My project of t.y.b.m.s. on magazines (haymarket pvt ltd)Ammar Zakir
It is a project on marketing and distribution of magazines. It is based on a multi-national company named as Haymarket Media Pvt. Ltd.This is the project for Third Year of Bachelor of Management Studies. I hope it will help in reference to the upcoming youth.
The document discusses the rise of private sector participation in healthcare in India and the need for professionally trained hospital administrators. It notes an increasing demand for healthcare services, willingness to pay for services, and an entrepreneurial spirit has led to growth in the healthcare industry. However, there is currently not a large enough pool of trained hospital administrators. The document proposes strategies for developing this skills market, including promotion programs and creating administrator positions and acceptance of their roles in hospitals.
A project report on advertising effectiveness of cold drinksProjects Kart
This document is a project report submitted for the partial fulfillment of an MBA degree. It discusses conducting a study on the advertising effectiveness of cold drinks in Bhopal, India. The report includes an introduction on advertising effectiveness and types of advertising. It discusses the research methodology, market profile, data analysis, findings, and conclusions of the study. It is submitted to the guidance faculty and institution by the student researcher.
文化創意產業關鍵成功因素之策略分析 Strategic Analysis of the Critical Success Factors on Cultu...Johnson Lee
Strategic Analysis of the Critical Success Factors on Cultural and Creative Industries
A project report on advertising effectiveness of cold drinksProjects Kart
This document is a project report submitted for the partial fulfillment of an MBA degree. It discusses conducting a study on the advertising effectiveness of cold drinks in Bhopal, India. The report includes an introduction on advertising effectiveness and types of advertising. It discusses the research methodology, market profile, data analysis, findings, and conclusions of the study. It is submitted to the guidance faculty and institution by the student researcher.
文化創意產業關鍵成功因素之策略分析 Strategic Analysis of the Critical Success Factors on Cultu...Johnson Lee
Strategic Analysis of the Critical Success Factors on Cultural and Creative Industries
16. John Howkins, 8/3/1945
widely-cited British author and frequent keynote speaker on the
Creative Industries with particular expertise in this economic sector in
China. He is Visiting Professor, University of Lincoln, England, and
Vice Dean and Visiting Professor, Shanghai School of Creativity
- 16 -
68. If yes then someone owes
this guy a lot of money Can a man really
- 68 -
own an idea?
Can an idea be a
69. Thanks for your attention
Vanung University