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Personality Traits
Technical Skills
Job Interview
Meeting 14
 Students are able to know about job interview
 Students can prepare for interview questions
The selectors want to know:
That you CAN DO the job (Skills)
That you WANT the job (Motivation)
That you FIT the organisation (Values)
Getting ready for an interview
First Impressions Count
To make a good first impression:
 arrive on time
 dress smartly
 smile when you meet people
 be professional as soon as you enter the building. The
receptionist and anyone else you meet might tell the
interviewer what they think of you.
Research the Organization
 Use the internet, business or industry magazines
and brochures to find out information.
 Speak to anyone you might know who has or does
work there.
 Prove that you are serious about getting the job
Acts of an Interview
Act I: The Art of Meeting and Greeting
Act II: The Performance
Act III: The Exit
Act 1: The Art of Meeting and Greeting
I: Please, come in and take a seat.
C: Thank you, Sir/Madam.
I: Hello. What is your name?
C: Good morning, Mr/Mrs/Ms/Andi/Tina.
My name is John Gill. Its a pleasure/Nice/Pleased to meet you.
I: How do you do?
C: How do you do. My name is.
Act 1: The Art of Meeting and Greeting
I: Hello. Nice to meet you, too. Thank you for coming.
C: Thank you for having me.
I: How are you, today?
C: Im very well, thank you. And you?
I: Fine, thanks. Would you like a cup of coffee or something to drink
before we begin?
C: No, thank you. Im fine.
I: Ok, then. Lets get started.
Act 2: The Performance 
Talking about personality traits
Questions about your persona:
1. Questions about you
2. Questions about your strengths
3. Questions about your weaknesses
4. Questions about hobbies/interests
1. Questions about you
Sample questions:
 Tell us something about yourself.
 How would you describe yourself?
 Can you talk to us about yourself?
1. Questions about you
Sample answers for Fresh Graduate:
 Im currently a student at XYZ University where I am very active in
the schools student council association. As a representative for my
class, Ive helped organize various fundraising events. This has really
helped me become comfortable handling money, which is a reason I
think I would make a great fit as a cashier at your company.
 Hi, my name is Paul and Im a fresh graduate of ABC University. I
studied Human Resources Management because I really enjoy
working with people and Im fascinated with the role of people in the
building and operating companies.
2. Questions about your strengths
Sample questions:
 What are your greatest strengths?
 What would you say your strongest assets are?
 What are your most positive aspects?
Include 3-4 positive character traits:
Adaptable Trustworthy
Flexible Honest
Hard-working Efficient
Reliable Determined
Friendly Competent
Loyal Open-minded
Include 3-4 proficiency traits:
Achiever Expert
Initiator Detail-oriented
Mediator Team-player
Quick-learner Problem-solver
Leader Multi-tasker
Nouns to define your traits:
Im a good multi-tasker.
Adjectives to express traits:
Colleagues say I am friendly and competent.
Adverbs to modify degree:
 For gradables: very, quite, rather, really,
exceptionally, particularly
I can work exceptionally well under pressure.
 For ungradables: really, absolutely
My managerial skills are really amazing.
Sample questions:
 What are your greatest weaknesses?
 Which aspects or areas of yourself are you improving or
would like to improve?
3. Questions about your weaknesses
The trick in answering this interview question is to select a weakness that you
have been actively working to overcome. Maintain eye contact when discussing
possible uncomfortable topics like personal weaknesses.
Im a shy person, but I am learning to be more confident. I meet more people,
and make new friends. Now I join a vlogger club to
My biggest weakness is I dont have much experience in  But Im a fast
learner. I like to learn new things.
Sometimes, I have trouble with time management. Now Im making a schedule
for my tasks and I try to do the tasks according to the schedule.
Sample answers:
Mistakes to Avoid While Talking About
 Reciting the information written on your CV or cover letter
 Telling your entire life story from birth
 Answering back with a question like, Yes, what would you like to
 Presenting a long speech or a monologue featuring you
 Answering in just one line like, I am Bryan, an excellent website
 Talking about your own views on politics, religion and race
Questions About Your Experience
When you answer interview questions about something
youve done its best to use the STAR method (situation,
task, action, result).
 Situation  describe what the situation was.
 Task  describe the task you had to do.
 Action  describe what you did to achieve the task.
 Result  describe the final result.
B. Questions about Technical Skills
5. Questions about your qualifications  educational background
5. Questions about your work experience
5. Questions about career goals
5. Questions about reasons for hiring you
5. Questions about your qualifications
Technical Skills
Sample questions:
 Tell me about your educational background
 How has your college / school experience prepared
you for a career?
 What was your biggest challenge as a student, and
how did you handle it?
Sample answer:
I just graduated from the ABC University with high honors. I majored in
journalism there, and had the opportunity to write for and edit the school
newspaper. I volunteered to be a tutor at my universitys writing center
during my senior year. We offered free help to all students in their writing.
The biggest challenge for me during college was that I had to work
full-time, around my studies, in order to pay for my college fee. This
meant that I didnt have a lot of free time at night or on the weekends
to do anything other than study, but it also allowed me to graduate
debt-free, with a 3.75 GPA.
6. Questions about your work experience
Sample questions:
1. Tell me about your work experience?
2. Have you completed any internships?
3. What did you gain from the experience?
Sample answers:
For fresh graduates, describe a part-time job or internship that you have done
previously. Also mentioned what you gained from the experience.
I was a tutor in high school, and then worked each school break during college
as a counselor at Camp Wildwood. It was great being able to work with
elementary school-aged kids while I earned my K-12 teaching credentials.
Yes, last semester I was accepted into an internship program at Phillip Morris
International, which taught me a lot about how to motivate and supervise a
team, control inventory, and create positive customer experiences.
Sample questions:
 What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
 What are your career goals?
7. Questions about career goals
Sample answer:
Within 5 years, I would like to become the best product coordinator in
your company. I want to build my career and become a professional
that people can rely on.
I plan, in five years, to be an acknowledged sales manager and
become one of your top regional salespeople.
8. Questions about hiring you
Sample Questions:
 Why should we hire you?
 Give us a good reason for taking you on.
 Why do you think you are the best person for this
Questions about hiring you
To answer these questions, you need to:
1. Explain your personality that make you an ideal
candidate. Refer to the job qualifications listed on the job
2. Emphasize your unique skills that make you a strong
3. Show the employer what you have accomplished in your
previous roles.
Sample Answers
My previous job working as a receptionist provided me with the ideal
experience for this position. For five years, I developed many of the skills
required for this job, including answering phones and email, processing
payments, and entering data on multiple computer programs.
As I am a fresher, I have theoretical knowledge, but I can work hard and
learn the practical aspects quickly. Moreover, I will make a great effort to
fulfill my duties and responsibilities and contribute to the good progress of
the organization.
Act III: The Exit
Thanking and Taking Leave
Candidate (prepare 4 to 5 questions):
1. Is this a new position?
2. What would my duties include?
3. Is travel expected in this job position?
4. What are the prospects for growth and advancement?
5. Can you tell me about the team I will be working with?
Thanking and asking about the next steps
1. At the end of the interview
 Thank the interviewers for their time.
 Ask about the next steps and when you can expect a
response from them.
Sample statements:
 I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to take
part in this job interview.
 When do you expect you will notify selected candidates?
 If I am/were offered the job, when will/would I start?
Post Interview
 Send a thank you note, a follow-up email thanking the
interviewer for their time.
 Think about how the interview went. Consult it with your
teachers or lecturers if necessary.
 Keep up your job search.
Know What to Expect at the Interview
Not all interviews are the same, so find out what you'll need to do at the
interview before you go. You may need to:
 prepare to be interviewed by a panel of two or more people or go
through a series of interviews
 take a test before or after the interview to find out if youre suitable for
the job (for example, an English proficiency test or personality test)
 prepare and lead a presentation as part of the interview, so make sure
youll have access to any equipment you need such as a laptop or
 take part in group activities to test your teamwork and leadership
Dress for Success
 You dont have to wear
new or expensive clothes.
But make sure you wear
something smart and tidy.
Employers will notice that
youve made an effort to be
well dressed.
 If its a video interview, its
still important to dress well so
you look presentable on
Dress for
Get Ready for the Employers
 Review your CV, cover letter and application forms to
remember the skills and experiences you shared.
 Read the job description and think of questions the
employer may ask.
 Do an online search for common interview questions.
 Prepare answers to possible questions. Even if you arent
asked them, it will help you plan what skills and experiences
to highlight.
How to Answer Interview Questions
 Speak clearly and vary your tone to show youre interested and
 Take time to think about each question before answering so you can
give a good response.
 Listen to questions carefully and let the interviewer lead the
conversation. If you don't understand a question, ask for it to be explained
or repeated.
 If youve had a job before dont criticize previous employers or co-
 Give examples from your experience that demonstrate your knowledge
and skills.
 Show confidence in your skills and be positive about what you have
What to prepare
 Find out which computer program, application or website will be used
for the video interview. Test it out with a friend or family member.
 If youre using a laptop, phone or tablet make sure the battery is
 Exchange phone numbers with your interviewer in case the video
link fails.
 Make sure the camera and microphone are adjusted to give the best
possible sound and video quality.
 Make sure your background looks professional and there are no
photos, mirrors or people visible.
 Find a sound-proof place away from unwanted noises
 Have your CV and interview notes near you for reference.
Review the job qualifications, company culture, and mission before the
Give a strong positive trait with concrete evidence to prove the trait.
If you choose to share a weakness, make sure its not disqualifying.
Dont claim to be perfect or have qualities you dont actually possess.
Prepare your answer based on the following questions. Make sure you are well-groomed
while filming yourself. Submit the video to the portal provided for you.
The questions:
1. Tell us something about yourself.
2. What are your most positive aspects?
3. What is your greatest weakness?
4. Tell me about your educational background.
5. Have you completed any internships before? What did you gain from the experience?
6. What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
7. Why do you think you are the best person for this position?

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Meeting 14 (Job Interview).pptx

  • 3. Objectives Students are able to know about job interview Students can prepare for interview questions
  • 4. The selectors want to know: That you CAN DO the job (Skills) That you WANT the job (Motivation) That you FIT the organisation (Values)
  • 5. Getting ready for an interview
  • 6. First Impressions Count To make a good first impression: arrive on time dress smartly smile when you meet people be professional as soon as you enter the building. The receptionist and anyone else you meet might tell the interviewer what they think of you.
  • 7. Research the Organization Use the internet, business or industry magazines and brochures to find out information. Speak to anyone you might know who has or does work there. Prove that you are serious about getting the job
  • 8. Acts of an Interview Act I: The Art of Meeting and Greeting Act II: The Performance Act III: The Exit
  • 9. Act 1: The Art of Meeting and Greeting I: Please, come in and take a seat. C: Thank you, Sir/Madam. I: Hello. What is your name? C: Good morning, Mr/Mrs/Ms/Andi/Tina. My name is John Gill. Its a pleasure/Nice/Pleased to meet you. I: How do you do? C: How do you do. My name is.
  • 10. Act 1: The Art of Meeting and Greeting I: Hello. Nice to meet you, too. Thank you for coming. C: Thank you for having me. I: How are you, today? C: Im very well, thank you. And you? I: Fine, thanks. Would you like a cup of coffee or something to drink before we begin? C: No, thank you. Im fine. I: Ok, then. Lets get started.
  • 11. Act 2: The Performance Talking about personality traits Questions about your persona: 1. Questions about you 2. Questions about your strengths 3. Questions about your weaknesses 4. Questions about hobbies/interests
  • 12. 1. Questions about you Sample questions: Tell us something about yourself. How would you describe yourself? Can you talk to us about yourself?
  • 13. 1. Questions about you Sample answers for Fresh Graduate: Im currently a student at XYZ University where I am very active in the schools student council association. As a representative for my class, Ive helped organize various fundraising events. This has really helped me become comfortable handling money, which is a reason I think I would make a great fit as a cashier at your company. Hi, my name is Paul and Im a fresh graduate of ABC University. I studied Human Resources Management because I really enjoy working with people and Im fascinated with the role of people in the building and operating companies.
  • 14. 2. Questions about your strengths Sample questions: What are your greatest strengths? What would you say your strongest assets are? What are your most positive aspects?
  • 15. Include 3-4 positive character traits: Adaptable Trustworthy Flexible Honest Hard-working Efficient Reliable Determined Friendly Competent Loyal Open-minded
  • 16. Include 3-4 proficiency traits: Achiever Expert Initiator Detail-oriented Mediator Team-player Quick-learner Problem-solver Leader Multi-tasker
  • 17. Nouns to define your traits: Im a good multi-tasker. Adjectives to express traits: Colleagues say I am friendly and competent. Adverbs to modify degree: For gradables: very, quite, rather, really, exceptionally, particularly I can work exceptionally well under pressure. For ungradables: really, absolutely My managerial skills are really amazing.
  • 18. Sample questions: What are your greatest weaknesses? Which aspects or areas of yourself are you improving or would like to improve? 3. Questions about your weaknesses
  • 19. The trick in answering this interview question is to select a weakness that you have been actively working to overcome. Maintain eye contact when discussing possible uncomfortable topics like personal weaknesses. Im a shy person, but I am learning to be more confident. I meet more people, and make new friends. Now I join a vlogger club to My biggest weakness is I dont have much experience in But Im a fast learner. I like to learn new things. Sometimes, I have trouble with time management. Now Im making a schedule for my tasks and I try to do the tasks according to the schedule. Sample answers:
  • 20. Mistakes to Avoid While Talking About Yourself Reciting the information written on your CV or cover letter Telling your entire life story from birth Answering back with a question like, Yes, what would you like to know? Presenting a long speech or a monologue featuring you Answering in just one line like, I am Bryan, an excellent website designer. Talking about your own views on politics, religion and race
  • 21. Questions About Your Experience When you answer interview questions about something youve done its best to use the STAR method (situation, task, action, result). Situation describe what the situation was. Task describe the task you had to do. Action describe what you did to achieve the task. Result describe the final result.
  • 22. B. Questions about Technical Skills 5. Questions about your qualifications educational background 5. Questions about your work experience 5. Questions about career goals 5. Questions about reasons for hiring you
  • 23. 5. Questions about your qualifications Technical Skills Sample questions: Tell me about your educational background How has your college / school experience prepared you for a career? What was your biggest challenge as a student, and how did you handle it?
  • 24. Sample answer: I just graduated from the ABC University with high honors. I majored in journalism there, and had the opportunity to write for and edit the school newspaper. I volunteered to be a tutor at my universitys writing center during my senior year. We offered free help to all students in their writing. The biggest challenge for me during college was that I had to work full-time, around my studies, in order to pay for my college fee. This meant that I didnt have a lot of free time at night or on the weekends to do anything other than study, but it also allowed me to graduate debt-free, with a 3.75 GPA.
  • 25. 6. Questions about your work experience Sample questions: 1. Tell me about your work experience? 2. Have you completed any internships? 3. What did you gain from the experience?
  • 26. Sample answers: For fresh graduates, describe a part-time job or internship that you have done previously. Also mentioned what you gained from the experience. I was a tutor in high school, and then worked each school break during college as a counselor at Camp Wildwood. It was great being able to work with elementary school-aged kids while I earned my K-12 teaching credentials. Yes, last semester I was accepted into an internship program at Phillip Morris International, which taught me a lot about how to motivate and supervise a team, control inventory, and create positive customer experiences.
  • 27. Sample questions: What do you see yourself doing five years from now? What are your career goals? 7. Questions about career goals
  • 28. Sample answer: Within 5 years, I would like to become the best product coordinator in your company. I want to build my career and become a professional that people can rely on. I plan, in five years, to be an acknowledged sales manager and become one of your top regional salespeople.
  • 29. 8. Questions about hiring you Sample Questions: Why should we hire you? Give us a good reason for taking you on. Why do you think you are the best person for this position?
  • 30. Questions about hiring you To answer these questions, you need to: 1. Explain your personality that make you an ideal candidate. Refer to the job qualifications listed on the job posting. 2. Emphasize your unique skills that make you a strong candidate. 3. Show the employer what you have accomplished in your previous roles.
  • 31. Sample Answers My previous job working as a receptionist provided me with the ideal experience for this position. For five years, I developed many of the skills required for this job, including answering phones and email, processing payments, and entering data on multiple computer programs. As I am a fresher, I have theoretical knowledge, but I can work hard and learn the practical aspects quickly. Moreover, I will make a great effort to fulfill my duties and responsibilities and contribute to the good progress of the organization.
  • 32. Act III: The Exit Thanking and Taking Leave
  • 33. QUESTIONS YOU CAN ASK Candidate (prepare 4 to 5 questions): 1. Is this a new position? 2. What would my duties include? 3. Is travel expected in this job position? 4. What are the prospects for growth and advancement? 5. Can you tell me about the team I will be working with?
  • 34. Thanking and asking about the next steps 1. At the end of the interview Thank the interviewers for their time. Ask about the next steps and when you can expect a response from them.
  • 35. Sample statements: I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to take part in this job interview. When do you expect you will notify selected candidates? If I am/were offered the job, when will/would I start?
  • 36. Post Interview Send a thank you note, a follow-up email thanking the interviewer for their time. Think about how the interview went. Consult it with your teachers or lecturers if necessary. Keep up your job search.
  • 37. Know What to Expect at the Interview Not all interviews are the same, so find out what you'll need to do at the interview before you go. You may need to: prepare to be interviewed by a panel of two or more people or go through a series of interviews take a test before or after the interview to find out if youre suitable for the job (for example, an English proficiency test or personality test) prepare and lead a presentation as part of the interview, so make sure youll have access to any equipment you need such as a laptop or projector take part in group activities to test your teamwork and leadership abilities.
  • 38. Dress for Success You dont have to wear new or expensive clothes. But make sure you wear something smart and tidy. Employers will notice that youve made an effort to be well dressed. If its a video interview, its still important to dress well so you look presentable on screen.
  • 40. Get Ready for the Employers Questions Review your CV, cover letter and application forms to remember the skills and experiences you shared. Read the job description and think of questions the employer may ask. Do an online search for common interview questions. Prepare answers to possible questions. Even if you arent asked them, it will help you plan what skills and experiences to highlight.
  • 41. How to Answer Interview Questions Speak clearly and vary your tone to show youre interested and enthusiastic. Take time to think about each question before answering so you can give a good response. Listen to questions carefully and let the interviewer lead the conversation. If you don't understand a question, ask for it to be explained or repeated. If youve had a job before dont criticize previous employers or co- workers. Give examples from your experience that demonstrate your knowledge and skills. Show confidence in your skills and be positive about what you have
  • 42. What to prepare Find out which computer program, application or website will be used for the video interview. Test it out with a friend or family member. If youre using a laptop, phone or tablet make sure the battery is charged. Exchange phone numbers with your interviewer in case the video link fails. Make sure the camera and microphone are adjusted to give the best possible sound and video quality. Make sure your background looks professional and there are no photos, mirrors or people visible. Find a sound-proof place away from unwanted noises Have your CV and interview notes near you for reference.
  • 43. KEY TAKEAWAYS KNOW THE JOB: Review the job qualifications, company culture, and mission before the interview. EMPHASIZE A STRENGTH: Give a strong positive trait with concrete evidence to prove the trait. CAREFULLY SHARE A WEAKNESS: If you choose to share a weakness, make sure its not disqualifying. BE HONEST: Dont claim to be perfect or have qualities you dont actually possess.
  • 44. PRACTICE! Prepare your answer based on the following questions. Make sure you are well-groomed while filming yourself. Submit the video to the portal provided for you. The questions: 1. Tell us something about yourself. 2. What are your most positive aspects? 3. What is your greatest weakness? 4. Tell me about your educational background. 5. Have you completed any internships before? What did you gain from the experience? 6. What do you see yourself doing five years from now? 7. Why do you think you are the best person for this position?