Ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a fusion of the condyle to the glenoid fossa that results in limited or no mobility of the jaw. Surgical treatment involves aggressive excision of the bony mass and reconstruction of the joint space using interpositional materials or costochondral grafts to prevent reankylosis. Post-operative physiotherapy and early mobilization are important to restore function and prevent recurrence, while additional procedures may be needed to correct facial asymmetries. Complications can include open bite, deviation on opening, infection, and reankylosis if not properly managed.
The handbook provides an overview of the Cambridge English: First exam and guidance for teachers preparing students. It describes the exam's structure and content, including details on the five papers assessing reading, writing, use of English, listening, and speaking. Sample papers and answer keys are also included to help familiarize teachers and students with the exam format and expectations. The handbook aims to ensure teachers have the information needed to effectively prepare students for the B2-level exam.
This document is a 2012 catalogue for Materials Science & Engineering publications from Trans Tech Publications Limited. It provides summaries and ordering information for several recent titles related to materials science, including books on dye-sensitized solar cells, ecological environment functional materials, advanced design and manufacturing, and mechatronics technology. The catalogue describes that most titles are available in print, on CD, and as eBooks, and provides details on how to order or find more information.
The document provides an overview of test automation and discusses why organizations automate testing, the benefits of test automation including increased coverage, repeatability, and leverage of resources, and when automation may not be appropriate such as for unstable designs or applications with inexperienced testers. It emphasizes that test automation requires an initial investment and ongoing maintenance. Automation should not be seen as a way to reduce testing resources or compensate for lack of expertise. The document also outlines best practices for test automation, including developing a test framework to manage the process and avoid duplication of effort, and setting realistic expectations about the time required to realize benefits.
Abnormalities of hormones and inflammatory cytokines in women affected with p...Alexander Decker
Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have elevated levels of hormones like luteinizing hormone and testosterone, as well as higher levels of insulin and insulin resistance compared to healthy women. They also have increased levels of inflammatory markers like C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, and leptin. This study found these abnormalities in the hormones and inflammatory cytokines of women with PCOS ages 23-40, indicating that hormone imbalances associated with insulin resistance and elevated inflammatory markers may worsen infertility in women with PCOS.
El primer documento describe un circuito para atraer peces usando un micr坦fono magn辿tico. El segundo presenta un amplificador de 1/2W para sistemas de intercomunicaci坦n. El tercer circuito es un amplificador con ganancia de 1000 usando un operacional.
In this webinar, alarming experts from Inductive Automation will dive into the best practices of alarm management to help you improve the safety of your industrial system and reduce catastrophic downtime incidents. No matter which industry you work in, these time-tested principles will help you get the most out of your SCADA alarming system.
Watch this webinar to learn more about:
What alarms should and shouldnt be used for
- Prioritizing your alarms
- Getting nuisance alarms under control
- How to reduce alarm floods
- How to easily set up complex alarming systems and remote alarms
- And more
Stainless steels and their types, structure, properties, different applications as engineering material and advantages and disadvantages of their use..........
Forging Lubricants For The Hot Forging Of SteelsGustavo Schiuma
Die lubrication is key for quality and productivity in hot forging processes. The right lubricant must reduce friction to allow smooth metal flow while also releasing, cooling, and protecting the die to extend its life. Proper lubricant selection and application parameters are important. Forging lubricants typically contain graphite, which helps lubricate and release the forged part from the die. Maintaining consistent lubricant concentration and application are important for optimizing the forging process.
This document provides information on the properties and safe handling of Liqtro Forming-Chlorine B ISO VG 220 lubricant. It presents no significant health hazards, is not classified as an environmental hazard, and has a low risk of fire. The document identifies the product and manufacturing company. It outlines first aid measures for exposure and firefighting procedures. It also provides instructions for safe storage, handling, exposure control, and outlines the product's physical and chemical properties.
O documento discute a import但ncia da lubrifica巽達o de matrizes no processo de forja a quente, destacando como os lubrificantes base de grafite reduzem o atrito e transfer棚ncia de calor, prolongando a vida das matrizes e melhorando a qualidade e produtividade das pe巽as forjadas. Tamb辿m aborda tend棚ncias na automatiza巽達o da lubrifica巽達o e fatores que influenciam o desempenho dos lubrificantes e das matrizes.
This document provides an overview of ancient Rome from its origins to the Visigoth invasion. It summarizes that Rome transitioned from a monarchy to a republic ruled by consuls and senators. As Rome expanded across Italy and the Mediterranean, it established provinces ruled by governors and collected taxes. This period of growth is divided into the early, middle and late republics. Internal conflicts weakened the republic, allowing Julius Caesar to rise to power and mark the transition to empire under Augustus and subsequent emperors. The empire reached its greatest extent by the 2nd century AD but experienced invasions and economic difficulties leading to its decline and fall in the West.
Bagi 'Dasar K3 dan Manajemen Resiko 04 Okt 2018.ppt'.pptputrimandansari
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang dasar-dasar K3 yang mencakup pengertian keselamatan dan kesehatan, prinsip-prinsip K3 menurut ILO dan WHO, serta undang-undang terkait K3 di Indonesia."
Keselamatan dan kesehatan dalam melaksanakan pekerjaanHerdikusmianto
K3 (Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja) adalah sistem manajemen yang bertujuan untuk melindungi tenaga kerja dari potensi bahaya yang bisa terjadi di tempat kerja, baik itu dari segi keselamatan (safety) maupun kesehatan (health). K3 mencakup berbagai upaya untuk menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang aman, sehat, dan efisien, serta mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan kerja atau penyakit akibat kerja.
Di dalam K3, ada beberapa aspek yang perlu diperhatikan, seperti:
Identifikasi Bahaya: Mengidentifikasi potensi bahaya yang bisa muncul di lingkungan kerja, seperti kebakaran, kecelakaan mesin, atau bahan berbahaya.
Penilaian Risiko: Menganalisis tingkat risiko yang terkait dengan setiap bahaya yang ada.
Tindakan Pengendalian: Mengambil langkah-langkah untuk mengendalikan atau mengurangi risiko, seperti pelatihan K3, penggunaan alat pelindung diri (APD), atau perbaikan proses kerja.
Pemantauan dan Evaluasi: Melakukan pemantauan secara rutin terhadap pelaksanaan K3 di tempat kerja, serta evaluasi untuk memastikan sistem tetap efektif.
Sistem K3 ini sangat penting untuk menjaga keselamatan pekerja, mencegah kerugian material, serta meningkatkan produktivitas di tempat kerja.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pengawasan mutu pada pekerjaan konstruksi bangunan gedung. Secara garis besar mencakup pengawasan mutu material bangunan, pengawasan mutu pelaksanaan pekerjaan konstruksi, dan persyaratan teknis material yang digunakan pada konstruksi bangunan gedung.
El primer documento describe un circuito para atraer peces usando un micr坦fono magn辿tico. El segundo presenta un amplificador de 1/2W para sistemas de intercomunicaci坦n. El tercer circuito es un amplificador con ganancia de 1000 usando un operacional.
In this webinar, alarming experts from Inductive Automation will dive into the best practices of alarm management to help you improve the safety of your industrial system and reduce catastrophic downtime incidents. No matter which industry you work in, these time-tested principles will help you get the most out of your SCADA alarming system.
Watch this webinar to learn more about:
What alarms should and shouldnt be used for
- Prioritizing your alarms
- Getting nuisance alarms under control
- How to reduce alarm floods
- How to easily set up complex alarming systems and remote alarms
- And more
Stainless steels and their types, structure, properties, different applications as engineering material and advantages and disadvantages of their use..........
Forging Lubricants For The Hot Forging Of SteelsGustavo Schiuma
Die lubrication is key for quality and productivity in hot forging processes. The right lubricant must reduce friction to allow smooth metal flow while also releasing, cooling, and protecting the die to extend its life. Proper lubricant selection and application parameters are important. Forging lubricants typically contain graphite, which helps lubricate and release the forged part from the die. Maintaining consistent lubricant concentration and application are important for optimizing the forging process.
This document provides information on the properties and safe handling of Liqtro Forming-Chlorine B ISO VG 220 lubricant. It presents no significant health hazards, is not classified as an environmental hazard, and has a low risk of fire. The document identifies the product and manufacturing company. It outlines first aid measures for exposure and firefighting procedures. It also provides instructions for safe storage, handling, exposure control, and outlines the product's physical and chemical properties.
O documento discute a import但ncia da lubrifica巽達o de matrizes no processo de forja a quente, destacando como os lubrificantes base de grafite reduzem o atrito e transfer棚ncia de calor, prolongando a vida das matrizes e melhorando a qualidade e produtividade das pe巽as forjadas. Tamb辿m aborda tend棚ncias na automatiza巽達o da lubrifica巽達o e fatores que influenciam o desempenho dos lubrificantes e das matrizes.
This document provides an overview of ancient Rome from its origins to the Visigoth invasion. It summarizes that Rome transitioned from a monarchy to a republic ruled by consuls and senators. As Rome expanded across Italy and the Mediterranean, it established provinces ruled by governors and collected taxes. This period of growth is divided into the early, middle and late republics. Internal conflicts weakened the republic, allowing Julius Caesar to rise to power and mark the transition to empire under Augustus and subsequent emperors. The empire reached its greatest extent by the 2nd century AD but experienced invasions and economic difficulties leading to its decline and fall in the West.
Bagi 'Dasar K3 dan Manajemen Resiko 04 Okt 2018.ppt'.pptputrimandansari
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang dasar-dasar K3 yang mencakup pengertian keselamatan dan kesehatan, prinsip-prinsip K3 menurut ILO dan WHO, serta undang-undang terkait K3 di Indonesia."
Keselamatan dan kesehatan dalam melaksanakan pekerjaanHerdikusmianto
K3 (Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja) adalah sistem manajemen yang bertujuan untuk melindungi tenaga kerja dari potensi bahaya yang bisa terjadi di tempat kerja, baik itu dari segi keselamatan (safety) maupun kesehatan (health). K3 mencakup berbagai upaya untuk menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang aman, sehat, dan efisien, serta mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan kerja atau penyakit akibat kerja.
Di dalam K3, ada beberapa aspek yang perlu diperhatikan, seperti:
Identifikasi Bahaya: Mengidentifikasi potensi bahaya yang bisa muncul di lingkungan kerja, seperti kebakaran, kecelakaan mesin, atau bahan berbahaya.
Penilaian Risiko: Menganalisis tingkat risiko yang terkait dengan setiap bahaya yang ada.
Tindakan Pengendalian: Mengambil langkah-langkah untuk mengendalikan atau mengurangi risiko, seperti pelatihan K3, penggunaan alat pelindung diri (APD), atau perbaikan proses kerja.
Pemantauan dan Evaluasi: Melakukan pemantauan secara rutin terhadap pelaksanaan K3 di tempat kerja, serta evaluasi untuk memastikan sistem tetap efektif.
Sistem K3 ini sangat penting untuk menjaga keselamatan pekerja, mencegah kerugian material, serta meningkatkan produktivitas di tempat kerja.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pengawasan mutu pada pekerjaan konstruksi bangunan gedung. Secara garis besar mencakup pengawasan mutu material bangunan, pengawasan mutu pelaksanaan pekerjaan konstruksi, dan persyaratan teknis material yang digunakan pada konstruksi bangunan gedung.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pengawasan mutu pada pekerjaan konstruksi bangunan gedung. Secara garis besar mencakup pengawasan mutu material bangunan, pengawasan mutu pelaksanaan pekerjaan konstruksi, dan persyaratan teknis material yang digunakan pada konstruksi bangunan gedung.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3). SMK3 merupakan pengembangan, penerapan, pencapaian, pengkajian, dan pemeliharaan kebijakan K3 dalam rangka pengendalian resiko yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan kerja guna terciptanya tempat kerja yang aman, efisien dan produktif. Dokumen tersebut juga membahas latar belakang, dasar hukum, penerapan,
Peserta mampu peserta pelatihan diharapkan dapat melakukan penilaian penyelenggaraan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja serta lingkungan kerja (K3L) serta dapat memberikan saran perbaikan berdasarkan hasil penilain yang dilaksanakan.
The document provides technical details and instructions for an AF-3 filling machine. It includes:
- An overview of the machine components and operation procedures.
- Safety guidelines for transport, installation, operation and maintenance.
- Mechanical drawings of the major assemblies - load cell & drum clamp, nozzle, and structure - with part lists.
- Electrical & pneumatic diagrams showing connections, wiring and functions.
- Parameter settings for the weighing indicator and maintenance instructions.
The document provides details on the 1KD-FTV and 2KD-FTV diesel engines used in Toyota vehicles like the Hilux and Fortuner. It describes the engine components like the common rail fuel system that uses a high-pressure supply pump and common rail to achieve precise fuel injection for lower emissions. It also details the variable nozzle turbocharger and other systems that help improve power and efficiency while meeting emissions standards.
The document provides information about the 1TR-FE engine used in Toyota vehicles, including its specifications and components. It describes the overall engine layout and key systems such as cooling, fuel injection, ignition, and engine controls. The 1TR-FE is a 2.0L inline 4-cylinder 16-valve DOHC engine with VVT-i and produces 100kW of power at 5,600rpm and 182Nm of torque at 4,000rpm. It uses features like a resin intake manifold, long nozzle fuel injectors, and DIS ignition to improve performance and emissions.
This document is the 2014 catalogue for Trans Tech Publications Inc., which publishes online journals and book series related to materials science and engineering. It provides information on the various online periodicals and book series published on their websites and It also includes summaries and ordering information for several recent publications covering topics such as advanced materials, nanotechnology, composite materials, and manufacturing engineering. The catalogue promotes the many publications available and provides details for interested researchers to publish or find relevant content.
This document provides a catalogue for materials science and engineering titles published by Trans Tech Publications Limited between 2008-2011. It includes sections for forthcoming titles, latest titles published 2008-2010, and a full listing of current titles. It also provides information on Trans Tech's online journals in materials science and engineering. Key must-have handbooks published in the Materials Science Foundations series are highlighted.
The UltraLight Steel Auto Body (ULSAB) Consortium designed and validated a lightweight steel auto body structure that meets increased performance targets while remaining affordable to produce. The final report details the design process, including benchmarking existing vehicles, establishing packaging and performance goals, and selecting a unibody design with hydroformed parts. Physical testing showed the ULSAB structure exceeds benchmarks for torsional and bending rigidity by 80% and 52% respectively. Computational analysis also indicated it meets crash standards. At 203kg, the ULSAB structure weighs up to 36% less than benchmarks and economic analysis found it costs similar or less to produce than conventional designs.
The ULSAB Phase 2 project validated concepts from Phase 1 by building demonstration hardware. Phase 2 achieved its goals of significant mass reduction compared to a reference vehicle, while meeting structural and crash performance targets. Testing showed the design exceeded Phase 1 targets for torsional and bending rigidity, and modal frequency. Mass reduction was 25% lower than the reference, and crash tests met new safety requirements. High strength steel use increased to 90% of the structure's mass. An economic analysis found the design could be produced at a similar or lower cost than conventional designs.
This document provides an introduction and table of contents for the WIKA-Handbook on Pressure and Temperature Measurement. It describes WIKA as a leading manufacturer of pressure and temperature instruments for over 50 years. The handbook is intended to be a reference for customers, covering fundamentals and practical applications of industrial pressure and temperature measurement. It will present all common measurement methods and consider new developments in mechanical and electronic sensors. The table of contents provides an overview of topics that will be covered in the two main sections on pressure measurement and thermometry.
Dokumen memberikan tips untuk menjaga performa coolant dengan mengontrol konsentrasi coolant menggunakan refractometer, membersihkan tramp oil setiap hari, membersihkan serpihan logam dari sump-tank, memeriksa pH secara rutin, dan mengisi laporan analisis coolant setiap hari.
Whizol supplies specialized oils, lubricants, and chemicals for industrial processes through scientific research. They offer a product development and technical service team to discuss customer needs and perform maintenance or lubricant applications. Whizol has a wide range of products for industrial process oils, metalworking fluids, and more that have passed international requirements and OEM standards, with performance inspected using state-of-the-art machines. Their products cover needs for machining operations like honing, grinding, drilling, and more.
This document describes various metalworking fluids, industrial lubricants, and automotive coolants made by Whizol. It includes neat cutting oils, soluble oils, semi-synthetic and synthetic emulsions for machining and grinding, rust preventatives, quenching oils, hydraulic oils, slideway oils, and engine coolant. Product details like typical properties, benefits, and packaging options are provided for each type.
Buku ini membahas 171 jenis burung yang ditemukan di Taman Nasional Baluran, Jawa Timur. Buku ini berisi foto-foto dan peta sebaran masing-masing spesies burung beserta informasi penting lainnya untuk pelestarian satwa di taman nasional tersebut.