FORUM 2013 Social media - a risk management challengeFERMA
This document summarizes a presentation on managing risks related to social media. The presentation covers: opportunities and threats of social media; implications for business models; challenges and opportunities in controlling social media risks; and how to manage those risks. It discusses risks to governments, individuals, and enterprises from social media and provides examples of insurance solutions and best practices for risk management.
The document discusses climate change adaptation strategies for coastal cities like Venice that are threatened by sea level rise and flooding. It describes how constructed wetlands and salt marshes can provide natural flood protection, and outlines the stages of evolution of constructed salt marshes from initial colonization to long-term adaptation to sea level rise through accretion. Diagrams show how ecosystems like dunes, marshes and oyster reefs can act as natural buffers against flooding when integrated with structural measures like levees. The document advocates applying lessons learned from restoring the Venice lagoon to other coastal cities facing similar risks from climate change impacts.
Este documento descreve o plano de estudos de um curso de p坦s-gradua巽達o em suporte t辿cnico para mainframes. O curso abrange t坦picos como arquitetura de mainframes, sistemas operacionais, bancos de dados, redes, programa巽達o, gerenciamento de projetos e seguran巽a da informa巽達o.
FORUM 2013 Difference in culture part - BrazilFERMA
The document discusses the impact of cultural differences on risk management jobs in Brazil. It first notes that Brazilians have an optimistic culture expressed in beliefs like "We live in paradise" and "God is Brazilian", which has led some to think that risk management is unnecessary. However, it outlines how Brazil's situation has changed with a growing middle class, new legislation, climate changes and an opened reinsurance market. It also describes the role of the Brazilian Risk Management Association (ABGR) in developing the risk management field in Brazil since 1983 and the challenges it now faces in areas like loss prevention, business continuity planning and supply chain risk management.
1) How hydro-geological risks like floods, landslides, and drought are assessed using models of hazard, vulnerability, and exposure.
2) How climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, raising hydro-geological risks.
3) Actions that can be taken to understand risks better, reduce hazards, vulnerabilities, and exposure through prevention, protection, and planning, and adapt to rising risks.
El documento habla sobre la violaci坦n a menores de edad en la provincia de Chincha Alta en Per炭. Explica que en esta regi坦n, donde hay altos niveles de pobreza, se cometen con frecuencia actos de violaci坦n sexual contra ni単os debido a la delincuencia y falta de protecci坦n. Se necesita el trabajo de expertos y de la comunidad para resolver estos casos y prevenir futuros abusos.
FORUM 2013 Social media - a risk management challengeFERMA
This document summarizes a presentation on managing risks related to social media. The presentation covers: opportunities and threats of social media; implications for business models; challenges and opportunities in controlling social media risks; and how to manage those risks. It discusses risks to governments, individuals, and enterprises from social media and provides examples of insurance solutions and best practices for risk management.
The document discusses climate change adaptation strategies for coastal cities like Venice that are threatened by sea level rise and flooding. It describes how constructed wetlands and salt marshes can provide natural flood protection, and outlines the stages of evolution of constructed salt marshes from initial colonization to long-term adaptation to sea level rise through accretion. Diagrams show how ecosystems like dunes, marshes and oyster reefs can act as natural buffers against flooding when integrated with structural measures like levees. The document advocates applying lessons learned from restoring the Venice lagoon to other coastal cities facing similar risks from climate change impacts.
Este documento descreve o plano de estudos de um curso de p坦s-gradua巽達o em suporte t辿cnico para mainframes. O curso abrange t坦picos como arquitetura de mainframes, sistemas operacionais, bancos de dados, redes, programa巽達o, gerenciamento de projetos e seguran巽a da informa巽達o.
FORUM 2013 Difference in culture part - BrazilFERMA
The document discusses the impact of cultural differences on risk management jobs in Brazil. It first notes that Brazilians have an optimistic culture expressed in beliefs like "We live in paradise" and "God is Brazilian", which has led some to think that risk management is unnecessary. However, it outlines how Brazil's situation has changed with a growing middle class, new legislation, climate changes and an opened reinsurance market. It also describes the role of the Brazilian Risk Management Association (ABGR) in developing the risk management field in Brazil since 1983 and the challenges it now faces in areas like loss prevention, business continuity planning and supply chain risk management.
1) How hydro-geological risks like floods, landslides, and drought are assessed using models of hazard, vulnerability, and exposure.
2) How climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, raising hydro-geological risks.
3) Actions that can be taken to understand risks better, reduce hazards, vulnerabilities, and exposure through prevention, protection, and planning, and adapt to rising risks.
El documento habla sobre la violaci坦n a menores de edad en la provincia de Chincha Alta en Per炭. Explica que en esta regi坦n, donde hay altos niveles de pobreza, se cometen con frecuencia actos de violaci坦n sexual contra ni単os debido a la delincuencia y falta de protecci坦n. Se necesita el trabajo de expertos y de la comunidad para resolver estos casos y prevenir futuros abusos.
This document provides the syllabus for an online graduate course titled "Psychology of Teaching and Learning". The course examines theories of teaching and learning and their relationship to child development. It covers factors like gender, culture, class, and ethnicity. Students will analyze these factors within psychological, social, and cultural contexts. They will also learn about developmentally appropriate instructional strategies. The course will involve case studies, discussions, and reflective writing completed both online and face-to-face. Students will be assessed through exams, assignments, and a case study analyzing the learning environment of a child.
Culture plays a large role in how seriously risk management is taken in different Asian countries. In places like China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Korea, local organizations often pay little attention to risk management unless required by regulators or external forces. Risk management is still in its infancy across Asia, but globalization and enforcement are helping to change mindsets. The new Pan-Asian Risk & Insurance Association (PARIMA) aims to be a valuable resource for risk managers in Asia at all stages of experience by providing relevant information and support for the developing risk management community.
The document describes several cooperative learning techniques that can be used in the classroom:
1) Turn to Your Neighbor involves posing a problem and having students discuss answers in pairs for a short time. This allows all students to participate and get comfortable responding.
2) Think-Pair-Share involves posing a problem, having students think alone then discuss in pairs before sharing with the class. This starts with volunteers and later calls on more students.
3) Jigsaw divides a task so each student learns part and must work with others who learned a different part to complete the task. This builds interdependence.
Using Video Lecture Capture (VLC) systems to enhance teaching in high DFW cou...WSSU CETL
This in-depth study is part of a systematic effort to improve teaching effectiveness in courses that traditionally show high D, F, W grades (high DFW) at Winston-Salem State University (WSSU).
This document provides an overview of the syllabus for an introductory mass communication course held in fall 2009. It outlines the required textbook, use of the online platform Blackboard, weekly course structure, assignments including chapter tests, discussions, presentations and a media-free blog. Grading is based on tests, study plans, assignments, discussions and attendance. The course aims to provide foundational knowledge of the mass media field and promote critical thinking skills through interactive lessons and technology.
Table of Contents
1. Record numbers attend Seminar and celebrations
2. Roundtables
3. Fast facts
4. Keynote speaker: Do not treat climate change as Doomsday
5. From your President
6. Letter from Brussels
7. Great support for European Risk and Insurance Report
8. A gala celebration for 40 years
9. FERMA and ECIIA respond to new corporate transparency requirements
10. Let the Forum add power to FERMAs voice
11. Expert Views
12. EU antitrust rules : a right to a compensation for citizens
13. IMD2 / IDD2 the return of the professional customer in 2015 ?
14. (Re) Insurance pools to remain outside the scope of EU competition rules
15. Healthy workplaces manage stress a FERMA partnership
16. Knowledge Corner
17. A tour of Europe: FERMAs members reflect at 40
FERMA Seminar 2014 - 20 September Risk Manager's ProfileFERMA
The document discusses the results of a survey on risk and insurance management in Europe. It finds that while risk management functions have strong reporting lines to top management, there is still room for improvement in better integrating risk management in decision making and relationships with other functions. The size and organization of risk functions varies across companies. Overall, the survey finds that core risk management activities will remain priorities, but functions are looking to more closely align with business strategy and develop a risk culture across organizations. Training is seen as important to help functions advance.
FERMA Seminar 2014 - 21 September Leveraging insurance to optimize risk manag...FERMA
The document outlines the agenda and topics to be discussed at a risk management seminar. The topics include leveraging partnerships in insurance, approaches to risk management decision making, insurance program structures for standard and non-standard exposures, and areas for improving day-to-day insurance operations such as claims handling and information technology systems. Risk managers are looking to strengthen partnerships with insurers and brokers and improve coordination during claims. Insurance arrangements are becoming more sophisticated with increased retention, limits and lines of coverage, as well as greater use of captive insurance.
The document provides tips for effectively teaching with the lecture method without putting students to sleep. It recommends preparing 3-5 pages of notes for a 1-hour lecture to allow time for student engagement. Major points should be spaced 15 minutes apart with interactive activities in between to keep students attentive. Lectures should use repetition of key concepts and vary methods to engage different types of learners. Introductions should preview content and conclusions should restate major points. Effective lecturers get feedback from students and use examples, demonstrations or humor to capture attention at the beginning and end of lectures.
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