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Scientific methodObservation
ScienceFor Lyttelton Primary School Totara team  11 and 12 year olds
History of the world video
What proof for the history of the world
From dragons to dinosaurs
Sir Richard Owen
Asked questions
Why does this matter to you ?
Companies want your money!
Cigarettes and cancer
Climate is changing
Climate change deniers
Advertising to you
what ?
Clinically proven. Really ?
NZ$1.52 per gram NZ$0.002 per gram
Scientific literacy
 About 1 in 1000 people in the world are scientists
 All the rest of you will be sold things by marketing people who
want you to think that science supports the thing they are
Scientific literacy = asking questions, testing and finding proof
Scientific method Notice
(why / how)
Test the why
/ how
Student scientist
Milk bottle crushing without hands
Can you defy gravity ?
Experiments on kids
Neil De Grasse Tyson on the tooth fairy
- Ask questions
- Observe the world
- Test your ideas
Science in 1 minute video : MelodySheep https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSt9tm3RoUU
Dinosaur etemology : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dinosaur#Etymology
Richard Owen photo : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Richard-owen2.jpg
Dinosaur shadow : Dorje McKinnon photo
Natural history museum : Dorje McKinnon photo
Scientists in the world : OECD data http://data.uis.unesco.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=SCN_DS&popupcustomise=true&lang=en
CO2 graph : http://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/
Willie Soon climate change denier : http://www.greenpeace.org/usa/greenpeace-ny-times-sunday-front-page-fakexpert-willie-soon/
& https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/feb/21/climate-change-denier-willie-soon-funded-energy-industry
Pimples photo : https://www.flickr.com/photos/caitlinator/2980184582
Epiology anti-acne cream : http://epiologyskincare.com/product/epiology-advanced-cream/
Epiology clinical results : http://epiologyskincare.com/proven-results/
Lactis Proteinum : http://cosmetics.specialchem.com/inci/lactis-proteinum
Cow face photo : https://www.flickr.com/photos/stevepj2009/3563353060
Car crush : http://giphy.com/foxhomeent/2
Dr Strange : http://www.justjared.com/photo-gallery/3620306/benedict-cumberbatch-films-doctor-strange-in-nyc-first-pics-54/
Neil deGrasse Tyson tooth fairy : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsR6sIsoWgU

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Science for 11 and 12 year olds

Editor's Notes

  • #3: Im here to talk to you about science : you only need to remember 3 things Ask questions Observe the world Test your ideas Science means we know the things in this video about the history of our universe and planet.
  • #5: How do we know any of that how do we know that there really were .
  • #6: How do we know that there really were dinosaurs and that they werent dragons?
  • #7: Because this guy decided to be a difficult bugger
  • #8: 174 years ago in 1842 Sir Richard Owen dared to suggest that bones found were not dragons but an animal he called dinosaurs. He asked the question, he challenged the commonly accepted ideas of his time. He was laughed at and yet he was able to build this building, and has been proven right over time. What did he do ? question something, and support his new ideas with evidence.
  • #9: Why does it matter to you ?? But really why does science matter to you ?
  • #10: And theyve been using science to get you to buy their stuff.
  • #11: Ancient history I know, that cant happen any more you say
  • #12: Climate is changing but just as with Tobacco there is money in saying that everything is fine and dandy.
  • #13: This is Willi Soon he is a scientist. In 2015 it was revealed he had taken money in secret from oil and coal companies in return for getting published scientific papers that deny climate change was caused by humans. Why ? Because it was good for him and good for the oil and coal companies paying him so they could keep selling coal and oil because the not all scientists agree But this is all out there, big picture stuff. How could science asking questions be useful to you ?
  • #14: How about acne ? If you dont have it you will and if you do have it youre interested in it. Lets see how a little science and asking some questions can make your lives better.
  • #15: Note two things here clinically proven and lactis proteinum Remember the old guy at the start what did I want you to remember about what he did ? Yep you got it, ask questions. So thinking about these two things what questions do you have ?
  • #16: Yep you guessed it cows milk LACTIS PROTEINUM is used for : Skin conditioning Hair conditioning
  • #17: 84 people improvement in redness and irritation, but you said that it prevents acne ?? 2 trial protocol periods ? 2weeks and 6weeks.
  • #18: What are you going to do ?? Give $18.40 to Epiology for 28g of cow milk and face cream, or spend $0 and drink mum and dads milk which is actually good for you and rub a bit on your face every morning Some questions, a bit of digging into the clinically proven wording and your time listening today has paid for itself
  • #19: Using OECD figures 0.1% of the worlds population are scientists , but 100% of the worlds population are curious. When someone says a study says or scientists agree ask questions
  • #20: So what does science mean ? See something, ask a question about it hypothesis, test your hypothesis/idea/question using an experiment and review or analyse the results. Then rework the experiment again to confirm your question or answer a new one.
  • #21: Student scientist sheets Take a piece of paper : divide it into 3 parts What I noticed My question (hypothesis) Test that you think will confirm or deny your hypothesis While youre doing that Ill get ready
  • #22: Im going to add a clear liquid to this bottle, add a secret ingredient to it and then put the lid on. What I want you to do is fill in your student scientist sheet as I do this so that you can explain what Ive done. So first Observe what I do (note that on your student scientist paper) Come up with a hypothesis or explanation for what you observe (write that on your sheets too) Finally write down tests you could do to identify the clear liquid and the secret ingredient Elicit these from the class post experiement Do bottle with vinegar and paper towel with baking soda in it, that blows lid off bottle.
  • #23: Ok now you can you crush something without using your hands ?
  • #24: How could you crush the milk bottle without using your hands ? You can do it with the things you have in this room. Have a think while I get ready and then well do the same as weve done: Observe Hypothesise Test
  • #25: Can you defy gravity like Dr Strange and with these things ? Using a glass full of water and a piece of cardboard can you tip the glass full of water upside down without spilling the water ?
  • #27: Experiments on Kids