3. What is Foundational for Discipling Someone? Notes (A4)William Anderson
The document provides guidance on foundational principles for discipling someone. It emphasizes establishing the "big picture" of salvation history with Jesus at the center. When discipling others, the initial focus should be on "being" rather than "doing" - helping them understand their new identity in Christ through the gospel. This establishes the proper motivation from a transformed heart before exhorting good works. Key tools for growth are engaging with the word of God, prayer, and fellowship within the church community.
Dippler and EduFeedr: two approaches to blog-based coursesHans Põldoja
Dippler and EduFeedr are two approaches to blog-based online courses that address challenges in managing and supporting learners. EduFeedr is a feed reader designed for teachers to follow, manage and support learners' activities across personal blogs. It aggregates blog posts and comments but had limitations due to web syndication technologies. Dippler is a digital learning ecosystem that provides tools and services to support self-directed learning through blog-based courses. It includes features for tasks, groups, and analytics to facilitate collaboration and monitoring of learners. Both systems aim to address the increased workload for teachers in distributed online environments through specialized platforms to follow learners' activities.
Pentru a înțelege cum începe păcatul am analizat modul în care Satan a acționat pentru a-i determina pe Eva și pe Adam să păcătuiască, știind că el procedează în același fel și cu noi.
3. What is Foundational for Discipling Someone? Notes (A4)William Anderson
The document provides guidance on foundational principles for discipling someone. It emphasizes establishing the "big picture" of salvation history with Jesus at the center. When discipling others, the initial focus should be on "being" rather than "doing" - helping them understand their new identity in Christ through the gospel. This establishes the proper motivation from a transformed heart before exhorting good works. Key tools for growth are engaging with the word of God, prayer, and fellowship within the church community.
Dippler and EduFeedr: two approaches to blog-based coursesHans Põldoja
Dippler and EduFeedr are two approaches to blog-based online courses that address challenges in managing and supporting learners. EduFeedr is a feed reader designed for teachers to follow, manage and support learners' activities across personal blogs. It aggregates blog posts and comments but had limitations due to web syndication technologies. Dippler is a digital learning ecosystem that provides tools and services to support self-directed learning through blog-based courses. It includes features for tasks, groups, and analytics to facilitate collaboration and monitoring of learners. Both systems aim to address the increased workload for teachers in distributed online environments through specialized platforms to follow learners' activities.
Pentru a înțelege cum începe păcatul am analizat modul în care Satan a acționat pentru a-i determina pe Eva și pe Adam să păcătuiască, știind că el procedează în același fel și cu noi.
Transforming Higher Education with Open Educational PracticesHans Põldoja
The document discusses the impact of ChatGPT, an AI assistant created by OpenAI, on student assessments in higher education. It begins by providing background on ChatGPT, describing it as a state-of-the-art language model that can engage in natural conversation. It then discusses concerns that ChatGPT could enable students to generate impressive written work for assignments, challenging traditional written assessments. The document also includes a quote from a student who used AI tools for their assignments, feeling they were penalized for not writing eloquently. Finally, it discusses the need to revisit existing student performance evaluation approaches in higher education in light of new technologies like ChatGPT.
This document provides an overview of open education and creative commons licenses. It begins by discussing some issues with copyright law, including long duration of copyright and limited reuse options. It then introduces Creative Commons licenses and describes the types of licenses available. The document explains how works can be marked with licenses and provides examples of Creative Commons icons. It also discusses open educational resources and the open education movement. Examples of open educational resources repositories and collections are provided. The document emphasizes that teachers, authors and organizations should share educational materials using open licenses to allow reuse and adaptation. It recommends that governments and institutions prioritize and support open education.
This document discusses personas used in instructional design. It provides examples of primary, secondary, supplemental, customer, served, and negative personas. The primary persona describes the most important user type for an interface. Secondary personas have similar needs to the primary persona, with some additional needs. Supplemental personas have needs fully met by combining primary and secondary personas. Customer personas describe customer rather than user needs. Served personas are impacted by but do not directly use a product. Negative personas are user types the product is not intended for. The document also discusses scenario-based design and provides an example scenario of a student teacher using a competency assessment tool.