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3 Best Paid Channels to Market your App
3 Best Paid Channels to Market your App
3 Best Paid Channels to Market your App
3 Best Paid Channels to Market your App
3 Best Paid Channels to Market your App
3 Best Paid Channels to Market your App
4 out of 5 consumers use smartphone to shop
88% of people agree that
having a mobile device with
real time information make
them more spontaneous with
shopping and in general more
open to discovering new
things. - Latitude
63% of people
expect to be doing
more shopping on
their mobile devices
over the next couple
of years. - Latitude
As online store continue to dominate , how will
retailer engage shoppers along the new
consumer journey?
Think of answers for following
What does a shopper visiting a retail shop expects and
What does a retail shop typically expects (Profit I know
but how?)
To win the hearts of the
customers, retailers
must share the precise
info at the fortune of the
moment, and cater to the
customers need by
executing the requisite
processes proficiently.
3 Best Paid Channels to Market your App
Every retailer should have an app because
A Stanford survey has
shown that nearly half of
the users in the millennial
age group have
downloaded a mobile
shopping app.
In one survey from Internet
Retailer, 61% of US
consumers have an improved
opinion of brands that offer a
positive mobile experience.
How do you provide a positive and
compelling experience through your retail
Mobile Payments
3 Best Paid Channels to Market your App
3 Best Paid Channels to Market your App
3 Best Paid Channels to Market your App
Thank You!
Finoit Team
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3 Best Paid Channels to Market your App

  • 7. 4 out of 5 consumers use smartphone to shop
  • 8. 88% of people agree that having a mobile device with real time information make them more spontaneous with shopping and in general more open to discovering new things. - Latitude
  • 9. 63% of people expect to be doing more shopping on their mobile devices over the next couple of years. - Latitude
  • 10. As online store continue to dominate , how will retailer engage shoppers along the new consumer journey?
  • 11. Think of answers for following questions- What does a shopper visiting a retail shop expects and wants? What does a retail shop typically expects (Profit I know but how?)
  • 12. To win the hearts of the customers, retailers must share the precise info at the fortune of the moment, and cater to the customers need by executing the requisite processes proficiently.
  • 14. Every retailer should have an app because
  • 15. A Stanford survey has shown that nearly half of the users in the millennial age group have downloaded a mobile shopping app.
  • 16. In one survey from Internet Retailer, 61% of US consumers have an improved opinion of brands that offer a positive mobile experience.
  • 17. How do you provide a positive and compelling experience through your retail app?