The document discusses various technologies used to create a thriller opening, including:
Digital camera to film scenes, Lumix camera to take photos as evidence, Final Cut Pro to edit recordings and add effects, Soundtrack Pro to create backing music and edit sounds, Clipgrab to convert YouTube videos to mp4, Blogger to track progress, Facebook to gather feedback, YouTube for inspiration and sound clips, Google for research, and Vimeo to upload the final video. It describes how these technologies were used together like filming on camera, editing in Final Cut Pro, finding music on YouTube and converting it, and uploading the final video to Vimeo.
The document discusses various technologies used to create a thriller opening, including:
- A digital camera to film scenes and record audio, which were then edited in Final Cut Pro.
- Soundtrack Pro and Final Cut Pro to edit recordings, sounds, and assemble the opening, adding effects and transitions.
- Clipgrab to convert YouTube videos to mp4 format for use in the film.
- Blogger to upload ideas, track progress, and share photos as evidence. Facebook was also used to gather feedback on the completed product.
The document proposes a receiver-based peer-division multiplexing approach for live streaming to reduce delay. It divides video streams into multiple sub-streams and distributes them across peers to utilize uplink bandwidth. Peers store received packets and reconstruct the full stream for playback. Repeater nodes are used to improve bandwidth and retransmissions aid recovery from network issues. The system aims to provide live streaming with channel switching times comparable to digital satellite TV.
Generalized capital investment planning of oil-refineries using CPLEX-MILP an...Alkis Vazacopoulos
Performing capital investment planning (CIP) is traditionally done using linear (LP) or nonlinear (NLP) models whereby a gamut of scenarios are generated and manually searched to make expand and/or install decisions. Though mixed-integer nonlinear (MINLP) solvers have made significant advancements, they are often slow for industrial expenditure optimizations. We propose a more tractable approach using mixed-integer linear (MILP) model and input-output (Leontief) models whereby the nonlinearities are approximated to linearized operations, activities, or modes in large-scaled flowsheet problems. To model the different types of CIP's known as revamping, retrofitting, and repairing, we unify the modeling by combining planning balances with the scheduling concepts of sequence-dependent changeovers to represent the construction, commission, and correction stages explicitly. Similar applications can be applied to process design synthesis, asset allocation and utilization, and turnaround and inspection scheduling. Two motivating examples illustrate the modeling, and a retrofit example and an oil-refinery investment planning are highlighted.
The document discusses the history of Argentina from the first European arrival in 1516 to the mid-1800s. It covers early Spanish settlement and domination, the creation of the Viceroyalty of the Ro de la Plata in 1776, the fight for independence in the 1810s led by San Martin, and the ongoing conflicts between Unitarians and Federalists in the early decades after independence. It also provides biographical details on influential figures like Juan Manuel de Rosas, who became a dictator in the 1830s and ruled until 1852.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang perilaku ekonomi masyarakat nelayan di wilayah pantai. Terdapat tiga kelompok nelayan berdasarkan pemilikan alat tangkap. Dokumen juga menjelaskan tentang penangkapan, pengolahan, dan pemasaran ikan serta pendapatan dan hambatan yang dihadapi oleh masing-masing kelompok. Adaptasi ekonomi masyarakat nelayan terkait dengan tingkah laku peniruan yang berhasil atau gagal sesuai har
The document discusses different home security systems such as GSM alarm systems which notify owners by phone if triggered, and wireless security systems which are easier to install and move than wired systems. It also discusses using a toy robot trained to guard a home, noting while not reliable for high security sites, it could provide adequate protection for most homes. The document asks questions about current security system usage and preferences, and seeks information on additional protection systems.
The document is a branding style guide for Park Hill, North Little Rock. It provides guidelines for logo usage, colors, fonts, and advertising. The branding aims to promote Park Hill as a perfect neighborhood with diverse architecture and people. Guidelines cover approved logo variations, minimum logo sizes, incorrect logo usages, color palettes, approved fonts, brand extensions, and advertising design strategies.
Reimagine your enterprise: Make Human Centered Design the Heart of Your Digit...Kenneth Kwan
Companies in every industry are trying to ?nd new sources of value
through digital technology. But most of their e?orts have not translated
into enough market impact and growth. They need something bolder
and more disruptive, but still very simple. They need reimagination.
Reimagination means putting the user at the center of everything
your company does strategy, product development, operations,
marketing, sales, and customer service. It means using the full power
of digital media and technology to build empathy with that user, and
weaving that relationship into the fabric of your company. This practice
is known as human centered design (HCD): the reshaping of an entire
enterprise and its capabilities system around the customer or user
HCD represents a new way of life for business. It evokes many of the
attributes of a startup creativity, speed, bias for action, ?exibility
with risk, and radical collaboration. To achieve this entrepreneurial
vigor in your company, you may have to consciously break down long
established internal barriers. You must embrace ?ve basic principles:
Embed human centered design in everything you do, build brand value
holistically, design for three years out (but build for today), stand up
new structures and teams, and nurture your existing digital culture.
La carta felicita a la amiga Zayus por su cumplea?os, expresando el gran aprecio y cari?o que siente por ella. Le agradece por su gran corazn y por brindarle siempre su apoyo incondicional. Aunque solo puede ofrecerle su amistad como regalo, le asegura que siempre podr contar con una amiga con quien compartir tanto alegras como tristezas.
Advanced Production Accounting of an Olefins Plant Industrial Modeling Framew...Alkis Vazacopoulos
Presented in this short document is a description of what we call "Advanced" Production Accounting (APA) applied to a small Olefins Plant found in Sanchez and Romagnoli (1996). APA is the term given to the technique of vetting, screening or cleaning the past production data using statistical data reconciliation and regression (DRR) when continuous-processes are assumed to be at steady-state (Kelly and Hedengren, 2013) i.e., there is no significant material accumulation. For this case, the model and data define a simultaneous mass or volume linear DRR problem. Figure 1a shows the Olefins Plant using simple number indices for both the nodes and streams where Figure 1b depicts the same problem configured in our unit-operation-port-state superstructure (UOPSS) (Kelly, 2004, 2005; Zyngier and Kelly, 2012).
Logistics: The Missing Link in Blend Scheduling OptimizationAlkis Vazacopoulos
This document discusses logistics scheduling optimization for blending liquids. It begins by introducing blending and describing logistics scheduling as the "coarse-tune" that determines quantity and logic details, while quality scheduling performs the "fine-tune." It then provides examples of key logistics constraints like minimum/maximum run lengths. The document emphasizes that ignoring logistics leads to suboptimal schedules. It proposes various metrics to quantify non-compliance with logistics constraints. Finally, it presents a framework to trade off quantity and quality using "logistics isotherms" and argues explicit logistics scheduling can improve this trade-off relationship.
This document discusses best practices for communicating science to different audiences. It provides guidance on:
1) Preparing presentations by considering the audience, limiting technical jargon, and focusing on the main message.
2) Structuring presentations with an introduction, conclusion, and emphasis on meaning making for the audience.
3) Using techniques like eye contact, body language and varying speech to engage audiences and overcome the "curse of knowledge" where presenters assume more background than listeners have.
The document describes various variable selection methods applied to predict violent crime rates using socioeconomic data from US cities. It analyzes a dataset with 95 variables and 807 observations on income, family structure, ethnicity, and other factors to predict violent crime rates. Several variable selection techniques are applied including forward selection, backward elimination, lasso, elastic net, best random subset selection (BRSS), decision trees, and random forests. BRSS, which approximates best subset selection, identified 15 variables as most predictive of violent crime and had strong out-of-sample performance. Analysis of 1000 training and test splits found that BRSS, random forests, and decision trees consistently outperformed other techniques in terms of out-of-sample predictive accuracy
Este documento presenta las soluciones a 8 objetivos de una prueba de matemticas. Cada solucin incluye los pasos de clculo para resolver problemas relacionados con series, funciones complejas, integrales de funciones racionales y transformadas de Laplace.
A Nonlinear Integrated Model for Operational Planning of Multi-Site RefineriesAlkis Vazacopoulos
The document presents a nonlinear integrated model for the operational planning of multi-site refineries. The model aims to optimize refinery operations across multiple refinery sites in a unified manner by considering the nonlinear relationships between process variables, yields, properties and operational constraints. The approach integrates operational planning with process models that can account for variations in yields and properties based on operational conditions. This provides a more accurate representation of refinery behavior compared to traditional linear programming models.
Our Industrial Modeling Service (IMS) involves several important (but rarely implemented) methods to significantly improve and advance your existing models and data. Since it is well-known that good decision-making requires good models and data, IMS is ideally suited to support this continuous-improvement endeavour. IMS is specifically designed to either co-exist with your existing design, planning, scheduling, etc. applications or these same models and data can be used seamlessly into our Industrial Modeling and Programming Language (IMPL) to create new value-added applications. The following techniques form the basis of our IMS offering.
Generalized capital investment planning of oil-refineries using CPLEX-MILP an...Alkis Vazacopoulos
Performing capital investment planning (CIP) is traditionally done using linear (LP) or nonlinear (NLP) models whereby a gamut of scenarios are generated and manually searched to make expand and/or install decisions. Though mixed-integer nonlinear (MINLP) solvers have made significant advancements, they are often slow for industrial expenditure optimizations. We propose a more tractable approach using mixed-integer linear (MILP) model and input-output (Leontief) models whereby the nonlinearities are approximated to linearized operations, activities, or modes in large-scaled flowsheet problems. To model the different types of CIP's known as revamping, retrofitting, and repairing, we unify the modeling by combining planning balances with the scheduling concepts of sequence-dependent changeovers to represent the construction, commission, and correction stages explicitly. Similar applications can be applied to process design synthesis, asset allocation and utilization, and turnaround and inspection scheduling. Two motivating examples illustrate the modeling, and a retrofit example and an oil-refinery investment planning are highlighted.
The document discusses the history of Argentina from the first European arrival in 1516 to the mid-1800s. It covers early Spanish settlement and domination, the creation of the Viceroyalty of the Ro de la Plata in 1776, the fight for independence in the 1810s led by San Martin, and the ongoing conflicts between Unitarians and Federalists in the early decades after independence. It also provides biographical details on influential figures like Juan Manuel de Rosas, who became a dictator in the 1830s and ruled until 1852.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang perilaku ekonomi masyarakat nelayan di wilayah pantai. Terdapat tiga kelompok nelayan berdasarkan pemilikan alat tangkap. Dokumen juga menjelaskan tentang penangkapan, pengolahan, dan pemasaran ikan serta pendapatan dan hambatan yang dihadapi oleh masing-masing kelompok. Adaptasi ekonomi masyarakat nelayan terkait dengan tingkah laku peniruan yang berhasil atau gagal sesuai har
The document discusses different home security systems such as GSM alarm systems which notify owners by phone if triggered, and wireless security systems which are easier to install and move than wired systems. It also discusses using a toy robot trained to guard a home, noting while not reliable for high security sites, it could provide adequate protection for most homes. The document asks questions about current security system usage and preferences, and seeks information on additional protection systems.
The document is a branding style guide for Park Hill, North Little Rock. It provides guidelines for logo usage, colors, fonts, and advertising. The branding aims to promote Park Hill as a perfect neighborhood with diverse architecture and people. Guidelines cover approved logo variations, minimum logo sizes, incorrect logo usages, color palettes, approved fonts, brand extensions, and advertising design strategies.
Reimagine your enterprise: Make Human Centered Design the Heart of Your Digit...Kenneth Kwan
Companies in every industry are trying to ?nd new sources of value
through digital technology. But most of their e?orts have not translated
into enough market impact and growth. They need something bolder
and more disruptive, but still very simple. They need reimagination.
Reimagination means putting the user at the center of everything
your company does strategy, product development, operations,
marketing, sales, and customer service. It means using the full power
of digital media and technology to build empathy with that user, and
weaving that relationship into the fabric of your company. This practice
is known as human centered design (HCD): the reshaping of an entire
enterprise and its capabilities system around the customer or user
HCD represents a new way of life for business. It evokes many of the
attributes of a startup creativity, speed, bias for action, ?exibility
with risk, and radical collaboration. To achieve this entrepreneurial
vigor in your company, you may have to consciously break down long
established internal barriers. You must embrace ?ve basic principles:
Embed human centered design in everything you do, build brand value
holistically, design for three years out (but build for today), stand up
new structures and teams, and nurture your existing digital culture.
La carta felicita a la amiga Zayus por su cumplea?os, expresando el gran aprecio y cari?o que siente por ella. Le agradece por su gran corazn y por brindarle siempre su apoyo incondicional. Aunque solo puede ofrecerle su amistad como regalo, le asegura que siempre podr contar con una amiga con quien compartir tanto alegras como tristezas.
Advanced Production Accounting of an Olefins Plant Industrial Modeling Framew...Alkis Vazacopoulos
Presented in this short document is a description of what we call "Advanced" Production Accounting (APA) applied to a small Olefins Plant found in Sanchez and Romagnoli (1996). APA is the term given to the technique of vetting, screening or cleaning the past production data using statistical data reconciliation and regression (DRR) when continuous-processes are assumed to be at steady-state (Kelly and Hedengren, 2013) i.e., there is no significant material accumulation. For this case, the model and data define a simultaneous mass or volume linear DRR problem. Figure 1a shows the Olefins Plant using simple number indices for both the nodes and streams where Figure 1b depicts the same problem configured in our unit-operation-port-state superstructure (UOPSS) (Kelly, 2004, 2005; Zyngier and Kelly, 2012).
Logistics: The Missing Link in Blend Scheduling OptimizationAlkis Vazacopoulos
This document discusses logistics scheduling optimization for blending liquids. It begins by introducing blending and describing logistics scheduling as the "coarse-tune" that determines quantity and logic details, while quality scheduling performs the "fine-tune." It then provides examples of key logistics constraints like minimum/maximum run lengths. The document emphasizes that ignoring logistics leads to suboptimal schedules. It proposes various metrics to quantify non-compliance with logistics constraints. Finally, it presents a framework to trade off quantity and quality using "logistics isotherms" and argues explicit logistics scheduling can improve this trade-off relationship.
This document discusses best practices for communicating science to different audiences. It provides guidance on:
1) Preparing presentations by considering the audience, limiting technical jargon, and focusing on the main message.
2) Structuring presentations with an introduction, conclusion, and emphasis on meaning making for the audience.
3) Using techniques like eye contact, body language and varying speech to engage audiences and overcome the "curse of knowledge" where presenters assume more background than listeners have.
The document describes various variable selection methods applied to predict violent crime rates using socioeconomic data from US cities. It analyzes a dataset with 95 variables and 807 observations on income, family structure, ethnicity, and other factors to predict violent crime rates. Several variable selection techniques are applied including forward selection, backward elimination, lasso, elastic net, best random subset selection (BRSS), decision trees, and random forests. BRSS, which approximates best subset selection, identified 15 variables as most predictive of violent crime and had strong out-of-sample performance. Analysis of 1000 training and test splits found that BRSS, random forests, and decision trees consistently outperformed other techniques in terms of out-of-sample predictive accuracy
Este documento presenta las soluciones a 8 objetivos de una prueba de matemticas. Cada solucin incluye los pasos de clculo para resolver problemas relacionados con series, funciones complejas, integrales de funciones racionales y transformadas de Laplace.
A Nonlinear Integrated Model for Operational Planning of Multi-Site RefineriesAlkis Vazacopoulos
The document presents a nonlinear integrated model for the operational planning of multi-site refineries. The model aims to optimize refinery operations across multiple refinery sites in a unified manner by considering the nonlinear relationships between process variables, yields, properties and operational constraints. The approach integrates operational planning with process models that can account for variations in yields and properties based on operational conditions. This provides a more accurate representation of refinery behavior compared to traditional linear programming models.
Our Industrial Modeling Service (IMS) involves several important (but rarely implemented) methods to significantly improve and advance your existing models and data. Since it is well-known that good decision-making requires good models and data, IMS is ideally suited to support this continuous-improvement endeavour. IMS is specifically designed to either co-exist with your existing design, planning, scheduling, etc. applications or these same models and data can be used seamlessly into our Industrial Modeling and Programming Language (IMPL) to create new value-added applications. The following techniques form the basis of our IMS offering.
Exemplo dun test sobre relacins, estereotipos, concepcins e mitos do amor romntico empregado coma reto formando parte dun escape-room educativo en 6? de primaria (mis sobre a experiencia e materiais en
Guia feita coa tipoloxa de lectura para facil en galego para empegar con alumnado de primaria e secundaria. Esta baseada noutra pero traducida e ilustrada polo alumnado de 6? de Ed. Priumaria do CEIP Padre Feijoo de Allariz
El estudio evalu los hbitos y actitudes sexuales de 300 personas en Galicia a travs de una encuesta. Los resultados mostraron altos niveles de insatisfaccin sexual, dificultades para alcanzar el orgasmo y disfuncin erctil. Adems, se encontr que personas con mayor educacin tenan una vida sexual ms satisfactoria y que la principal fuente de informacin sexual eran los amigos. Finalmente, una minora no aceptara tener un hijo homosexual.
Este documento describe la desigualdad de gnero en el mundo y los objetivos de las Naciones Unidas para eliminarla. En particular, se comprometen a eliminar la desigualdad de gnero antes de 2015 como parte de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio. La desigualdad afecta mltiples reas incluyendo acceso a la educacin, trabajo remunerado y no remunerado, recursos, participacin poltica y poder de decisin. Superar la desigualdad requiere esfuerzos a nivel individual, de gobiern
Este documento describe la campa?a "Iguales para hoy" organizada por varias organizaciones para promover la equidad de gnero. El objetivo 3 de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio es eliminar la desigualdad de gnero para el 2015. El documento analiza varias dimensiones de la desigualdad entre mujeres y hombres como el acceso a la educacin, el trabajo remunerado y no remunerado, los recursos y la participacin pblica. Incluye estadsticas e informacin sobre la situacin en Espa?a y otros pases.
Este documento describe una campa?a para promover la igualdad de gnero en el mundo organizada por varias organizaciones no gubernamentales. El objetivo es resumir los principales desafos que enfrentan las mujeres en todo el mundo, como la falta de acceso a la educacin, los recursos y el trabajo remunerado, as como la violencia y la falta de participacin en la toma de decisiones. La campa?a busca crear conciencia sobre estos problemas y alentar a las personas a contribuir a lograr la igualdad de gnero, que es un objetivo est
El documento trata sobre la violencia domstica contra las mujeres en Francia. Se?ala que una de cada 10 mujeres en Francia es vctima de violencia conyugal y que para las mujeres entre 16 y 44 a?os, la violencia domstica es la principal causa de muerte e invalidez, por encima de otras causas como el cncer o los accidentes. El documento hace un llamado a reaccionar ante este problema antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
Analizando a violencia nas relacins amorosas. cuestionario
1. Analizando a violencia nas relacins
O control, as chantaxes afectivas, o uso do poder afectivo para
conseguir condutas da outra persoa son recursos que podemos
chegar a usar sen ser conscientes da sa violencia.
? importante comezar a detectalos pronto nas relacins de
?] Cuestionario
Das seguintes condutas, cales consideras que son actitudes ou
comportamentos violentos dentro das relacins afectivas?
?Diche que se preocupa tanto por ti que necesita saber onde
vas, con quen e que fas en todo momento.
?Provcache sentimentos de mgoa.
?Critica, sospeita ou desconfa con frecuencia das tas
amizades, parentes ou colegas de traballo.
?Diche que te quere tanto que non podera soportar que o
enganaras, e para comprobalo ponche trampas para
asegurarse de que realmente o queres.
?Nunca expresa reco?ecemento sobre a ta vala nin as tas
?Brlase ou fala en termos aldraxantes sobre as mulleres.
2. ?Se non queres ter relacins sexuais diche que es anticuada,
frxida ou rara. Ou ben pon en dbida que o teu amor sexa
?Fala en termos violentos ou expresa frases do tipo habera
que matalos, cunha boa malleira arranxbao eu..
?Trtate coma se foses feble dicndoche o que bo para ti e
toma decisins que che atinxen sen consultarte.
?Amezate con suicidarse se o/ abandonas.
?Pdeche que te ales coas sas posturas cando discute cos
demais. Se non o fas acsate de non apoialo e de falta de
?Comprate con outras persoas e sentes humillacin e
?Pensa que o outro sexo inferior, debe obedecer e acta de
acordo con estas crenzas malia non o expresar verbalmente.
?Imponche gustos, amizades e afeccins.
?Anda que fose s unha vez, empurroute, apreixoute con forza,
ou pegouche unha labazada.
?Mntache numeri?os en pblico ou en privado polo que
fixeches ou dixeches.
?Crese que mis intelixente que ti.
?Acsache inxustificadamente de coquetear con outras
?Ameaza con te deixar se non cumpres coas sas esixencias.
3. ?Pdeche que cambies a ta maneira de vestir, peitearte,
maquillarte, fala...r, ou as tas opinins e os teus gustos
dicndoche que o fai para que te deas de conta do que che
?Cales son actitudes de amor e cales de violencia?
?Cales estn relacionadas coa autoestima?
?Cales cres que poden producir medo?