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                                                       Geographic Intelligence For Targeted Student Recruiting

I   Intuitive map-centric interface
I   Customized to meet each institutions needs
I   View and analyze your current student body
I   Targeted recruiting with geographic intelligence

GeoRecruiter is powered with software and expertise from experts
in the field of Geographic Intelligence
I   GIS Solutions - 2 decades of experience with geographic
    information systems
I   NavTeq - World leader in mapping databases
I   Nielsen - World leader in marketing and demographics
I   ESRI - World leader in map systems software platforms                                        Recruitment Goals

You Are In Control
GeoRecruiter puts you in control over your data, and helps you create targeted
marketing results
I   Web interface puts you in control 24/7
I   Create unlimited marketing scenarios using our unique Student Profiler tools
I   Tailored marketing results fits your needs: GeoRecruiter identifies Zip Codes,
    High Schools, or Individual Addresses for your targeted marketing efforts

Return On Investment (ROI)
Recruiting just one new student with a profile similar to your best students

                                                                                            Display Current Students
covers your investment in the GeoRecruiter

Custom Services
At your direction, we can provide customized services including: data cleanup,
GeoRecruiter customizations and integration with other enterprise systems

The GeoRecruiter process incorporates your data and
unique goals to produce tailored results.

                                                                                                 Define Your Target
The GeoRecruiter combines your student data with premier mapping systems, demographic data,
and PRIZM lifestyle data for profiling your best students, and recruiting more of them. In addition,
the GeoRecruiter will provide you with a more effective student recruitment, tailored for your
institution, and, an improved understanding of your current student body.

                                                   Step 1: Discovery
                                                   We begin with a face-to-face meeting at your institution. We listen
                                                   to your recruitment challenges and goals. Then, together, we dis-
                                                   cuss how the GeoRecruiter can help you achieve a better under-
                                                   standing of your current student body, AND how you can achieve
                                                   recruitment success.

                                                   Step 2: Data Analysis
                                                   Next, we analyze and geocode the data for your current student
                                                   body. Geocoding is a process that allows us to place all your
                                                   students on the GeoRecruiter兵s interactive map display. This is a
                                                   100% secure process. We only process the data you provide
                                                   and we never release your data to outside companies.

                                                   Step 3: Explore
Dynamic Web Interface

                                                   Your geocoded information is loaded into the GeoRecruiter web
                                                   portal. Now, you have secure, 24/7 access to your student data.
                                                   The GeoRecruiter includes unlimited access to interactive data
                                                   exploration and mapping tools.

                                                   Step 4: Define Recruitment Profile
                                                   Use the GeoRecruiter profiling tools to define the type of students
                                                   you hope to recruit. The GeoRecruiter uses these profiles in com-
                                                   bination with geographic, demographic, and lifestyle datasets to
                                                   seek out new recruitment targets.

                                                   Step 5: Download Results
                                                   Of course the goal of using the GeoRecruiter is to improve your
Advanced Analytics                                 recruiting process. The GeoRecruiter helps you focus your mar-
                                                   keting efforts by providing zip codes, high schools, and individual
                                                   mailing addresses that match your desired recruitment profile.

                Contact us to start focusing your recruitment with the GeoRecruiter.

                                     GeoRecruiter Sales
                                           Ron Skupien
                                          312 . 303 . 3648

GeoRecruiter Sales
         Ron Skupien
        312 . 303 . 3648

     GIS Solutions, Inc.
      2612 Farragut Drive
    Springfield, Illinois 62704

GeoRecruiter by GIS Solutions Inc.

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Geo Recruiter Brochure

  • 2. GeoRecruiter Geographic Intelligence For Targeted Student Recruiting Features I Intuitive map-centric interface I Customized to meet each institutions needs I View and analyze your current student body I Targeted recruiting with geographic intelligence Expertise GeoRecruiter is powered with software and expertise from experts in the field of Geographic Intelligence I GIS Solutions - 2 decades of experience with geographic information systems I NavTeq - World leader in mapping databases I Nielsen - World leader in marketing and demographics I ESRI - World leader in map systems software platforms Recruitment Goals You Are In Control GeoRecruiter puts you in control over your data, and helps you create targeted marketing results I Web interface puts you in control 24/7 I Create unlimited marketing scenarios using our unique Student Profiler tools I Tailored marketing results fits your needs: GeoRecruiter identifies Zip Codes, High Schools, or Individual Addresses for your targeted marketing efforts Return On Investment (ROI) Recruiting just one new student with a profile similar to your best students Display Current Students covers your investment in the GeoRecruiter Custom Services At your direction, we can provide customized services including: data cleanup, GeoRecruiter customizations and integration with other enterprise systems The GeoRecruiter process incorporates your data and unique goals to produce tailored results. Define Your Target
  • 3. The GeoRecruiter combines your student data with premier mapping systems, demographic data, and PRIZM lifestyle data for profiling your best students, and recruiting more of them. In addition, the GeoRecruiter will provide you with a more effective student recruitment, tailored for your institution, and, an improved understanding of your current student body. Step 1: Discovery We begin with a face-to-face meeting at your institution. We listen to your recruitment challenges and goals. Then, together, we dis- cuss how the GeoRecruiter can help you achieve a better under- standing of your current student body, AND how you can achieve recruitment success. Step 2: Data Analysis Next, we analyze and geocode the data for your current student body. Geocoding is a process that allows us to place all your students on the GeoRecruiter兵s interactive map display. This is a 100% secure process. We only process the data you provide and we never release your data to outside companies. Step 3: Explore Dynamic Web Interface Your geocoded information is loaded into the GeoRecruiter web portal. Now, you have secure, 24/7 access to your student data. The GeoRecruiter includes unlimited access to interactive data exploration and mapping tools. Step 4: Define Recruitment Profile Use the GeoRecruiter profiling tools to define the type of students you hope to recruit. The GeoRecruiter uses these profiles in com- bination with geographic, demographic, and lifestyle datasets to seek out new recruitment targets. Step 5: Download Results Of course the goal of using the GeoRecruiter is to improve your Advanced Analytics recruiting process. The GeoRecruiter helps you focus your mar- keting efforts by providing zip codes, high schools, and individual mailing addresses that match your desired recruitment profile. Contact us to start focusing your recruitment with the GeoRecruiter. GeoRecruiter Sales Ron Skupien rskupien@gis-solutions.com 312 . 303 . 3648 www.georecruiter.com
  • 4. GeoRecruiter Sales Ron Skupien rskupien@gis-solutions.com 312 . 303 . 3648 GIS Solutions, Inc. 2612 Farragut Drive Springfield, Illinois 62704 www.gis-solutions.com GeoRecruiter by GIS Solutions Inc. www.georecruiter.com