Conhe巽a os Sistemas da AfixCode, AfixPat e AfixInv:
AfixPat - Sistema de Controle Patrimonial: Integra todas as necessidades do controle f鱈sico, cont叩bil, fiscal, custo e auditoria, atendendo todas as exig棚ncias legais e normas cont叩beis.
AfixInv - Software de Invent叩rio: uma ferramenta que agrega alta tecnologia e intelig棚ncia para a realiza巽達o automatizada do invent叩rio f鱈sico e de revis探es peri坦dicas do imobilizado
Limundo tim tra転i pojaanje!
貼eli邸 da postane邸 deo Limundo tima?
貼eli邸 da zajedno sa nama proslavi邸 pola miliona korisnika?
irimo tim i potreban nam je kolega ili kolegenica u korisnikoj podr邸ci.
Law firm and non-legal vendor selection and assignment is an integral part of efficient case management protocols in any law department, insurance/tpa claims or risk management operation
Appropriate Healthcare Technologies for Low Resource Settings: use of m-Technology in Rural Health Care and Education
Based on previous results and experience, we further investigated the use of m-phone based distant support for training and educational purposes.
We tested MobileDiagnosis in multiple and diverse settings and tested the method on:
1- image capturing and transmission;
2- training and education; and
3- diagnostic effectiveness at first level of care
The use of m-phones is rapidly spreading worldwide, reaching also the most isolated and socially marginalised communities. The opportunities it offers in public health are increasingly described in literature, however its potential in the training of, and support to local health workers has been only partially explored, less so its use in combination with innovative active learning approaches. The MobileDiagnosis experience shows that m-phones may be considered as an appropriate technology((accessible, affordable, acceptable) to educate, empower and mentoring local health- workers, enabling team-work and collaboration among peers, contributing to improved health care quality locally, and making knowledge and experience widely accessible and shared globally. The m-phone is just a tool, its potential for the Common Good depends on the use we make of it, on our imagination and creativity. Our approach and experience is but a very small attempt to use it as a tool of liberating education.
Este documento discute la prevalencia creciente de la prediabetes y la diabetes en Am辿rica Latina debido a factores como los h叩bitos alimenticios y el sedentarismo. La prediabetes se define como un estado metab坦lico previo a la diabetes que se caracteriza por niveles elevados pero no diab辿ticos de glucosa en la sangre. La detecci坦n y tratamiento temprano de la prediabetes puede prevenir el desarrollo de la diabetes en hasta el 58% de los casos. El documento proporciona estad鱈sticas sobre la prevalencia de la
Affordable innovation can help transform the health, education, and quality of life of the billions of people across the planet. This is essential for the peace and prosperity of mankind. The intersections of todays life and location-independent digital technologies offer us a unique opportunity to leverage global knowledge to find solutions much quicker and cheaper than we could ever imagine.
Law firm and non-legal vendor selection and assignment is an integral part of efficient case management protocols in any law department, insurance/tpa claims or risk management operation
Appropriate Healthcare Technologies for Low Resource Settings: use of m-Technology in Rural Health Care and Education
Based on previous results and experience, we further investigated the use of m-phone based distant support for training and educational purposes.
We tested MobileDiagnosis in multiple and diverse settings and tested the method on:
1- image capturing and transmission;
2- training and education; and
3- diagnostic effectiveness at first level of care
The use of m-phones is rapidly spreading worldwide, reaching also the most isolated and socially marginalised communities. The opportunities it offers in public health are increasingly described in literature, however its potential in the training of, and support to local health workers has been only partially explored, less so its use in combination with innovative active learning approaches. The MobileDiagnosis experience shows that m-phones may be considered as an appropriate technology((accessible, affordable, acceptable) to educate, empower and mentoring local health- workers, enabling team-work and collaboration among peers, contributing to improved health care quality locally, and making knowledge and experience widely accessible and shared globally. The m-phone is just a tool, its potential for the Common Good depends on the use we make of it, on our imagination and creativity. Our approach and experience is but a very small attempt to use it as a tool of liberating education.
Este documento discute la prevalencia creciente de la prediabetes y la diabetes en Am辿rica Latina debido a factores como los h叩bitos alimenticios y el sedentarismo. La prediabetes se define como un estado metab坦lico previo a la diabetes que se caracteriza por niveles elevados pero no diab辿ticos de glucosa en la sangre. La detecci坦n y tratamiento temprano de la prediabetes puede prevenir el desarrollo de la diabetes en hasta el 58% de los casos. El documento proporciona estad鱈sticas sobre la prevalencia de la
Affordable innovation can help transform the health, education, and quality of life of the billions of people across the planet. This is essential for the peace and prosperity of mankind. The intersections of todays life and location-independent digital technologies offer us a unique opportunity to leverage global knowledge to find solutions much quicker and cheaper than we could ever imagine.
The document summarizes key points from 5 articles for an exam review. It briefly outlines that the Henson article examines opinions of clerical work and experiences of male clerical workers. The Harvey article discusses benefits of women opening their own beauty salons. The Moller article reviews aspects of welfare assistance programs and compares recipients. The Wright article discusses invisible barriers that exclude women from higher positions. The Ferree article emphasizes the glass ceiling as part of larger issues for women's career advancement.
This document provides the preliminary detailed programme for the ICFR2013 conference held from September 4-6, 2013. The programme includes various sessions on topics related to flood risk management such as urban development and flood risk plans, flood hazard mapping, flood risk under climate change scenarios, evaluation of flood resilience measures, policy instruments and governance issues, and assessment of losses in flood risk analysis. Keynote lectures are scheduled on the first and second day. The programme details the session themes, presenters, and timing of presentations, poster displays, meals, and social events over the three-day conference period.
Think different visualization tools for testers StarEast 2013 pascaldufourPascal Dufour
The document discusses visualization tools that can aid testers in thinking and communicating testing ideas. It outlines key benefits of visualization, such as developing ideas and transferring information using little text. Various visualization techniques are presented, including diagrams, sketches, maps and photos. Specific examples shown include story mapping, risk graphs and software testing dashboards. The document encourages testers to represent information visually to engage audiences and facilitate understanding.
Livia Bellina is an Italian pathologist who founded MobileDiagnosis, a non-profit organization that pioneered using mobile phones to improve access to healthcare and medical education. She invented a method of taking microscope images with mobile phones and sending them via MMS for tele-diagnosis. This approach has enabled training of health workers in remote areas lacking resources. MobileDiagnosis aims to promote this methodology worldwide to expand access to care and education through use of mobile technology.
The Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis at University College London conducts research on urban modelling and simulation. This includes developing integrated land use and transport models to forecast urban growth, an agent-based model of mobility in London, and analyzing big data sources like smart card taps and bike sharing data. The group is also involved in projects on the science of cities, using techniques like percolation theory and network analysis to study city structure and growth patterns.
SharePoint 2013 - What's new for Devs - Belgian IT Bootcamp 2012Joris Poelmans
SharePoint 2013 introduces a new app model that allows developers to build standalone apps that can be deployed in SharePoint. There are three types of apps: SharePoint-hosted apps, which are contained within a SharePoint site; provider-hosted apps, which reside outside of SharePoint but integrate with it; and auto-hosted Azure apps, which are hosted and provisioned automatically in Windows Azure. The new app model provides developers with increased flexibility and the ability to leverage existing web development skills.
This document provides information about the New Era Learning Centre, including its mission, facilities, student support services, workshops, fees, acceptance policies, and timetable. The centre is committed to preparing students academically and developing well-rounded individuals. It offers affordable tuition, audio-visual teaching methods, regular tests and exams, a winter carnival, project help, a library, and career workshops. Students must maintain high attendance and adhere to conduct rules. The fees increase with each class from Rs. 13,000 to Rs. 19,000 but discounts are available. Classes are held Monday to Saturday following the given timetable.
This document discusses a talk given by William W Nazaroff on collaborating to study indoor microbiomes from Newtonian and Darwinian perspectives. It summarizes Harte's analysis of how physicists and ecologists approach their work differently, with physics seeking simplicity and universality while ecology finds increasing complexity. Nazaroff observes successful collaborations occur in small groups that foster mutual trust, teaching, and credit-sharing. Studying indoor microbiomes provides opportunities to advance understanding, though sustained support and challenging assumptions will be needed to overcome inertia. Nazaroff's own collaboration with Peccia's lab is producing results on indoor bacteria and fungi emissions.
MobileDiagnosis: Impact on Community ,
better quality laboratory results,
no more false negative in microscopy,
local work-forces education and improvement ,
better community health,
local real time diagnosis for an early therapy.
Op 4 juli 2011 was ik spreker bij de eerste SMC van Leeuwarden, georganiseerd en in het leven geroepen door @corhospes en heb hier het verhaal van de vermiste Mary-Anne Goossens verteld en wat er met sociale media rondom dit topic gedaan is/wordt en wat de resultaten ervan zijn. A story worth telling omdat ze gevonden moet worden! Hoe sociaal is sociale media draag ik bij deze op aan alle mensen die op wat voor manier dan ook een bijdrage leveren / hebben geleverd om Mary-Anne Goossens terug naar huis te brengen. Laten we doorgaan, tot ze daadwerkelijk thuis is! #maryannemissing Keep it up!
Wat ik graag wil benadrukken: 'if you create meaning, you create money' en wat mij betreft komt 'meaning' dus echt op de eerste plaats! Deze zaak gaat uiteraard niet over 'geld' verdienen maar wel over oproepen tot 'actie' en dat is de paralel met het bedrijfsleven. A story worth telling!
The document discusses how to do more with less through automation and establishing small regional development teams. It stresses the importance of data accuracy across departments by ensuring they capture key details like consignment numbers, names, dates, weights, and pieces. While decentralization alone may not directly improve outcomes, it could significantly impact teachers' working conditions and is not a solution to fundamental problems.
The document is a slideshow presentation describing how the author was fired from their job and struggled to find new employment for weeks and months despite having impressive qualifications on paper. They eventually connected with interview coaches Jed Aldridge and Terry Kerwood who helped them improve their interview skills. This led the author to start a company called Principles of Performance with the coaches to help other job seekers through advanced interview training tools including video feedback of mock interviews. Their success rate of clients getting job offers is 99% according to the presentation.
Steven Winter is an architect who graduated from Ohio State University with a Master's in Architecture in 2009. He has worked on three house projects: the 2009 OSU Solar Decathlon House, the 2010 Solar Decathlon Design Competition house, and a 2007 studio project house. The 2009 house emphasized centralized living and an interior/exterior interface that could adapt the space. It placed 8th in architecture at the competition. The 2010 house was designed for a post-industrial city and featured a ventilated facade and photovoltaics. The 2007 studio project house used physical, phenomenological, and photographic projections in its design.
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