Charles Cullen was a nurse in New Jersey and Pennsylvania who was convicted of murdering at least 40 patients over the course of his 16 year career. He worked at 10 different hospitals where he used various methods like lethal drug overdoses to kill patients. Cullen was able to move between hospitals undetected because of lack of reporting requirements and legal protections for employers. He was eventually arrested in 2003 and pleaded guilty to murdering 29 people. Cullen received 11 consecutive life sentences.
GeoRecruiter is a student recruitment tool that combines student data, mapping systems, and demographic data to help universities better understand their current student bodies and target their recruiting efforts. It provides an interactive map interface to analyze where current students come from. Using profiling tools, universities can define their target student type and GeoRecruiter will identify new recruitment areas that match this profile. This targeted approach allows universities to focus their marketing in specific zip codes, high schools, or individual addresses to recruit more students similar to their best performers.
This document summarizes a seminar discussion on privacy issues in the information age. The seminar group discussed problems around excessive personal information being available online and potential misuse, as well as how to develop a web-based application to help people check and alter their privacy settings on social media and search platforms according to average settings and demographic data. The application would help address the challenging issue of defining appropriate boundaries for online privacy.
The document provides details about geographic locations in a remote area of northern Ontario, Canada. It includes place names of lakes, rivers, and other landscape features. Several fires that burned large areas of the region in the 1920s are mentioned. The text also notes that remnants of a large meteorite impact from 450 million years ago are still visible in the area.
The document describes a student recruitment software called Student Recruiter by GIS Solutions Inc. It uses geographic data and student profiles to identify new areas for colleges to target recruitment efforts. Student data is analyzed to create profiles of different student types. Maps, tables and reports are generated showing recommended schools and addresses for recruitment that match the student profiles. These outputs can be downloaded and used to guide recruitment goals and increase enrollment, tuition, diversity and profitability.
Pair programming involves two programmers working together at one computer. One person acts as the driver who types code while the other navigates and reviews. It has benefits like catching mistakes earlier, improving design quality, transferring knowledge between partners, and creating a stronger sense of team. While there is initially a 15% overhead in time, studies show this is outweighed by fewer defects and a more flexible system in the long run. Effective pair programming requires collaboration, respect, communication and regularly alternating roles.
Improving the Quality of Existing SoftwareSteven Smith
How do you improve the quality of your existing software, while continuing to add value for your customers? What are some heuristics and code smells you can look for, and principles and patterns you can use to guide you, as you make your software better over time instead of worse?
Refactoring Applications using SOLID PrinciplesSteven Smith
Weve all heard about well-designed software projects, where things arent (yet) a big ball of mud thats painful to work with, but many of us arent lucky enough to work on these. Nor is it an option for us to get to start a brand new greenfield project, where we can leave behind the legacy of spaghetti code and technical debt our current project might have.
But there is hope! By applying refactoring steps based on SOLID principles of object oriented design, we can reduce the technical debt of our existing application, improve our code quality, and hopefully make our application more enjoyable and productive to work with.
In this session, well briefly introduce the SOLID principles and several design patterns, and then well apply these principles and patterns by improving the design of an existing application through several refactoring steps.
Improving The Quality of Existing SoftwareSteven Smith
Presented at DevReach 2013.
As developers, most of our time is spent working on existing software. Sure, occasionally we get the chance to fire up a new Solution in Visual Studio, and that can be exciting. But after the first day, we find ourselves once more having to deal with the work we did yesterday. And today, we know more than we did yesterday, so there are things wed do differently, if we had it to do over.
Over time, software rots. If were not diligent, our beautiful code can degrade into a worthless mess. Keeping our code in working condition is no different than changing the oil in our car its preventive maintenance. In this session, Steve will look at some common places to look for signs of degradation in existing applications, and steps to take to improve the code. Examples will use C# and primarily ASP.NET.
Refactoring with SOLID Principles (FalafelCon 2013)Steven Smith
Weve all heard about well-designed software projects, where things arent (yet) a big ball of mud thats painful to work with, but many of us arent lucky enough to work on these. Nor is it an option for us to get to start a brand new greenfield project, where we can leave behind the legacy of spaghetti code and technical debt our current project might have.
But there is hope! By applying refactoring steps based on SOLID principles of object oriented design, we can reduce the technical debt of our existing application, improve our code quality, and hopefully make our application more enjoyable and productive to work with.
In this session, well briefly introduce the SOLID principles and several design patterns, and then well apply these principles and patterns by improving the design of an existing application through several refactoring steps.
South East of England Mental Health CEO ForumSarah Amani
Despite their impossible schedule & demands, the CEOs of mental health trusts in the South East of England kindly allowed us to discuss the latest access and quality standard.
Campos de arroz, sapal e zona h炭mida descrevem uma paisagem com 叩reas alagadas e canais que ficam expostos durante a mar辿 baixa, possivelmente referindo-se a uma 叩rea de cultivo de arroz.
El documento presenta la visi坦n, misi坦n y situaci坦n actual de Leonardo Santos, un ingeniero de sistemas y docente. Su visi坦n se enfoca en el futuro a largo plazo, mientras que su misi坦n es proveer educaci坦n. La situaci坦n actual se resume brevemente usando puntos clave, y los antecedentes hist坦ricos son tambi辿n mencionados de forma concisa.
Articula巽達o vertical e horizontal 13 14 ticAMG Sobrenome
Este documento descreve a articula巽達o vertical e horizontal das disciplinas de Tecnologias de Informa巽達o e Comunica巽達o entre os 7o e 8o anos de escolaridade. Ele lista os pr辿-requisitos e conte炭dos essenciais, como a utiliza巽達o segura do computador e a pesquisa na Internet. Tamb辿m destaca a articula巽達o interdisciplinar das TIC com outras disciplinas para apoiar as compet棚ncias de comunica巽達o e pesquisa.
El Grupo 3 Suisses International lanza su primer marketplace de moda XL en Espa単a llamado, el cual ofrece m叩s de 1,500 productos de tallas grandes hasta la 64 de marcas internacionales. busca convertirse en la principal opci坦n de compra para aquellas personas que tienen dificultades para encontrar ropa que se ajuste a su talla. El Grupo 3 Suisses International planea expandir el modelo de a otros mercados europeos en los que opera.
Este documento fornece conselhos e desejos para o pr坦ximo ano, enfatizando a import但ncia do perd達o constante, aprendizado de li巽探es do passado, autoconhecimento, equil鱈brio entre vida interior e exterior, aceita巽達o de fracassos e sucessos com normalidade, busca pela paz e amor, honestidade consigo mesmo, n達o humilha巽達o a si mesmo ou aos outros, pedir sem implorar, integridade e tempo para os outros.
A AG Calegari 辿 uma empresa de consultoria em log鱈stica localizada em Passo Fundo no Rio Grande do Sul. Ela oferece servi巽os de consultoria em log鱈stica e pode ser contatada por telefone, e-mail ou nos endere巽os listados em seu site
Catalog maheela women's foundation of nepal 2011solangebagutti
"For each scarf you buy, you give one days fair work for a struggling woman."
"Pour chaque 辿charpe que vous achetez, vous donnez une journ辿e de travail une femme rescap辿e de violences."
The Maheela Textile Co-op was created to empower at-risk women, training them in traditional Nepalese textile arts and provide job and independency enabling them to support themselves and their children. The textiles we create are traditionally hand-woven, hand-dyed and tied from the finest viscose, cotton, silk, wool or luxurious cashmere yarn. This intensive labor process produces beautiful, high-quality scarves, shawls and household items.
Womens Foundation of Nepal a cr辿辿 la Coop辿rative Maheela pour soutenir des femmes victimes de violence. Les textiles cr辿辿s par la Coop辿rative Maheela sont traditionnellement tiss辿s la main et teints. Ce processus de fabrication produit de magnifiques articles de haute qualit辿.
The document provides details about geographic locations in a remote area of northern Ontario, Canada. It includes place names of lakes, rivers, and other landscape features. Several fires that burned large areas of the region in the 1920s are mentioned. The text also notes that remnants of a large meteorite impact from 450 million years ago are still visible in the area.
The document describes a student recruitment software called Student Recruiter by GIS Solutions Inc. It uses geographic data and student profiles to identify new areas for colleges to target recruitment efforts. Student data is analyzed to create profiles of different student types. Maps, tables and reports are generated showing recommended schools and addresses for recruitment that match the student profiles. These outputs can be downloaded and used to guide recruitment goals and increase enrollment, tuition, diversity and profitability.
Pair programming involves two programmers working together at one computer. One person acts as the driver who types code while the other navigates and reviews. It has benefits like catching mistakes earlier, improving design quality, transferring knowledge between partners, and creating a stronger sense of team. While there is initially a 15% overhead in time, studies show this is outweighed by fewer defects and a more flexible system in the long run. Effective pair programming requires collaboration, respect, communication and regularly alternating roles.
Improving the Quality of Existing SoftwareSteven Smith
How do you improve the quality of your existing software, while continuing to add value for your customers? What are some heuristics and code smells you can look for, and principles and patterns you can use to guide you, as you make your software better over time instead of worse?
Refactoring Applications using SOLID PrinciplesSteven Smith
Weve all heard about well-designed software projects, where things arent (yet) a big ball of mud thats painful to work with, but many of us arent lucky enough to work on these. Nor is it an option for us to get to start a brand new greenfield project, where we can leave behind the legacy of spaghetti code and technical debt our current project might have.
But there is hope! By applying refactoring steps based on SOLID principles of object oriented design, we can reduce the technical debt of our existing application, improve our code quality, and hopefully make our application more enjoyable and productive to work with.
In this session, well briefly introduce the SOLID principles and several design patterns, and then well apply these principles and patterns by improving the design of an existing application through several refactoring steps.
Improving The Quality of Existing SoftwareSteven Smith
Presented at DevReach 2013.
As developers, most of our time is spent working on existing software. Sure, occasionally we get the chance to fire up a new Solution in Visual Studio, and that can be exciting. But after the first day, we find ourselves once more having to deal with the work we did yesterday. And today, we know more than we did yesterday, so there are things wed do differently, if we had it to do over.
Over time, software rots. If were not diligent, our beautiful code can degrade into a worthless mess. Keeping our code in working condition is no different than changing the oil in our car its preventive maintenance. In this session, Steve will look at some common places to look for signs of degradation in existing applications, and steps to take to improve the code. Examples will use C# and primarily ASP.NET.
Refactoring with SOLID Principles (FalafelCon 2013)Steven Smith
Weve all heard about well-designed software projects, where things arent (yet) a big ball of mud thats painful to work with, but many of us arent lucky enough to work on these. Nor is it an option for us to get to start a brand new greenfield project, where we can leave behind the legacy of spaghetti code and technical debt our current project might have.
But there is hope! By applying refactoring steps based on SOLID principles of object oriented design, we can reduce the technical debt of our existing application, improve our code quality, and hopefully make our application more enjoyable and productive to work with.
In this session, well briefly introduce the SOLID principles and several design patterns, and then well apply these principles and patterns by improving the design of an existing application through several refactoring steps.
South East of England Mental Health CEO ForumSarah Amani
Despite their impossible schedule & demands, the CEOs of mental health trusts in the South East of England kindly allowed us to discuss the latest access and quality standard.
Campos de arroz, sapal e zona h炭mida descrevem uma paisagem com 叩reas alagadas e canais que ficam expostos durante a mar辿 baixa, possivelmente referindo-se a uma 叩rea de cultivo de arroz.
El documento presenta la visi坦n, misi坦n y situaci坦n actual de Leonardo Santos, un ingeniero de sistemas y docente. Su visi坦n se enfoca en el futuro a largo plazo, mientras que su misi坦n es proveer educaci坦n. La situaci坦n actual se resume brevemente usando puntos clave, y los antecedentes hist坦ricos son tambi辿n mencionados de forma concisa.
Articula巽達o vertical e horizontal 13 14 ticAMG Sobrenome
Este documento descreve a articula巽達o vertical e horizontal das disciplinas de Tecnologias de Informa巽達o e Comunica巽達o entre os 7o e 8o anos de escolaridade. Ele lista os pr辿-requisitos e conte炭dos essenciais, como a utiliza巽達o segura do computador e a pesquisa na Internet. Tamb辿m destaca a articula巽達o interdisciplinar das TIC com outras disciplinas para apoiar as compet棚ncias de comunica巽達o e pesquisa.
El Grupo 3 Suisses International lanza su primer marketplace de moda XL en Espa単a llamado, el cual ofrece m叩s de 1,500 productos de tallas grandes hasta la 64 de marcas internacionales. busca convertirse en la principal opci坦n de compra para aquellas personas que tienen dificultades para encontrar ropa que se ajuste a su talla. El Grupo 3 Suisses International planea expandir el modelo de a otros mercados europeos en los que opera.
Este documento fornece conselhos e desejos para o pr坦ximo ano, enfatizando a import但ncia do perd達o constante, aprendizado de li巽探es do passado, autoconhecimento, equil鱈brio entre vida interior e exterior, aceita巽達o de fracassos e sucessos com normalidade, busca pela paz e amor, honestidade consigo mesmo, n達o humilha巽達o a si mesmo ou aos outros, pedir sem implorar, integridade e tempo para os outros.
A AG Calegari 辿 uma empresa de consultoria em log鱈stica localizada em Passo Fundo no Rio Grande do Sul. Ela oferece servi巽os de consultoria em log鱈stica e pode ser contatada por telefone, e-mail ou nos endere巽os listados em seu site
Catalog maheela women's foundation of nepal 2011solangebagutti
"For each scarf you buy, you give one days fair work for a struggling woman."
"Pour chaque 辿charpe que vous achetez, vous donnez une journ辿e de travail une femme rescap辿e de violences."
The Maheela Textile Co-op was created to empower at-risk women, training them in traditional Nepalese textile arts and provide job and independency enabling them to support themselves and their children. The textiles we create are traditionally hand-woven, hand-dyed and tied from the finest viscose, cotton, silk, wool or luxurious cashmere yarn. This intensive labor process produces beautiful, high-quality scarves, shawls and household items.
Womens Foundation of Nepal a cr辿辿 la Coop辿rative Maheela pour soutenir des femmes victimes de violence. Les textiles cr辿辿s par la Coop辿rative Maheela sont traditionnellement tiss辿s la main et teints. Ce processus de fabrication produit de magnifiques articles de haute qualit辿.
Taller de marca personal realizado con SocialDocs para el CIM- Concello de Burela dentro del marco de actividades para el D鱈a Internacional de la Eliminaci坦n de la Violencia contra la Mujer. En el taller se trabaj坦 la t辿cnica de Creative Problem Solving.
9. O estudo de mercado realizar鱈amolo mediante unha encosta Elexir un obxetivo. O noso obxetivo 辿 traer un negocio de comida r叩pida a Carballo, con un parque infantil e unha zona de autoservicio de autom坦biles. Enquisa. A nosa metodolixia ser叩 unha enquisa na que faremos 10 preguntas sobre o noso negocio e que lle parece aos cidad叩ns de Carballo: Elexir o p炭blico. O noso local esta dirixido a xente que ven no coche, a rapaces que ve単en a usar o parque infantil, a sua familia e a xente que non ten tempo de facer comida e ten que comer r叩pido. Realiza unha hip坦tesis. Se o negocio mellorara moito en pouco tempo,intentariamos ampliar,e se hai moita moita mellora farias outro local.
10. Realizar encosta Que che parece a comida r叩pida? E unha boa idea para un apuro,pero non para todolos dias Eu iria de vez en cuando a comer alg炭n tipo de comida. Ir鱈a todolos dias a comer, cear,
11. 1.Consumirias comida r叩pida habitualmente? Non consumir鱈a nunca este tipo de comida. Consumir鱈a de vez en cuando un pouco de comida. Consumir鱈a todos os d鱈as ou case todos.
13. 3.Querrias un McDonals en Carballo? Non, de ningunha maneira. S鱈 pero non ir鱈a ou ir鱈a pouco a este establecemento. S鱈 ir鱈a e estar鱈a moi contento con este local.
14. 4.Levar鱈as aos teus familiares a comer a este establecemento? Non os levar鱈a de ningunha maneira xa que non me gusta McDonalds. Levar鱈aos pero con pouca frecuencia. Levar鱈aos con frecuencia e con pouco tipo de problema.
15. 5.Que che parece o ambiente do local? Pareceme moi sobrio e pouco acolledor. Pareceme moi sobrio pero estase a gusto. Pareceme moi acolledor e familiar.
16. 6.Que che parece o ambiente do local? Pareceme moi sobrio e pouco acolledor. Pareceme moi sobrio pero estase a gusto. Pareceme moi acolledor e familiar.
17. 7.Recomendar鱈aslle a amigos e compa単eiros a que existe este establecemento? Non de ning炭n tipo. Si pero con algo de contrariedade. Dir鱈allo e recomendar鱈allo.
18. 8.Utilizarias o McAuto? Non. Ir鱈a pero parecer鱈ame un pouco estrabagante. S鱈 encantar鱈ame ir co coche e recoller a comida no meu coche.
21. Marketing Mix Onde o imos vender? En que lugar se vai vender? Local do vendedor E o lugar determinante para vender o produto? Si, ten que estar cerca da zona urbana onde este ao alcance das persoas. O local debe ser amplo, cunha boa decoraci坦n e orde. Tamen lle dariamos algun tipo de desconto a xente que esta en paro, e axubilados. Aos nenos daremoslle xoguetes ou comidas adicionales.
22. Importa a diferenciaci坦n? Si E preciso alg炭n envase especial? Cando condiciona o envase a decisi坦n final de compra? Si, pero xa o proporciona a franquicia Vendese individualmente ou con outros bens e servizos? Individual Existen cantidades minimas de venda? Non Cales son as tarifas e prezos? Como se van a determinar os prezos? As que estipule a franquicia, determinanse mediante o que diga a franquicia seg炭n a epoca , a situacion econ坦mica ,E.T.C. Que tipos de descontos ou promoci坦ns se pensa realizar? Como se vai a dar a co単ecer o produto? Pola compra de men炭s infantiles regalaraselle un xoguete, e aos maiores regalaraselle algun tipo de comida adicional.
23. An叩lise DAFO 1尊 . Factores internos que fan 叩 organaci坦n forte. Bo resultado no test do emprndedor por parte das duas persoas que formamos parte da idea emprendedora. Amizade entre as persoas que formamos parte do proxecto, polo que cada un sabemos perfectamente as cualidades do outro. unha franquicia, asi que todo o mundo a co単ece e tamen co単ece os nosos produtos e non precisamos pagar publicidade, porque xa a fai a empresa.
24. An叩lise DAFO 2尊 . Factores internos que fan 叩 organizaci坦n d辿bil. Posible falta de capital para a creaci坦n do proxecto. Discusi坦ns persoais entre os dous emprendedores. Posibilidade de que o negocio non te単a boa acollida. Falta de cualificaci坦n dos empregados.