This document contains clinical protocols from the Internal Medicine Department of the Albacete Hospital Complex. It covers protocols for diagnosing and treating various common medical conditions such as heart failure, atrial fibrillation, chest pain, myocardial infarction, infectious endocarditis, syncope, COPD, asthma exacerbation, pleural effusions, hemoptysis, pulmonary embolism, community-acquired pneumonia, febrile neutropenia, undifferentiated fever, HIV treatment, and acute meningitis. The protocols were edited by Javier Solera and other physicians and are intended to standardize patient care.
Dr. Jared Sorensen is seeking a position as a pediatric dentist. He has extensive education, including a DDS from the University of Iowa and a certificate in pediatric dentistry from the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine. He has research experience studying dental caries and emergencies in pediatric patients. Dr. Sorensen also has leadership experience in student dental organizations and has passed all required licensing exams.
The document describes cooking courses offered by MarmitaCo Club. The courses are for beginners, beginners 2, cooking your menu in 10 minutes, MarmitaCo pintxos and tapas, cooking for busy parents, cooking for fitness, and cooking for children ages 6-12. The children's courses focus on making pasta, pizza, and chocolate treats. Courses last 1-1.5 hours on weekday evenings and Saturday mornings and cost between €25-80 depending on member status.
Aerotek, a clinical/scientific staffing provider headquartered in Hanover, Maryland, was listed as the largest US clinical/scientific temporary staffing firm for 2010 based on 2009 revenue. According to a report by Staffing Industry Analysts, Aerotek alone generated approximately $222 million in clinical/scientific revenue in 2009, more than 15% of the entire estimated $1 billion clinical/scientific segment. Aerotek operates more than 200 non-franchised offices throughout the US, Canada and Europe.
Eva finds a necklace on Las Ramblas in Barcelona and imagines it belonged to the elegant but large Madame Helene. Eva then finds train tickets and bags of interesting items that allow her to craft an imaginary life with a husband and daughter. This helps Eva find purpose and meaning in her prolonged solitude. The story is one Eva never told about giving sense and adventure to her lonely life.
Brightworks is an experienced sustainability consulting firm that has managed over 175 LEED certification efforts. It offers sustainability planning, green building certification, and consulting services to developers. Brightworks has expertise in multiple LEED rating systems and other frameworks like CalGreen. It has experience with a wide range of project types across various sectors like office, government, industrial, healthcare, and education.
This document summarizes the early history of writing. It begins with pictographic writing systems that used drawings to represent ideas. This evolved into a syllabic system where each symbol represented a sound. The Egyptians then developed the first alphabet around 3000 BC using around 20 symbols to represent sounds. The Phoenicians adapted this alphabet, simplifying and altering it. They then passed the alphabet on to the Greeks and Romans. The word "alphabet" comes from the Greek names for the first two letters, alpha and beta.
The student describes the contents of their school bag, including two red pencils and a blue book, three pens in the colors blue, yellow, and pink, as well as a green book and a red book. They are asked to read the description and make a similar one about the contents of their own school bag.
The document outlines the content outline and weighting for the Medical Dosimetry Certification Board (MDCB) test specification matrix from 2010-2014. It is organized into 9 main categories related to radiation oncology practice, with radiation physics, dose calculation methods, and treatment planning receiving the highest weights of 16%, 20%, and 30%, respectively. The document also provides information on purchasing study guides from the MDCB and a disclaimer about pass rate guarantees.
Pour la 7¨¨me ann¨¦e cons¨¦cutive, les ¨¦tudiants sages-femmes de Baudelocque ont d¨¦but¨¦ leur ann¨¦e d'enseignement avec col¨¨re.
En juin 2012, la direction de l'Assistance Publique -H?pitaux de Paris (APHP) leur a appris qu'ils devraient quitter leur site d'ensignement courant 2013, alros qu'apr¨¨s plus de 5 ans sans v¨¦ritables locaux pour cause de travaux, leur ¨¦cole venait enfin d'int¨¦grer des locaux d¨¦cents en f¨¦vrier 2012. Aucune solution s¨¦rieuse de remplacement n'a ¨¦t¨¦ propos¨¦e.
Afin de revendiquer des locaux permettant des conditions d¨¦centes d'enseignement et notamment une proximit¨¦ avec la maternit¨¦ Port-Royal et le corps enseignant, les ¨¦tudiants ont d¨¦cid¨¦ de manifester. Le climat d'incertitude et de pr¨¦carit¨¦ qui r¨¨gne depuis 6 ans porte gravement pr¨¦judice ¨¤ leurs enseignements, ¨¤ la stabilit¨¦ du corps enseignant et ¨¤ de nombreux projets (partenariats ¨¤ l'international, formation continue...)
This document outlines the key steps involved in a project contracting process:
1. Identifying a need for the project.
2. Presentations from interested companies and selection of a contractor.
3. Negotiation and signing of the contract which defines objectives, costs, timelines and other terms.
4. Execution of the work or delivery of goods/services by the contractor, with administration and oversight by the client to ensure quality standards are met according to the contract terms.
1. The document contains 10 questions about logic and algebra. It asks the student to solve problems involving logical statements and equations, find roots of polynomials, and perform algebraic operations and factorizations.
2. Some examples of the questions include determining if logical statements are true or false, solving equations like x3 + x2 - 8x - 12 = 0 for roots, and factorizing expressions such as x3 - 7x2 + 11x - 4.
3. The student is expected to show their work and simplify expressions to solve the various algebra and logic problems posed in the 10 questions.
The document discusses fractions and their parts. It defines a fraction as having two terms: a numerator and denominator. The numerator is the number above the fraction bar and indicates the number of parts considered from the whole. The denominator is the number below the fraction bar and indicates the total number of parts the whole was divided into. It provides examples of writing fractions in numeric form.
This document provides an overview of Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. It defines intelligence as the ability to solve problems, generate new problems to solve, and create valuable products or services within one's culture. Gardner identified eight intelligences: linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist. The theory emphasizes that intelligence is multifaceted and influenced by culture, and that focusing only on linguistic and logical abilities minimizes the importance of other ways of knowing.
This document contains the full text of the paper "A descoberta dos raios X: o primeiro comunicado de R?ntgen" by Roberto de Andrade Martins. The paper was published in 1998 in the Brazilian Journal of Physics Teaching. This electronic copy of the paper was obtained from the electronic library of the Group of History and Theory of Science of the State University of Campinas, Brazil. Reproduction and distribution of copies to third parties is forbidden, as copyright belongs to the original authors and publishers.
Oberste establishing enteroviruses in chronic diseasesdegarden
This document discusses establishing evidence for enterovirus infection in chronic diseases like type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). It outlines how enteroviruses have been associated with the development of prediabetic autoimmunity and the onset of clinical diabetes through epidemiological, seroprevalence, and temporal correlation studies. Sensitive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) methods need to be used to detect viruses prior to diabetic symptoms in large prospective studies to firmly establish a causal relationship. The authors have developed a sensitive nested RT-PCR protocol and molecular typing methods to identify enterovirus serotypes that will be valuable in examining relationships between specific viruses and diseases.
This document summarizes the implementation of Puppet at RMIT University to facilitate continuous delivery. It describes their progression from initial baby steps using Puppet Enterprise to install applications, to separating development and production environments and implementing a workflow process. It also discusses how they addressed challenges like preventing accidental changes from one person from taking down the entire infrastructure and preparing for human errors.
This document discusses Chicago's civic innovation ecosystem and how it supports the development of solutions to 21st century problems. The ecosystem consists of the City of Chicago, which provides open data; Smart Chicago Collaborative, which offers institutional support; OpenGov Hack Nights, where people come together to develop ideas; and Code for America's brigade network, which acts as a knowledge sharing hub. It provides examples of recent projects like and that were created through collaboration between different parts of the ecosystem. It also outlines the three step process by which the app mRelief was developed with input from a hack night, funding from Smart Chicago, and consultation with Code for America experts.
How to Level Up Your Event - Code for America Brigade TrainingChristopher Whitaker
This document provides tips for organizing successful civic hacking events like hackathons and hack nights. It emphasizes that the primary goals of these events should be community building rather than finished projects. Consistency in scheduling, clear explanations of the work, and leaving time for breakout groups and discussions are important for helping newcomers feel comfortable engaging with the community. Organizers should have a plan for how projects will continue after the event and promote the event through various channels.
Here are the answers to the simple past and past participle crossword puzzle:
3) brought
5) stuck
8) sang
10) sang
11) fed
12) shaken
16) sold
17) read
18) left
20) met
21) drew
24) drank
25) flew
26) stood
27) made
1) hurt
2) chose
3) been
4) taken
6) understood
7) sat
9) gone
13) heard
14) swum
15) written
19) went
22) played
This document discusses civic technology and how Christopher Whitaker became involved in the field. It describes the outdated "legacy" unemployment system still used by many government agencies. It highlights challenges faced by government technology projects and contrasts them with successful civic tech communities like Smart Chicago that have built an ecosystem supporting civic innovation. The Civic Works Project is a collaboration between foundations and civic technologists to build apps focused on non-profit and government issues and promote civic engagement.
El documento presenta una serie de palabras en forma pasada (participios pasados y tiempos pasados simples) ordenadas en una cuadr¨ªcula cruzada. Proporciona las formas pasadas de verbos comunes como "bring", "stick", "sing", "eat", "feed", "shake", "sell", "read", "leave", "meet", "draw", "drink", "fly", "stand", "make", "hurt", "choose", "be", "take", "understand", "sit", "go", "hear", "swim", "write", "go", "pay" y "win".
Code for America is a nonprofit organization that aims to improve government services through technology and civic engagement. The document discusses Code for America's work in Chicago, including starting a local brigade to organize civic hackers, collaborating with the city government on projects, and obtaining funding for fellowship programs. It also describes how the brigade model has expanded to include regional coordination in order to better support growing brigades across the network.
This document discusses using social media, cloud computing, machine learning, open source, and big data analytics to analyze Twitter data. It describes how to collect tweets using the Twitter API, classify tweets in real-time using machine learning models on AWS, store classified tweets in MongoDB on AWS, and present results. Cost estimates for real-time classification of 1 million tweets per day are provided. Use cases described include tracking food poisoning reports and disease occurrence. Future directions discussed include developing turnkey services and linking to additional open data sources.
This 6-week course teaches students Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Google Drive, and other office technology skills. Students will learn to create, edit, and format spreadsheets, word documents, and presentations. They will learn to use Microsoft Office programs as well as Google Drive applications. The course covers uploading and downloading files between Google Drive and Microsoft Office. Students will practice professional formatting of documents like resumes. By the end of the course students should be able to competently use spreadsheets, word processing programs, and presentation software for work. The course meets weekly and includes hands-on activities and a final group project.
Uma carta de parab¨¦ns para uma sobrinha desejando sa¨²de, amor, paz interior, discernimento, prosperidade e for?a para enfrentar os desafios da vida com f¨¦ em Deus.
The document outlines the content outline and weighting for the Medical Dosimetry Certification Board (MDCB) test specification matrix from 2010-2014. It is organized into 9 main categories related to radiation oncology practice, with radiation physics, dose calculation methods, and treatment planning receiving the highest weights of 16%, 20%, and 30%, respectively. The document also provides information on purchasing study guides from the MDCB and a disclaimer about pass rate guarantees.
Pour la 7¨¨me ann¨¦e cons¨¦cutive, les ¨¦tudiants sages-femmes de Baudelocque ont d¨¦but¨¦ leur ann¨¦e d'enseignement avec col¨¨re.
En juin 2012, la direction de l'Assistance Publique -H?pitaux de Paris (APHP) leur a appris qu'ils devraient quitter leur site d'ensignement courant 2013, alros qu'apr¨¨s plus de 5 ans sans v¨¦ritables locaux pour cause de travaux, leur ¨¦cole venait enfin d'int¨¦grer des locaux d¨¦cents en f¨¦vrier 2012. Aucune solution s¨¦rieuse de remplacement n'a ¨¦t¨¦ propos¨¦e.
Afin de revendiquer des locaux permettant des conditions d¨¦centes d'enseignement et notamment une proximit¨¦ avec la maternit¨¦ Port-Royal et le corps enseignant, les ¨¦tudiants ont d¨¦cid¨¦ de manifester. Le climat d'incertitude et de pr¨¦carit¨¦ qui r¨¨gne depuis 6 ans porte gravement pr¨¦judice ¨¤ leurs enseignements, ¨¤ la stabilit¨¦ du corps enseignant et ¨¤ de nombreux projets (partenariats ¨¤ l'international, formation continue...)
This document outlines the key steps involved in a project contracting process:
1. Identifying a need for the project.
2. Presentations from interested companies and selection of a contractor.
3. Negotiation and signing of the contract which defines objectives, costs, timelines and other terms.
4. Execution of the work or delivery of goods/services by the contractor, with administration and oversight by the client to ensure quality standards are met according to the contract terms.
1. The document contains 10 questions about logic and algebra. It asks the student to solve problems involving logical statements and equations, find roots of polynomials, and perform algebraic operations and factorizations.
2. Some examples of the questions include determining if logical statements are true or false, solving equations like x3 + x2 - 8x - 12 = 0 for roots, and factorizing expressions such as x3 - 7x2 + 11x - 4.
3. The student is expected to show their work and simplify expressions to solve the various algebra and logic problems posed in the 10 questions.
The document discusses fractions and their parts. It defines a fraction as having two terms: a numerator and denominator. The numerator is the number above the fraction bar and indicates the number of parts considered from the whole. The denominator is the number below the fraction bar and indicates the total number of parts the whole was divided into. It provides examples of writing fractions in numeric form.
This document provides an overview of Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. It defines intelligence as the ability to solve problems, generate new problems to solve, and create valuable products or services within one's culture. Gardner identified eight intelligences: linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist. The theory emphasizes that intelligence is multifaceted and influenced by culture, and that focusing only on linguistic and logical abilities minimizes the importance of other ways of knowing.
This document contains the full text of the paper "A descoberta dos raios X: o primeiro comunicado de R?ntgen" by Roberto de Andrade Martins. The paper was published in 1998 in the Brazilian Journal of Physics Teaching. This electronic copy of the paper was obtained from the electronic library of the Group of History and Theory of Science of the State University of Campinas, Brazil. Reproduction and distribution of copies to third parties is forbidden, as copyright belongs to the original authors and publishers.
Oberste establishing enteroviruses in chronic diseasesdegarden
This document discusses establishing evidence for enterovirus infection in chronic diseases like type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). It outlines how enteroviruses have been associated with the development of prediabetic autoimmunity and the onset of clinical diabetes through epidemiological, seroprevalence, and temporal correlation studies. Sensitive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) methods need to be used to detect viruses prior to diabetic symptoms in large prospective studies to firmly establish a causal relationship. The authors have developed a sensitive nested RT-PCR protocol and molecular typing methods to identify enterovirus serotypes that will be valuable in examining relationships between specific viruses and diseases.
This document summarizes the implementation of Puppet at RMIT University to facilitate continuous delivery. It describes their progression from initial baby steps using Puppet Enterprise to install applications, to separating development and production environments and implementing a workflow process. It also discusses how they addressed challenges like preventing accidental changes from one person from taking down the entire infrastructure and preparing for human errors.
This document discusses Chicago's civic innovation ecosystem and how it supports the development of solutions to 21st century problems. The ecosystem consists of the City of Chicago, which provides open data; Smart Chicago Collaborative, which offers institutional support; OpenGov Hack Nights, where people come together to develop ideas; and Code for America's brigade network, which acts as a knowledge sharing hub. It provides examples of recent projects like and that were created through collaboration between different parts of the ecosystem. It also outlines the three step process by which the app mRelief was developed with input from a hack night, funding from Smart Chicago, and consultation with Code for America experts.
How to Level Up Your Event - Code for America Brigade TrainingChristopher Whitaker
This document provides tips for organizing successful civic hacking events like hackathons and hack nights. It emphasizes that the primary goals of these events should be community building rather than finished projects. Consistency in scheduling, clear explanations of the work, and leaving time for breakout groups and discussions are important for helping newcomers feel comfortable engaging with the community. Organizers should have a plan for how projects will continue after the event and promote the event through various channels.
Here are the answers to the simple past and past participle crossword puzzle:
3) brought
5) stuck
8) sang
10) sang
11) fed
12) shaken
16) sold
17) read
18) left
20) met
21) drew
24) drank
25) flew
26) stood
27) made
1) hurt
2) chose
3) been
4) taken
6) understood
7) sat
9) gone
13) heard
14) swum
15) written
19) went
22) played
This document discusses civic technology and how Christopher Whitaker became involved in the field. It describes the outdated "legacy" unemployment system still used by many government agencies. It highlights challenges faced by government technology projects and contrasts them with successful civic tech communities like Smart Chicago that have built an ecosystem supporting civic innovation. The Civic Works Project is a collaboration between foundations and civic technologists to build apps focused on non-profit and government issues and promote civic engagement.
El documento presenta una serie de palabras en forma pasada (participios pasados y tiempos pasados simples) ordenadas en una cuadr¨ªcula cruzada. Proporciona las formas pasadas de verbos comunes como "bring", "stick", "sing", "eat", "feed", "shake", "sell", "read", "leave", "meet", "draw", "drink", "fly", "stand", "make", "hurt", "choose", "be", "take", "understand", "sit", "go", "hear", "swim", "write", "go", "pay" y "win".
Code for America is a nonprofit organization that aims to improve government services through technology and civic engagement. The document discusses Code for America's work in Chicago, including starting a local brigade to organize civic hackers, collaborating with the city government on projects, and obtaining funding for fellowship programs. It also describes how the brigade model has expanded to include regional coordination in order to better support growing brigades across the network.
This document discusses using social media, cloud computing, machine learning, open source, and big data analytics to analyze Twitter data. It describes how to collect tweets using the Twitter API, classify tweets in real-time using machine learning models on AWS, store classified tweets in MongoDB on AWS, and present results. Cost estimates for real-time classification of 1 million tweets per day are provided. Use cases described include tracking food poisoning reports and disease occurrence. Future directions discussed include developing turnkey services and linking to additional open data sources.
This 6-week course teaches students Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Google Drive, and other office technology skills. Students will learn to create, edit, and format spreadsheets, word documents, and presentations. They will learn to use Microsoft Office programs as well as Google Drive applications. The course covers uploading and downloading files between Google Drive and Microsoft Office. Students will practice professional formatting of documents like resumes. By the end of the course students should be able to competently use spreadsheets, word processing programs, and presentation software for work. The course meets weekly and includes hands-on activities and a final group project.
Uma carta de parab¨¦ns para uma sobrinha desejando sa¨²de, amor, paz interior, discernimento, prosperidade e for?a para enfrentar os desafios da vida com f¨¦ em Deus.
1) Juvenile arrest and court records can negatively impact youth for years after the fact when applying to colleges or jobs, even though such records are meant to be confidential. 2) Black and Latino youth are disproportionately arrested compared to white youth. 3) Youth can petition to have their records expunged so they are destroyed and employers cannot consider them, but many eligible youth do not seek expungement. 4) The document outlines the expungement process and eligibility requirements, including that most youth are eligible to have minor offenses expunged by age 18 and more serious offenses by age 21 if it has been at least 5 years since the offense and they have no adult convictions.
This is my keynote speech for the 2015 Civic Tech Forum being held in Tokyo, Japan. This keynote was translated by Shigeomi Shibata-san from Code for Japan. You can view the notes at
This document provides guidance on mapping civic tech and data ecosystems. It discusses choosing a purpose, scope, data collection methodology, and mapping software. The document also covers key steps like analyzing the ecosystem map to identify gaps, opportunities for collaboration, and areas for growth. The overall goal is to help groups strengthen relationships and identify shared priorities through the mapping process.
The document summarizes the development of the Housing Insights tool in Washington DC, which was created through a partnership between local government, non-profits, and civic technologists. The tool combines housing and neighborhood data to help stakeholders identify affordable housing units at risk of being lost and target preservation efforts. A paid project manager oversaw over 100 volunteers who contributed over 2,200 hours to build the open source tool. User feedback was incorporated throughout the process. The tool and partnership provide a model for collaboratively addressing policy issues through data and technology.
The document summarizes a civic tech project in St. Louis called CivTech St. Louis and their creation of YourSTLCourts, a website and text tool that provides residents information about tickets from multiple municipal courts in one interface. It describes how the project was launched to address issues raised in the Ferguson Commission report around disparities in warrants and summons. The tool pulls real-time court data to help residents search for ticket information and receive text reminders. The summary discusses partnerships formed with local organizations and challenges overcome working with multiple government partners and technology systems.
This document discusses engaging low-income residents in civic tech and data collaboratives. It emphasizes that without intentionally including low-income people, projects risk only addressing issues raised by those who already have a voice. The document outlines challenges to engagement and provides examples of how three CTDC cities meaningfully involved residents. In St. Louis, residents helped shape a court information website through surveys. In Boston, youth were hired to contribute to all stages of a youth employment project. In Seattle, using plain language like "civic needs" worked better than "civic tech and data".
This document outlines different entities that contribute to a civic tech and data collaborative ecosystem. Government entities like cities and counties manage systems that impact communities and provide funding to institutionalize solutions. Community data organizations assemble and organize data to describe communities and transform raw data into actionable information. Community organizations have trusted connections and knowledge of neighborhood priorities. Civic tech groups possess skills to develop software and tools and offer insights into user-centered design practices to reform services. Together these entities form an ecosystem that uses data and evidence to improve services and inform decision-making.
The document summarizes the development of the Youth Jobs Platform in Boston, which used data and technology to improve the process of matching Boston youth to summer jobs. A collaboration between government agencies, non-profits, and civic technologists developed an algorithm to match youth to jobs, a mobile-friendly application, and text notifications. User testing and input from youth participants helped design a system that was more equitable and increased youth participation in the program. The new platform saved city staff time and increased the number of youths hired by 20% and the application completion rate.
Cook County presentation at Chi Hack Night about Cook County data. This presentation was created by Cook County and is being used with permission for the Smart Chicago Blog.
This job posting is for a part-time Data Specialist position with the Southwest Organizing Project (SWOP) to work on their Reclaim Southwest Chicago Housing Campaign. The Data Specialist will collect and analyze data to track homeownership progress and community participation, and manage a database to inform program evaluation. Qualifications include strong computer and data analysis skills, attention to detail, and the ability to work with a diverse community. SWOP is a community organization in Chicago working on housing, anti-violence, immigration, education, and healthcare issues.
This document announces a schedule of free computer classes in November for community residents and participants in the Communities for Working Families program. The classes cover basic Microsoft Office skills like Word, PowerPoint and Excel as well as digital literacy topics such as effective job searching, emailing and using online applications. Most classes are half-day sessions between 9:30am-12pm or 1-4pm on weekdays at the Quad Communities Center for Working Families. The document provides contact information to register by phone or in person.
TechGYRLS will teach girls ages 9-14 basic electronic circuitry and help them construct spider-bots operated by electromagnetic forces, current, and conductivity over three Saturday sessions in August. The program prepares students for STEM careers with hands-on applications while making science fun. Registration is free and can be completed by calling or emailing the provided contact. A follow-up TechGYRLS 101 session will be held on Saturdays from September to December.
The document outlines the course schedule and classes offered at a community technology center for the month of August 2014. Classes include TechGYRLS workshops on Mondays and Tuesdays from 9am-12pm, Microsoft Office Specialist Certificate Prep from 12-2pm on Mondays and Tuesdays, and various computer skills courses from 12-4pm and 5-7pm throughout the week like Computer Fundamentals, Windows 7, Excel Basic, Email Basics, Word Basic. The schedule also lists when the lab will be closed and contact information is provided for more details or to register for classes.
The document provides a course schedule for a community technology center run by YWCA Metropolitan Chicago. The schedule lists the classes offered each day of the week from Monday to Friday, as well as some classes on Saturday. Classes include open labs for general use, workshops on topics like resume writing, and courses on skills like Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and preparing for Microsoft certification exams. The technology center aims to help people develop both personal and career-relevant digital skills.
TechGYRLS is a free program for girls ages 9-14 held at YWCA Parks Francis Center that introduces girls to technical concepts through hands-on projects using software like SketchUp. In July and August, girls will use SketchUp to build a 3D model of the Grainger Supply warehouse in Pilsen over four sessions - touring the facility, learning SketchUp, using it to construct the warehouse, and presenting their final models. The goal is to cultivate interest in STEAM careers among girls. For more information or to register, call 773-496-5257.
The document is a course schedule for May 2014 at the YWCA Metropolitan Chicago Community Technology Center. It lists the days and times that various computer courses are offered each week, including open lab hours and courses on topics like Windows 7 fundamentals, Microsoft Excel, email basics, and preparation for the Microsoft Office Specialist certificate exam. Courses are offered at different skill levels from basic to intermediate to advanced. The schedule provides contact information for the Technology Center and describes the types of computer concepts and Microsoft programs taught in the courses.
TechGYRLS will learn about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics through using LEGO MINDSTORMS robots. The program will prepare students for careers through real-world applications and provide an opportunity to learn about construction and engineering in a fun way. TechGYRLS MINDSTORMS will take place on Saturdays from May 3rd to May 17th from 9am to 12pm at the YWCA Parks Francis Center for girls ages 9 to 14.
The YWCA Community Technology Center offers a variety of computer training classes to help individuals expand their business and personal computer skills. Fundamental classes teach basics like email, Google Drive, resume writing, and social media. Microsoft classes provide instruction in Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. The Center also offers accelerated courses to prepare students for Microsoft Specialist Certification exams. Classes are offered every Saturday at the YWCA location in Chicago.
The YWCA Metropolitan Chicago Community Technology Center provides a course schedule for April 2014 that includes classes on Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, email, Google Docs, and social media. The schedule lists open lab times as well as classes on topics ranging from basics to certification preparation. The document also provides contact information for registering for classes and notes that practice exams and Microsoft 2010 certification are available.
A free 12-week program is offered every Saturday from 9am to 12pm for girls ages 9 to 14 to learn about careers in STEM and the arts independently and in teams through hands-on projects and activities. The program contact is Erin Fletcher who can be reached at 773-496-5645.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
Managing expiration dates of products in odooCeline George
Odoo allows users to set expiration dates at both the product and batch levels, providing flexibility and accuracy. By using Odoo's expiration date management, companies can minimize waste, optimize stock rotation, and maintain high standards of product quality. The system allows users to set expiration dates at both the product and batch levels, providing flexibility and accuracy.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
Chapter 1. Basic Concepts of Strategic Management.pdfRommel Regala
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spots¡ªsystemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AI¡ªthat could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
Research Publication & Ethics contains a chapter on Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.
Different case studies of intellectual dishonesty and integrity were discussed.