s una assignatura que serveix per a la introducci坦 al disseny, ja que es podria dir que est dividida en dues parts una primera part seria aquesta "Disseny Grfic" i l'altra "Imatge i Llenguatge Visual".
Al llarg del quadrimestre s'estudia els tipus de copyright i llicencies Creative Commons, fonaments de la Gestalt, composici坦, tipografia, la ret鱈cula i aix鱈 com normes bsiques per a la maquetaci坦 de documents. El software que s'utilitza 辿s InDesign, Photoshop i Illustrator.
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for both physical and mental health. It notes that regular exercise can reduce the risk of diseases like heart disease and diabetes, improve mood, and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Staying active also helps maintain a healthy weight and keeps muscles, bones and joints healthy as we age.
Serge J. Schiltz
Dr.sc.inf., M.B.A., dipl.inf., dipl.math., PMP
A Thesis Report
Description: IQAIST: Improving Quality and Accessibility in In-Service Trainings for Teachers
Project number: 20141IT02KA201004226
In Service Training for Teachers: project funded with support from the European Commission through Erasmus+ Program
Erasmus+ Key Action 2:
This project is a Strategic Partnership in the field of school education. The new Erasmus+ programme aims to support actions in the fields of Education, Training, Youth and Sport for the period 2014- 2020. The Key Action 2 supports the development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative practise at organisational, local, regional, national or European levels.
Este documento establece las disposiciones generales para las Escuelas Taller, Casas de Oficios y Talleres de Empleo en Andaluc鱈a. Se especifican las obligaciones de las entidades promotoras y la composici坦n y funciones de la Comisi坦n Mixta responsable de la selecci坦n del personal. Tambi辿n se describen los requisitos y proceso de selecci坦n de los alumnos trabajadores, as鱈 como los detalles de su contrataci坦n.
The document summarizes a company's analysis of customer loyalty segments to determine the best marketing strategy to increase revenue. It finds that the silver segment has the most customers but the lowest spending, while the gold segment has the fewest customers but the highest spending. It then proposes a multi-channel marketing campaign focused on direct mail, web, and point-of-sale promotions for gold and silver customers, particularly for electronic and book products. The document acknowledges limitations in the data provided and suggests the segments may need re-evaluating over time as the industry evolves.
The document describes a day-long series of dance classes being held at the Ralph Thornton Centre in Toronto on April 26th, 2014. Various styles of dance will be taught from 11am to 7pm, including contact improv, international folk dancing, country line dancing, salsa, Bollywood, hip hop, breaking, and belly dancing. Each class lists the teacher and their background, as well as what to bring for bartering/payment. Attendees are encouraged to get involved as organizers or volunteers and can find more information on Facebook, Twitter or by subscribing to the newsletter.
Being the CNO of your business - Chief Networking OfficerDavid du Plessis
As the Chief Networking Officer, the two key responsibilities are managing relationship marketing campaigns to grow the BNI network through one-on-one meetings and exploring other networks, as well as developing referral generation strategies such as assembling a power team of BNI members, educating members on being effective referral sources, and maintaining personal relationships. The document provides tips for networking officers on growing their BNI chapter and generating referrals.
The document announces a research data clinic where experts will be available to answer questions about managing data, including how to store data, file formats, data ownership, creating data management plans, and getting cited more. The event is on Tuesday October 30th 2012 at the library and those interested can contact the Research Support Librarian for more information.
This document outlines the marketing strategies and services provided by Sold In Oregon LLC, a real estate firm specializing in REO properties. The company utilizes various online, print, and event-based marketing tactics to maximize exposure of listed properties to buyers and agents. Key strategies include featured internet and MLS listings, direct mailers, open houses, and agent training seminars. The firm is led by brokers John Velez and John Bacon, and prides itself on superior customer service.
El documento ofrece consejos para mantener una actitud positiva y una buena autoestima a trav辿s de dormir y descansar adecuadamente, expresar emociones como el enojo de forma ocasional, mantener una apariencia atractiva y una buena disposici坦n, divertirse con actividades simples y pasar tiempo con otros, y enfrentar los problemas con valent鱈a y una actitud de felicidad.
Introducing Climbing Frames a comprehensive tool to monitor pupil progressJames Mason
The document introduces Climbing Frames, a pupil assessment system designed to track progress under the new National Curriculum. Climbing Frames uses assessment frames organized in steps corresponding to curriculum years to monitor attainment of annual objectives. It is designed to identify pupils who are on track, above expectations, or falling behind in enough detail to provide targeted support. The system includes assessment frames for all subjects, pre-levels for SEN students, and thinking skills. Data can be accessed through an app to generate reports and analyze attainment at the individual, class, and cohort level.
Sp辿cial immobilier - Le prix de vente dans 86 villes et leur 辿volutionLe Point
ECOTIC es una organizaci坦n sin 叩nimo de lucro constituida en 2005 por empresas del sector de la electr坦nica para gestionar de forma sostenible los residuos de aparatos el辿ctricos y electr坦nicos (RAEE). ECOTIC se encarga de la recogida y el reciclaje eficiente de los RAEE de empresas asociadas al Sistema Colectivo de Responsabilidad Ampliada del Productor. En 2014 gestion坦 m叩s de 66.000 toneladas de residuos. Su objetivo es alcanzar un modelo de econom鱈a circular con cero residuos a trav辿s de la re
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for both physical and mental health. It notes that regular exercise can reduce the risk of diseases like heart disease and diabetes, improve mood, and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Staying active also helps maintain a healthy weight and keeps muscles, bones and joints healthy as we age.
Serge J. Schiltz
Dr.sc.inf., M.B.A., dipl.inf., dipl.math., PMP
A Thesis Report
Description: IQAIST: Improving Quality and Accessibility in In-Service Trainings for Teachers
Project number: 20141IT02KA201004226
In Service Training for Teachers: project funded with support from the European Commission through Erasmus+ Program
Erasmus+ Key Action 2:
This project is a Strategic Partnership in the field of school education. The new Erasmus+ programme aims to support actions in the fields of Education, Training, Youth and Sport for the period 2014- 2020. The Key Action 2 supports the development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative practise at organisational, local, regional, national or European levels.
Este documento establece las disposiciones generales para las Escuelas Taller, Casas de Oficios y Talleres de Empleo en Andaluc鱈a. Se especifican las obligaciones de las entidades promotoras y la composici坦n y funciones de la Comisi坦n Mixta responsable de la selecci坦n del personal. Tambi辿n se describen los requisitos y proceso de selecci坦n de los alumnos trabajadores, as鱈 como los detalles de su contrataci坦n.
The document summarizes a company's analysis of customer loyalty segments to determine the best marketing strategy to increase revenue. It finds that the silver segment has the most customers but the lowest spending, while the gold segment has the fewest customers but the highest spending. It then proposes a multi-channel marketing campaign focused on direct mail, web, and point-of-sale promotions for gold and silver customers, particularly for electronic and book products. The document acknowledges limitations in the data provided and suggests the segments may need re-evaluating over time as the industry evolves.
The document describes a day-long series of dance classes being held at the Ralph Thornton Centre in Toronto on April 26th, 2014. Various styles of dance will be taught from 11am to 7pm, including contact improv, international folk dancing, country line dancing, salsa, Bollywood, hip hop, breaking, and belly dancing. Each class lists the teacher and their background, as well as what to bring for bartering/payment. Attendees are encouraged to get involved as organizers or volunteers and can find more information on Facebook, Twitter or by subscribing to the newsletter.
Being the CNO of your business - Chief Networking OfficerDavid du Plessis
As the Chief Networking Officer, the two key responsibilities are managing relationship marketing campaigns to grow the BNI network through one-on-one meetings and exploring other networks, as well as developing referral generation strategies such as assembling a power team of BNI members, educating members on being effective referral sources, and maintaining personal relationships. The document provides tips for networking officers on growing their BNI chapter and generating referrals.
The document announces a research data clinic where experts will be available to answer questions about managing data, including how to store data, file formats, data ownership, creating data management plans, and getting cited more. The event is on Tuesday October 30th 2012 at the library and those interested can contact the Research Support Librarian for more information.
This document outlines the marketing strategies and services provided by Sold In Oregon LLC, a real estate firm specializing in REO properties. The company utilizes various online, print, and event-based marketing tactics to maximize exposure of listed properties to buyers and agents. Key strategies include featured internet and MLS listings, direct mailers, open houses, and agent training seminars. The firm is led by brokers John Velez and John Bacon, and prides itself on superior customer service.
El documento ofrece consejos para mantener una actitud positiva y una buena autoestima a trav辿s de dormir y descansar adecuadamente, expresar emociones como el enojo de forma ocasional, mantener una apariencia atractiva y una buena disposici坦n, divertirse con actividades simples y pasar tiempo con otros, y enfrentar los problemas con valent鱈a y una actitud de felicidad.
Introducing Climbing Frames a comprehensive tool to monitor pupil progressJames Mason
The document introduces Climbing Frames, a pupil assessment system designed to track progress under the new National Curriculum. Climbing Frames uses assessment frames organized in steps corresponding to curriculum years to monitor attainment of annual objectives. It is designed to identify pupils who are on track, above expectations, or falling behind in enough detail to provide targeted support. The system includes assessment frames for all subjects, pre-levels for SEN students, and thinking skills. Data can be accessed through an app to generate reports and analyze attainment at the individual, class, and cohort level.
Sp辿cial immobilier - Le prix de vente dans 86 villes et leur 辿volutionLe Point
ECOTIC es una organizaci坦n sin 叩nimo de lucro constituida en 2005 por empresas del sector de la electr坦nica para gestionar de forma sostenible los residuos de aparatos el辿ctricos y electr坦nicos (RAEE). ECOTIC se encarga de la recogida y el reciclaje eficiente de los RAEE de empresas asociadas al Sistema Colectivo de Responsabilidad Ampliada del Productor. En 2014 gestion坦 m叩s de 66.000 toneladas de residuos. Su objetivo es alcanzar un modelo de econom鱈a circular con cero residuos a trav辿s de la re
La Guia Sonora del Prat va n辿ixer el 1998, a partir de la油col揃laboraci坦油de l'Associaci坦 de m炭sica La Clau, l'estudi de so Zero油DB油i La Capsa. Aquesta publicaci坦 va ser una revista-catleg-cd que volia donar a con竪ixer els agents musicals de la ciutat, en un moment lgid quant a bandes i iniciatives musicals al Prat.
L'any 2013 el concepte del projecte evoluciona i s'amplia. Aquesta vegada transformat en format blog amb la油col揃laboraci坦油de m炭sics de la ciutat, amb un objectiu divulgatiu i de difusi坦 de les m炭siques locals aix鱈 com a espai repositori i de documentaci坦 actualitzada. All s'hi podia trobar tota la hist嘆ria i enlla巽os a les m炭siques, v鱈deos i imatges油dels grups, cantautores i creadores sonores de la ciutat. Es van fer una trentena de publicacions, entre les quals es trobaven bandes ja desaparegudes o d'altres que es trobaven en el seu punt lgid. Per citar alguns exemples, aquestes anaven des de "Turistas" o "Rumba Brava" fins a la "La油Sombra油del油tomo" o "Xavi油Alias".
El 2020油es油comen巽a a preparar la nova Guia Sonora treballant juntament amb l'estudi de disseny del pratenc Dani Tamayo, Vera-Tamayo, 油per tal dactualitzar la imatge i fer-la油m辿s油atractiva i funcional.油Al mateix temps, hem revisat i actualitzat els antics arxius fent un treball de recerca i documentaci坦 i contactant amb油m炭sics油i grups de la ciutat per tal d'estrenar la nova etapa amb cinquanta refer竪ncies i amb l'objectiu d'ampliar-la peri嘆dicament amb nous grups i projectes油d'ara en endavant.
1. Rock Catal Lucia Montas Dilluns 17 de Abril 2006
2. Qui es el Rock Catal? Es referie a el tipic musica rock o de altres tipos.
3. Historia del Rock Catal El rock catala comenca tenir importancia en los anys 70 quan el rock espanyol comenca a decaer. A les rockeros catalans es fer molt dificil guaynarse al public especialment el de Espanya.
4. Grups de Rock Existetien moltes grups de rock catala qui son molt populars . Sopa de Cabra El gossos Els pets Obrint Pas Whiskyns
5. Sopa de Cabra A l卒estiu de 1986, a la ciutat de Girona, es reuneixen els cinc components primers del que seria en el futur , Josep Thi坦, Francesc Lisicic, Joan Cardona, Gerard Quintana i Josep Bosch. En un principi recorren els bars i els clubs musicals de les comarques gironines, amb un esperit for巽a l炭dic, i participen en diverses manifestacions musicals i reivindicatives com els festivals "Mili KK". L卒any 89 surt el primer disc de SOPA DE CABRA , costejat pel mateix grup i editat per "Salseta discos", que esdev辿 una onada d卒aire fresc en el panorama musical catal, amb can巽ons que han deixat empremta com "L卒Empord", "El boig de la ciutat", "El sexo" o "No hi ha cam鱈". Aquest disc els obre les portes a la resta de Catalunya per demostrar amb el seu directe la capacitat de comunicaci坦 i l卒energia que s坦n capa巽os de generar dalt d卒un escenari amb un p炭blic c嘆mplice.
6. Musica i can巽ons http:// www.xico.arrakis.es/elspets/video.htm http://www.elspets.com/ Lletras: Jo era el boig de la ciutat, tu m'has matat M'haurs de substituir d'ara endavant. Van acceptar la condemna Per majoria absoluta Ni tan sols vaig poder-me defensar
7. Els Gossos El grup Gossos es va formar com a tal, l'estiu del 1993. D'un encontre casual, quatre joves varen comen巽ar a composar les seves can巽ons, sense cap tipus de pretensi坦, nom辿s tocar i passar-s'ho b辿. L'any 95 Gossos , ja han venut m辿s de 6.000 copies del seu primer treball i s'han passejat per arreu de Catalunya en una primera gira d'estiu telonejant al grup Lax'N'Busto i d'altres grups com l油'El竪ctrica Dharma o els Presuntos Implicados. Despr辿s d'una molt bona primera recepci坦 davant el p炭blic, Gossos ha augmentat la confian巽a en si mateix.
8. Musica i can巽ons http://www.llull.com/llull/estatic/cat/multimedia/video-clips.shtm Lletras: Pensa en els dies que anaves amb mi. Jo deia que no, tu vas escollir. I ara ests sola, vas ser tu qui va dir PROU. I ara ests solaaa... no tens ningu.
9. Els Pets ELS PETS neixen la nit de Nadal de 1985 a Constant鱈, petit poble del 意温姻姻温乙看稼竪壊 on abans eren coneguts amb el suggestiu nom de "Condons adulterats El seu estil 辿s autoanomenat "rock agricola" com a manera de desmarcar-se del rock catal fet en aquell moment a la capital, a m辿s de refermar-se orgullosament en les seves arrels rurals . Els Pets (Discmedi 1989) amb el que donen a con竪ixer arreu del pa鱈s la seva m炭sica, dotada d'un gran eclecticisme, amb influ竪ncies que van del pop angl竪s al soul americ, i sobre tot les seves lletres compromeses, provocadores i dotades d'un gran sentit de l'humor
10. Musica i can巽ons http://www.elspets.com/ Lletras: Descafe誰nat com un trist tallat tebi per fora i per dins gla巽at. Tant triomfador i tan desgraciat, descafe誰nat.
11. Obrint pas Obrint Pas 辿s una formaci坦 musical nascuda a Val竪ncia El setembre de 1996 Obrint Pas participa al concurs de maquetes d'Enderock, concurs dins el Festival de la M炭sica Viva de Vic, i guanyen junt amb els gironins Zitznia. El juliol de 1997 s'autogestionen el seu primer CD, La revolta de l'nima , amb 5 can巽ons i sorgeix el seu segell propi: 45 Revolucions Records, un nou projecte per omplir el buit discogrfic en el que hi ha en el Pa鱈s Valenci. Obrint Pas guanya el premi a millor grup, millor concert i millor disc de lany 2005 dels Premis Ende
12. Musica i can巽ons http://www.obrintpas.com/ Lletras: No et limites a contemplar aquestes hores que ara v辿nen, baixa al carrer i participa. No podran res davant d un poble unit, alegre I combatiu
13. Whiskyns Whiskyn's neix a Reus (Tarragona) a mitjans de 1992 despr辿s de la dissoluci坦 del grup Terrat 26 (1989-1991) i de la modificaci坦 d'algun dels seus components. El maig de 1993 enregistren el seu primer disc, compartit amb dos grups m辿s (Impresentables i Alta tensi坦) sota el t鱈tol gen竪ric de "Els joves" (Al揃leluia Records). La presentaci坦 del disc es fa amb un concert dels tres grups a la sala Zeleste de Barcelona el dia onze de setembre del mateix any. Al mes de gener del 2000 es fa entrega a Whiskyn's, a la Diputaci坦 de Tarragona, del premi "Els m辿s populars del '99". Aquest premi l' atorga la Cadena Cope-Cadena 100 a les diferents personalitats que m辿s han destacat per la seva tasca a la prov鱈ncia durant l'any. En aquest cas per la popularitat del anterior disc del grup, "Lila".
14. Music i can巽ons http://www.whiskyns.com/ Lletras: Todio. Tot i amb els anys, sento guardar-te rancor; per嘆 em miro i has tret de mi el pitjor.