A empresa est叩 enfrentando desafios financeiros devido queda nas vendas e precisa cortar custos. Um plano de reestrutura巽達o 辿 proposto para demitir funcion叩rios e fechar lojas menos rent叩veis para reduzir gastos e voltar ao lucro.
O documento fornece uma introdu巽達o sobre CSS, descrevendo sua fun巽達o de separar conte炭do de layout e estilo, melhorar acessibilidade e manuten巽達o. Explica como integrar CSS em HTML, a anatomia de uma regra CSS, tipos de seletores, heran巽a e especificidade, e vers探es de CSS.
O documento descreve o Pr棚mio Aspacer de Design 2015, que reconheceu profissionais e empresas do setor cer但mico. Teve maior n炭mero de participantes e qualidade de produtos. O j炭ri avaliou e premiou cer但micas nas categorias de Via Seca, Porcelanato, Pe巽as Especiais e Fornecedores.
A queda do alcance org但nico do facebook e por que isso n達o 辿 ruimWishpond
O documento discute a queda no alcance org但nico no Facebook e por que isso n達o 辿 um problema. Ele mostra que o alcance org但nico caiu drasticamente desde 2012, especialmente para p叩ginas maiores, mas an炭ncios no Facebook continuam sendo muito mais baratos e efetivos do que outros meios de publicidade. Estudos mostram que an炭ncios no Facebook geram altas taxas de cliques e retornos sobre investimento.
O documento fornece informa巽探es sobre o processo de desenvolvimento de sites, desde a defini巽達o de objetivos e planejamento at辿 a manuten巽達o e m辿tricas. Resume os principais pontos de planejamento, cria巽達o, desenvolvimento, divulga巽達o e m辿tricas de sites.
Facebook: como fazer estrat辿gias de sucesso? Aoki Media
Este documento fornece informa巽探es sobre estrat辿gias de m鱈dia social no Facebook, incluindo casos de sucesso, boas pr叩ticas e dicas para conte炭do. Resume algumas estat鱈sticas sobre uso da internet e redes sociais no Brasil e perfis de usu叩rios de m鱈dia social.
1. O documento apresenta as diretrizes de identidade visual da empresa a辿rea Let Jet, definindo seus conceitos de luxo, sofistica巽達o e credibilidade.
2. S達o descritos os elementos b叩sicos da marca como o s鱈mbolo, logotipo, cores, usos corretos e incorretos.
3. Tamb辿m s達o apresentados padr探es para impressos, uniformes, aeronaves, servi巽o de bordo e m鱈dia.
O documento descreve os servi巽os de consultoria em m鱈dias sociais oferecidos pela Aoki Media, incluindo: estudo inicial sobre as redes sociais do cliente e da concorr棚ncia, estrat辿gia de m鱈dias sociais, planejamento de execu巽達o, gest達o do dia-a-dia nas redes (seeding), gerenciamento de crises e relat坦rios mensais.
Segue palestras do 4尊 F坦rum Nacional de Design para Revestimentos Cer但micos - Gustavo Greco ministrada O que as Vandas nao contam.
Para todos os interessados em Design de Superf鱈cie, Design Cer但mico, Tend棚ncias e novidades... fica a dica!
Trajet坦ria das m鱈dias sociais - 2002-2015Aoki Media
O documento descreve a trajet坦ria profissional de Tatiana Aoki nas m鱈dias sociais, desde seu primeiro est叩gio em 2002 at辿 os projetos atuais em 2015. Tamb辿m discute as oportunidades de carreira no mercado de m鱈dias sociais e apresenta a empresa Aoki Media, fundada por Tatiana Aoki em 2013.
Aventuras em Retargeting com Petey o PixelWishpond
Petey o Pixel apresenta tr棚s estrat辿gias de retargeting: 1) Aumentar o conhecimento da marca exibindo an炭ncios que destacam os melhores aspectos do neg坦cio, 2) Promover produtos espec鱈ficos que os visitantes demonstraram interesse, 3) Gerar leads direcionando an炭ncios para quem visitou p叩ginas de gera巽達o de leads oferecendo mais informa巽探es sobre os produtos.
Este documento discute a converg棚ncia midi叩tica e as mudan巽as no mundo digital. Ele apresenta estat鱈sticas sobre o crescimento da internet e das m鱈dias sociais no Brasil. Tamb辿m aborda conceitos como comunica巽達o integrada, propaganda versus publicidade e formatos de an炭ncios em diferentes m鱈dias como televis達o, r叩dio, impressos e internet.
M鱈dia online - conceitos principais.
O que 辿, principais formatos de m鱈dia online, SEM, SEO, redes sociais, Facebook Ads, Google Adwords, Rede de Pesquisa, Rede de Display.
O documento descreve o movimento art鱈stico Dada, incluindo sua origem em 1916 na cidade neutra de Zurique durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial, seu prop坦sito de protesto contra a guerra e a sociedade burguesa, e suas caracter鱈sticas como o uso do acaso e combina巽探es inesperadas na cria巽達o de obras que questionavam valores estabelecidos.
O documento discute a "massagem f叩lica" como uma forma segura de sexo que n達o envolve penetra巽達o ou troca de fluidos corporais, reduzindo assim o risco de transmiss達o de DST. Ele descreve os tipos de luvas que podem ser usadas e como a massagem deve ser realizada para garantir a seguran巽a. O objetivo 辿 promover uma pr叩tica sexual segura.
Segue palestras do 4尊 F坦rum Nacional de Design para Revestimentos Cer但micos - Sergio Fernandes ministrada Olhar sobre as tend棚ncias futuras.
Para todos os interessados em Design de Superf鱈cie, Design Cer但mico, Tend棚ncias e novidades... fica a dica!
Segue palestras do 4尊 F坦rum Nacional de Design para Revestimentos Cer但micos - Alexandre Brunato ministrada Produto em exposic箕ao uma verdade entre o design e arquitetural.
Para todos os interessados em Design de Superf鱈cie, Design Cer但mico, Tend棚ncias e novidades... fica a dica!
Este documento fornece um resumo da atua巽達o de pol鱈ticos brasileiros nas m鱈dias sociais e das estrat辿gias mais eficazes. A empresa Aoki Media analisou as p叩ginas dos principais candidatos presid棚ncia e concluiu que Dilma Rousseff teve a atua巽達o mais bem-sucedida, seguida por A辿cio Neves e Marina Silva. O documento tamb辿m apresenta dicas para uma comunica巽達o eficaz nas redes.
O documento discute conceitos fundamentais de empreendedorismo, incluindo como surgem ideias e neg坦cios, conceitos de criatividade e inova巽達o, e o processo empreendedor. Tamb辿m descreve oito tipos de empreendedores e caracter鱈sticas de empreendedores de sucesso.
Camila Lamberti 辿 uma designer de revestimentos cer但micos premiada com 20 anos de experi棚ncia no setor. Ela trabalhou em v叩rias empresas onde liderou equipes de design e desenvolvimento de produtos. Lamberti tamb辿m 辿 pesquisadora de tend棚ncias, palestrante, editora de blog e integrante de comit棚s do setor.
O documento apresenta os elementos da identidade visual e verbal da empresa Oi, incluindo a logomarca, cores, fontes, estilo fotogr叩fico, composi巽達o de pe巽as, tom de voz e exemplos de aplica巽達o destes elementos. Al辿m disso, fornece diretrizes e exemplos para orientar a gest達o consistente da marca Oi.
O documento fornece dicas para conseguir mais seguidores e likes no Instagram, incluindo publicar s 17h s segundas, promover fotos no Facebook e site, realizar concursos que pedem para seguir a p叩gina, e interagir com outros usu叩rios curtindo e comentando fotos.
The ASA is the Advertising Standards Authority, a British regulatory body that promotes legal, decent and honest advertising across all media. The ASA regulates advertising content in the UK by investigating complaints to determine if ads comply with advertising standards codes. It covers a wide range of advertising from magazines and newspapers to TV, radio, internet and social media ads. The ASA requires a complainant's full contact details to verify complaints, and may disclose their identity if they consent or if the complaint is against a competitor. Complainants can appeal rulings based on new evidence or flaws in the investigation process.
The document provides an evaluation of an advertisement created by the author for Nike football boots. The author reflects that the advertisement lacked quality footage, clear branding, and variety in shots. They also note that it would have been improved by including match footage to better showcase the boots' performance. Overall, the author determines their advertisement needs more professional production techniques and elements used in similar advertisements to be considered TV-worthy.
There are several different methods for researching a target audience, including quantitative, qualitative, socio-economic, psychographic, geo-demographic, and demographic research. Quantitative research uses graphs and charts to analyze metrics like viewership numbers and understand proportions of audiences. Qualitative research involves surveys and interviews to gain insights, opinions, and uncover trends. These research methods help divide audiences into groups based on factors like economic background, lifestyle and interests, location, age, and other demographics. Understanding these audience segments allows businesses to effectively target their products and promotions.
This document outlines a proposed advertising campaign for Nike sportswear. It aims to inspire people aged 15-30 in large cities to purchase Nike products. The advert will feature only Nike equipment and be shot at a local college and parks to promote Nike as the best sportswear brand, competing against Adidas and Puma. It has a 贈7,000 budget to cover equipment and production costs.
The document discusses the production of an educational documentary by a single filmmaker about safe sex. It describes the challenges of working alone under tight deadlines but feels the final product has a professional look and quality. Viewers can learn from the documentary's message about safe sex as well as skills demonstrated in the filmmaking process such as using storyboards, multiple takes, and editing to transform raw footage. The filmmaker hopes to apply lessons learned from completing this solo project, like managing budgets, patience, and teamwork, to their future media career and life.
1. O documento apresenta as diretrizes de identidade visual da empresa a辿rea Let Jet, definindo seus conceitos de luxo, sofistica巽達o e credibilidade.
2. S達o descritos os elementos b叩sicos da marca como o s鱈mbolo, logotipo, cores, usos corretos e incorretos.
3. Tamb辿m s達o apresentados padr探es para impressos, uniformes, aeronaves, servi巽o de bordo e m鱈dia.
O documento descreve os servi巽os de consultoria em m鱈dias sociais oferecidos pela Aoki Media, incluindo: estudo inicial sobre as redes sociais do cliente e da concorr棚ncia, estrat辿gia de m鱈dias sociais, planejamento de execu巽達o, gest達o do dia-a-dia nas redes (seeding), gerenciamento de crises e relat坦rios mensais.
Segue palestras do 4尊 F坦rum Nacional de Design para Revestimentos Cer但micos - Gustavo Greco ministrada O que as Vandas nao contam.
Para todos os interessados em Design de Superf鱈cie, Design Cer但mico, Tend棚ncias e novidades... fica a dica!
Trajet坦ria das m鱈dias sociais - 2002-2015Aoki Media
O documento descreve a trajet坦ria profissional de Tatiana Aoki nas m鱈dias sociais, desde seu primeiro est叩gio em 2002 at辿 os projetos atuais em 2015. Tamb辿m discute as oportunidades de carreira no mercado de m鱈dias sociais e apresenta a empresa Aoki Media, fundada por Tatiana Aoki em 2013.
Aventuras em Retargeting com Petey o PixelWishpond
Petey o Pixel apresenta tr棚s estrat辿gias de retargeting: 1) Aumentar o conhecimento da marca exibindo an炭ncios que destacam os melhores aspectos do neg坦cio, 2) Promover produtos espec鱈ficos que os visitantes demonstraram interesse, 3) Gerar leads direcionando an炭ncios para quem visitou p叩ginas de gera巽達o de leads oferecendo mais informa巽探es sobre os produtos.
Este documento discute a converg棚ncia midi叩tica e as mudan巽as no mundo digital. Ele apresenta estat鱈sticas sobre o crescimento da internet e das m鱈dias sociais no Brasil. Tamb辿m aborda conceitos como comunica巽達o integrada, propaganda versus publicidade e formatos de an炭ncios em diferentes m鱈dias como televis達o, r叩dio, impressos e internet.
M鱈dia online - conceitos principais.
O que 辿, principais formatos de m鱈dia online, SEM, SEO, redes sociais, Facebook Ads, Google Adwords, Rede de Pesquisa, Rede de Display.
O documento descreve o movimento art鱈stico Dada, incluindo sua origem em 1916 na cidade neutra de Zurique durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial, seu prop坦sito de protesto contra a guerra e a sociedade burguesa, e suas caracter鱈sticas como o uso do acaso e combina巽探es inesperadas na cria巽達o de obras que questionavam valores estabelecidos.
O documento discute a "massagem f叩lica" como uma forma segura de sexo que n達o envolve penetra巽達o ou troca de fluidos corporais, reduzindo assim o risco de transmiss達o de DST. Ele descreve os tipos de luvas que podem ser usadas e como a massagem deve ser realizada para garantir a seguran巽a. O objetivo 辿 promover uma pr叩tica sexual segura.
Segue palestras do 4尊 F坦rum Nacional de Design para Revestimentos Cer但micos - Sergio Fernandes ministrada Olhar sobre as tend棚ncias futuras.
Para todos os interessados em Design de Superf鱈cie, Design Cer但mico, Tend棚ncias e novidades... fica a dica!
Segue palestras do 4尊 F坦rum Nacional de Design para Revestimentos Cer但micos - Alexandre Brunato ministrada Produto em exposic箕ao uma verdade entre o design e arquitetural.
Para todos os interessados em Design de Superf鱈cie, Design Cer但mico, Tend棚ncias e novidades... fica a dica!
Este documento fornece um resumo da atua巽達o de pol鱈ticos brasileiros nas m鱈dias sociais e das estrat辿gias mais eficazes. A empresa Aoki Media analisou as p叩ginas dos principais candidatos presid棚ncia e concluiu que Dilma Rousseff teve a atua巽達o mais bem-sucedida, seguida por A辿cio Neves e Marina Silva. O documento tamb辿m apresenta dicas para uma comunica巽達o eficaz nas redes.
O documento discute conceitos fundamentais de empreendedorismo, incluindo como surgem ideias e neg坦cios, conceitos de criatividade e inova巽達o, e o processo empreendedor. Tamb辿m descreve oito tipos de empreendedores e caracter鱈sticas de empreendedores de sucesso.
Camila Lamberti 辿 uma designer de revestimentos cer但micos premiada com 20 anos de experi棚ncia no setor. Ela trabalhou em v叩rias empresas onde liderou equipes de design e desenvolvimento de produtos. Lamberti tamb辿m 辿 pesquisadora de tend棚ncias, palestrante, editora de blog e integrante de comit棚s do setor.
O documento apresenta os elementos da identidade visual e verbal da empresa Oi, incluindo a logomarca, cores, fontes, estilo fotogr叩fico, composi巽達o de pe巽as, tom de voz e exemplos de aplica巽達o destes elementos. Al辿m disso, fornece diretrizes e exemplos para orientar a gest達o consistente da marca Oi.
O documento fornece dicas para conseguir mais seguidores e likes no Instagram, incluindo publicar s 17h s segundas, promover fotos no Facebook e site, realizar concursos que pedem para seguir a p叩gina, e interagir com outros usu叩rios curtindo e comentando fotos.
The ASA is the Advertising Standards Authority, a British regulatory body that promotes legal, decent and honest advertising across all media. The ASA regulates advertising content in the UK by investigating complaints to determine if ads comply with advertising standards codes. It covers a wide range of advertising from magazines and newspapers to TV, radio, internet and social media ads. The ASA requires a complainant's full contact details to verify complaints, and may disclose their identity if they consent or if the complaint is against a competitor. Complainants can appeal rulings based on new evidence or flaws in the investigation process.
The document provides an evaluation of an advertisement created by the author for Nike football boots. The author reflects that the advertisement lacked quality footage, clear branding, and variety in shots. They also note that it would have been improved by including match footage to better showcase the boots' performance. Overall, the author determines their advertisement needs more professional production techniques and elements used in similar advertisements to be considered TV-worthy.
There are several different methods for researching a target audience, including quantitative, qualitative, socio-economic, psychographic, geo-demographic, and demographic research. Quantitative research uses graphs and charts to analyze metrics like viewership numbers and understand proportions of audiences. Qualitative research involves surveys and interviews to gain insights, opinions, and uncover trends. These research methods help divide audiences into groups based on factors like economic background, lifestyle and interests, location, age, and other demographics. Understanding these audience segments allows businesses to effectively target their products and promotions.
This document outlines a proposed advertising campaign for Nike sportswear. It aims to inspire people aged 15-30 in large cities to purchase Nike products. The advert will feature only Nike equipment and be shot at a local college and parks to promote Nike as the best sportswear brand, competing against Adidas and Puma. It has a 贈7,000 budget to cover equipment and production costs.
The document discusses the production of an educational documentary by a single filmmaker about safe sex. It describes the challenges of working alone under tight deadlines but feels the final product has a professional look and quality. Viewers can learn from the documentary's message about safe sex as well as skills demonstrated in the filmmaking process such as using storyboards, multiple takes, and editing to transform raw footage. The filmmaker hopes to apply lessons learned from completing this solo project, like managing budgets, patience, and teamwork, to their future media career and life.
The document summarizes a student's advertising project for Nike football boots. It discusses the realist narrative style of the ad, the use of natural lighting outdoors and some artificial lighting indoors. It also covers editing the clips to be shorter and sharper to engage viewers, using some color correction and transitions. The goal was to promote the boots and show their advantages over others through a dramatic, exciting style. Comparable Nike and Adidas ads were analyzed for persuasive techniques to subtly influence viewers to want the products.
The document summarizes the contributions of several important figures in the development of film editing: The Lumiere Brothers invented the first movie camera and produced the first public film shown in 1895. George Melies introduced editing to extend films to 14 minutes. Edwin Porter used early video editing techniques in films like "Life of an American Fireman" in 1903. D.W. Griffith experimented with techniques like shot sizes and flashbacks. Sergie Eisenstein pioneered montage editing and propaganda films. Methods have advanced from physically cutting film to digital editing, allowing for more technical precision over time.
Editing involves joining images together to create meaning and tell a story. Key techniques editors use include controlling shot length to set tempo, using transitions between shots, and precisely timing shots. Editing draws attention through close-ups and establishes settings. Cutting between shots of two people in conversation (shot reverse shot) or matching a character's eye line builds narrative and draws viewers into the story.
The document provides a shot list and script for filming at various locations including inside and outside of a house. It includes different camera shots like close ups, long shots, pans, dolly zooms, and tracking shots to capture scenes of a person sleeping in a bed, falling out of bed, walking up stairs, going onto a balcony, collapsing on the floor, waking up feeling dizzy, and looking at their teeth in a phone camera. The shots range from close ups to long shots and are timed to fit within the script.
The document discusses different types of microphones, including their operating principles and common uses. It describes dynamic microphones, which use electromagnetic induction, and capacitor microphones, which can respond to extremely high audio frequencies. Electret condenser microphones contain a permanent charge that induces an AC voltage. Other microphones discussed include ribbon, carbon, crystal, lavalier, shotgun, boom, and location recording microphones.
This document defines and provides examples of various camera shots and techniques used in filmmaking. It describes shots from extreme long shots that show the entire scene to extreme close-ups that show extreme detail. It also covers angles like high angles, eye-level, and low angles. Additionally, it outlines camera movements like pans, tilts, tracking shots, and zooms as well as editing techniques such as match cuts, shot reverse shot, eye line matches, and jump cuts.
The story describes two children, Sally and an unnamed narrator, who are stuck inside on a rainy day with nothing to do. Their fish warns them not to play with the Cat in the Hat, who has shown up unexpectedly. However, the Cat introduces several silly tricks and games involving balancing many objects. Eventually, all the objects fall, creating a mess. The fish scolds the Cat for the chaos and demands he leave.
The Lumiere brothers filmed without editing raw footage and showed it as is, while D.W. Griffith was one of the first to cut up film to edit footage but did so without purpose. Sergie Einsenstein pioneered the montage sequence and used editing techniques to create emotional impact and convey specific messages through propaganda. David Fincher is known for his dark, stylish thriller films achieved through innovative lighting and editing styles, bringing technical editing processes to the world. Over time, editing styles have become more technical and precise, focusing more on camera angles and precise editing rather than fast montage sequences of the past.
Editing involves joining images together to create meaning and tell a story. Key techniques editors use include creating collages through montage, controlling tempo through varying shot lengths, and precise timing of shots. Editing also manipulates time through techniques like condensing or expanding scenes. Arranging the order of events, using flashbacks, and cutting between shots can confuse or clarify the narrative. Precise shot selection, through techniques like close-ups and establishing shots, draws viewers' attention to important details. Conversation scenes are crafted through shot reverse shot patterns and matching characters' eye lines. These techniques shape the story and its meaning.
This document provides instructions for various tasks in Adobe Premiere Pro including:
- Organizing project folders for footage, sound, and archives
- Converting image files for use in Premiere Pro using Adobe Media Encoder
- Capturing footage directly from a camera into Premiere Pro
- Editing raw footage by selecting clips and dragging them onto the timeline
- Applying video effects and transitions by dragging them onto sequence clips
The document discusses the development of editing styles in film over time. It describes how early filmmakers like the Lumiere Brothers did not edit footage at all and showed original recordings, while Sergei Eisenstein pioneered montage sequences to convey specific messages. Modern directors like David Fincher are known for their precise editing of lighting and styles to create dark, moody thrillers. Overall, film editing has become more technical and focused on camera angles versus early popular fast-paced montage films.
The document describes characters that will feature in a radio drama about animals stranded on an island. There are 24 characters described including Wally the whale, Gary the camera man, Samir who lost his daughter to Wally, and various other animals and locals. Each character is given a name, age, ethnicity, background, occupation, motivations and conflicts. The document also provides information on codes and conventions that will be used like cliffhangers. It outlines the target audience and provides a proposed budget for the production.
There are 5 main ways a client can communicate a brief to a media firm:
1. Contractual - through a detailed written contract outlining responsibilities and financial terms which provides clarity but lacks flexibility.
2. Negotiated - through discussion and compromise between the client and firm's differing ideas, ensuring both parties are satisfied but the client may not get the best price.
3. Formal - through a formal briefing meeting or written description of requirements from the client requesting proposals, similar advantages and disadvantages to negotiated.
4. Informal - through a phone call from the client rather than a formal written brief, good for speed but risks misunderstandings.
5. Commission - the client directly commissions specific work from
The documentary explores teenage sex trends, including why it occurs at younger ages, in public places, and experimentation with S&M. It interviews teenagers and examines their views, shows reconstructions of sexual encounters, visits Soho shops selling S&M items to interview employees, has the hosts try out outfits, interviews students about peer pressure and lack of self-respect, films a party to observe behaviors, reconstructs drunken and peer pressured sex, interviews adults, and profiles a Christian against premarital sex before concluding sex is increasingly common among teens.
This document discusses feedback on a potential sports advertising campaign. Multiple individuals provide their opinions. They believe the advert has potential if it has a high tempo and energy to engage viewers. They recommend the advert be between 30-45 seconds, targeting male teenagers and young men ages 15-25 who live in large cities. Adding a voiceover describing the football boots was also suggested.