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Yvette P. Rejuso
Compose an
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to
be able to:
A. define argumentative essay;
B. understand the importance of writing an
argumentative essay;
C. recognize the parts and features of an
argumentative essay; and
D. compose a complete argumentative essay.
1. Billionaires and Millionaires should at
least share their money to people who are
poor so everyone would live equally and
2. Online education enables every
student and teacher to study or
teach from anywhere in the world.
3. With the report on waste
management stating that about 2.01
billion tons of solid waste is
generated globally, each country
should prohibit production and usage
of plastics.
4. Procrastinating but still be able
to finish everything in the last
minute is an acceptable habit of a
What are the five
common types of
Expository Essay
Descriptive Essay
Argumentative Essay
Narrative Essay
Persuasive Essay
What is an
What is an
An argumentative essay is a kind
of writing that aims to make the
reader agree with the writers
opinion about a controversial or
a debatable issue.
What makes an argumentative
essay good?
In writing a good argumentative essay, a writer
should attempt to persuade readers to understand
and support their point of view about an issue by
providing evidence to support it. In writing an
argumentative essay, claims or arguments should
be developed and supported by evidences. You
cannot write an argumentative essay just by solely
stating your opinion on an issue.
The following are
terms in composing an
argumentative essay:
1. Issue  an idea about which the opinions of people are different.
2. Claim  a statement by an author about an issue. A claim has a
significant amount of disagreement about it. A claim needs
supporting arguments. A claim is also called a position, stand, or
point of view.
3. Evidence  facts in the real world that can be used to support an
argument. Specifically, these are examples of evidences; statistics,
data from studies, historical events, habitual practices, and other
facts that can support an argument.
4. Counterargument  an idea given by the opposing side against the
claim given in the argumentative essay.
5. Rebuttal  the response to the counterargument
6. Pro  an argument in favor of a claim or advantage regarding
7. Con - an argument against a claim or disadvantage regarding
Writing an Argumentative Essay.pdf by Yvette P. Rejuso
Issue: The public display industry keeps
many species of marine mammals, captive
in concrete tanks, especially, whales and
Step 1: Formulate your claim or argument.
Step 2: Look for evidence to support your claim reasons.
Step 3: Write your essay following this format.
1. Introduction.
2. Body.
3. Conclusion.
There is no doubt that marine mammals should not
be held captivity. They are part of nature and should
not be bought, sold, or thrown in an aquarium.
Marine mammals have the right to be kept in their
natural environment.
Captivity causes many health problems in marine mammals.
Many have water full of chemicals and bacteria; this results to
blindness and many skin problems in dolphins and other
marine mammals. Marine mammals in captivity die from
pneumonia, ulcers, and other stress-related diseases. Most of
these helpless creatures suffer from boredom. Dolphins in the
wild can swim up to 40-100 miles per day, but in pools they go
around swimming repetitive patterns. Due to boredom and
limited space, many dolphins abuse themselves, they often
bang their heads against tank and aquarium walls
In addition, some of these poor innocent creatures face
abusive treatment by their caretakers, thus, shortening their
life span. In fact, Keiko, the killer whole star of Free Willy, was
a victim of this type of abuse. It was known to be said that he
was 1000 pounds underweight and developed a wartlike
disease. His teeth were ground down chewing the sides of the
pool due to boredom, and he also had a problem with his
dorsal fin.
Marine mammals also breed very poorly in captivity with very
high infant death rates. For this reason, when a baby dolphin is
born into captivity, its birth is usually kept a secret from its
mother until it shows signs of survival. Marine mammals do
breed in captivity, but the birth rate in captivity is not as
successful as in the wild.
On the contrary, some people think that holding animals in
captivity helps in study and research. But the truth is, scientist
prefer to learn about animals in their natural environment, so
they get firsthand knowledge.
For the conclusion, marine animals should definitely not be
held in captivity. Mahatma Ghandhi once said, the greatness
of a nation and its moral process can be measured by the way
its animals are treated. In a world where much of nature and
the wild has already been lost, it is up to us to let these
beautiful marine mammals tree.
Why is it important to learn
and understand how to
write an argumentative
It is important to learn to write an
argumentative essay because it will help you to
develop skills like critical thinking and research
skills along with developing how to rationally
defend a position. These skills will help you
progress academically and occupationally.
Writing an Argumentative Essay.pdf by Yvette P. Rejuso
Writing an Argumentative Essay.pdf by Yvette P. Rejuso
Writing an Argumentative Essay.pdf by Yvette P. Rejuso
Instruction: As your activity, you try to look for the claim in the paragraph. Encircle the claim, box the
points to support the claim. You will copy these sentences and write your answers in a yellow pad sheet of
1. Advertisers target young people when marketing cigarettes, alcohol, and adult movies.
This makes most of the young adult are addicted to vices.
2. As of May 29, 2014 desalinated water already costs about $2,000 an acrefoot - roughly the amount
of water a family of five uses in a year. The cost is about double that of water obtained from building a
new reservoir or recycling wastewater, making water an expensive necessity for the people.
3. Computer shops makes a lot of money from kids when they play computer games, watch YouTube
and even use social media. Regardless of how much they earn, kids become addicted to playing
computer games and watching videos in YouTube.
4. Selling too much unhealthy foods make kids and adults sick. Junk food manufacturers are poisoning
people with their preservatives, additives and artificial flavorings.
5. Video games makes kids violent. Counter Strike, PUBG, GTA5 are games that are war games.
Writing an Argumentative Essay.pdf by Yvette P. Rejuso
Direction: Identify whether the sentence provided is a CLAIM or a STATEMENT. Write your
answer in a yellow sheet of paper. You have 10 minutes to answer.
1. The first two novels of The Hunger Games trilogy have become New York Times
bestsellers, while the third novel, Mockingjay, upon its release ranked #1 on all US
bestseller list.
2. The lead character in Cinderella is a young girl living in miserable circumstances that
abruptly became extraordinary after a night at a ball.
3. The Hunger Games trilogy has more well-developed characters than the Harry Potter
4. If Cinderellas fairy godmother had not arrived to help her get ready for the ball, she
never would have married her Prince Charming.
5. The San Francisco Giants baseball team achieved the dynasty status when they
secured the World Series in 2010, 2012, and 2014.
Writing an Argumentative Essay.pdf by Yvette P. Rejuso
Part 1.
Instructions: Read the example Argumentative Essay provided. Answer the questions being asked.
Skills vs. Knowledge in Education
Education systems all over the world are based on the idea that students get and remember
information from teachers and books. These systems test this knowledge with standardized
tests which compare students to each-other. They only test the kind of information which is
possible to measure in tests. The goal is gaining information, not developing skills by which to
use and make information. Unlike the old style of education where people remembered things in
order to pass tests and get higher scores than other students, the modern world calls for a new
kind of education in which the focus is deep understanding, creativity, and information
management skills.
Most education systems in the world are designed to make students remember things. One
reason is that schools feel the need to compare students. They do this by giving tests. They
want to be able to give grades and decide which students are smart and which are not. They
function as a sorting mechanism for society. From the earliest grades, students are put on tracks
that will decide their futures. Another reason schools like to make students remember things is
that by doing so they will be able to test their knowledge and determine if they remember or not.
They believe that if students remember things it is the same as understanding those things.
Schools also like to impart knowledge because in this way, although students can have different
individual skills, they can all have the same knowledge.
Einstein said Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited.
Imagination encircles the world (Needle, 2007). All the knowledge in the world is useless unless
you are able to use information in creative ways. Knowledge is what other people have created.
Understanding is all about what you think about something. Everybody sees, hears, feels, and
thinks differently. No two people in the world have the same understanding of the same thing. It
is impossible to give tests on a point of view. Because of this, tests are illogical. The only reason
tests exist is to label students as smart or stupid. There are many kinds of intelligence,
however. One of the most famous researchers in the field of intelligence, Gardner, found at least
seven different kinds of intelligence (Gardner, 1999). Intelligence and understanding are related.
Unfortunately, tests only measure one type of intelligence.
In the modern world skills are more important than knowledge. If a person knows many facts,
it is impressive, but not very useful. It is of much greater importance to be able to find
information quickly, organize that information, analyze and understand the main ideas, put
different pieces of information together (synthesize), and create new information. Together
these skills make what we call information management and innovation, the skills which are
most desired in the business world.
Most people in the world believe that education is about remembering things to take
tests which measure ones performance against other people who have studied the
same information. However, this idea no longer matches the reality of the modern world
in which knowledge is less important than creativity and deep understanding. To be
successful in the age of technology, education must focus on helping students gain
information management and innovation skills.
Sources Cited: Gardner, H. (1999). Intelligence reframed: Multiple intelligences for the 21st century. New York, NY: Basic
Needle, Andrew, et al. (2007). Combining art and science in 'arts and sciences' education. College Teaching 55.3
1.What was the issue in the essay?
2.What is the authors position towards the issue?
3.What did Einstein say about knowledge? Explain.
4.Do you agree with the essays proposition? Why?
Why not?
Part 2.
Write an argumentative essay
in a whole sheet of paper. You can
select the issue you are interested
as a topic of your essay. The
minimum words are 700.
Writing an Argumentative Essay.pdf by Yvette P. Rejuso
Writing an Argumentative Essay.pdf by Yvette P. Rejuso

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English 4 Quarter 4 Week 4 Classroom Obs
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English 4 Quarter 4 Week 4 Classroom Obs

Writing an Argumentative Essay.pdf by Yvette P. Rejuso

  • 3. At the end of the lesson the students are expected to be able to: A. define argumentative essay; B. understand the importance of writing an argumentative essay; C. recognize the parts and features of an argumentative essay; and D. compose a complete argumentative essay.
  • 5. 1. Billionaires and Millionaires should at least share their money to people who are poor so everyone would live equally and comfortably.
  • 6. 2. Online education enables every student and teacher to study or teach from anywhere in the world.
  • 7. 3. With the report on waste management stating that about 2.01 billion tons of solid waste is generated globally, each country should prohibit production and usage of plastics.
  • 8. 4. Procrastinating but still be able to finish everything in the last minute is an acceptable habit of a student.
  • 9. What are the five common types of essay?
  • 10. Expository Essay Descriptive Essay Argumentative Essay Narrative Essay Persuasive Essay
  • 13. An argumentative essay is a kind of writing that aims to make the reader agree with the writers opinion about a controversial or a debatable issue.
  • 14. What makes an argumentative essay good?
  • 15. In writing a good argumentative essay, a writer should attempt to persuade readers to understand and support their point of view about an issue by providing evidence to support it. In writing an argumentative essay, claims or arguments should be developed and supported by evidences. You cannot write an argumentative essay just by solely stating your opinion on an issue.
  • 16. The following are terms in composing an argumentative essay:
  • 17. 1. Issue an idea about which the opinions of people are different. 2. Claim a statement by an author about an issue. A claim has a significant amount of disagreement about it. A claim needs supporting arguments. A claim is also called a position, stand, or point of view. 3. Evidence facts in the real world that can be used to support an argument. Specifically, these are examples of evidences; statistics, data from studies, historical events, habitual practices, and other facts that can support an argument.
  • 18. 4. Counterargument an idea given by the opposing side against the claim given in the argumentative essay. 5. Rebuttal the response to the counterargument 6. Pro an argument in favor of a claim or advantage regarding something. 7. Con - an argument against a claim or disadvantage regarding something.
  • 20. Issue: The public display industry keeps many species of marine mammals, captive in concrete tanks, especially, whales and dolphins.
  • 21. Step 1: Formulate your claim or argument. Step 2: Look for evidence to support your claim reasons. Step 3: Write your essay following this format. 1. Introduction. 2. Body. 3. Conclusion.
  • 22. There is no doubt that marine mammals should not be held captivity. They are part of nature and should not be bought, sold, or thrown in an aquarium. Marine mammals have the right to be kept in their natural environment.
  • 23. Captivity causes many health problems in marine mammals. Many have water full of chemicals and bacteria; this results to blindness and many skin problems in dolphins and other marine mammals. Marine mammals in captivity die from pneumonia, ulcers, and other stress-related diseases. Most of these helpless creatures suffer from boredom. Dolphins in the wild can swim up to 40-100 miles per day, but in pools they go around swimming repetitive patterns. Due to boredom and limited space, many dolphins abuse themselves, they often bang their heads against tank and aquarium walls
  • 24. In addition, some of these poor innocent creatures face abusive treatment by their caretakers, thus, shortening their life span. In fact, Keiko, the killer whole star of Free Willy, was a victim of this type of abuse. It was known to be said that he was 1000 pounds underweight and developed a wartlike disease. His teeth were ground down chewing the sides of the pool due to boredom, and he also had a problem with his dorsal fin.
  • 25. Marine mammals also breed very poorly in captivity with very high infant death rates. For this reason, when a baby dolphin is born into captivity, its birth is usually kept a secret from its mother until it shows signs of survival. Marine mammals do breed in captivity, but the birth rate in captivity is not as successful as in the wild.
  • 26. On the contrary, some people think that holding animals in captivity helps in study and research. But the truth is, scientist prefer to learn about animals in their natural environment, so they get firsthand knowledge.
  • 27. For the conclusion, marine animals should definitely not be held in captivity. Mahatma Ghandhi once said, the greatness of a nation and its moral process can be measured by the way its animals are treated. In a world where much of nature and the wild has already been lost, it is up to us to let these beautiful marine mammals tree.
  • 28. Why is it important to learn and understand how to write an argumentative essay?
  • 29. It is important to learn to write an argumentative essay because it will help you to develop skills like critical thinking and research skills along with developing how to rationally defend a position. These skills will help you progress academically and occupationally.
  • 33. Instruction: As your activity, you try to look for the claim in the paragraph. Encircle the claim, box the points to support the claim. You will copy these sentences and write your answers in a yellow pad sheet of paper. 1. Advertisers target young people when marketing cigarettes, alcohol, and adult movies. This makes most of the young adult are addicted to vices. 2. As of May 29, 2014 desalinated water already costs about $2,000 an acrefoot - roughly the amount of water a family of five uses in a year. The cost is about double that of water obtained from building a new reservoir or recycling wastewater, making water an expensive necessity for the people. 3. Computer shops makes a lot of money from kids when they play computer games, watch YouTube and even use social media. Regardless of how much they earn, kids become addicted to playing computer games and watching videos in YouTube. 4. Selling too much unhealthy foods make kids and adults sick. Junk food manufacturers are poisoning people with their preservatives, additives and artificial flavorings. 5. Video games makes kids violent. Counter Strike, PUBG, GTA5 are games that are war games.
  • 35. Direction: Identify whether the sentence provided is a CLAIM or a STATEMENT. Write your answer in a yellow sheet of paper. You have 10 minutes to answer. 1. The first two novels of The Hunger Games trilogy have become New York Times bestsellers, while the third novel, Mockingjay, upon its release ranked #1 on all US bestseller list. 2. The lead character in Cinderella is a young girl living in miserable circumstances that abruptly became extraordinary after a night at a ball. 3. The Hunger Games trilogy has more well-developed characters than the Harry Potter series. 4. If Cinderellas fairy godmother had not arrived to help her get ready for the ball, she never would have married her Prince Charming. 5. The San Francisco Giants baseball team achieved the dynasty status when they secured the World Series in 2010, 2012, and 2014.
  • 37. Part 1. Instructions: Read the example Argumentative Essay provided. Answer the questions being asked. Skills vs. Knowledge in Education Education systems all over the world are based on the idea that students get and remember information from teachers and books. These systems test this knowledge with standardized tests which compare students to each-other. They only test the kind of information which is possible to measure in tests. The goal is gaining information, not developing skills by which to use and make information. Unlike the old style of education where people remembered things in order to pass tests and get higher scores than other students, the modern world calls for a new kind of education in which the focus is deep understanding, creativity, and information management skills. Most education systems in the world are designed to make students remember things. One reason is that schools feel the need to compare students. They do this by giving tests. They want to be able to give grades and decide which students are smart and which are not. They function as a sorting mechanism for society. From the earliest grades, students are put on tracks that will decide their futures. Another reason schools like to make students remember things is that by doing so they will be able to test their knowledge and determine if they remember or not.
  • 38. They believe that if students remember things it is the same as understanding those things. Schools also like to impart knowledge because in this way, although students can have different individual skills, they can all have the same knowledge. Einstein said Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world (Needle, 2007). All the knowledge in the world is useless unless you are able to use information in creative ways. Knowledge is what other people have created. Understanding is all about what you think about something. Everybody sees, hears, feels, and thinks differently. No two people in the world have the same understanding of the same thing. It is impossible to give tests on a point of view. Because of this, tests are illogical. The only reason tests exist is to label students as smart or stupid. There are many kinds of intelligence, however. One of the most famous researchers in the field of intelligence, Gardner, found at least seven different kinds of intelligence (Gardner, 1999). Intelligence and understanding are related. Unfortunately, tests only measure one type of intelligence. In the modern world skills are more important than knowledge. If a person knows many facts, it is impressive, but not very useful. It is of much greater importance to be able to find information quickly, organize that information, analyze and understand the main ideas, put different pieces of information together (synthesize), and create new information. Together these skills make what we call information management and innovation, the skills which are most desired in the business world.
  • 39. Most people in the world believe that education is about remembering things to take tests which measure ones performance against other people who have studied the same information. However, this idea no longer matches the reality of the modern world in which knowledge is less important than creativity and deep understanding. To be successful in the age of technology, education must focus on helping students gain information management and innovation skills. Sources Cited: Gardner, H. (1999). Intelligence reframed: Multiple intelligences for the 21st century. New York, NY: Basic Books. Needle, Andrew, et al. (2007). Combining art and science in 'arts and sciences' education. College Teaching 55.3
  • 40. 1.What was the issue in the essay? 2.What is the authors position towards the issue? 3.What did Einstein say about knowledge? Explain. 4.Do you agree with the essays proposition? Why? Why not?
  • 41. Part 2. Instructions: Write an argumentative essay in a whole sheet of paper. You can select the issue you are interested as a topic of your essay. The minimum words are 700.