U6 reported statements-4 to -3bAnabel Milagros Montes MirandaThis document provides guidance on how to change direct speech into reported speech. It lists several things that need to be changed such as tense, pronouns, time words, and punctuation. Examples are given showing how the direct speech "I am very happy today" would change to the reported speech "Susanna said that she was very happy that day." Rules are also given for changing questions into reported speech like changing the question mark to a period.
English projectRehanVipin2000Jonathan Swift was an Irish clergyman, satirist, essayist, political pamphleteer and poet. Some of his most famous works include Gulliver's Travels, A Tale of a Tub, The Battle of the Books, and A Modest Proposal. He received his bachelor's degree from Trinity College in Dublin and later became the Dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin. Throughout his career, Swift used satire to critique politics, science, philosophy and other aspects of society. He never married but had a close relationship with Esther Johnson, who predeceased him. Swift suffered a stroke later in life and died in 1745 at the age of 78.
U6 reported statements-4 to -3aAnabel Milagros Montes MirandaMrs. Anabel Montes teaches English. She discusses reported speech, which is used to talk about what someone else has said. When reporting a statement, you take away the quotation marks and sometimes add the word "that" when reporting what was said. For example, changing 'Some students are talking,' said the teacher to "The teacher said (that) some students were talking."
Basics About First-AidAmit KarkareA presentation on first-aid at a school-teacher conference with a purpose to educate the school teaching staff about the basics of first-aid.
Arthur's obit PDF.pdfpiwacketDr. Arthur Claude Hastings, a professor at Sofia University, passed away on April 13, 2014 at his home at the age of 79 from acute leukemia. He was a founding faculty member at Sofia University and held many top positions there over his career. Dr. Hastings specialized in transpersonal theory, altered states of consciousness, and research methodology, and was considered a leader in the field of transpersonal psychology. He conducted research on psychic phenomena and published articles on successful remote viewing projects.