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I¡¯m pregnant.               I¡¯m rebranding.

What the heck? Did I        What the heck? Did I
really sign myself up for   really sign myself up for
this?                       this?
Ummmmm. I¡¯m not sure           Ummmmm. I¡¯m not sure
if this is for me. I¡¯m not     if this is for me. I¡¯m not
ready for this. I can¡¯t        ready for this. I can¡¯t
afford this. This isn¡¯t        afford this. This isn¡¯t
the right time for me.         the right time for me. I
I haven¡¯t prepared for         haven¡¯t prepared for
this fully. I haven¡¯t gotten   this fully. I¡¯m not sure
things sorted out in my        if my customers will like
life yet for this to be hap-   my new brand iden-
pening. People will see        tity design, or whatever
me fat and that makes          it¡¯s called. What if it¡¯s
me nervous. What¡¯ll            a waste of effort? Can
they say? Does this            you feel buyer¡¯s remorse
mean I have to buy a           about design services?
sippy cup thingy? God,         And, yeah. Is this going
do I really? Is this go-       to be expensive? It is,
ing to be expensive? It        isn¡¯t it.
is, isn¡¯t it.
Where am I going to put it! What am I going to do
with it!? What am I going to call it?

Oh, man! Too much to think about. I don¡¯t want to
do this, but then. Wait, no. I do. I really, really do.

It¡¯s gonna be hard. It¡¯s going to be intense. Before,
and after, right? I¡¯ve heard you have to really nurture
the thing once it¡¯s born. Keep up with it and make
sure it grows and stuff. Yikes. This will be work. But
I hear it¡¯s also super rewarding. Or something.

And God, I sure hope it goes all right.

I am, frankly, scared out of my mind.

I want this to go smoothly.
Pregnancy is never           Rebranding is not
smooth. Whoever said         easy. You go through
they had a perfectly         some serious ?ne-
smooth pregnancy is          tooth combing of very
lying through their teeth.   deep philosophies. And
Getting big? OMG. And        things you¡¯ve always
the clothes? OMG. This       thought were true, were
is making me vulner-         really you, are chal-
able. This is scary.         lenged. You¡¯ll go, ¡°This
                             is making me vulner-
                             able. This is scary.¡±

                  Here are some quotes that inspire DK...
Okaaaay.                     Okaaaay.

I¡¯m going to do it.          I¡¯m going to do it.
Oh, do I have to get a       I have to start calling
checkup? Can¡¯t I just        designers. Wait, do
trust the universe that      I really? Maybe I can
it¡¯ll go according to        just buy Illustrator and
plan. It¡¯s natural, right?   DIY it. Yeah. I¡¯m smart.
                             I can do it.
WTF, I¡¯m massive.          WTF, my dog can
This isn¡¯t what I had in   draw better than
mind. At all. I¡¯m tired.   this! This isn¡¯t
I¡¯m thirsty. I¡¯m hot.      what I had in mind.
                           I¡¯m never hiring a
                           designer again.
Oh, my god! The phone is ringing!



¡ªWho is this?
¡ªThis is God.

¡ªGod! Wow. I didn¡¯t know you were around.

¡ªI am around. I want you to do something for me.

¡ªYeah? Anything, God. You¡¯re God and stuff. Wait,
can¡¯t you just make me do this?

¡ªNo. I can¡¯t make you do anything. That¡¯s all
bullshit. What really needs to happen, what I want
you to understand here is, you have to trust the
¡ªGod, no.

Ohhhhhhh, boy. I am      Ohhhhhhh, boy. They
feeling something. Was   are trying to
that pee? OMG. That      de?ne me! With a
was not pee. Get me to   logo? They¡¯re telling me
triage!!!                how it¡¯s all about pro-
                         jecting a ¡°vibe¡± or some-
                         thing. What!? This is just
Wait, what? OMG! G!      awkward. I can¡¯t show
God is calling again!    people that! That¡¯s way
                         too... personal.
¡ªHi, God.

¡ªYeah, you need to
¡ªGod, are you owww-     ¡ªGod, are you kidding
www! kidding me? This   me? This is no time to
is no time to relax!    relax! If these design-
This is the big show!   ers with their hot ideas
SHOWTIME!               think they¡¯ve got it, and
                        it¡¯s totally STUPID, then
                        what? I¡¯m screwed!!! I¡¯ll
                        be stuck with it! And I
                        still have to pay!!!
¡ªI hear what you¡¯re saying, and stuff. But
really. Trust the process.

¡ªYou said that before.

¡ªYes, because relaxing and calming your-
self do something very important.

¡ªWhat¡¯s that?

¡ªPrepare you.

¡ªFor what?

¡ªFor the beginning of everything to come.
This is crazy. This is painful. This is not what I had
in mind. Oooof. Don¡¯t touch me! Oh my god. I am
going to die. No! I can¡¯t. I have to deliver this baby
?rst. Wait, no that¡¯s your job. You deliver it. Can I
just lie down, no, wait, that is oooowwwwww not
going to help. Can you do something about this?

¡ªPlease relax.


This is crazy. This is so awkward. What if their de-
signs stink? What if I just forked over all that money
for no reason at all? What if they just screw me?
This isn¡¯t like buying a car or a television. You don¡¯t
know what you¡¯re getting. How will I know it¡¯s
gonna be worth it? Time. Money. Effort. And there¡¯s
no warranty. You can¡¯t return it. God. God!


¡ªI¡¯m in labor! Holy      ¡ªI¡¯m regretting this
smokes.                  whole dumb rebrand-
                         ing idea! I could¡¯ve just
¡ªSo you¡¯re worried?      asked my cousin to do
                         it. He has a design de-
¡ªHeck yeah! I¡¯m wor-     gree. Jeez. They¡¯re gonna
ried!                    show me the ?nal draw-
                         ings tomorrow! I don¡¯t
                         want it to be stupid and

¡ªI¡¯m God, and I¡¯m
sayin¡¯: Trust the pro-
¡ªTrust the wha¡¯?

¡ªThe process.

¡ªYou¡¯ve said that before.

¡ªI have. Just relax. Creativity is a pro-
cess. Gestation is a process. Labor is
a process. Birth is a process.

¡ªUmmmm. Okaaaay.

¡ªAnd you know what?
DK¡¯s boss-man, Kush.
It¡¯ll be great.

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How branding is like birth

  • 2. I¡¯m pregnant. I¡¯m rebranding. What the heck? Did I What the heck? Did I really sign myself up for really sign myself up for this? this?
  • 3. Ummmmm. I¡¯m not sure Ummmmm. I¡¯m not sure if this is for me. I¡¯m not if this is for me. I¡¯m not ready for this. I can¡¯t ready for this. I can¡¯t afford this. This isn¡¯t afford this. This isn¡¯t the right time for me. the right time for me. I I haven¡¯t prepared for haven¡¯t prepared for this fully. I haven¡¯t gotten this fully. I¡¯m not sure things sorted out in my if my customers will like life yet for this to be hap- my new brand iden- pening. People will see tity design, or whatever me fat and that makes it¡¯s called. What if it¡¯s me nervous. What¡¯ll a waste of effort? Can they say? Does this you feel buyer¡¯s remorse mean I have to buy a about design services? sippy cup thingy? God, And, yeah. Is this going do I really? Is this go- to be expensive? It is, ing to be expensive? It isn¡¯t it. is, isn¡¯t it.
  • 4. Where am I going to put it! What am I going to do with it!? What am I going to call it? Oh, man! Too much to think about. I don¡¯t want to do this, but then. Wait, no. I do. I really, really do. It¡¯s gonna be hard. It¡¯s going to be intense. Before, and after, right? I¡¯ve heard you have to really nurture the thing once it¡¯s born. Keep up with it and make sure it grows and stuff. Yikes. This will be work. But I hear it¡¯s also super rewarding. Or something. And God, I sure hope it goes all right. I am, frankly, scared out of my mind. I want this to go smoothly.
  • 5. Pregnancy is never Rebranding is not smooth. Whoever said easy. You go through they had a perfectly some serious ?ne- smooth pregnancy is tooth combing of very lying through their teeth. deep philosophies. And Getting big? OMG. And things you¡¯ve always the clothes? OMG. This thought were true, were is making me vulner- really you, are chal- able. This is scary. lenged. You¡¯ll go, ¡°This is making me vulner- able. This is scary.¡± Here are some quotes that inspire DK...
  • 6. Okaaaay. Okaaaay. I¡¯m going to do it. I¡¯m going to do it. Oh, do I have to get a I have to start calling checkup? Can¡¯t I just designers. Wait, do trust the universe that I really? Maybe I can it¡¯ll go according to just buy Illustrator and plan. It¡¯s natural, right? DIY it. Yeah. I¡¯m smart. I can do it.
  • 7. WTF, I¡¯m massive. WTF, my dog can This isn¡¯t what I had in draw better than mind. At all. I¡¯m tired. this! This isn¡¯t I¡¯m thirsty. I¡¯m hot. what I had in mind. I¡¯m never hiring a designer again.
  • 8. Oh, my god! The phone is ringing! ¡ªHello? ¡ªHello. ¡ªWho is this?
  • 9. ¡ªThis is God. ¡ªGod! Wow. I didn¡¯t know you were around. ¡ªI am around. I want you to do something for me. ¡ªYeah? Anything, God. You¡¯re God and stuff. Wait, can¡¯t you just make me do this? ¡ªNo. I can¡¯t make you do anything. That¡¯s all bullshit. What really needs to happen, what I want you to understand here is, you have to trust the process.
  • 11. Ohhhhhhh, boy. I am Ohhhhhhh, boy. They feeling something. Was are trying to that pee? OMG. That de?ne me! With a was not pee. Get me to logo? They¡¯re telling me triage!!! how it¡¯s all about pro- jecting a ¡°vibe¡± or some- thing. What!? This is just Wait, what? OMG! G! awkward. I can¡¯t show God is calling again! people that! That¡¯s way too... personal. ¡ªHi, God. ¡ªYeah, you need to relax.
  • 12. ¡ªGod, are you owww- ¡ªGod, are you kidding www! kidding me? This me? This is no time to is no time to relax! relax! If these design- This is the big show! ers with their hot ideas SHOWTIME! think they¡¯ve got it, and it¡¯s totally STUPID, then what? I¡¯m screwed!!! I¡¯ll be stuck with it! And I still have to pay!!!
  • 13. ¡ªI hear what you¡¯re saying, and stuff. But really. Trust the process. ¡ªYou said that before. ¡ªYes, because relaxing and calming your- self do something very important. ¡ªWhat¡¯s that? ¡ªPrepare you. ¡ªFor what? ¡ªFor the beginning of everything to come.
  • 14. This is crazy. This is painful. This is not what I had in mind. Oooof. Don¡¯t touch me! Oh my god. I am going to die. No! I can¡¯t. I have to deliver this baby ?rst. Wait, no that¡¯s your job. You deliver it. Can I just lie down, no, wait, that is oooowwwwww not going to help. Can you do something about this? Please? ¡ªPlease relax. ¡ªHuh? ¡ªRelax.
  • 15. This is crazy. This is so awkward. What if their de- signs stink? What if I just forked over all that money for no reason at all? What if they just screw me? This isn¡¯t like buying a car or a television. You don¡¯t know what you¡¯re getting. How will I know it¡¯s gonna be worth it? Time. Money. Effort. And there¡¯s no warranty. You can¡¯t return it. God. God! ¡ªYes? ¡ªGod!
  • 16. ¡ªI¡¯m in labor! Holy ¡ªI¡¯m regretting this smokes. whole dumb rebrand- ing idea! I could¡¯ve just ¡ªSo you¡¯re worried? asked my cousin to do it. He has a design de- ¡ªHeck yeah! I¡¯m wor- gree. Jeez. They¡¯re gonna ried! show me the ?nal draw- ings tomorrow! I don¡¯t want it to be stupid and dumb! ¡ªI¡¯m God, and I¡¯m sayin¡¯: Trust the pro- cess.
  • 17. ¡ªTrust the wha¡¯? ¡ªThe process. ¡ªYou¡¯ve said that before. ¡ªI have. Just relax. Creativity is a pro- cess. Gestation is a process. Labor is a process. Birth is a process. ¡ªUmmmm. Okaaaay. ¡ªAnd you know what?