Uuganjargal5delgermoronThe document contains vocabulary terms related to relationships for ninth graders, including phrases like "to argue with someone", "to go out with someone", and "to fancy someone". It briefly introduces several relationship terms without providing definitions or examples.
Uuganjargal4delgermoronThis document provides a list of common British and American terms. It compares words like "flat" and "apartment", "sweets" and "candy", "petrol station" and "gas station", "lorry" and "truck", and "underground" and "subway".
13. Кино Хотод олон кино театр байдаг. Бид хүү|хэл|дэйн кино үзэх дуртай. Үзсэн киногоо аав, ээж, дүү нартаа ярьж өгдөг. Тэд их дуртай сонсдог. -Та нар ямар кино үзсэн бэ?