This document summarizes three rules of event marketing according to Hans Janssen of DenkProducties. The rules are: 1) Have goals rather than tools, and recognize that people want to improve, not change; 2) There is no such thing as over exposure if the message is consistent and content drives marketing; 3) Be original, personal and generous to make marketing stick out through guarantees even without guarantees. The document provides background on DenkProducties which plans premium seminars and online learning programs in the Netherlands.
Psychologie van het motiveren met o.a. Dan ArielyHans Janssen
Nieuw seminar met de allerbeste inzichten over motivatie, prestatie en drive.
Met o.a. Dan Ariely, Joris Luyendijk, Janka Stoker, Arend Ardon, Andreas Wismeijer en Jim Stolze.
22 juni - Bussum!
The document discusses how every company has become a software company due to digital transformation. It provides examples of companies like Ford, Dreamworks, and Fedex that have transformed their traditional businesses into technology hubs by embracing innovation. These companies build and own sophisticated software that drives key functions and creates new revenue streams. The document advocates that enterprises must undergo an organizational transformation to develop internal technological capabilities and build strategic partnerships to facilitate digital transformation and become software product companies.
MBA masterclass AG - Kenny van IerlantHans Janssen
1) The document discusses how traditional businesses are facing challenges from digital disruption and increased costs from legacy IT systems. It argues that conventional transformation approaches are too slow and expensive.
2) A new, digital-first operating model is proposed that emphasizes cloud-based IT ("as-a-service"), agile processes, and data analytics to reduce costs, increase revenue and adapt quickly to changes. This helps lower the cost/income ratio compared to traditional approaches.
3) Taking the entire IT infrastructure to the cloud can reverse capital expenses, lower overall costs through pay-per-use and give more flexibility to scale, enabling businesses to better compete and transform in disruptive digital markets.
MBA masterclass AG - Geert van de GoorHans Janssen
Fast Track IT provides consulting services for business technology including data management, agile reporting, development, business intelligence, dashboards, and more. They help organizations transition to more agile digital solutions using a Mode 2 approach with small, cross-functional teams and unified innovation platforms compared to the traditional Mode 1 approach. Their methodology involves starting small with a pilot app, then structuring for scale by formalizing teams and strategies, and eventually implementing a systematic enterprise-wide approach to digital transformation.
The document discusses how every company has become a software company due to digital transformation. It provides examples of companies like Ford, Dreamworks, and Fedex that have transformed their traditional businesses into technology hubs by embracing innovation. These companies build and own sophisticated software that drives key functions and creates new revenue streams. The document advocates that enterprises must undergo an organizational transformation to develop internal technological capabilities and build strategic partnerships to facilitate digital transformation and become software product companies.
MBA masterclass AG - Kenny van IerlantHans Janssen
1) The document discusses how traditional businesses are facing challenges from digital disruption and increased costs from legacy IT systems. It argues that conventional transformation approaches are too slow and expensive.
2) A new, digital-first operating model is proposed that emphasizes cloud-based IT ("as-a-service"), agile processes, and data analytics to reduce costs, increase revenue and adapt quickly to changes. This helps lower the cost/income ratio compared to traditional approaches.
3) Taking the entire IT infrastructure to the cloud can reverse capital expenses, lower overall costs through pay-per-use and give more flexibility to scale, enabling businesses to better compete and transform in disruptive digital markets.
MBA masterclass AG - Geert van de GoorHans Janssen
Fast Track IT provides consulting services for business technology including data management, agile reporting, development, business intelligence, dashboards, and more. They help organizations transition to more agile digital solutions using a Mode 2 approach with small, cross-functional teams and unified innovation platforms compared to the traditional Mode 1 approach. Their methodology involves starting small with a pilot app, then structuring for scale by formalizing teams and strategies, and eventually implementing a systematic enterprise-wide approach to digital transformation.
4. Wat is jouw overlevingsstrategie ?
5. Wat is jouw overlevingsstrategie ?
6. Wat is jouw overlevingsstrategie ?
7. De opening
beïnvloed de perceptie van de ander
• Sla een piketpaaltje
• Beperk je in het aantal argumenten of
gebruik de sneeuwstormtactiek
• Knijp met je ogen!
• Let op je presentatie van je voorstel
20. Het machtsspel
Ken je dossier
deskundigheid tonen
21. Het machtsspel
Persoonlijke performance
22. Het machtsspel
Persoonlijke performance
23. Het machtsspel
• Ga coalities aan
• Erken de duidelijke sterke punten van de ander,
maar zwak deze af
• Let op timing
• Benoem gedrag
• Neem de gespreksregie, komt met voorstellen
• Gebruik de wortel en de stok
• Totaal geen macht is ook macht
24. Dirty tricks
• De goede en kwade onderhandelaar
• De fuik
• Het ultimatum
25. De bom onder het onderhandelklimaat
26. Loven en bieden
het spel van de concessies
27. Loven en bieden
het spel van de concessies
• Temper verwachtingen bij je achterban
• Doe pas een concessie als de ander erom vraagt
• Wacht zo lang mogelijk met een concessie
• Blaas concessies op
• Laat de andere partij hard werken voor elke concessie
• Vraag wat terug voor iedere concessie
• Beperk het aantal concessies
28. Het kwartiertje omlopen
Koffieapparaat huidige winkel €70
Koffiezetapparaat in andere winkel €40
29. Het kwartiertje omlopen
Computer huidige winkel €800
Computer in andere winkel €770
30. Waar ligt de concessieruimte?
31. Dirty tricks
• De salami tactiek
• De bogey
• Tamboereren
32. De impasse en de afronding
De impasse is een noodzakelijke fase
33. De impasse en de afronding
De impasse kan veel opleveren
34. De impasse en de afronding
De impasse kan veel opleveren
35. Door een impasse:
• Geef je een signaal af
• Test je de vasthoudendheid van de andere partij
• Dwing je elkaar tot creativiteit
• Laat je tijd zijn werk doen
• Een impasse maakt de uitkomst voor alle betrokkenen