AIESEC Italia propone alle scuole secondarie italiane il progetto EduCHANGE, che consiste nellaccogliere per sei settimane studenti universitari volontari provenienti dallestero, che contribuiscono allo svolgimento delle attivit didattiche attraverso linsegnamento di moduli in lingua inglese su temi attuali di rilevanza globale. Le scuole potranno aderire al progetto iscrivendosi online sul form presente nel sito di AIESEC Italia entro il 20 settembre 2014.
Salone Satellite is an exhibition that allows young designers and entrepreneurs to showcase their products globally in Milan each year. Students visited the exhibition and interviewed participants, learning about their ideas and challenges in starting up, such as financing. They saw many innovative product prototypes, such as a ball that tracks exercise calories and a chair made of recycled neckties. Most participants did not receive financial assistance from their home countries.
The document discusses several country pavilions at the EXPO 2015 with the theme "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life". It summarizes the Israel, Germany, South Korea, and Russia pavilions. The Israel pavilion shows how irrigation systems improved food production. The Germany pavilion has a nice decoration and seating area. The South Korea pavilion focuses on technological advances in food and agriculture. The Russia pavilion allows visitors to taste traditional Russian cuisine.
The Jupiter Circle & Nadia Payan: Getting Paid for Being YouGabriela Guzman
This document advertises a two-day social media workshop called "Branding Goldmine" that will teach attendees how to define their personal brand and showcase it to the world in order to make money. The workshop uses examples of successful entrepreneurs who embraced their passions and stayed true to their values to achieve financial success and build large businesses or gain a significant social media following. Participants will learn how to boldly be themselves and leverage their uniqueness to grow their brand and bank accounts.
Workshop communication by peter romboli.pptxgiovanna galli
This document discusses the communication process and provides information on several key aspects of communication. It defines communication as the transmission of messages between individuals, which can occur at three levels. It also discusses verbal and non-verbal communication, with body language accounting for approximately 70% of communication. The document emphasizes that successful communication requires understanding the recipient's perspective and considering factors like their culture, age, and background. It also outlines some common interference factors that can disrupt communication, such as mechanical issues, semantic challenges, and differing psychological perspectives between the sender and receiver.
The document discusses plans by a group of students called STORmy to write handbooks about extraordinary lives to inspire young people. They aim to write 100 handbooks of 48 pages each at a cost of 500 euros total. Half the money raised would be reinvested in the business, while the other half would be donated to a child's adoption. The goals are to help young people aspire to great achievements, be inspired by these stories, and improve their behavior by learning from these examples of extraordinary lives.
The document provides details about the author's trip to Milan, Italy. It describes the ancient architecture they encountered, including cathedrals and palaces, which made it feel like time travel. It also discusses the amazing food and desserts they discovered everywhere. The document notes Milan's efforts to build a better city, including for the EXPO, and describes two sites they found interesting for their architecture and open spaces.
The document describes Living Clothes, a company that takes old t-shirts and other clothes and uses them to create new products through a process involving a "Time Bank." They divide clothes into categories, give the clothes to the Time Bank where volunteers can earn time credits for their work that can later be used to receive help, and then the company takes the finished products and sells them. The goal is to reuse old clothes and support a community Time Bank system of exchanging volunteer hours for assistance.
The Jupiter Circle & The Archive The Secrets to Building Community Gabriela Guzman
The Archive Gallery has a thriving community of local art and design lovers that they nourish through frequent enriching events and experiences. Learn how they bring that community online around defined brand pillars and a focused social media strategy.
This document outlines the key components of a marketing plan, including:
1. Defining the product or service, target market, location, competitors, and suppliers.
2. Conducting market research to determine the potential market share and appropriate pricing.
3. Developing strategies for promotion, sales channels, and building brand awareness.
It also emphasizes the importance of complementary plans for human resources, legal requirements, and financials to establish costs, hiring, regulatory compliance, and profitability projections. The overall goal is to create a comprehensive blueprint to launch and sustain a new business venture.
The document describes a business plan for a company called FRAGRANCES that produces candles and perfumes. The company is run by several students and plans to use their own money or funds raised from cake sales to finance production. Key aspects of the plan include using natural ingredients, keeping prices low, and creating original products to attract customers. The company will market through social media and a website. Production costs and pricing are outlined for candles and perfumes.
The Jupiter Circle & Disfunkshion Magazine: Telling Your StoryGabriela Guzman
This document outlines an upcoming social media workshop on telling your story and developing your brand. The workshop will guide participants through defining their core beliefs, vision, and values to develop 3-5 brand pillars. It will also discuss how to authentically tell their story and stay faithful to their brand through social media in a way that is compelling and aligns with their values. The workshop is aimed at helping attendees become a magnet for their tribe by aligning their branding and story with who they are.
25 maggio 2022 - Presentazione su eTwinning e la formazione professionale dei docenti, evento online di formazione per docenti neoassunti in Campania, 2022
Alcuni spunti dalla Conferenza tematica eTwinning di Firenze 21-23 settembre 2016: dall'intervento di Anne Gilleran sulle 8 competenze chiave, al ruolo di eTwinning e per concludere alcune buone pratiche di progetti e TwinSpace di successo
Salone Satellite is an exhibition that allows young designers and entrepreneurs to showcase their products globally in Milan each year. Students visited the exhibition and interviewed participants, learning about their ideas and challenges in starting up, such as financing. They saw many innovative product prototypes, such as a ball that tracks exercise calories and a chair made of recycled neckties. Most participants did not receive financial assistance from their home countries.
The document discusses several country pavilions at the EXPO 2015 with the theme "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life". It summarizes the Israel, Germany, South Korea, and Russia pavilions. The Israel pavilion shows how irrigation systems improved food production. The Germany pavilion has a nice decoration and seating area. The South Korea pavilion focuses on technological advances in food and agriculture. The Russia pavilion allows visitors to taste traditional Russian cuisine.
The Jupiter Circle & Nadia Payan: Getting Paid for Being YouGabriela Guzman
This document advertises a two-day social media workshop called "Branding Goldmine" that will teach attendees how to define their personal brand and showcase it to the world in order to make money. The workshop uses examples of successful entrepreneurs who embraced their passions and stayed true to their values to achieve financial success and build large businesses or gain a significant social media following. Participants will learn how to boldly be themselves and leverage their uniqueness to grow their brand and bank accounts.
Workshop communication by peter romboli.pptxgiovanna galli
This document discusses the communication process and provides information on several key aspects of communication. It defines communication as the transmission of messages between individuals, which can occur at three levels. It also discusses verbal and non-verbal communication, with body language accounting for approximately 70% of communication. The document emphasizes that successful communication requires understanding the recipient's perspective and considering factors like their culture, age, and background. It also outlines some common interference factors that can disrupt communication, such as mechanical issues, semantic challenges, and differing psychological perspectives between the sender and receiver.
The document discusses plans by a group of students called STORmy to write handbooks about extraordinary lives to inspire young people. They aim to write 100 handbooks of 48 pages each at a cost of 500 euros total. Half the money raised would be reinvested in the business, while the other half would be donated to a child's adoption. The goals are to help young people aspire to great achievements, be inspired by these stories, and improve their behavior by learning from these examples of extraordinary lives.
The document provides details about the author's trip to Milan, Italy. It describes the ancient architecture they encountered, including cathedrals and palaces, which made it feel like time travel. It also discusses the amazing food and desserts they discovered everywhere. The document notes Milan's efforts to build a better city, including for the EXPO, and describes two sites they found interesting for their architecture and open spaces.
The document describes Living Clothes, a company that takes old t-shirts and other clothes and uses them to create new products through a process involving a "Time Bank." They divide clothes into categories, give the clothes to the Time Bank where volunteers can earn time credits for their work that can later be used to receive help, and then the company takes the finished products and sells them. The goal is to reuse old clothes and support a community Time Bank system of exchanging volunteer hours for assistance.
The Jupiter Circle & The Archive The Secrets to Building Community Gabriela Guzman
The Archive Gallery has a thriving community of local art and design lovers that they nourish through frequent enriching events and experiences. Learn how they bring that community online around defined brand pillars and a focused social media strategy.
This document outlines the key components of a marketing plan, including:
1. Defining the product or service, target market, location, competitors, and suppliers.
2. Conducting market research to determine the potential market share and appropriate pricing.
3. Developing strategies for promotion, sales channels, and building brand awareness.
It also emphasizes the importance of complementary plans for human resources, legal requirements, and financials to establish costs, hiring, regulatory compliance, and profitability projections. The overall goal is to create a comprehensive blueprint to launch and sustain a new business venture.
The document describes a business plan for a company called FRAGRANCES that produces candles and perfumes. The company is run by several students and plans to use their own money or funds raised from cake sales to finance production. Key aspects of the plan include using natural ingredients, keeping prices low, and creating original products to attract customers. The company will market through social media and a website. Production costs and pricing are outlined for candles and perfumes.
The Jupiter Circle & Disfunkshion Magazine: Telling Your StoryGabriela Guzman
This document outlines an upcoming social media workshop on telling your story and developing your brand. The workshop will guide participants through defining their core beliefs, vision, and values to develop 3-5 brand pillars. It will also discuss how to authentically tell their story and stay faithful to their brand through social media in a way that is compelling and aligns with their values. The workshop is aimed at helping attendees become a magnet for their tribe by aligning their branding and story with who they are.
25 maggio 2022 - Presentazione su eTwinning e la formazione professionale dei docenti, evento online di formazione per docenti neoassunti in Campania, 2022
Alcuni spunti dalla Conferenza tematica eTwinning di Firenze 21-23 settembre 2016: dall'intervento di Anne Gilleran sulle 8 competenze chiave, al ruolo di eTwinning e per concludere alcune buone pratiche di progetti e TwinSpace di successo
Educazione degli adulti e politiche europeeMariaFabiani
Presentazione della proposta del Quadro Finanziario Pluriennale dell'Unione Europea per il 2021 - 2027 e della programmazione dei fondi europei.
La proposta sul Quadro Finanziario Pluriennale (QFP) dellUE per il periodo 2021-2027 il bilancio pluriennale della UE 竪 stata presentata dalla Commissione Europea il 2 maggio 2018. Il negoziato 竪 in una fase molto avanzata sebbene sia condizionato da vari fattori di attrito a livello politico-istituzionale, in primis l'uscita del Regno Unito e il ritardato insediamento della nuova Commissione von der Leyen. Il Consiglio punta a completare la bozza del QFP per dicembre 2019.
Seminario nell'ambito del corso di Educazione degli adulti Corso di Laurea in Scienze dell'Educazione e della Formazione Universit La Sapienza Roma - dicembre 2019
Presentazine sui vantaggi di eTwinning per alunni, docenti e la scuola nel suo insieme, il ruolo del DS e l'eTwinning School, il nuovo riconoscimeto europeo per le scuole attive in eTwinning
Contesto e infrastrutture dellOpen Education Anna Maria Tammaro e Rosanna De Rosa
Contenuti aperti e piattaforme Eleonora Pant嘆
Policy per lOpen Education Fabio Nascimbeni
Discussione in gruppi
Conclusioni: verso una politica di sistema in Italia
Test Bank for Marketing Management, 3rd Edition, Greg Marshall, Mark Johnstonpplqadiri
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Test Bank for Marketing Management, 3rd Edition, Greg Marshall, Mark Johnston
Test Bank for Marketing Management, 3rd Edition, Greg Marshall, Mark Johnston
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not for Profit Organizations 13...orakategy
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Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendallalawamajina
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Test Bank for Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions, 4th Edition:...orrahnaf
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Test Bank for Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions, 4th Edition: Frank J. Fabozzi
Test Bank for Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions, 4th Edition: Frank J. Fabozzi
Test Bank for Canadian Organizational Behaviour, 10th Edition, Steven McShane...izmarmelum
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Test Bank for Canadian Organizational Behaviour, 10th Edition, Steven McShane, Kevin Tasa
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Presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle OER alla comunit italiana -...Damiano Orru
Osservatorio sullinformation literacy promuove un incontro online organizzato dalla rete Open Education Italia. n occasione della Open Education Week 2025, dal 3 al 7 marzo, la rete Open Education Italia organizza un incontro online dedicato alla presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle Risorse Educative Aperte (OER) il 4 marzo 2025.
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Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 12th Edition Copley Test Bank
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Designing Intelligent Construction Projects Michael Frahmewoadetozito
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Digital Business Networks 1st Edition Dooley Solutions Manualidderkribo
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Digital Business Networks 1st Edition Dooley Solutions Manual
Digital Business Networks 1st Edition Dooley Solutions Manual
1. Y.E.S.
Youth empowering
skills for 21st
2014/ 2016This project has been co-funded by The European Union
Istituto Istruzione Superiore C.E. Gadda
2. Paesi e scuole coinvolte
C.E. Gadda
Lope De Vega
Osterakers Gymnasium
Anni scolastici 2014/15 2015/16
Y.E.S. 2014/ 2016
Istituto Istruzione Superiore C.E. Gadda
4. Y.E.S.
OB: Potenziare le competenze
dei giovani per il XXI secolo
2014/ 2016
Questo progetto 竪 co-finanziato dall Unione Europea
Y.E.S. 2014/ 2016
Istituto Istruzione Superiore C.E. Gadda
5. Obiettivo Consiglio Europeo:
"diventare l'economia basata sulla
conoscenza pi湛 competitiva e dinamica del
mondo, in grado di realizzare una crescita
economica sostenibile con nuovi e migliori
posti di lavoro e una maggiore coesione
Marzo 2000 Lisbona
Y.E.S. 2014/ 2016
Istituto Istruzione Superiore C.E. Gadda
6. Y.E.S. 2014/ 2016
Comunicare nella madrelingua
Comunicazione nelle lingue straniere
Competenze di matematica e di base in Scienze e tecnologia
Competenza digitale
Imparare ad imparare
Competenze sociali e civiche
Spirito di iniziativa ed imprenditorialit
Consapevolezza ed espressione culturale
Raccomandazione del Parlamento Europeo e
Consiglio del 18 Dic. 2006
Istituto Istruzione Superiore C.E. Gadda
7. Y.E.S. 2014/ 2016
Risolvere problemi
Individuare collegamenti e relazioni
Imparare ad imparare
Collaborare e partecipare
Agire in modo autonomo
Acquisire ed interpretare linformazione
Istituto Istruzione Superiore C.E. Gadda
DM139 del 2007 legge sullobbligo
9. 4L
1.Template news letter
2.Creazione del prodotto finale in forma
digitale (handbook)
PDF interattivo
Propriet della UE
Reperibile sul sito della UE (altissima visibilit della scuola)
Scaricabile da scuole o istituzioni
Istituto Istruzione Superiore C.E. Gadda
10. Y.E.S. 2014/ 2016
Elaborazione dati di tutti i paesi coinvolti
Ricezione e catalogazione dei dati provenienti da Italia, Spagna,
Analisi dei dati
Relazione sui risultati ottenuti (Conference)
Istituto Istruzione Superiore C.E. Gadda
11. Y.E.S. 2014/ 2016
Responsabili delle problematiche economiche ed
Analisi del materiale proveniente dalla Svezia
sullimprenditorialit giovanile (soprattutto volta al
sociale) per un confronto.
Formulazione di domande per unintervista ad
Tutors studenti di 4H (workshops preparatori alla
creazione di impresa)
Creazione di unimpresa (volta al sociale e non)
Istituto Istruzione Superiore C.E. Gadda
12. Y.E.S. 2014/ 2016
Confronto diretto con i ragazzi di Spagna e Svezia
Portavoce delle attivit svolte e degli workshops effettuati in Italia
Partecipazione workshops Spagna e Svezia e relazione alla nostra
comunit scolastica
Co-stesura contenuti Handbook
Tutor formatori studenti stranieri sui temi dellEXPO
Definizione contenuti newsletter
Somministrazione questionario alle imprese
Incontro coi giovani con idee al Salone Satellite
Istituto Istruzione Superiore C.E. Gadda
13. Perch辿 partecipare al progetto
Istituto Istruzione Superiore C.E. Gadda
Progetto di classe esame di stato
Attestato di partecipazione (indicabile CV) e credito
Formazione diretta: Imprenditorialit, EXPO, T.B.L.
indicabile nel CV
Visita ad EXPO (4H + ospiti/ maggio, 4B,4L,4S/
Y.E.S. 2014/ 2016