The document discusses how OSS/BSS systems can benefit telecommunications service providers and operators. It outlines several key benefits, including improving profitability, integrating with other systems to enhance customer experience, reacting faster to changes, offering differentiation from competitors, and making businesses more future-proof. It emphasizes that service providers require a flexible partner with experience across environments that can support growth plans. The ideal OSS/BSS solution partner is described as offering flexibility, showing compassion for partners' challenges, providing fast solutions, and demonstrating versatility to support market expansion.
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Friends in Business - How OSS & BSS benefit a Service Provider/ Operator?
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How OSS and BSS Bene鍖t a Service Provider / Operator?
Discover the ideal traits of an ideal OSS/BSS Solution
partner and 鍖nd a Friend for Life
3. How OSS and BSS Bene鍖t a Service Provider / Operator?
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Compassion towards
Partner Challenges
When you promise things to your customers, you expect
that your partner understands and respects the same.
You'd like them to work with a partner who anticipates
your challenges upfront and prepares himself to meet
the same. He understands that billing outage, service
disruption and etc. are key KRAs of your customer and
would always take care that none of it would happen so
that your credibility is never at stake.
Fast and Furious
In order to serve operators of di鍖erent sizes, access
technologies and geographies, you require to help them
quickly to create and ef iciently manage(without
compromising on quality) hundreds of complex
o鍖erings and provision services that combine network,
IT and service quality considerations. You require a
partner that can provide you with a catalogue-driven,
component-based approach, because it opens systems
to greater collaboration and innovation, with in-house
as well as third party systems. It lets operators execute
and support new business models and address
scalability even when dealing with a multitude of
revenue-creation approaches and commercial
As a growth strategy, when you want to enter adjacent
markets, you'll require your partners to support your
growth plan. You would want your partner to provide
solutions for similar domains or accommodate and align
your growth plan to theirs so that your working
relationship can be extended to new markets and new
segments as well. In short, you would want your partner
to be versatile and have the willingness to experiment.
4. The right vendor will accelerate your sales, reduce your sales cycle times and implementation times. In short,
the sum will be greater than the individual parts. At the end of the day, both of you will realize the end goal of
delighting your customer with less e鍖ort resulting in more customer satisfaction.
The business bene its can be summarized as follows:
Innovate go-to-market models to increase market share
Access cutting-edge solution and expert consulting designed to ensure innovative and valuable
solutions for mutual or prospective customers
Access each other's global network of customers and partner ecosystem and partner solutions
Find new customers via each other's lead management teams and systems
Enhance existing and future o鍖erings through strategic consulting and mapping sessions
Gain critical technical expertise from leaders in their respective domains, through web-based
and in person training
Leverage the backing of each other's support desk and technical expertise
Business Bene鍖ts of Having the Right OSS/BSS Solution
Vendor as a Growth Partner
This publication contains general information only and is based on the experiences and research of SURE! practitioners. SURE! is not, by
means of this publication, rendering business, 鍖nancial, investment, or other professional advice or services. This publication is not a
substitute for such professional advice or services, nor should it be used as a basis for any decision or action that may affect your
business. Before making any decision or taking any action that may affect your business, you should consult a quali鍖ed professional
advisor. SURE!, its af鍖liates, and related entities shall not be responsible for any loss sustained by any person who relies on this
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How OSS and BSS Bene鍖t a Service Provider / Operator?