The document discusses integrating sales and marketing to achieve profitable results. It emphasizes that sales and marketing must work together, understand each other's challenges, and have common goals. Specifically, marketing must involve sales in the planning process and understand sales needs, while sales must provide feedback to marketing. The document provides strategies for collaboration between sales and marketing such as developing profiles of ideal clients and leveraging technology to map the buying cycle and measure results.
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Integrating Sales and Marketing and Achieving Profitable Results
1. Integrating Sales and Marketing
and Achieving Profitable Results
Dean Isaacs, President
Vantage Group LLC
720.449.1020 |
息 Vantage Group LLC All Rights Reserved
Develop common goals
Sales must be included in the
marketing planning process
Marketing must understand the
sales challenges
Work together to profile your
ideal client
息 Vantage Group LLC All Rights Reserved
15. Lead
Qualified lead
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16. 1 Leverage technology
2 Map the buying cycle
3 Measure in public
息 Vantage Group LLC All Rights Reserved
$/sale x # sales/year x # years as a client
= Lifetime Client Value (LCV)
Select 1 person at the table to focus on
3 ideas you can implement to increase LCV
o Be specific
o Be realistic
o Dont forget profit
o Dont limit your ideas
息 Vantage Group LLC All Rights Reserved
1. Calculate your average Lifetime Client Value (LCV)
$/sale x # sales/year x # years as a client = LCV
2. What is your average annual profit per client?
3. Profile the clients that generate the highest LCV
4. How can you increase LCV?
Dean Isaacs | 720.449.1020 |
息 Vantage Group LLC All Rights Reserved
19. Thank You!
Dean Isaacs | 720.449.1020 |
息 Vantage Group LLC All Rights Reserved
Editor's Notes
#3: Provide knowledgeInspire actionYoull see results
#4: Client needs, buying habitsCompetitionIs there still a demand for what you offer?
#6: What is the most effective way to grow your business? Increase revenue per clientIncrease the number of new clientsIncrease the average Sale SizeShorten the Selling CycleIncreaseLifetime Client Value (Explain this)WHAT ELSE??
#7: How do you define success of each?Marketing = Generating leadsSales = Converting leads in to paying clientsWhen does marketing stop and sale begin?The line between sales and marketing is becoming blurred.
#8: What are your corporate objectives?Sell more stuff?Build and sell the business?Grow regionally, or nationally?Simplify the business?Are Sales and Marketing working together to achieve your corporate objectives?
#9: What are some of your sales and marketing challenges?Who owns each part of the process?We have to be client focused to achieve sustainable growthConsider:Who is your ideal client and what are they looking for?Do we fill their need?How will they find what they need and how will they buy it?Are we marketing and selling inline with their needs and process?
#10: Our marketing message is getting lost in the noise.Marketing Messages 1M/yearGoogle Unlimited access to informationChannel how to reach your target**NOBEUS story: they wanted a marketing plan to create property management leads. No differentiation We used their receivership services to create a new market, messaging and focused on a different market.
#11: Before we had access to information the sales person had the answers (solutions) and the power.The power has shifted to the buyer. They have the money, information and the power.We need to even the playing fieldHARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW ARTICLE
#12: A typical buying processDo we buy in a step1, 2, 3, manner? NOSo how do we know when to stop marketing and start selling?There is no stop and start any more, it has to be an integrates system.Must be able to score a lead as it moves thru the process
#13: Sale and Marketing are in their own open loop systems with a vague relationship to each otherCreate a closed loop systemSystem that can assist in moving the lead to a prospect to an opp and close
#14: A place to start is including sales in the marketing planning process.They have unique insight into the clients needsWhat is a good lead vs a bad leadWhat support they need to move a lead thru the buying process
#15: Common goals that assist in achieve the corporate objectivesEveryone has to be client focused to achieve sustainable growthConsider:Who is your ideal client?What are they looking for?Do we fill their need?How to they buy?Are we marketing and selling inline with their process?
#17: As you begin to integrate sales and marketing:Map the buying cycle, develop your processesLeverage technology, Inbound marketing, CRM, reportingMeasure in public, how to react
#18: Client retention program to keep clients around longerAdding or bundling services to increase the average sale sizeChanging agreements, add value and length- Understand what they want