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How OSS and BSS Bene鍖t a Service Provider / Operator?
Discover the ideal traits of an ideal OSS/BSS Solution
partner and 鍖nd a Friend for Life
roadband	Operators	require	a	system	to	monetize	their	services	leveraging	their	network	to	its	fullest	
Bpotential,	maintain	&	operate	the	same,	and	have	a	feedback	mechanism	to	improve	the	overall	process.	
Assuming	that	all	the	above-mentioned	aspects	are	addressed,	the	logical	outcome	is	that	the	operator	
grows	in	subscriber	base,	service	portfolio,	 lexi-plans,	and	scores	of	other	outcomes.	It	is	important	for	an	
operator	to	realize	that	the	journey	to	get	to	a	surge	of	growth	is	not	an	easy	one.	B/OSS	systems	can	quickly	
become	out-dated	and	one	might	not	realize	this	until	the	damage	is	already	done.	Therefore,	you	require	a	
growth	partner	with	experience	in	handling	your	future	requirements	to	bring	growth	and	sustainability	to	
your	business.	
How OSS and BSS Bene鍖t a
Service Provider / Operator?
OSS/BSS	systems	can	do	more	for	an	operator,	like	improving	pro itability	and	o鍖ering	what	your	customers	
desire	even	before	they	can	articulate	the	same.	In	addition,	seamlessly	integrate	with	other	systems	that	can	
improve	customer	experience,	react	to	change	faster	and	better,	o鍖er	clear	di鍖erentiation	from	competition	
and	develop	your	business.	While	these	practices	bring	sustainability	to	your	operations,	they	can	also	make	
your	business	future	proof.
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In	order	to	achieve	the	same,	you	require	a	partner	who	understands	an	operator's	business	and	the	core	
challenges	involved,	a	partner	who	has	experience	across	environments,	who	grows	with	the	operator	as	he	
grows,	makes	the	migration	to	next	generation	systems	with	ease	without	disrupting	your	current	operations	
and	above	all	does	not	sti le	you	with	the	burden	of	high	CAPEX.
In	a	snapshot,	you	require	a	partner	whom	you	can	trust	throughout	your	evolution	towards	unprecedented	
If	you	are	an	operator	with	a	vision,	or	aspiring	to	be	one;	you	require	an	O/BSS	solution	partner/	vendor	who	
shares	your	vision,	vigour,	and	above	all	has	an	excellent	product	o鍖ering.	Here	is	what	you	have	to	keep	an	
eye	out	for	if	you	want	to	be	sure	that	you	are	working	with	the	right	partner.
What to look in an ideal OSS/BSS
Solution Partner / Vendor?
As	an	service	provider's	technology	partner,	you'll	
ind	yourself	working	with	operators	with	diverse	
backgrounds,	diverse	requirements	but	with	a	
common	goal	of	process	optimization	aimed	at	
growth.	You	would	want	the	OSS/BSS	system	that	
you	are	working	with	to	o鍖er	the	 lexibility	to	
provide	quick	solutions	to	your	customers	to	
include,	 lexibility	in	feature	set	o鍖ered,	price	as	
well	as	implementation	timelines.
How OSS and BSS Bene鍖t a Service Provider / Operator?
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Compassion towards
Partner Challenges
When	you	promise	things	to	your	customers,	you	expect	
that	your	partner	understands	and	respects	the	same.	
You'd	like	them	to	work	with	a	partner	who	anticipates	
your	challenges	upfront	and	prepares	himself	to	meet	
the	same.	He	understands	that	billing	outage,	service	
disruption	and	etc.	are	key	KRAs	of	your	customer	and	
would	always	take	care	that	none	of	it	would	happen	so	
that	your	credibility	is	never	at	stake.
Fast and Furious
In	order	to	serve	operators	of	di鍖erent	sizes,	access	
technologies	and	geographies,	you	require	to	help	them	
quickly	to	create	and	ef iciently	manage(without	
compromising	on	quality)	hundreds	of	complex	
o鍖erings	and	provision	services	that	combine	network,	
IT	and	service	quality	considerations.		You	require	a	
partner	that	can	provide	you	with	a	catalogue-driven,	
component-based	approach,	because	it	opens	systems	
to	greater	collaboration	and	innovation,	with	in-house	
as	well	as	third	party	systems.	It	lets	operators	execute	
and	support	new	business	models	and	address	
scalability	even	when	dealing	with	a	multitude	of	
revenue-creation	approaches	and	commercial	
As	a	growth	strategy,	when	you	want	to	enter	adjacent	
markets,	you'll	require	your	partners	to	support	your	
growth	plan.	You	would	want	your	partner	to	provide	
solutions	for	similar	domains	or	accommodate	and	align	
your	growth	plan	to	theirs	so	that	your	working	
relationship	can	be	extended	to	new	markets	and	new	
segments	as	well.	In	short,	you	would	want	your	partner	
to	be	versatile	and	have	the	willingness	to	experiment.
The	right	vendor	will	accelerate	your	sales,	reduce	your	sales	cycle	times	and	implementation	times.	In	short,	
the	sum	will	be	greater	than	the	individual	parts.	At	the	end	of	the	day,	both	of	you	will	realize	the	end	goal	of	
delighting	your	customer	with	less	e鍖ort	resulting	in	more	customer	satisfaction.
The	business	bene its	can	be	summarized	as	follows:
 Innovate	go-to-market	models	to	increase	market	share
 Access	cutting-edge	solution	and	expert	consulting	designed	to	ensure	innovative	and	valuable	
solutions	for	mutual	or	prospective	customers
 Access	each	other's	global	network	of	customers	and	partner	ecosystem	and	partner	solutions	
 Find	new	customers	via	each	other's	lead	management	teams	and	systems
 Enhance	existing	and	future	o鍖erings	through	strategic	consulting	and	mapping	sessions
 Gain	critical	technical	expertise	from	leaders	in	their	respective	domains,	through	web-based	
and	in	person	training
 Leverage	the	backing	of	each	other's	support	desk	and	technical	expertise
Business Bene鍖ts of Having the Right OSS/BSS Solution
Vendor as a Growth Partner
This publication contains general information only and is based on the experiences and research of SURE! practitioners. SURE! is not, by
means of this publication, rendering business, 鍖nancial, investment, or other professional advice or services. This publication is not a
substitute for such professional advice or services, nor should it be used as a basis for any decision or action that may affect your
business. Before making any decision or taking any action that may affect your business, you should consult a quali鍖ed professional
advisor. SURE!, its af鍖liates, and related entities shall not be responsible for any loss sustained by any person who relies on this
Copyright 息 2014 SURE! A Magnaquest Product. All rights reserved.
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How OSS and BSS Bene鍖t a Service Provider / Operator?

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Friends in Business - How OSS & BSS benefit a Service Provider/ Operator?

  • 1. A product As used in this document, SURE! is a Magnaquest Product. Please visit for a detailed description of the end towww.experiencesure.com end Subscription Life cycle Management suite. Please visit for a detailed corporate pro鍖le.www.magnaquest.com Follow us at: In Business Friends Partners How OSS and BSS Bene鍖t a Service Provider / Operator? Discover the ideal traits of an ideal OSS/BSS Solution partner and 鍖nd a Friend for Life
  • 2. roadband Operators require a system to monetize their services leveraging their network to its fullest Bpotential, maintain & operate the same, and have a feedback mechanism to improve the overall process. Assuming that all the above-mentioned aspects are addressed, the logical outcome is that the operator grows in subscriber base, service portfolio, lexi-plans, and scores of other outcomes. It is important for an operator to realize that the journey to get to a surge of growth is not an easy one. B/OSS systems can quickly become out-dated and one might not realize this until the damage is already done. Therefore, you require a growth partner with experience in handling your future requirements to bring growth and sustainability to your business. How OSS and BSS Bene鍖t a Service Provider / Operator? OSS/BSS systems can do more for an operator, like improving pro itability and o鍖ering what your customers desire even before they can articulate the same. In addition, seamlessly integrate with other systems that can improve customer experience, react to change faster and better, o鍖er clear di鍖erentiation from competition and develop your business. While these practices bring sustainability to your operations, they can also make your business future proof. Follow us at: In order to achieve the same, you require a partner who understands an operator's business and the core challenges involved, a partner who has experience across environments, who grows with the operator as he grows, makes the migration to next generation systems with ease without disrupting your current operations and above all does not sti le you with the burden of high CAPEX. In a snapshot, you require a partner whom you can trust throughout your evolution towards unprecedented growth. If you are an operator with a vision, or aspiring to be one; you require an O/BSS solution partner/ vendor who shares your vision, vigour, and above all has an excellent product o鍖ering. Here is what you have to keep an eye out for if you want to be sure that you are working with the right partner. What to look in an ideal OSS/BSS Solution Partner / Vendor? Flexibility As an service provider's technology partner, you'll ind yourself working with operators with diverse backgrounds, diverse requirements but with a common goal of process optimization aimed at growth. You would want the OSS/BSS system that you are working with to o鍖er the lexibility to provide quick solutions to your customers to include, lexibility in feature set o鍖ered, price as well as implementation timelines.
  • 3. How OSS and BSS Bene鍖t a Service Provider / Operator? Follow us at: Compassion towards Partner Challenges When you promise things to your customers, you expect that your partner understands and respects the same. You'd like them to work with a partner who anticipates your challenges upfront and prepares himself to meet the same. He understands that billing outage, service disruption and etc. are key KRAs of your customer and would always take care that none of it would happen so that your credibility is never at stake. Fast and Furious In order to serve operators of di鍖erent sizes, access technologies and geographies, you require to help them quickly to create and ef iciently manage(without compromising on quality) hundreds of complex o鍖erings and provision services that combine network, IT and service quality considerations. You require a partner that can provide you with a catalogue-driven, component-based approach, because it opens systems to greater collaboration and innovation, with in-house as well as third party systems. It lets operators execute and support new business models and address scalability even when dealing with a multitude of revenue-creation approaches and commercial Versatility As a growth strategy, when you want to enter adjacent markets, you'll require your partners to support your growth plan. You would want your partner to provide solutions for similar domains or accommodate and align your growth plan to theirs so that your working relationship can be extended to new markets and new segments as well. In short, you would want your partner to be versatile and have the willingness to experiment.
  • 4. The right vendor will accelerate your sales, reduce your sales cycle times and implementation times. In short, the sum will be greater than the individual parts. At the end of the day, both of you will realize the end goal of delighting your customer with less e鍖ort resulting in more customer satisfaction. The business bene its can be summarized as follows: Innovate go-to-market models to increase market share Access cutting-edge solution and expert consulting designed to ensure innovative and valuable solutions for mutual or prospective customers Access each other's global network of customers and partner ecosystem and partner solutions directory Find new customers via each other's lead management teams and systems Enhance existing and future o鍖erings through strategic consulting and mapping sessions Gain critical technical expertise from leaders in their respective domains, through web-based and in person training Leverage the backing of each other's support desk and technical expertise Business Bene鍖ts of Having the Right OSS/BSS Solution Vendor as a Growth Partner This publication contains general information only and is based on the experiences and research of SURE! practitioners. SURE! is not, by means of this publication, rendering business, 鍖nancial, investment, or other professional advice or services. This publication is not a substitute for such professional advice or services, nor should it be used as a basis for any decision or action that may affect your business. Before making any decision or taking any action that may affect your business, you should consult a quali鍖ed professional advisor. SURE!, its af鍖liates, and related entities shall not be responsible for any loss sustained by any person who relies on this publication. Copyright 息 2014 SURE! A Magnaquest Product. All rights reserved. Follow us at: Some CustomersSURE! How OSS and BSS Bene鍖t a Service Provider / Operator?