pixels are arranged in rows and columns, and how higher resolution allows for more detail to be seen.
The document discusses the analog to digital conversion process. It explains that sounds are analog waves but computers are digital so an conversion is needed. The sound card contains an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that samples sounds and converts them to binary digits and a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) that converts the digital signals back to analog waves for playback. The key parameters for conversion are the sampling rate, which must be over twice the highest frequency to avoid quality issues, and the bit depth, which determines the number of possible values and thus the resolution/quality. Higher rates and depths allow for better quality recordings.
The document provides details about the Final GA F T K event scheduled for January 17, 2010. It includes the schedule of events and activities for the day, from registration at 6 AM to the closing ceremony at 4 PM. It also outlines the various committees and their responsibilities, including the Center, Games, Peace and Order, Logistics, and Documentation committees. Guidelines are also provided around handling the children, what to do in emergencies, and important reminders for the day.
This document contains information about an upcoming family reunion event, including a schedule of activities and contests. It lists times for events such as meet and greet, flag football, family photos, and a Zumba class. It provides registration details like t-shirt sizes and fees. Various contests are outlined like a talent show, best family photo, and a basketball tournament. Food will be served throughout the day and the reunion aims to celebrate their family legacy and honor their past.
The marketing plan aims to increase attendance and student involvement at women's basketball games. Goals are to increase student attendance and properly execute promotional games. Strategies include encouraging use of a student app for check-ins and prizes, and special promotions that appeal to all ages. The plan outlines ticket packages, pricing, and single game promotions focused on themes like anti-bullying, Christmas, youth clinics, and birthdays. Promotions aim to draw more fans through incentives, activities, and partnerships with local groups.
The document announces several upcoming events at Samuel Clemens High School, including:
1) An event on April 13th called "Purple Up! For Military Kids" to honor youth impacted by military deployment by wearing purple.
2) A dinner theater on April 14th featuring Broadway scenes and a 5 course meal for $15.
3) The track and field house being closed on April 12th to prepare for a junior high track meet.
The document outlines the timeline and phases for from 2012 to 2014. It details the define, technical, and content phases from 2012, including establishing the brand, developing initial lessons and the website, and launching in October 2012. It then provides budgets and next steps for 2013, such as hiring staff, developing apps and games, and hosting the first LightConfrence. The timeline concludes with plans for 2014, like launching the application and hiring more team members.
The document discusses grand juries in New York State's St. Lawrence County and Alaska. It provides details about the role and selection process of grand jurors in each location. In both states, a grand jury examines evidence presented by a prosecutor to determine if there is enough support to proceed to trial. They must vote on whether to indict or not. While the process is largely the same between the two areas, Alaska selects 18 jurors whereas St. Lawrence County chooses between 16 to 23. The document also notes some ethical concerns around damage to reputation and potential for discrimination.
La Embajadora de Ecuador en Estados Unidos, Nathalie Cely Su叩rez, mantendr叩 un conversatorio con la C叩mara de Comercio Ecuatoriano-Americana de Cuenca el martes 15 de noviembre de 2011 a las 14:00 en el Centro de Convenciones Mall del R鱈o para abordar las pol鱈ticas comerciales y diplom叩ticas entre Ecuador y Estados Unidos y la relaci坦n entre los dos pa鱈ses.
El documento describe los modelos de gesti坦n de sistemas educativos y c坦mo se est叩 redefiniendo el proceso educativo centralizado. Se proponen marcos conceptuales para analizar los cambios en la gesti坦n educativa, incluyendo una visi坦n de reingenier鱈a, calidad total y comunicaci坦n que reducen el impacto del sistema en los procesos de aprendizaje y dan m叩s autonom鱈a a las escuelas.
Appel au soutien financier Ma樽tre Frimin Yangambi, avocat concolais condamn辿 mort pour pr辿tendus faits de s辿dition, qui reste d辿tenu dans l'attente de son jugement en appel
Isabel I naci坦 en 1533 como hija de Enrique VIII y Ana Bolena, convirti辿ndose en princesa heredera, pero su madre fue ejecutada y ella declarada ileg鱈tima a los 3 a単os. Tras la muerte de sus medios hermanos Eduardo VI y Mar鱈a I, se convirti坦 en reina de Inglaterra en 1558. A pesar de las presiones para casarse, decidi坦 permanecer virgen, gan叩ndose el apodo de "la reina virgen". Gobern坦 durante 45 a単os de esplendor cultural pero tambi辿n guerras costosas, m
The document discusses concepts related to stress, strain, Young's modulus, and material properties. It provides examples of calculations for stress, strain, force, area, and Young's modulus. It also discusses key characteristics of materials, including brittle, hard, strong, tough, elastic limit, yield point, and breaking stress. Example materials discussed include steel, nylon, cast iron, glass fiber, plastic, and rubber bands.
This document discusses different types of electromagnetic radiation and their use in imaging. It introduces the electromagnetic spectrum, explaining that while humans can only see visible light, other types of radiation like X-rays and infrared can also be used for imaging. It then covers the relationships between wave speed, frequency, and wavelength, noting that all electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed. Finally, it touches on pixels and resolution in digital images, how pixels are arranged in rows and columns, and how higher resolution allows for more detail to be seen.
The document discusses the analog to digital conversion process. It explains that sounds are analog waves but computers are digital so an conversion is needed. The sound card contains an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that samples sounds and converts them to binary digits and a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) that converts the digital signals back to analog waves for playback. The key parameters for conversion are the sampling rate, which must be over twice the highest frequency to avoid quality issues, and the bit depth, which determines the number of possible values and thus the resolution/quality. Higher rates and depths allow for better quality recordings.
The document provides details about the Final GA F T K event scheduled for January 17, 2010. It includes the schedule of events and activities for the day, from registration at 6 AM to the closing ceremony at 4 PM. It also outlines the various committees and their responsibilities, including the Center, Games, Peace and Order, Logistics, and Documentation committees. Guidelines are also provided around handling the children, what to do in emergencies, and important reminders for the day.
This document contains information about an upcoming family reunion event, including a schedule of activities and contests. It lists times for events such as meet and greet, flag football, family photos, and a Zumba class. It provides registration details like t-shirt sizes and fees. Various contests are outlined like a talent show, best family photo, and a basketball tournament. Food will be served throughout the day and the reunion aims to celebrate their family legacy and honor their past.
The marketing plan aims to increase attendance and student involvement at women's basketball games. Goals are to increase student attendance and properly execute promotional games. Strategies include encouraging use of a student app for check-ins and prizes, and special promotions that appeal to all ages. The plan outlines ticket packages, pricing, and single game promotions focused on themes like anti-bullying, Christmas, youth clinics, and birthdays. Promotions aim to draw more fans through incentives, activities, and partnerships with local groups.
The document announces several upcoming events at Samuel Clemens High School, including:
1) An event on April 13th called "Purple Up! For Military Kids" to honor youth impacted by military deployment by wearing purple.
2) A dinner theater on April 14th featuring Broadway scenes and a 5 course meal for $15.
3) The track and field house being closed on April 12th to prepare for a junior high track meet.
The document contains announcements for Samuel Clemens High School including information about:
- A dance marathon fundraiser for childhood cancer on April 13-14
- A track meet closing a road on April 12
- Seven $500 scholarships available for educators and students
- Athletes selected to play in all-star games on April 14
- Meetings for HOSA and National Honor Society
- Summer pride camp and athletic physicals
- Events to support Project Graduation including food nights and DVD/t-shirt sales
- Details for the prom on May 4th
The document contains announcements from Samuel Clemens High School about upcoming events including a dance marathon to raise funds for childhood cancer, a track meet closing a drive, National Honor Society and HOSA meetings, athletic achievements, summer camps, prom, and scholarship opportunities.
This document provides information about the timeline, layout, activities, and rules for an upcoming relay event being held at a track. It details the schedule of events from registration at 3pm to the closing ceremony at 7pm the following day. Information is provided about setting up campsites along the track, fundraising activities, theme laps, and volunteer opportunities. Guidelines are outlined regarding behavior, safety, and money deposits during the event.
The circular provides updates on academics, upcoming exams, important notices about matric certificates, sports results, fundraising events, staff training, chess achievements, and encouragement for pupils' ongoing studies from the principal. It covers a range of school announcements and reminds parents of important upcoming dates.
Team Clemens is holding various fundraising events this week, including a spaghetti dinner and weight lifting competition tonight as well as Red Robin and Sonic nights later this week. Athletic physicals are today after school. FCCLA students had success at the state competition. Seniors can order graduation DVDs and t-shirts. TAKS testing is this week. Prom tickets are on sale. Scholarship opportunities are available.
The document provides information to parents/caregivers of junior school students about upcoming events and important dates. It includes:
- A reminder to send an extra set of clothes due to wet weather.
- Notification that the school choir will be performing at the annual ILT Sing Out event on Tuesday night.
- Important dates for the term including the last day of swimming, school photos, and the end of term.
- Information about collecting Meadow Fresh stickers to win prizes for the school.
- Details on the school holiday sports programme run by Sport Southland.
The document provides information about recreational activities and programs offered by the City of Elko Parks and Recreation Department. It includes details about youth and adult sports leagues, classes, camps, special events, and park facilities. Contact information is provided for registering for activities and reserving park spaces.
Evan Fournier of the Denver Nuggets and players from the Nuggets and Broncos are hosting a winter toy drive called "Hope Exists" to benefit Toys for Tots. The event will take place on December 12th from 9:00 PM to 1:45 AM at the Epernay Lounge in Denver following the Broncos game. Attendees can donate a new, unwrapped toy or 10% of bar proceeds will be donated to Toys for Tots to help make the holidays special for families in need.
The African Students Association meeting has been moved to Wednesday, November 9th after school. Dues of $25 including a t-shirt or $30 for a hoodie are due on the 9th. Girls soccer tryouts will begin on November 28th and require attendance at all 3 days of tryouts along with completed paperwork. Seniors shirts are on sale for $15 and should be worn to pep rallies and other school events. The Travis Tiger varsity football team will play Elkins this Friday for a playoff spot.
Seffner Community Hope Fest UPDATED 8.30.18Jon Buckles
Our mission is to create a duplicatable event designed to bring the Seffner and surrounding communities together to instill into the hearts of the young people who attend that they have value. We believe we can inject hope into the spirits and inspire a few of them to change direction, overcome their life circumstances and ultimately become productive members of our society. With some guidance and direction a few of these young peoples lives will be transformed as they apply themselves and become part of the solution instead of being part of the problem.
This document provides information about the Stanford Women's Basketball Benefit Auction including a schedule, descriptions of auction items organized by category (activities, home/garden, sports, etc.), and instructions for participating in the silent and live auctions. Some of the auction items described include Giants tickets, golf lessons, ski passes, and tickets to performances. The document outlines bidding and payment procedures and states that all sales are final.
1) Several youth events are coming up in August including paintball on August 7th and mini golf on August 21st. Volunteers are needed to drive and chaperone.
2) A large donation drive and sale will be held on August 20th at the church gym. Donations can be dropped off directly but no clothes, electronics, or non-flat screen TVs.
3) The annual Elders' Golf Outing will be on August 7th at The Woods golf course. Sign up by July 31st to reserve your spot.
1) The document describes the "Shoot for Autism" event being held on September 8th at the LeConte Center in Pigeon Forge, TN to raise money for Autism Speaks.
2) The event will include basketball stations, a knockout tournament, pickup games, guest speakers, and gift bags for participants. Celebrity basketball players like Kemba Walker and Dennis Schroeder will attend.
3) The goal is to bring happiness to children with autism and raise money for Autism Speaks, as 1 in 88 children have autism. Proceeds from the $30 registration fee will all go to Autism Speaks.
This document provides suggestions for fundraising activities at a Twestival event, including raffles, selling food and drinks, games and contests, offering services for a fee, working with the venue bar, and encouraging donations through "begging bowls". Some key ideas mentioned are holding a raffle with prizes donated from local businesses, creating a special Twestival cocktail where proceeds are donated, and passing around a collection bucket during performances. The document emphasizes finding activities that suit the specific event and venue.
This document provides suggestions for fundraising activities at a Twestival event, including raffles, selling food and drinks, games and contests, offering services for a fee, working with the venue bar, and encouraging donations through "begging bowls". Some key ideas mentioned are holding a raffle with prizes donated from local businesses, creating a special Twestival cocktail where proceeds are donated, and passing around a collection bucket during performances. The document emphasizes finding activities that suit the specific event and venue.
The document contains announcements for various clubs, sports teams, and other events at William B. Travis High School between October 24th and November 8th. It includes notices about upcoming Spanish Club, Doctor Who Club, African Students Association, skate club, prom committee, homecoming pictures, and PALS t-shirt fundraiser meetings. It also lists information sessions on medical fields, football games, a technical education expo, and breast cancer awareness t-shirt sales. Deadlines are provided for ID pickup, Compass Learning tests, UIL accounting practice, student council hour sheets, and HOSA dues.
This document contains information about the final general assembly (GA) for an event called FTK that will take place on January 17, 2010. It includes prayers, schedules, tips for working with children, reminders for various committees, and logistical details. The event will involve volunteers spending time with children from various schools and participating in games and activities throughout the day. Precise planning and coordination is emphasized to ensure a smooth, fun, and safe experience for all involved.
This document contains information about the final general assembly (GA) for an event called FTK that will take place on January 17, 2010. It includes prayers, schedules, game details, committee reminders, and tips for volunteers. The event will involve children from different schools and volunteers will be assigned to accompany individual children for the day. Games, activities, and meals are planned. Committees provide information on first aid, lost items, logistics, and documentation. The overall budget and fundraising goals are presented. Guidelines for volunteers emphasize properly accompanying children and following schedules.
This document contains information about the final general assembly (GA) for an event called FTK that will take place on January 17, 2010. It includes prayers, schedules, tips for working with children, reminders for various committees, and logistical details. The event will involve volunteers spending time with children from various schools and participating in games and activities throughout the day. Precise planning and coordination is emphasized to ensure a smooth, fun, and safe experience for all involved.
The document shares a quote by Albert Einstein about living life as though everything is a miracle. It then presents a poem about the positive impact a caring person can have on another's life through their love, support, encouragement and friendship which forever changes the recipient and makes the world seem like a better place.
The document provides information about various disabilities including visual impairment, speech and language impairment, auditory impairment, deaf/blindness, autism, developmental disabilities, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, specific learning disabilities, emotional/behavioral disorder, traumatic brain injury, multi-sensory impairment, serious health impairments, and giftedness. It then provides more detailed descriptions and tips for caring for individuals with autism, blindness, cerebral palsy, deafness, Down's syndrome, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and mental retardation.
The document discusses several key aspects of the Bible:
1) It describes the Bible as a divine revelation from God expressed through human authors, containing both God's word and the work of human hands.
2) It explains that the Bible is a library consisting of 66 books divided between the Old and New Testaments, written in different genres and times by diverse authors.
3) It notes that the Bible serves as a record of God's self-revelation and invitation for people to accept his gift through engaging with his word.
This short document contains well wishes for someone's birthday, expressing love and hopes for good health, long life, beauty, happiness, and blessing from God. It encourages the recipient to pay attention, not rely on their own understanding, and recognize God's guidance in all their ways.
The document outlines a 4-day ecocamp program with daily activities and lessons. Day 1 focused on introductions, team building exercises like tent pitching and cooking. Day 2 included river trekking, making dish gardens, and a talk by Brother Ceci to learn appreciation and tips. Day 3 had an ecochallenge, learning environmental facts from Dr. Rotor, and a group presentation contest. Day 4 concluded with tree planting, mass, and making individual action plans to raise awareness and appreciation for the environment.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
-Autonomy, Teams and Tension: Projects under stress
-Tim Lyons
-The neurological levels of
team-working: Harmony and tensions
With a background in projects spanning more than 40 years, Tim Lyons specialised in the delivery of large, complex, multi-disciplinary programmes for clients including Crossrail, Network Rail, ExxonMobil, Siemens and in patent development. His first career was in broadcasting, where he designed and built commercial radio station studios in Manchester, Cardiff and Bristol, also working as a presenter and programme producer. Tim now writes and presents extensively on matters relating to the human and neurological aspects of projects, including communication, ethics and coaching. He holds a Masters degree in NLP, is an NLP Master Practitioner and International Coach. He is the Deputy Lead for APMs People Interest Network.
Session | The Neurological Levels of Team-working: Harmony and Tensions
Understanding how teams really work at conscious and unconscious levels is critical to a harmonious workplace. This session uncovers what those levels are, how to use them to detect and avoid tensions and how to smooth the management of change by checking you have considered all of them.
Finals of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Information Technology for class X CBSE skill SubjectVEENAKSHI PATHAK
These questions are based on cbse booklet for 10th class information technology subject code 402. these questions are sufficient for exam for first lesion. This subject give benefit to students and good marks. if any student weak in one main subject it can replace with these marks.
Finals of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Odoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar Sudar
The main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of softwares, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APMs Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APMs PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMOs within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
3. Volunteers PrayerFTK"I thank Thee, Lord as a volunteer For the chance to serve another year. And to give of myself in some small way, To those not blessed as I each day.2010
4. My thanks for health and mind and soul, To aid me ever toward my goal. For eyes to see the good in all, A hand to extend before a fall. FTK2010
5. For legs to go where the need is great, Learning to loveforgetting to hate. For ears to hear and heart to care, When someone's cross is hard to bear. FTK2010
6. A smile to show my affection true, With energy aplentythe task to do.And all I ask, dear Lord, if I may, Is to serve you better day by day."FTK2010
30. Basketball Shooting (BS)Each set would have 3 kids, each playing at the same time. We will be using the basketball courts in the sports plaza.Each kid will be given 3 tries, each shooting from a pre-determined line away from the basket.The kid who makes the most of three shots wins. Ranks of winners are as follows gold, silver, bronze.
31. Softball Throw(SBT)Each set would have 3 kids each playing at the same time.Kids will be given 3 tries each to throw as far as they can.Marshals will measure the distance of the balls thrown by each of the kids.The kid who threw the farthest wins. Ranks of winners are as follows gold, silver, bronze.
32. Tennis ball Throw (TBT)Each set would have 3 kids each playing at the same time.Kids will be given 3 tries each to throw tennis balls through hoola-hoops positioned atop the football goals with pre-determined points.The kid with the highest score after 3 throws wins.Ranks of winners are as follows gold, silver, bronze.
33. Standing Long Jump (SLJ)Each set would have 3 kids playing at the same time.Kids will be given 2 tries to jump as far as they can over a set of long floor mats positioned along the grounds.Measurement for each jump is done by the game marshals in position after each jump.The kid who jumps the farthest wins. Ranks of winners are as follows gold, silver, bronze.
34. Run/Walk (25MW/50MW/75MW) (25MR/50MR/75MR)Each set would have 3 kids each playing at the same time.Kids will be running/walking along a 25/50/75m track marked along the field. The kid who crosses the finish line first wins. Ranks of winners are as follows gold, silver, bronze.
35. Kids IDsIt is important the we do not forget to pass by the medals table after the games. Our kids must have 3 medals by the end of the day. DO NOT forget to get the medal after each game.Schedule of games is from 9:00-10:00am(first game), 10:00-11:00am(second game) and 11:00-12:00nn(third game).It is important that we follow the schedule written of the games at the back.For any concerns or question feel free to ask the L.O.V.E. volunteer stationed at each game table properly and clearly labelled on the field.
37. Other remindersPrepare well both mentally and physically.Never leave your kid alone. Always be reminded to assist your kid in everything he/she does.Be there on time, kids will be arriving early.This is a day for these kids. Smile, rest well the night before, and be prepared for a day of fun and excitement.FTK2010
40. FIN CASE OF EMERGENCY (minor wounds)Call the attention of Peace and Order People (POP) A.S.A.P.Bring the Kid to the First Aid StationMake sure the Parent/Guardian is with the kidStay CalmTK2010
41. FIN CASE OF EMERGENCY (Fractures)Call the attention of Peace and Order People (POP) A.S.A.P.POP must radio in the nearest First Aid StationDont leave the kid unattended. Make sure the Parent/Guardian is with the kid.Dont move the kid unless instructed by doctors.TK2010
42. FIN CASE OF LOST ITEMSAsk the assistance of any L.O.V.E. VolunteerProceed to help desk to report your lost item* Just take care of your belongings. Refrain from bringing valuables, jewelry, etc.TK2010
43. FIN CASE OF LOST KIDS!Seek help from POP(Peace & Order People)Proceed to help desk to report the missing kidGo to the designated area of the Kids Center or Guardian* Just take care of your Kids. Never leave them alone.TK2010
45. LOGISTICSIn-charge of preparing IDs for FTK Ate Kuya, participants, volunteers and coordinatorsProvide directional signs for entrance, exit, food, comfort rooms, telephone, etc.Place names in the respective areas where each center will stayFTK2010
56. KID ASSIGNMENTVolunteers who have attended the previous GAs have a KidThe KID Assignment is accessible in the YGFTK2010
57. Standby VolunteersStandby Volunteers = Attended the 2nd GA onlyThey will sub for the Volunteers who dont show up on FTK or cant go to FTKFTK2010
58. KID VISITATIONContact the Coordinator of the school before visiting. Call or Text them politely.Bring the Visitation SheetCheck out the Road Sketch in the YGFTK2010
60. RegistrationRegistration starts at 6 AM in NORTH GateIt ends at 7 AMRegister according to the Schools Name. Know your Childs Name and School. FTK2010
63. BUDGET REQUIREMENTLogistics 587,925.00(supplies, food on ftk day (AM, PM, Lunch ids, medals etc.)Publicity 147,000.00(printing of shirts, tarpaulins,etc.)Center 35,815.00(phonecalls, printing brochures, CDs etc.)Games20,860.00(apog, hulahoops, etc.)Documentations 10,100.00(photo printing, DV tapes, etc.)Peace and Order 4,020.00(printing signs, illustration boards etc.)Solicitations 11,000.00(printing of letter, transportation fees)TOTAL 812,720.00
64. Expected IncomeSponsors 127,500.00(Jollibee, UNILAB, Globe, Adidas)Faculty and CAP115,500.00Expected Income 243,000.00Fund Needed to be raised 569,720.00Selling 100 shirts 11,000.00558, 720.00
68. Important Things to remember Wear WHITE shirt on January 17, 2010Entrance is at NORTH gateREGISTRATION: 6:00 AM to 7:00 AMBe SURE to REGISTER upon entry WEAR FTK IDCONFIRM the CHILD assigned to you and to which location the KIDS center is located atIf you have no assigned KID inform the CENTER Committee and well try to assist you
70. NEVER LEAVE your KID alone...If your child needs to go to the comfort room ACCOMPANY them if ever they are of the OPPOSITE SEX bring him/her to their parents so they could assist you
71. DO NOT GIVE SOFTDRINKS or SWEETS to the KIDS especially with ADHD
72. NEVER bring your KIDS OUTSIDE the campusKNOW the FLOW of the GAMES of your kid, BRING them to the ASSIGNED locationAVOID using MOBILE PHONES in front of your kidIn case of ACCIDENT immediately bring your KID to the FIRST AID AREA at the CENTRAL PLAZABRING additional SHIRT and TOWEL
73. BRING your own LUNCH/SNACKS LUNCHTIME (12:00-1:00pm) If youre having lunch OFFCAMPUS be sure to be back ON or BEFORE 1:00pmAlways CHECK the ID of your kid as to what GAMES he/she will play. Always GUIDE her to the station
74. If your kid WON the game APPROACH the GAME MARSHALLS and ask for their stamp (serves as a proof that the kid won the game) Win or lose please bring him or her to the game marshall for the record and his/her medal
78. Lord, Please give me wisdomAs I share a part of myself to the special children this FTK.Help me to strengthen their voices,油bodies and minds,油To express their feelings and油control them sometimes,油To explore what's near油and venture afar,油But most important to accept and love油who they are.油Thank you.
80. ID DistributionFTK- Find the SCHOOL where your kid belongs.- Line up orderly and get your ID.- For any concerns with IDs, approach Danielle or Reymark.- Take care of your ID. 2010