Τσιγάρο; Ευχαριστώ, δεν καπνί-ΖΩ!Elpida SamaltaniΗ παρουσίαση της σχολικής εκδήλωσης της Ε΄Δημ. κατά του καπνίσματος στηρίχθηκε σ' αυτό το power point.
Τσιγάρο; Ευχαριστώ, δεν καπνί-ΖΩ!Elpida SamaltaniΗ παρουσίαση της σχολικής εκδήλωσης της Ε΄Δημ. κατά του καπνίσματος στηρίχθηκε σ' αυτό το power point.
ΡΑΤΣΙΣΜΟΣAreti KarkouΜια εργασία για το μάθημα "Κείμενα Νεοελληνικής Λογοτεχνίας" Β΄ Γυμνασίου από τις μαθήτριες: Τζάκα Ελευθερία, Τζιώλα Μαρίνα-Σοφία. Υπεύθυνη καθηγήτρια: Κάρκου Αρετή
Πρόγραμμα εκδηλώσεωνAnnet DomeΦθινοπωρινό Φεστιβάλ Παιδικού & Εφηβικού Βιβλίου
στο Ελληνικό Ίδρυμα Πολιτισμού
3-4-5 Οκτωβρίου 2014
«Του κόσμου τα βιβλία… του κόσμου τα παραμύθια»
όλες οι συνταγέςfotistThis document contains recipes from students in Rhodes, Greece. It includes dishes like Giouler's fresh fish, Matina's Greek salad, Flora's string beans with pumpkin, Anastasia's moussaka, and others. Each recipe provides ingredients and instructions for traditional Greek and international dishes.
Our names’ frequency in our schoolfotistThe document contains data on the frequency of students' names at a school with 256 students across 12 classes. It lists the most common names such as Dimitri (11 students), George (6 students), and Antzela (9 students). It also notes that 186 students have other names that are not specifically listed. Charts are included that visualize the name frequencies found in the school.
Presentation of grade 6 students, greecefotistThis document contains information about the names of several individuals, including their origins and famous people who share them. It discusses names originating from Greek and other languages and cultures, as well as their connections to religious figures and relatives they were named after. Famous people mentioned include athletes, actors, singers, and other notable historical and political figures from Greece and other countries.