Using Google Apps and social media in schools can provide benefits like large storage space, authorized access, security, and integration of third party software. However, it also requires setting up additional accounts, dedicating resources to administration, introducing staff to the new platforms, and establishing clear rules for sharing and collaboration. Potential downsides include data loss from human error and the ongoing tasks of cleanup and adapting to interface changes. The presentation provided examples of using Google Docs, Sheets, Sites, Calendar and Photos for classroom lessons, project collaboration, homework tracking, distance learning, and sharing information on school events.
Using Google Apps and social media in schools can provide benefits like large storage space, authorized access, security, and integration of third party software. However, it also requires setting up additional accounts, dedicating resources to administration, introducing staff to the new platforms, and establishing clear rules for sharing and collaboration. Potential downsides include data loss from human error and the ongoing tasks of cleanup and adapting to interface changes. The presentation provided examples of using Google Docs, Sheets, Sites, Calendar and Photos for classroom lessons, project collaboration, homework tracking, distance learning, and sharing information on school events.
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