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Fashion forward or backward?
Day Outfit  This summer is all aboutretro fashion.Bringingback trends
from the 80s and 90s,the days of floral printand bold animal prints,but
with a modern twist. These two wonderful outfits are the perfect mix of
comfort and styleto keep you feeling hotter than a summers day. The
firstoutfit (left) is a simpleblack bandeau fromASOS (贈5.00) coupled
with a bold leopard printmidi skirtfromHollister (贈30.00) with some
Reebock anklesocks form ASOS (贈4.50) and a pair of white Nike Air Force
1 (贈80.00).The Bandeau leaves a perfect opportunity to add either a
silver or gold chunky necklaceor a pair of statement earrings to bringa
bit more of an 80s vibe to this outfit. The second outfit is a beautiful
floral top from Bershka (贈20.00) paired with a pair of ripped denim
shorts from H&M (贈17.99) and a pair of white slip on Vans (贈60.00).
Again, with this outfit the pattern of the top brings a subtle80s feel to
the outfit, but the shots and shoes give ita modern twist. This outfit can
be paired with a pearl necklaceas shown (Urbanoutfitters 贈18.00) or
with a belt.
Whetheryoure goingoutfora meal orgoingto a bar
these outfitswillhelpyoufeel readytohave agood time.
These twooutfitsare the perfectcombinationof funand
flirtyforan overall fire look!The firstoutfit(left) isapair
of amazing90s discoinspiredflaredzebraprinttrousers
fromMotelrocks(贈48.00) witha faux leatherdouble
eyeletbeltfromBrandyMelville(贈11.00) and a burnt
orange tie up crop top fromMissguided(贈15.00).This
combinationof coloursandthe boldpatterniscertainto
getpeoplesheadstoturnand theirjawstodrop when
youentera room. The secondoutfit(right) isapair of
white whide legjeansfromH&M(贈20.00) witha zebra
printbeltfromPull&Bear(贈7.99) to complimentthe white
jeans.Itis pairedwithalowcutbodysuitfromZara
(贈15.99) and a sterlingsilverlayeredYnecklace from
Lovisa(贈15.00). The necklace reallycompletesthislookas
it takesadvantage of the V-necktoadd a bitof elegance to
thispowerful look. Everyonesbodyisabeachbody,if you are feelingconfident
inwhat youare wearingyouknow youlookfierce.This
Ribbedsquare neckbikini TopfromHollister(贈15.00) is a
favourite thissummer.Withremovable padsitcanbe
adaptedto fitmanychest sizesandits thickmaterial will
preventitfromgoingsee-through.If youwanttofeel abit
more bougie thenyoucan add anyboldnecklace toyour
outfitlike thisgoldpiece fromPrettyLittleThing,some
statementearringsorsome smallerpearl hoopslikethese
fromAccessorise,justremembertotake themoff before you
go inthe seathough!A lightweightcardiganortopis a good
itemto wearto the beachas it can offera bitof extra
coverage of youdesire butcan alsogive yourskina break
fromharsh sunrays.
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Magazine double page spread layout

  • 1. Fashion forward or backward? image image image Day Outfit This summer is all aboutretro fashion.Bringingback trends from the 80s and 90s,the days of floral printand bold animal prints,but with a modern twist. These two wonderful outfits are the perfect mix of comfort and styleto keep you feeling hotter than a summers day. The firstoutfit (left) is a simpleblack bandeau fromASOS (贈5.00) coupled with a bold leopard printmidi skirtfromHollister (贈30.00) with some Reebock anklesocks form ASOS (贈4.50) and a pair of white Nike Air Force 1 (贈80.00).The Bandeau leaves a perfect opportunity to add either a silver or gold chunky necklaceor a pair of statement earrings to bringa bit more of an 80s vibe to this outfit. The second outfit is a beautiful floral top from Bershka (贈20.00) paired with a pair of ripped denim shorts from H&M (贈17.99) and a pair of white slip on Vans (贈60.00). Again, with this outfit the pattern of the top brings a subtle80s feel to the outfit, but the shots and shoes give ita modern twist. This outfit can be paired with a pearl necklaceas shown (Urbanoutfitters 贈18.00) or with a belt. Whetheryoure goingoutfora meal orgoingto a bar these outfitswillhelpyoufeel readytohave agood time. These twooutfitsare the perfectcombinationof funand flirtyforan overall fire look!The firstoutfit(left) isapair of amazing90s discoinspiredflaredzebraprinttrousers fromMotelrocks(贈48.00) witha faux leatherdouble eyeletbeltfromBrandyMelville(贈11.00) and a burnt orange tie up crop top fromMissguided(贈15.00).This combinationof coloursandthe boldpatterniscertainto getpeoplesheadstoturnand theirjawstodrop when youentera room. The secondoutfit(right) isapair of white whide legjeansfromH&M(贈20.00) witha zebra printbeltfromPull&Bear(贈7.99) to complimentthe white jeans.Itis pairedwithalowcutbodysuitfromZara (贈15.99) and a sterlingsilverlayeredYnecklace from Lovisa(贈15.00). The necklace reallycompletesthislookas it takesadvantage of the V-necktoadd a bitof elegance to thispowerful look. Everyonesbodyisabeachbody,if you are feelingconfident inwhat youare wearingyouknow youlookfierce.This Ribbedsquare neckbikini TopfromHollister(贈15.00) is a favourite thissummer.Withremovable padsitcanbe adaptedto fitmanychest sizesandits thickmaterial will preventitfromgoingsee-through.If youwanttofeel abit more bougie thenyoucan add anyboldnecklace toyour outfitlike thisgoldpiece fromPrettyLittleThing,some statementearringsorsome smallerpearl hoopslikethese fromAccessorise,justremembertotake themoff before you go inthe seathough!A lightweightcardiganortopis a good itemto wearto the beachas it can offera bitof extra coverage of youdesire butcan alsogive yourskina break fromharsh sunrays.