2ND ASSIGNMENT WITH COVERPhil SparrowThis document provides background information on a study exploring the benefits of the Talk for Writing literacy scheme from the perspectives of primary school pupils and teachers. It describes the school where the research took place, which had a diverse student population and above-average needs. The document outlines the study's methodology, which used a case study approach to examine how the Talk for Writing scheme was implemented in a Year 2 classroom and to analyze student work and feedback from focus pupils. It also reviews relevant literature on learning styles, memory development, and theories of multiple intelligences to provide context for analyzing the outcomes of using the Talk for Writing approach.
Asites Appbuilder Breakfast SeminarTracey SaundersThis document discusses Adoddle, a cloud-based collaboration platform that enables connectivity across supply chains through various features including full service data management, web-native accessibility, and low barriers to entry. It allows project teams, suppliers, and others to collaborate and leverage centralized knowledge and data to improve project execution and profits. The document also outlines Adoddle's security credentials and infrastructure partners. It positions Adoddle as a solution that can help supply chains improve margins through collaborative working practices enabled by its platform.
Book report 10d_11november13_beckhauselenabeckhausThis document provides a summary of the 1949 novel "And Both Were Young" by Madeleine L'Engle. It was published by Dell in New York and takes place in a boarding school in the French Alps during the 20th century. The main characters are Philippa, a teenage girl sent to the school while her father travels, and Paul, a troubled young man who befriends her. The book explores the themes of fitting in and the strength of will as the characters struggle to find connection.
Concerns regarding PrEP accessibility and affordability among ymsmCenter for Sexuality & Health Disparities (SexLab)This document discusses concerns about PrEP accessibility and affordability among young men who have sex with men (YMSM) in the U.S. It summarizes a study of 1,507 YMSM ages 18-24. The study found that only 27% had heard of PrEP and over a third were concerned about side effects. Additionally, less than half knew how to access PrEP and most felt they could not afford it. Perceptions varied by race/ethnicity and insurance status. The document calls for addressing knowledge barriers and perceived barriers through education, advocacy, and connecting YMSM to PrEP resources. It advocates for more support of HIV/AIDS services to help YMSM consider PrEP.
VertebratesCienciastercercicloThis document summarizes the five main groups of vertebrates: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. It provides details on the key characteristics of each group, such as fish having fins and scales, amphibians being able to live on land and in water and having gills or lungs, reptiles having scales and laying eggs, birds having feathers and wings for flying, and mammals having hair/fur and feeding their young with mammary glands. Examples of common types within each group are also listed, such as bony fish vs. cartilaginous fish, frogs vs. salamanders, turtles vs. lizards vs. snakes vs. crocodiles, and placental
Resilient Bodies: Social Identities and Body Esteem in Young Sexual Minority ...Center for Sexuality & Health Disparities (SexLab)This study examined relationships between gender, LGBTQ community connectedness, and body esteem in young sexual minority women. The researchers found that more masculine gender role identification and lower adherence to femininity ideology were associated with better body esteem. Greater connection to the LGBTQ community was also linked to higher body esteem. Masculine-identified women experienced the strongest protective effect of community connection on body esteem. The findings suggest that deviation from traditional gender norms and involvement in alternative communities may help buffer sexual minority women from societal pressures related to appearance.
Ca 8 social tagging and folksonomiedhafer_nasserThe document discusses social tagging and folksonomies. It defines tags as keywords or terms assigned to information to enable classification and search. It outlines the basic model of tagging systems involving users, resources, and tags. It distinguishes tags from keywords and describes how tags can be used to describe content, location, intended use, and connect people and items. When many users collaboratively generate tags without a controlled vocabulary, an emergent, grassroots taxonomy called a "folksonomy" is created. Folksonomies are popular due to their dynamic, personal, and cooperative nature but also have weaknesses like ambiguity and lack of structure compared to controlled vocabularies.
Examining workplace & housing discrimination experienced by YMSMCenter for Sexuality & Health Disparities (SexLab)This document discusses a study examining sexuality-based discrimination and its effects on the health of young sexual minority men in the Detroit metro area. Some key findings include:
- 15% of participants reported experiencing sexuality-based workplace discrimination in the past year, such as being denied a job or promotion.
- Experiencing discrimination at work was associated with worse self-rated health and increased likelihood of limited functionality for daily activities.
- Discrimination disproportionately affected young black sexual minority men in Detroit due to high rates of poverty and unemployment in the area.
University of Bristol SchoolscharitychallengeecslsThis document summarizes a presentation on encouraging charitable giving in the workplace. It describes two experiments conducted with different companies that tested behavioral economics approaches to increasing donations. The first experiment found that switching the default enrollment for an annual donation increase program from opt-in to opt-out dramatically increased participation. The second experiment tested adding volunteers, fliers, and sweets at a investment bank and found sweets increased donations the most. The presentation concludes by asking attendees to design their own intervention to increase workplace giving based on behavioral insights.
Hiv & intimate partner violenceCenter for Sexuality & Health Disparities (SexLab)The document discusses the social determinants of health that influence HIV risk and outcomes, including early childhood development, education, employment, income, food/housing security, health/transportation access, social exclusion, and stigma. It notes that people living with HIV often experience high levels of stigma, leading to negative consequences like reduced testing/treatment, financial/social difficulties, and poorer mental/physical health. Intimate partner violence is also discussed as putting individuals at increased risk for HIV through barriers to condom negotiation, abuse if condoms are used, and health effects that weaken the immune system.
UHIP Partnership APHA 2013Center for Sexuality & Health Disparities (SexLab)This document summarizes a community-based participatory research (CBPR) partnership between an AIDS service organization and university to enhance HIV prevention efforts for young men who have sex with men. The partnership, called United for HIV Integration and Policy, used CBPR principles to conduct a needs assessment survey and policy analysis. Findings informed initiatives like a peer-led testing campaign and provider training. The collaboration strengthened programs but faced challenges around funding, capacity, and balancing community needs with research priorities. Partners will evaluate initiatives and explore new areas like stigma reduction and pre-exposure prophylaxis.
Testing fundraising methods - what can fundraisers learnecslsJen Shang (University of Plymouth) talks about the role of testing and what fundraisers can learn (and the questions they should be asking)
Main idea pptkathyoverland1) A paragraph contains a main idea in a topic sentence and additional supporting details in subsequent sentences.
2) The main components of a paragraph are the topic sentence which expresses the main idea and additional sentences providing supporting details.
3) Identifying the main idea involves clicking on the sentence that states the central point of the paragraph.
What makes a good fundraiserecslsThe document summarizes preliminary findings from a 3-year study on the personal skills of fundraisers and how those skills affect the amounts of money raised. Some early findings are that effective fundraisers tend to be emotionally intelligent, comfortable with asking for money, avid readers including of psychology books, have interests beyond work, can read people and situations well, are experts in reciprocity and gratitude, and are focused on enabling donors rather than seeking their own recognition. The study also examines whether the skills and backgrounds needed of modern fundraisers have changed from earlier generations, noting potential shifts such as more fundraisers now choosing it as a conscious career versus falling into it by accident, and the profession becoming more female-dom
Getting the Weird JobMack ElderPresented at Vanderbilt's Owen Graduate School of Management, this presentation detailed my oddball resume, how I came to business school, and how to go to any career you want.
Persian setiment analysisMohammad Moein Hosseini ManeshAs far as I'm concerned there aren't a lots of works on Persian sentiment analysis. This is an overview of some of theme.
Modern artCienciastercercicloThe document summarizes two important artistic periods in Spanish history - the Renaissance and Golden Age. During the Renaissance in the 1400s, architecture was inspired by classical elements like arches and columns. Literature included writers exploring mystical topics. Painting celebrated individualism and was driven by humanism, showing realistic human proportions. The Golden Age started with the Catholic Church and was full of life, movement, and emotion in dramatic works. It featured curved architecture, exceptional writers like Cervantes, and realistic paintings full of drama by artists like Velázquez.
VertebratesCienciastercercicloThis document summarizes the five main groups of vertebrates: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. It provides details on the key characteristics of each group, such as fish having fins and scales, amphibians being able to live on land and in water and having gills or lungs, reptiles having scales and laying eggs, birds having feathers and wings for flying, and mammals having hair/fur and feeding their young with mammary glands. Examples of common types within each group are also listed, such as bony fish vs. cartilaginous fish, frogs vs. salamanders, turtles vs. lizards vs. snakes vs. crocodiles, and placental
Resilient Bodies: Social Identities and Body Esteem in Young Sexual Minority ...Center for Sexuality & Health Disparities (SexLab)This study examined relationships between gender, LGBTQ community connectedness, and body esteem in young sexual minority women. The researchers found that more masculine gender role identification and lower adherence to femininity ideology were associated with better body esteem. Greater connection to the LGBTQ community was also linked to higher body esteem. Masculine-identified women experienced the strongest protective effect of community connection on body esteem. The findings suggest that deviation from traditional gender norms and involvement in alternative communities may help buffer sexual minority women from societal pressures related to appearance.
Ca 8 social tagging and folksonomiedhafer_nasserThe document discusses social tagging and folksonomies. It defines tags as keywords or terms assigned to information to enable classification and search. It outlines the basic model of tagging systems involving users, resources, and tags. It distinguishes tags from keywords and describes how tags can be used to describe content, location, intended use, and connect people and items. When many users collaboratively generate tags without a controlled vocabulary, an emergent, grassroots taxonomy called a "folksonomy" is created. Folksonomies are popular due to their dynamic, personal, and cooperative nature but also have weaknesses like ambiguity and lack of structure compared to controlled vocabularies.
Examining workplace & housing discrimination experienced by YMSMCenter for Sexuality & Health Disparities (SexLab)This document discusses a study examining sexuality-based discrimination and its effects on the health of young sexual minority men in the Detroit metro area. Some key findings include:
- 15% of participants reported experiencing sexuality-based workplace discrimination in the past year, such as being denied a job or promotion.
- Experiencing discrimination at work was associated with worse self-rated health and increased likelihood of limited functionality for daily activities.
- Discrimination disproportionately affected young black sexual minority men in Detroit due to high rates of poverty and unemployment in the area.
University of Bristol SchoolscharitychallengeecslsThis document summarizes a presentation on encouraging charitable giving in the workplace. It describes two experiments conducted with different companies that tested behavioral economics approaches to increasing donations. The first experiment found that switching the default enrollment for an annual donation increase program from opt-in to opt-out dramatically increased participation. The second experiment tested adding volunteers, fliers, and sweets at a investment bank and found sweets increased donations the most. The presentation concludes by asking attendees to design their own intervention to increase workplace giving based on behavioral insights.
Hiv & intimate partner violenceCenter for Sexuality & Health Disparities (SexLab)The document discusses the social determinants of health that influence HIV risk and outcomes, including early childhood development, education, employment, income, food/housing security, health/transportation access, social exclusion, and stigma. It notes that people living with HIV often experience high levels of stigma, leading to negative consequences like reduced testing/treatment, financial/social difficulties, and poorer mental/physical health. Intimate partner violence is also discussed as putting individuals at increased risk for HIV through barriers to condom negotiation, abuse if condoms are used, and health effects that weaken the immune system.
UHIP Partnership APHA 2013Center for Sexuality & Health Disparities (SexLab)This document summarizes a community-based participatory research (CBPR) partnership between an AIDS service organization and university to enhance HIV prevention efforts for young men who have sex with men. The partnership, called United for HIV Integration and Policy, used CBPR principles to conduct a needs assessment survey and policy analysis. Findings informed initiatives like a peer-led testing campaign and provider training. The collaboration strengthened programs but faced challenges around funding, capacity, and balancing community needs with research priorities. Partners will evaluate initiatives and explore new areas like stigma reduction and pre-exposure prophylaxis.
Testing fundraising methods - what can fundraisers learnecslsJen Shang (University of Plymouth) talks about the role of testing and what fundraisers can learn (and the questions they should be asking)
Main idea pptkathyoverland1) A paragraph contains a main idea in a topic sentence and additional supporting details in subsequent sentences.
2) The main components of a paragraph are the topic sentence which expresses the main idea and additional sentences providing supporting details.
3) Identifying the main idea involves clicking on the sentence that states the central point of the paragraph.
What makes a good fundraiserecslsThe document summarizes preliminary findings from a 3-year study on the personal skills of fundraisers and how those skills affect the amounts of money raised. Some early findings are that effective fundraisers tend to be emotionally intelligent, comfortable with asking for money, avid readers including of psychology books, have interests beyond work, can read people and situations well, are experts in reciprocity and gratitude, and are focused on enabling donors rather than seeking their own recognition. The study also examines whether the skills and backgrounds needed of modern fundraisers have changed from earlier generations, noting potential shifts such as more fundraisers now choosing it as a conscious career versus falling into it by accident, and the profession becoming more female-dom
Getting the Weird JobMack ElderPresented at Vanderbilt's Owen Graduate School of Management, this presentation detailed my oddball resume, how I came to business school, and how to go to any career you want.
Persian setiment analysisMohammad Moein Hosseini ManeshAs far as I'm concerned there aren't a lots of works on Persian sentiment analysis. This is an overview of some of theme.
Modern artCienciastercercicloThe document summarizes two important artistic periods in Spanish history - the Renaissance and Golden Age. During the Renaissance in the 1400s, architecture was inspired by classical elements like arches and columns. Literature included writers exploring mystical topics. Painting celebrated individualism and was driven by humanism, showing realistic human proportions. The Golden Age started with the Catholic Church and was full of life, movement, and emotion in dramatic works. It featured curved architecture, exceptional writers like Cervantes, and realistic paintings full of drama by artists like Velázquez.
1. í
Els germans David i José Muñoz Calvo van néixer al barri de Sant Ildefons de Cornellà de
Llobregat, un municipi a escassos deu quilòmetres de Barcelona. Els seus pares havien
arribat des de *Zarzacapilla (Badajoz), a la comarca de la Serena, i regentaven el bar
L'Espanyola, enfront de la comissaria de policia de Cornellà. Els *Chichos, Els *Chunguitos,
Bordó 4, Els Amaya... era la música que formava part de la banda sonora de la infància de
David i José, que aviat van començar a aficionar-se a la guitarra, abans d'abandonar l'institut
i començar a buscar-se la vida en diversos treballs, l'últim en Novell *Lahnwerk, una fàbrica
filial de la SEAT produint peces per a automòbils. La història diu que del crit "Doneu-li
*estopa!" que utilitzava l'encarregat de la fàbrica perquè no cessessin en el seu treball, va
sorgir el nom d'una de les bandes fonamentals de la música espanyola de l'última dècada.
Allí, en aquella fàbrica, es va començar a gestar *Estopa, la lletra del seu primer èxit, "El tall
de la teva faldilla" (“Pel tall de la teva faldilla jo vaig tenir un *piñazo amb un Seat Panda”),
les primeres cançons i les primeres actuacions en *garitos del barri. En 1998, David i José es
van presentar al concurs de cantautors del barri de *Horta-*Guinardó. Van guanyar el primer
premi i una mica més de 2.000 euros.
1999: *Estopa, el primer àlbum
A l'octubre de 1999 es va publicar el primer àlbum amb el mateix nom del grup: *Estopa. En
el disc apareixien 12 cançons que estaven en la maqueta amb "Ròssec" i "El tall de la teva
faldilla" com a primers *singles. L'èxit va ser dels quals es donen pocs per dècada i *Estopa
va aconseguir vendre més d'1.100.000 de discos, un rècord per a un grup debutant a
Espanya La gira Ducats 2000 va portar a la banda per tota Espanya i països *deSudamérica.
Començava el “fenomen *Estopa”, amb l'aval dels Premis Amic a l'Artista Revelació i al Millor
Grup Español i el Premi Ondas a l'Artista Revelació.
2001-2003: *Destrangis, la consolidació
En 2001 va aparèixer el seu segon àlbum *Destrangis, que va superar amb escreix els
800.000 exemplars venuts. Cançons com "Partint la pana" o "Vi negre" van tornar a
convertir-se en himnes en els seus concerts i, en 2002, es va llançar Més *Destrangis, una
edició especial que a les cançons de l'àlbum original afegia tres temes inèdits i un DVD i que
va vendre més de 170.000 exemplars. Amb només dos discos publicats, *Estopa havia donat
la sorpresa, convertint-se en el grup estavella de la música espanyola al començament d'un
nou segle, barrejant amb sentit de carrer i popular estils com la rumba i el rock i amb lletres
directes, quotidianes i generacionals.
2004: El carrer és teu?, repetició de la fórmula
Després de dos anys de silenci, en 2004, va aparèixer l'àlbum El carrer és teu?, que amb
cançons com a "Font d'energia" (primer *single del disc amb la col·laboració de l'actor Santi
Millán), "Cap de setmana", "Tanta tinta ximple", "Pastilles de fre" (un nou record als seus
temps a la fàbrica), "Ja no m'acordo" o "Tragicomèdia". És el CD que els Muñoz diuen haverhi controlat més, tant en les cançons que ho formen com en la producció del mateix. Per a
això es van prendre prop d'un any i mitjà per compaginar el descans amb la creació de les
noves cançons. El procés d'enregistrament de la maqueta la van fer en un estudi que es van
muntar a la seva pròpia casa. L'àlbum va vendre 302.000 exemplars en set dies i va entrar
directe al nº1 amb tres Discos de Platí. “És un disc alegre que, a més de rock i rumba toca
més estils. Les lletres són també variades, fruit de les nostres experiències viscudes, no
buscades”, deia David Muñoz en l'acte de presentació de l'àlbum. Amb la gira Muñoz *vs
Muñoz, la banda va realitzar més de 60 concerts, omplint la plaça de toros de les Vendes a
Madrid i congregant a més de 30.000 persones en l'estadi El Roserar de Màlaga. Després
d'aquesta gira, *Estopa va viatjar a Amèrica per presentar l'àlbum a Argentina, Mèxic, Xile i
2005: Veus de *ultrarumba, la maduresa
Amb més de 2.700.000 àlbums venuts i 23 Discos de Platí aconseguits amb tres discos i en
amb prou feines sis anys, al novembre de 2005 es va publicar el seu quart àlbum, Veus de
*ultrarumba, produït per *Estopa, Antonio García de Diego, José A. Romero i *Pancho
*Varona. “Ara no ens va a entrar la pressió per coses absurdes. Ens tirem un any *currando
a casa, provant cançons i ficant guitarres. Hem buscat la varietat, com sempre. Podíem fer
2. 12 rumbes o 12 temis rock, però anem component i fem la selecció com un quadre, donant
color, buscant l'equilibri”, afirmaven David i José. Veus de *ultrarumba va repetir nº1 directe
en la llista de vendes amb cançons com a "Vacances", "No vull veure-la més", "Dilluns" i un
ventall llarg d'estils: rumba, *rap, *reggae, rock, *bolero, salsa… El resultat: gairebé
400.000 àlbums venuts.
Veus de *ultrarumba va ser el primer disc a Espanya que va començar la seva difusió per
telèfon mòbil, a través de la descàrrega directa per *sistemabluetooth, i va aconseguir el
doble Disc de Platí en 24 hores amb 160.000 exemplars venuts. L'àlbum es va publicar en
*digipack amb un CD i un DVD que afegia sis cançons en acústic i una llarga entrevista amb
Andreu Buenafuente. Al mateix temps, *Estopa va estrenar una nova pàgina web que va
rebre 125.000 visites en una setmana. Veus de *ultrarumba va ser el disc del nadal de 2005,
romanent quatre setmanes consecutives en el nº1 amb tres Discos de Platí i més de 240.000
exemplars venuts en un mes.
El 4 de maig de 2006, *Estopa presentava el seu gira *Ultrarumba de més de 55 concerts
rebent 30 Discos de Platí pels més de tres milions de discos venuts al llarg de la seva
carrera. “Tenim la mateixa il·lusió que quan érem a punt de començar la primera gira. Estem
per estrenar. Quan ens baixem de l'escenari no tirem de cap rànquing perquè deixaríem de
ser *Estopa”, declaraven aquell dia David i José Muñoz, que poc després presentaven la
cançó "*Showtime" com a cançó oficial del Campionat d'Europa de Bàsquet de 2007 que es
va celebrar a Espanya. La gira va finalitzar a l'octubre de 2006 i *Estopa va parar les
màquines. “Hem estat amb la família, en el nostre bar, jugant al *basket, però ens reuníem
totes les tardes per fer cançons. Vam compondre 30 o 40 en sis mesos. I va arribar un
moment en el qual vam dir: cal gravar ja”, van aclarir llavors els germans Muñoz.
2008: *Allenrok, homenatge a Cornellà •
Promoció Gira *Allenrok.
Al febrer de 2008 es va publicar *Allenrok, el seu cinquè àlbum d'estudi amb un títol que,
segons *Estopa, “És un homenatge a la nostra ciutat en el disc més nostre. És el primer que
produïm, ho hem fet tot. És un pas important, la qual cosa ens agrada. I el que ens agrada
ve de Cornellà”. Cançons com "Quan clareja", "Cos trist", "*Hemicraneal" o "Malson" van
impulsar a l'àlbum a un nou nº1 durant cinc setmanes consecutives amb més de 140.000
discos venuts en els primers set dies.
Acabada la gira *Allenrok, el 8 de febrer de 2009, David i José Muñoz van apadrinar una
plantació popular d'un bosc de 10.000 arbres entre Cornellà de Llobregat i El Prat de
Llobregat. Després d'engegar el ja conegut com “El bosc de *Estopa” David i José Muñoz van
començar la preparació de *Estopa X *Anniversarivm.
2009: *Estopa X *Anniversarivm, el desè aniversari
Publicat el 17 de novembre de 2009 és la celebració del desè aniversari del llançament del
seu primer àlbum, allà en 1999.
*Estopa X *Anniversarivm és el sisè àlbum de *Estopa i la celebració del desè aniversari del
grup. Una dècada recorreguda amb les cançons de David i José Muñoz que han marcat la
història de la música espanyola amb un estil nou i una acceptació popular sense precedents.
És la història de *Estopa, de dos germans que han sabut viure el pas dels anys mantenint
l'esperit i l'actitud per sobre de l'èxit, d'un grup que ha sabut crear una música mestissa que
barreja l'energia i el sentiment de carrer del rock amb aires meridionals i guitarres
*rumbeadas. *Estopa ha creat un estil i marca una època en la música espanyola per la seva
capacitat de crear una obra única de gran abast popular, alguna cosa que molt pocs
aconsegueixen i encara menys són capaços de mantenir.
En el disc es *versionan temes dels discos anteriors amb la participació de músics de
diferents estils (Rosario Flores, Joaquín Savina, *Muchachito Bombo Infern, Ana Belén,
*Macaco, Albert Pla....)
2011: *Estopa 2.0, el reneix
En 2011 *Estopa posa a la venda un nou àlbum d'estudi aquesta vegada titulat *Estopa 2.0,
cridat així:
3. “Per l'actualització que anem a fer. Hi ha alguna cosa sintètic i tecnològic. Anem a acudir a
tecnologia aplicada a la música. Va a haver-hi sorolls raríssims.”5
David Muñoz
El 7 d'octubre de 2011 es va estrenar oficialment el seu *single cridat "La primavera",
podent-se escoltar en la seva nova web i, a partir del 9 d'octubre, en totes les radiofórmules
Un dia abans de la sortida del disc comuniquen les dates de la seva nova gira 2.0,7 seran el
dia 3 de febrer del proper any a Saragossa, seguides de Madrid(11 de febrer), i en el Palau
Sant Jordi de Barcelona el 25 de febrer.
L'àlbum es va llançar el 21 de novembre en format digital a través d'iTunes amb la cançó
"Em quedaré" en acústic com a extra, en *Spotify amb el tema "*Vacilón" en acústic, i en
una edició especial i limitada a través del seu web amb la *bonus *track "Naturalesa", a més
inclou la cançó "Amb el cap penjat" de la seva primera maqueta però amb el nom "La
Bogeria". En la seva primera setmana a la venda va aconseguir ser el disc número u a
Espanya amb més de 40.000 discos venuts, passats tres mesos després el disc es converteix
en doble disc de platí amb més de 80.000 còpies venudes.
Ja en el 2012, el 17 de gener anuncien en el seu web el nou *single del disc "Em quedaré" a
més de les dates dels concerts del seu gira. El 17 de maig amb motiu de la propera Eurocopa
2012 de futbol *Estopa estrena "*Showtime 2.0" cançó de suport a la Selecció Espanyola