Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Pitesti Romania
Professor dr. - Psychology
I hold a Ph.D. in psychology from Bucharest University, a master’s degree in psychological assessment and psychotherapy also from Bucharest University, a second master’s degree in public management from the Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, and a bachelor degree in psychology from Babes- Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca.
I am listed on the database of successful candidates of the competition EPSO/CAST/S/5/2013 - Researcher (FG IV) - Human and Social Sciences - Candidate number: 3524377
I am a recognized psychologist in Belgium - Commission des Psychologues, numero d'inscriprion 712212167.
I am a psychotherapist supervisor, principal clinical psychologist and principal education...
Contact Details
cucu ciuhan geanina
psihopatologia copilului
psihoterapia copilului
mitorfan iolanda
copii si adolescenti
cucu-ciuhan geanina
psihodiagnosticul copilului
mitrofan iolanda
opozitionism provocator
tulburarile de comportament
ghid pentru invatatori
vitalia ileana loredana
consilierea carierei
orientare scolara
psihoterapia depresiei
psihoterapăie experientiala
raban motounu nicoleta
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