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Initial magazine pre-
 Graphic designer - Their role is to design the
publication with the creative directors supervision.
 Writer  responsible for writing the articles for the
 Picture editors  in charge of organizing the images and
negotiating prices for the images from the stock sites.
 Department editor  specialised editor that is
responsible for acquiring images and writing text
 Office ( power point , word)
 Adobe Design
Week 7  Print the
final issue
Week 1- decide
on the theme of
the magazine and
the type of
articles to
Week 2 
research topics
for the articles
Week 3  take
photos and
interview people
if it is needed
Week 4  write
the articles and
proof read it
Week 5  edit the
photos if needed
and put them
onto the page
with the articles
Week 6  print
out a copy of the
magazine and
make changes if
it is needed
Budget and Acquiring money
 Budget -
 In order to fund my magazine I could get the money from large companies
who would like to invest in my magazine. I can also secure funding from
companies who would like to sponsor my magazine in return for product
placement. For example in return for some funding I could give the company
a double page spread advertising their product.
(Word ,
Photoshop ,
adobe design
Health and Safety
 Every company will have a health and safety policy as it is illegal
not to therefore I need to consider health and safety or my
employees and myself. I will have to adhere to the Health and
Safety at Work etc Act 1974 which is the primary piece of
legislation covering occupational health and safety in Britain.
 To make sure I am prepared and thorough I will set out my policy
in 3 part:
 A statement of general policy on health and safety at work. This
will explain my commitment to managing health and safety
effectively, and what you want to achieve by doing this.
 Then I will have a responsibility section which sets out who is
responsible for specific actions in the work place
 Then the arrangements section will explain contains details of
what I am going to do to achieve the aims set out in the statement
of health and safety policy to ensure no one gets injured ect.
I will need to have a first aid
kit on site encase of any
injuries in the office that
contains bandages, plasters,
eye wash, safety pins ect.
Employer liability insurance
I will also need Employers
Liability insurance as I will
become an employer. The
policy must cover 贈5 million
and come from an authorised
insurer that I will choose. I
need it as it will help pay
compensation if my employee
is injured or ill because of the
work they do for me.
Legal and Ethical Issues
 Copyright  Knowing copyright laws are crucial when creating any media
product, you must follow the copyright, designs, and patents act 1988. If I would
like to include someone's else's work like for example a photograph I would have
to get the exclusive legal right to publish it in my magazine by asking the owners
permission. Sometimes in order to get the rights to use the photos a payment is
required so I would have to think about this when creating my budget. If I don't
get the rights the impacts of breaching copyright laws could be that have to
provide a monetary damages payment, all of the profits made off that issue could
go to the creator and I may be banned from using their work.
 Ipso is the Independent press standard organisation and is the regulator for the
UKs magazines and newspaper industry. They hold newspapers and magazines
to account for their actions, protect individual rights, uphold high standards of
journalism and help to maintain freedom of expression for the press.. They also,
among other things, make sure that member newspapers an magazines follow
the Editors' Code ,investigate serious standards failings and can fine publishers
up to 贈1 million and can settle legal disputes. To help IPSO keep track of all
magazines standards they ask every company to submit a annual statement
about how they have adhered the editors code , this is something I will do when i
create my magazine. They also offer many other services like Anti-harassment
hotlines, and hotlines for journalists who are pressured by they superiors to not
follow the editors code.
I will have to ensure that the content
I include in my magazine isn't
controversial in any way and is
appropriate for my target audience.
For example themes like my political
beliefs or anything that could be
prejudiced to a certain group of
people e.g racism, sexism,
homophobia ect.
 A risk when creating a magazine is over spending on employees ,
advertisement ect. This can be very damaging to the production of the
magazine as it will mean after selling the product. This could mean the
company could go bankrupt. This can effect the overall standard of the
magazine as certain cuts would have to be made so the quality would dip.
 Another risk when producing a magazine is it not appealing to the target
audience. This is a problem as it means changing the overall vibe of the
magazine and adapting it to fit the target audience which could mean
changing the colour scheme , the sections in the magazine, who is in it
(celebrities) ect . This will take a lot of time as it essentially means going
back to square one.
 Being copyrighted is another risk when creating a magazine as if I don't
check the images I use are free of copyright or ask the owner to use them
then I will be copyrighted. This will mean paying a fee which can contribute
to becoming bankrupt as it is an expense on top of what i will already be
Staff  All prices depend on experience
Freelance Photographer - 贈70-贈100 a day
Freelance Graphic designer - 贈255 a day/
贈40 per hour
Freelance Editor - 贈15-贈30 per hour
Freelance Writer - 贈17 per hour
The things that need to be taken into consideration when creating a
budget are things like staff, equipment, any extra costs like copyright
rights, travelling, location, software.
InDesign  贈25.28 per
month and 贈303.36 per
Photoshop - 贈25.28 per
month and 贈303.36 per
Word - 贈109.99
Total per month - 贈165.99
Total per year - 贈716.71
Laptops  Microsoft
surface pro 贈899 x 2 =
Printer -
Studio  贈20 per
hour and extra 贈50
for colour

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Initial magazine pre production

  • 2. Personnel Personnel Photographer Graphic designer - Their role is to design the publication with the creative directors supervision. Personnel Writer responsible for writing the articles for the magazine Picture editors in charge of organizing the images and negotiating prices for the images from the stock sites. Personnel Department editor specialised editor that is responsible for acquiring images and writing text
  • 3. Resources Equipment: Camera Studio Paper Pencil Template Computer desk Office ( power point , word) Photoshop Adobe Design Printer
  • 4. Schedules Week 7 Print the final issue Week 1- decide on the theme of the magazine and the type of articles to publish Week 2 research topics for the articles Week 3 take photos and interview people if it is needed Week 4 write the articles and proof read it Week 5 edit the photos if needed and put them onto the page with the articles Week 6 print out a copy of the magazine and make changes if it is needed
  • 5. Budget and Acquiring money Budget - In order to fund my magazine I could get the money from large companies who would like to invest in my magazine. I can also secure funding from companies who would like to sponsor my magazine in return for product placement. For example in return for some funding I could give the company a double page spread advertising their product.
  • 6. Equipment Software (Word , excel, Photoshop , adobe design computer /laptop Office Stationary Templates Camera Studio Printer Paper
  • 7. Health and Safety Every company will have a health and safety policy as it is illegal not to therefore I need to consider health and safety or my employees and myself. I will have to adhere to the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 which is the primary piece of legislation covering occupational health and safety in Britain. To make sure I am prepared and thorough I will set out my policy in 3 part: A statement of general policy on health and safety at work. This will explain my commitment to managing health and safety effectively, and what you want to achieve by doing this. Then I will have a responsibility section which sets out who is responsible for specific actions in the work place Then the arrangements section will explain contains details of what I am going to do to achieve the aims set out in the statement of health and safety policy to ensure no one gets injured ect. I will need to have a first aid kit on site encase of any injuries in the office that contains bandages, plasters, eye wash, safety pins ect. Employer liability insurance I will also need Employers Liability insurance as I will become an employer. The policy must cover 贈5 million and come from an authorised insurer that I will choose. I need it as it will help pay compensation if my employee is injured or ill because of the work they do for me.
  • 8. Legal and Ethical Issues Copyright Knowing copyright laws are crucial when creating any media product, you must follow the copyright, designs, and patents act 1988. If I would like to include someone's else's work like for example a photograph I would have to get the exclusive legal right to publish it in my magazine by asking the owners permission. Sometimes in order to get the rights to use the photos a payment is required so I would have to think about this when creating my budget. If I don't get the rights the impacts of breaching copyright laws could be that have to provide a monetary damages payment, all of the profits made off that issue could go to the creator and I may be banned from using their work. Ipso is the Independent press standard organisation and is the regulator for the UKs magazines and newspaper industry. They hold newspapers and magazines to account for their actions, protect individual rights, uphold high standards of journalism and help to maintain freedom of expression for the press.. They also, among other things, make sure that member newspapers an magazines follow the Editors' Code ,investigate serious standards failings and can fine publishers up to 贈1 million and can settle legal disputes. To help IPSO keep track of all magazines standards they ask every company to submit a annual statement about how they have adhered the editors code , this is something I will do when i create my magazine. They also offer many other services like Anti-harassment hotlines, and hotlines for journalists who are pressured by they superiors to not follow the editors code. Ethical I will have to ensure that the content I include in my magazine isn't controversial in any way and is appropriate for my target audience. For example themes like my political beliefs or anything that could be prejudiced to a certain group of people e.g racism, sexism, homophobia ect.
  • 9. Risks A risk when creating a magazine is over spending on employees , advertisement ect. This can be very damaging to the production of the magazine as it will mean after selling the product. This could mean the company could go bankrupt. This can effect the overall standard of the magazine as certain cuts would have to be made so the quality would dip. Another risk when producing a magazine is it not appealing to the target audience. This is a problem as it means changing the overall vibe of the magazine and adapting it to fit the target audience which could mean changing the colour scheme , the sections in the magazine, who is in it (celebrities) ect . This will take a lot of time as it essentially means going back to square one. Being copyrighted is another risk when creating a magazine as if I don't check the images I use are free of copyright or ask the owner to use them then I will be copyrighted. This will mean paying a fee which can contribute to becoming bankrupt as it is an expense on top of what i will already be paying.
  • 10. Budget Staff All prices depend on experience Freelance Photographer - 贈70-贈100 a day Freelance Graphic designer - 贈255 a day/ 贈40 per hour Freelance Editor - 贈15-贈30 per hour Freelance Writer - 贈17 per hour The things that need to be taken into consideration when creating a budget are things like staff, equipment, any extra costs like copyright rights, travelling, location, software. Software InDesign 贈25.28 per month and 贈303.36 per year Photoshop - 贈25.28 per month and 贈303.36 per year Word - 贈109.99 Total per month - 贈165.99 Total per year - 贈716.71 Equipment Laptops Microsoft surface pro 贈899 x 2 = 贈1798 Printer - Locations Studio 贈20 per hour and extra 贈50 for colour