Retirement Plans: 10 Things You Should KnowRudy TrebelsThis document provides a summary of 10 key things to know about retirement plans such as 401(k)s and IRAs. It notes that retirement plans are protected from creditors up to $1 million, nearly half of workers cash out 401(k)s when changing jobs, and you can withdraw from 401(k)s after age 55 without penalty if retiring, though income taxes still apply. It also discusses Roth 401(k)s, continuing retirement contributions post-retirement, rollover options, Americans' expectations for retirement, and recommended websites for retirement planning information.
What’s new with Windows Azure / Karl Ots @ AppTalk TampereKarl OtsCloud computing patterns allow organizations to leverage cloud infrastructure in new ways. One such pattern is reserving instances over 500 miles away to ensure resources are available in different geographic regions. Reserved instances provide discounts for reserving instances long-term.
NetworkSecurity.pptplutoone TestTwoThe document proposes two solutions for secure internet banking authentication - one based on short-time passwords using smart cards and symmetric cryptography, and the other based on digital certificates. It discusses attacks on authentication like offline credential stealing and online channel breaking. The short-time password solution involves the user copying a response from their smart card to a bank login form. The certificate-based solution establishes an SSL/TLS channel without client authentication initially, then uses the user's certificates once their smart card is available in the browser. Both solutions offer high security against common attacks, and the certificate solution is attractive for the future with changing legislation and widespread e-IDs.
PLCtechportsolutionsPLC :
The memory unit of a PLC is the registry where the programs are stored. The fundamental unit of memory is the word. Words are made up of bits. A bit is a single piece of data. It contains information on only two states (ON/OFF or YES/NO). Longer words contain more information within. Programs are combination of words that produce control logic.
To operate the PLC system there is a need for it to access the data to be processed and instructions, that is, the program, which informs it how the data is to be processed. Both are stored in the PLC memory for access during processing.
Social Stream Draft v1 Duy DoanTai TranThe document discusses key aspects of a social stream that is at the core of social networks. A social stream allows members to broadcast information, update information from friends, connect and react to friends, and find old and new friends. It must have features to allow people to post, comment, share, and find suggestions. Posts can be thoughts, links, videos, pictures, or blogs to share with others. Comments are conversations that allow the social network to stick, but comments must be designed carefully to allow for formatting, replies at different levels, and fitting identities. Sharing is the ultimate power of social media as it allows information to spread virally in a geometric series.
St.George's Acquisition by Westpac AnalysisTai TranHotK team's Analysis on the St.George Acquisition by Westpac. The time in the presentation was set at April 2008. The information is our view and does not necessarily reflect what would have happened after April 2008.
Campbell River Community Meeting October 22, 2013Island HealthThis document summarizes a community meeting that was held in Campbell River, BC on October 22, 2013 regarding the North Island Hospitals Project. The meeting agenda covered the project description and timelines, site preparation work, the request for proposal evaluation process, design progress, clinical and community engagement, community benefits, and Aboriginal employment opportunities. Key details included the scope and budget for the new Campbell River Hospital, the project schedule from 2013-2017, site work being done to prepare for construction, and expectations around delivering high quality facilities on time and on budget.
RMIT Vietnam - Managerial Finance - Efficient Market Hypothesis - Week 9Tai Tran1. The document discusses how stock prices reflect all available information in the market and how efficiently markets incorporate new information. It examines the concepts of weak, semi-strong, and strong forms of market efficiency.
2. Event studies are discussed as tests of semi-strong form efficiency that generally support the view that markets quickly and accurately respond to new public information. However, evidence suggests markets may have some foresight into future information.
3. While strong form efficiency says prices reflect all public and private information, evidence shows insider trading can be profitable, suggesting prices do not fully reflect private information.
How to use Facebook as a Social Customer Relationship Management tool for FREETai TranThis document provides guidance on using Facebook as a free customer relationship management tool. It recommends creating a Facebook page for a business to share content like photos, videos and links. The document also suggests using groups, events and messages to engage customers and observe consumer trends. However, it warns against spam-like behaviors and notes that Facebook cannot replace a full CRM system for functions like deal tracking and integration.
Geothermal Energy Potential - OregonGeothermal Resources CouncilThe free state-by-state guides walk through the benefits and uses of three major types of geothermal applications: power generation, direct use and heat pumps.
New Word FormationTowson UniversityPowerPoint presentation with audio (17:17) describing new word formation in English. Discussion includes new words from brand names, shortenings, root creations, acronyms, derivations, compounding, loan words, etc.
Geothermal Energy Potential - NevadaGeothermal Resources CouncilGeothermal energy has significant potential in Nevada to provide clean, renewable electricity and heat. The document discusses Nevada's geothermal power and direct use potential. Specifically, geothermal resources could supply 45% of the state's electricity needs and three-fourths of its heating needs. Developing geothermal energy could create jobs, boost the economy, reduce carbon emissions, and provide reliable, locally produced baseload power and heat for decades to come.
La influencia de la literatura universal en los videojuegosMercedes Pardo CéspedesTrabajo realizado por Raúl Cordón Martínez, Guillermo Jiménez Mora, Ismael Morón EL-Khalifi, Alejandro Ortiz Escribano
C1 Knútur ÁrnasonGEORG Geothermal Workshop 2016GEORG Geothermal Workshop 2016
Presentation title: A conceptual model of the Krafla volcanic geothermal system
La mitología en las sagas de Percy Jackson y los dioses del Olimpo y Los héro...Mercedes Pardo CéspedesTrabajo sobre el autor Rick Riordan y sus sagas de Percy Jackson basadas en la mitología griega y romana, realizado por los alumnos Belén Burruecos Suárez, Verania Montenegro Casaus, Carlos Ramos Gamero, Isabella Reyes Fernández y Sofía Segura Sánchez del Pozo del IES Los Colegiales en la asignatura de Literatura Universal
Hist Petr Expl U of Myanmar_SEAPEXhouston23Jun2016pptxScott E ThorntonThis document provides a summary of the regional tectonics, structure, and history of petroleum exploration in Myanmar from 905 AD to present. It discusses the major basins in Myanmar including the Central Burma Basin where hand-dug wells have been extracting oil since 905 AD. The Central Burma Basin contains multiple anticlinal oil fields along with the prolific Mann Field discovered seismically. Exploration has occurred across multiple basins with varied success, identifying potential remaining exploration opportunities while also noting challenges around tight reservoirs and charge limitations.
Retirement Plans: 10 Things You Should KnowRudy TrebelsThis document provides a summary of 10 key things to know about retirement plans such as 401(k)s and IRAs. It notes that retirement plans are protected from creditors up to $1 million, nearly half of workers cash out 401(k)s when changing jobs, and you can withdraw from 401(k)s after age 55 without penalty if retiring, though income taxes still apply. It also discusses Roth 401(k)s, continuing retirement contributions post-retirement, rollover options, Americans' expectations for retirement, and recommended websites for retirement planning information.
What’s new with Windows Azure / Karl Ots @ AppTalk TampereKarl OtsCloud computing patterns allow organizations to leverage cloud infrastructure in new ways. One such pattern is reserving instances over 500 miles away to ensure resources are available in different geographic regions. Reserved instances provide discounts for reserving instances long-term.
NetworkSecurity.pptplutoone TestTwoThe document proposes two solutions for secure internet banking authentication - one based on short-time passwords using smart cards and symmetric cryptography, and the other based on digital certificates. It discusses attacks on authentication like offline credential stealing and online channel breaking. The short-time password solution involves the user copying a response from their smart card to a bank login form. The certificate-based solution establishes an SSL/TLS channel without client authentication initially, then uses the user's certificates once their smart card is available in the browser. Both solutions offer high security against common attacks, and the certificate solution is attractive for the future with changing legislation and widespread e-IDs.
PLCtechportsolutionsPLC :
The memory unit of a PLC is the registry where the programs are stored. The fundamental unit of memory is the word. Words are made up of bits. A bit is a single piece of data. It contains information on only two states (ON/OFF or YES/NO). Longer words contain more information within. Programs are combination of words that produce control logic.
To operate the PLC system there is a need for it to access the data to be processed and instructions, that is, the program, which informs it how the data is to be processed. Both are stored in the PLC memory for access during processing.
Social Stream Draft v1 Duy DoanTai TranThe document discusses key aspects of a social stream that is at the core of social networks. A social stream allows members to broadcast information, update information from friends, connect and react to friends, and find old and new friends. It must have features to allow people to post, comment, share, and find suggestions. Posts can be thoughts, links, videos, pictures, or blogs to share with others. Comments are conversations that allow the social network to stick, but comments must be designed carefully to allow for formatting, replies at different levels, and fitting identities. Sharing is the ultimate power of social media as it allows information to spread virally in a geometric series.
St.George's Acquisition by Westpac AnalysisTai TranHotK team's Analysis on the St.George Acquisition by Westpac. The time in the presentation was set at April 2008. The information is our view and does not necessarily reflect what would have happened after April 2008.
Campbell River Community Meeting October 22, 2013Island HealthThis document summarizes a community meeting that was held in Campbell River, BC on October 22, 2013 regarding the North Island Hospitals Project. The meeting agenda covered the project description and timelines, site preparation work, the request for proposal evaluation process, design progress, clinical and community engagement, community benefits, and Aboriginal employment opportunities. Key details included the scope and budget for the new Campbell River Hospital, the project schedule from 2013-2017, site work being done to prepare for construction, and expectations around delivering high quality facilities on time and on budget.
RMIT Vietnam - Managerial Finance - Efficient Market Hypothesis - Week 9Tai Tran1. The document discusses how stock prices reflect all available information in the market and how efficiently markets incorporate new information. It examines the concepts of weak, semi-strong, and strong forms of market efficiency.
2. Event studies are discussed as tests of semi-strong form efficiency that generally support the view that markets quickly and accurately respond to new public information. However, evidence suggests markets may have some foresight into future information.
3. While strong form efficiency says prices reflect all public and private information, evidence shows insider trading can be profitable, suggesting prices do not fully reflect private information.
How to use Facebook as a Social Customer Relationship Management tool for FREETai TranThis document provides guidance on using Facebook as a free customer relationship management tool. It recommends creating a Facebook page for a business to share content like photos, videos and links. The document also suggests using groups, events and messages to engage customers and observe consumer trends. However, it warns against spam-like behaviors and notes that Facebook cannot replace a full CRM system for functions like deal tracking and integration.
Geothermal Energy Potential - OregonGeothermal Resources CouncilThe free state-by-state guides walk through the benefits and uses of three major types of geothermal applications: power generation, direct use and heat pumps.
New Word FormationTowson UniversityPowerPoint presentation with audio (17:17) describing new word formation in English. Discussion includes new words from brand names, shortenings, root creations, acronyms, derivations, compounding, loan words, etc.
Geothermal Energy Potential - NevadaGeothermal Resources CouncilGeothermal energy has significant potential in Nevada to provide clean, renewable electricity and heat. The document discusses Nevada's geothermal power and direct use potential. Specifically, geothermal resources could supply 45% of the state's electricity needs and three-fourths of its heating needs. Developing geothermal energy could create jobs, boost the economy, reduce carbon emissions, and provide reliable, locally produced baseload power and heat for decades to come.
La influencia de la literatura universal en los videojuegosMercedes Pardo CéspedesTrabajo realizado por Raúl Cordón Martínez, Guillermo Jiménez Mora, Ismael Morón EL-Khalifi, Alejandro Ortiz Escribano
C1 Knútur ÁrnasonGEORG Geothermal Workshop 2016GEORG Geothermal Workshop 2016
Presentation title: A conceptual model of the Krafla volcanic geothermal system
La mitología en las sagas de Percy Jackson y los dioses del Olimpo y Los héro...Mercedes Pardo CéspedesTrabajo sobre el autor Rick Riordan y sus sagas de Percy Jackson basadas en la mitología griega y romana, realizado por los alumnos Belén Burruecos Suárez, Verania Montenegro Casaus, Carlos Ramos Gamero, Isabella Reyes Fernández y Sofía Segura Sánchez del Pozo del IES Los Colegiales en la asignatura de Literatura Universal
Hist Petr Expl U of Myanmar_SEAPEXhouston23Jun2016pptxScott E ThorntonThis document provides a summary of the regional tectonics, structure, and history of petroleum exploration in Myanmar from 905 AD to present. It discusses the major basins in Myanmar including the Central Burma Basin where hand-dug wells have been extracting oil since 905 AD. The Central Burma Basin contains multiple anticlinal oil fields along with the prolific Mann Field discovered seismically. Exploration has occurred across multiple basins with varied success, identifying potential remaining exploration opportunities while also noting challenges around tight reservoirs and charge limitations.
Yamaji Bogdán: A jövő atomreaktora(i)Budapest Science MeetupMagyarországon ma négy atomerőművi blokk termel villamos energiát, egy kutatóreaktor működik Csillebércen, és a BME NTI üzemelteti az Oktatóreaktort. A világon jelenleg hetvenegy atomerőművi blokk épül, a nemzetközi kutatási programokban pedig hat alapkoncepciót jelöltek ki, mint jövőben kifejlesztendő reaktortípusokat. Az előadásban első sorban a BME NTI-ben zajló negyedik generációs típusokkal kapcsolatos kutatások közül a sóolvadékos reaktor(ok)ról lesz szó, de a végén lenne egy nagyon rövid kitekintés a világon épülő korszerű harmadik generációs atomerőmű típusokra (pl. EPR, AP1000, VVER-1200) is.
Geotermia in Toscana e Ungheria: 3 progetti studiatiLuca MadiaiLa geotermia e i suoi possibili sviluppi in Toscana e in Ungheria due aree dell'Unione Europea con vaste ma differenti risorse geotermiche. Le due aree si prestano a un maggior sviluppo nello sfruttamento della geotermia (sia per usi termici che di potenza) e in una stretta collaborazione in questo campo di ricerca.
Presentazione della tesi di laurea del 22 luglio 2010. Lavoro svolto in collaborazione con l'istituto di geofisica di Budapest Eotvos Lorand (ELGI) e con l'utilizzo di due borse di studi : Erasmus Placement e la borsa del Ministero degli Affari Esteri italiano.
Geothermal energy projects in Hungary and TuscanyLuca MadiaiThis document summarizes Luca Madiai's presentation on geothermal energy potential in Tuscany, Italy and Hungary. It discusses the history of geothermal energy use from ancient Roman times to its modern applications. Geothermal energy is renewable, unlimited, and produces no air pollution or CO2 emissions. The document describes geothermal resources and technologies in Tuscany, Hungary, and three of Madiai's projects analyzing a geothermal heat pump system, a dry steam power plant in Larderello, and a proposed small binary cycle power plant in Hungary.
Geothermal energy case study: Tuscany and Hungary Luca MadiaiGeothermal energy has significant potential in Tuscany, Italy and Hungary due to their geothermal gradients. In Tuscany, the two main areas of exploitation are Larderello and Monte Amiata. In Hungary, geothermal gradients reach 6°C/100m. The document discusses three geothermal energy projects: 1) A geothermal heat pump system simulation for a building in Tuscany, 2) An energy/exergy analysis of a dry steam power plant in Larderello using EES software, 3) A study of a small binary cycle power plant for Hungary using EES software and comparing results to previous studies. Geothermal energy can be used for district heating
AEGEE introductionLuca MadiaiAEGEE è una delle più grandi associazioni studentesche interdisciplinari d'Europa; è rappresentata da 15.000 studenti, attivi in 241 città accademiche, in 40 paesi d'Europa, vantando così un'ineguagliabile varietà culturale. AEGEE è un'organizzazione secolare, senza fini di lucro, senza legami a partiti politici. Tutti i progetti e le attività sono basati sul lavoro volontario dei propri membri. AEGEE Firenze è parte integrante del network di AEGEE Europa.
Running An AntennaLuca MadiaiThis document provides information on running an AEGEE local organization. It discusses organizing the board and dividing responsibilities, potential activities for locals like conferences and social events, and ingredients needed for success like promotion and fundraising. Key parts of running a local include knowledge transfer between boards, setting goals and deadlines, clear task divisions, and effective communication. The network of AEGEE locals across Europe provides opportunities for collaboration on events and exchanges. Challenges can include board conflicts, lack of member engagement, and issues coordinating activities between the local and European levels.
Prepare For An AgoraLuca MadiaiThe document provides instructions for preparing to attend an AGORA speed course, which is one of AEGEE's three annual statutory events. It outlines what an AGORA is, what happens during an AGORA, and steps to take before and during the event. Key preparations include reading the event booklet, having local discussion meetings, registering with the local organizers and AEGEE-Europe, and choosing workshops to participate in. During the AGORA, delegates will participate in plenaries, prytania, regional meetings, and social activities.
History LectureLuca MadiaiThe document summarizes the aims and ideals of AEGEE, a student organization that promotes European integration and cooperation. AEGEE aims to foster European integration, democracy, human rights, tolerance, cross-border cooperation, mobility and a European dimension in education among European youth. It is a secular, non-profit organization not affiliated with any political party. The document also lists important patrons and partners of AEGEE and provides a brief history of how it was founded in 1985 and has since expanded across Europe.
Structure Of AEGEELuca Madiai- The document outlines the organizational structure of AEGEE, including bodies like the Comité Directeur (governing board), Commissions, Network Commission, Liaison Officers, Working Groups, and Project Teams.
- Locals (currently 273) are divided into Contact-Antennae and Antennae, with requirements to transition between the levels.
- Statutory meetings include the biannual Agora general assembly and European Boards Meeting for long-term planning. Key roles are elected including the Chairman and Secretary.
AEGEE IntroductionLuca MadiaiAEGEE (Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l'Europe) is a non-profit interdisciplinary student organization founded in 1985 in Paris to promote cooperation, understanding, and mobility across Europe. It currently has over 10,000 members across 242 local branches in 42 European countries. AEGEE organizes educational and cultural events like conferences, summer universities, and case study trips to provide opportunities for students to learn about Europe and each other. It operates on a decentralized local level but coordinates activities at a European level to achieve its goals of building an open, tolerant society and democratic Europe without borders.
Geotermikus energia projektek Toskánában és Magyarországon
1. geotermikus energiaRövid bemutató a geotermikus energia-potenciálról a két európai területen: Toszkána és MagyarországLuca MadiaiUniversità degli Studi di Firenze Dipartimento di Filologia Moderna – Area Ugro-finnicaDipartimento di Energetica – “Sergio Stecco”EötvösLorándGeofizikaiIntézet – Budapest Budapest, Maggio 2010
3. bevezetésMegújuló energiaKorlátlan FolytonosA levegőt nem szennyeziNembocsátki CO2-tKitermelése viszonylag olcsó“A geotermikus energia a Föld belső hőjéből származó energia. A geotermikus energia korlátlan és folytonos energia nyereséget jelent. Termálvíz formájában viszont nem kiapadhatatlan forrás. Kitermelése viszonylag olcsó, a levegőt nem szennyezi.” –
4. AlapokA föld térfogatának 99%-a melegebb 1000 °C-nál és csak alig 0.1%-ának hőmérséklete alacsonyabb mint 100°C.Geotermikus gradiens : a föld belseje felé a hőmérséklet növekszikÉrtéke földi átlagban 3 °C/100 m (Magyarországon elérheti az 5-6 °C/100 m-t)
5. történeteLegelőször a termálvizet alkalmazták,elsősorban gyógyászati, háztartási és pihenési célokra. A britanniai római fürdővárosok a hévízforrásokat csőhálózat segítségével közvetlenül hasznosították. A rómaiak a hévizet a szem és bőrbetegségek kezelésére, míg Pompeiben az épületek fűtésére használták.Széchenyi gyógyfürdő – Budapest(1250 m - 76 °C) Pompeifürdő - Olaszország
6. történetePesten aVárosligetbenkívánt hőforrást létesíteni, aminek sikerében sok szakember még1877-ben is kételkedett, annak abbahagyását javasolták a magas költségek miatt, de Zsigmondy vállalta a kockázatot. A mélyfúrásoskúta maiHősök tereközelében lett kiképezve. A megvalósítás keretében sok nehézség jelentkezett, ami többször a munkák ellehetetlenülését vetette fel, de Zsigmondy bízott tanulmányaiban és vizsgálataiban, és1878-ben a 970,0 méter mély kút fúrását sikeresen befejezte. A lefúrt kútból feltörő hévíz a magasgáztartalommiatt forrni látszott, a magas oldott ásványtartalom miatt a szabadba kerülő vízmésztufajellegű lerakódásokat, kiválásokat eredményezett. Ez a kút akkor Európában a legmélyebb fúrások közé tartozott. A munkákat sikeresen befejezve a kút naponta 1200 m³ 73,8 C°-ú vizet szolgáltatott.ZsigmondyVilmos(1821-1888) –Bányamérnök
7. történeteA XIX. században a technika fejlődésével lehetővé vált a felszín alatt rejlő termikus erőforrások felfedezése és feltárása. Toscanában a természetes geotermikus energiát a bór és az ammónium vegyületek kinyerésére használták. Itt a geotermikus folyadékok voltak a legfontosabb bórforrások, míg a hőenergia mellékes volt.Az elektromos energia termelése 1904-ben indult meg Piero Ginori Conti herceg munkássága által és 1913-ban a larderelloi erőműben 250 kW energiát állítottak elő. A larderellói erőmű komplex jelenlegi teljesítménye meghaladja a 400 MW-ot és ezt egy fejlesztési program segítségével 880 MW-ra szeretnék növelni.Franciaországban 1960 óta több mint 200 000 lakás fűtését oldják meg termálvíz segítségével.Magyarországon a hetvenes évek óta föleg üvegházak fütésére használják
8. Geotermikus Energia MagyarországonA magyarországiátlagosgeotermikusgradiens 5-7 Celsius-fok/100 m közötti , mig a világátlagosértéke kb.3°C/100 mA fenti termikus adottságok miatt 1000 méter mélységben a réteghőmérséklet eléri, sőt meg is haladja a 60 Celsius-fokot.Jelenleg a geotermikus energiafogyasztás a teljes energiafelhasználás 0,28 százalékát teszi ki Magyarországon. Geotermikus energiából Magyarországon nincs villamosenergia-termelés, miközben a legnagyobb kitermelők - az USA és a Fülöp-szigetek - évente 2-2000 MW energiát termelnek ki készleteikből.
9. Geotermikus energia toszkánábanA geotermikus energia hasznosítása két területen található Toszkánában:Larderello (632 MW – száraz gőz)nyomás: 4-7 MPaéshőmérséklet: 300-350°CMonte Amiata (79 MW – melegvíz)
10. A geotermikus energia felhasználásaNapjainkban a geotermikus energiát számosterületen alkalmazzák, például:A mezőgazdaságban az üvegházak fűtéséreLakások, lakótelepek fűtéséreVillamosenergia termelésreA kutatásomban három projekttelfoglalkozom:Geotermiklus hőszivattyúrendszerSzáraz gőz erőműBináris erőmű (melegvíz felhasználásával)
11. GeotermikushőszivattyúAlacsony hőfokú rendszer A hőszivattyút elsősorban lakások, közösségi épületek fűtésére, háztartási melegvíz előállitására és (fordított üzemmódban) az épületek hütésére használják. Alkalmazásának fontos feltétele, hogy az épület fűtési rendszere alacsony hőfokú (50°C vagy azalatti), pl. fal-vagy padlófűtés, legyen. Alapvetően 2 típusa van: vízkivétellel és vízkivétel nélkül történő hasznosítás. Utóbbi esetben fagyállóval kevert vizet keringetnek zárt rendszerben.
12. Szárazgőz erőműMagas hőfokú rendeszer – áramtermelésEz a típusú rendszer a gőz-dominált geotermikus területek esetén alkalmazható, amikor a földböl tiszta gőz (folyékony víz nélküli) tör fel. A túlhevített 180-200°C-os, 0,8-0,9 MPa nyomású gőz néhány száz km/h-ás sebességgel érheti el a felszínt. A gőz áramtermelésre használható.A turbinán áthaladó gőz kitágul és meghajtja a turbina lapátjait ami a tengelyt forgatja meg és így elektromos áramot termel.
13. Bináris erőműKözvetett (segédközeges, binér) villamosenergia termelésről beszélünk, ha a feltörő fluidum alacsony nyomású és hőmérsékletű (120-170 °C), mert a fluidum nem kerül közvetlenül a turbinára, hanem egy – a víznél alacsonyabb forráspontú -közegnek adja át a hőt. Ez a munkaközeg általában szerves szénhidrogén (organic rankine cycle – ORC), vagy víz és ammónia keveréke (kalina ciklus).Az áramtermelő geotermikus erőművek hatásfoka 10-15 %. Az energia 85-90%-a maradék, ún. ”Hulladékenergia” lesz hőenergia formájában. Azoban ennek a hőenergiának egy részét is hasznosítani lehet. Jelentősebb elektromos teljesítményt leadó (több mint 10 MW) geotermikus erőműveket a jelenleg ismert technológiákkal csak 200 °C feletti hőmérsékletű rezervoárokból lehet termelni.
14. 1. Projekt: GeotermikushőszivattyúCsináltam egy modellt a TRNSYS nevű szoftverrel A modell magába foglalja az épületet, a tartályt, a hőszivattyút és a földalatti hőcserélőtA modell szimulálni tudja a külső hőmérsékletet és kezelni tudja a rendszer időbeli változásait (tranziens modell)
15. 2. Projekt: Szárazgőz erőműMegvizsgáltam a larderellói szárazgőz erőművetA rendszer energia és exergia analízisét az EES szoftverrel készítettem A rendszer időben állandó (stacioner modell) és sok egyszerűsítést végeztemA rendszer hűtőtornyot használ
16. 3. Projekt: Bináris erőműVizsgáltam egy fiktiv bináris erőművet, ami a magyar geotermikus hőforrást tudja használniAz eredményeket összehasonlítottam a korábbi vizsgálatokkal Különböző munkafolyadékokat vizsgaltam és hasonlítottam össze0.3 és 1 MW közötti villamos energiát lehet előállítani
17. KÖSZÖNÖM A FIGYELMET !A részletesebb leírást a szakdolgozatomban lehet megtalálniLuca