Jonathan Swift was an Irish clergyman, satirist, essayist, political pamphleteer and poet. Some of his most famous works include Gulliver's Travels, A Tale of a Tub, The Battle of the Books, and A Modest Proposal. He received his bachelor's degree from Trinity College in Dublin and later became the Dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin. Throughout his career, Swift used satire to critique politics, science, philosophy and other aspects of society. He never married but had a close relationship with Esther Johnson, who predeceased him. Swift suffered a stroke later in life and died in 1745 at the age of 78.
This document provides guidance on how to change direct speech into reported speech. It lists several things that need to be changed such as tense, pronouns, time words, and punctuation. Examples are given showing how the direct speech "I am very happy today" would change to the reported speech "Susanna said that she was very happy that day." Rules are also given for changing questions into reported speech like changing the question mark to a period.
Mrs. Anabel Montes teaches English. She discusses reported speech, which is used to talk about what someone else has said. When reporting a statement, you take away the quotation marks and sometimes add the word "that" when reporting what was said. For example, changing 'Some students are talking,' said the teacher to "The teacher said (that) some students were talking."
Dr. Arthur Claude Hastings, a professor at Sofia University, passed away on April 13, 2014 at his home at the age of 79 from acute leukemia. He was a founding faculty member at Sofia University and held many top positions there over his career. Dr. Hastings specialized in transpersonal theory, altered states of consciousness, and research methodology, and was considered a leader in the field of transpersonal psychology. He conducted research on psychic phenomena and published articles on successful remote viewing projects.
Este documento presenta una plantilla para analizar una fuente hist坦rica, incluyendo secciones para describir datos sobre la fuente como su tipo, fecha, autor, e intenci坦n. Tambi辿n incluye secciones para identificar el evento u proceso a que se refiere la fuente, as鱈 como eventos anteriores y posteriores para ubicarlo en un contexto m叩s amplio.
This special issue of the Journal of Developing Societies examines the effects of globalization on marginalized populations in the Global South through an interdisciplinary lens. Articles reveal that market-oriented development strategies associated with globalization have harmed livelihoods of marginalized people in India. They also show how civil society organizations in India have opposed exploitative development models of globalization, advocating instead for participatory development that empowers and includes voices of marginalized groups.
Este documento presenta un gui坦n para un video documental de 2 minutos y 26 segundos sobre un proyecto para ayudar a los animales callejeros. El video utilizar叩 im叩genes tristes de animales abandonados y hambrientos con m炭sica instrumental triste, y presentar叩 una propuesta para colocar botellas con agua y comida en parques y calles mediante el uso de material reciclable. El objetivo es crear conciencia sobre la necesidad de ayudar a los animales que no pueden hablar.
Polis, 叩gora, acr坦polis y hoplitas se refieren a aspectos de la vida pol鱈tica y militar de la antigua Grecia. Magistrados, boul辿 y ekklesia eran instituciones pol鱈ticas griegas. Helenismo, peplo y metecos est叩n relacionados con la cultura griega posterior a Alejandro Magno.
Sardar Hassan is seeking a career opportunity where he can utilize his skills and become a valuable member of the organization. He has over 20 years of experience in finance, accounting, and business operations. Most recently, he worked at UBL designing MIS systems to monitor fuel expenses and vendor payments. Previously, he helped establish the accounting system for a FMCG startup in Pakistan and created Excel reports for strategic planning at the UK parent company.
Primer informe de gobierno Gloria Rend坦n Garc鱈a, presidente municipal de Pina...jos辿 juan Dur叩n caballero
Primer informe de gobierno Gloria Rend坦n Garc鱈a, presidente municipal de Pinal de Amoles, Quer辿taro, Administraci坦n 2015-2018.
La estudiante concluye que la seguridad inform叩tica es compleja porque cuanta m叩s seguridad se utiliza, m叩s lenta ser叩 la computadora. Para tener mayor seguridad, se deben tener m叩s cuidados al usar la computadora para protegerse de amenazas como virus que pueden da単ar la informaci坦n al ingresar a p叩ginas web o descargar archivos. Por ello, es importante tener un antivirus instalado y copiar regularmente los datos en una unidad de almacenamiento externa para que la informaci坦n est辿 segura.
This document provides a summary of a senior IT professional with over 11 years of experience in roles such as IT support, people management, strategy planning, and vendor management. The professional is proficient in areas such as troubleshooting, call/email support, and resource management. They have experience leading teams and delivering technical support to global clients. Currently they work as a lead engineer at SureWaves Mediatech Pvt. Ltd. where they supervise a team and are responsible for tasks like network setup and remote monitoring.
Este documento presenta una plantilla para analizar una fuente hist坦rica, incluyendo secciones para describir datos sobre la fuente como su tipo, fecha, autor, e intenci坦n. Tambi辿n incluye secciones para identificar el evento u proceso a que se refiere la fuente, as鱈 como eventos anteriores y posteriores para ubicarlo en un contexto m叩s amplio.
This special issue of the Journal of Developing Societies examines the effects of globalization on marginalized populations in the Global South through an interdisciplinary lens. Articles reveal that market-oriented development strategies associated with globalization have harmed livelihoods of marginalized people in India. They also show how civil society organizations in India have opposed exploitative development models of globalization, advocating instead for participatory development that empowers and includes voices of marginalized groups.
Este documento presenta un gui坦n para un video documental de 2 minutos y 26 segundos sobre un proyecto para ayudar a los animales callejeros. El video utilizar叩 im叩genes tristes de animales abandonados y hambrientos con m炭sica instrumental triste, y presentar叩 una propuesta para colocar botellas con agua y comida en parques y calles mediante el uso de material reciclable. El objetivo es crear conciencia sobre la necesidad de ayudar a los animales que no pueden hablar.
Polis, 叩gora, acr坦polis y hoplitas se refieren a aspectos de la vida pol鱈tica y militar de la antigua Grecia. Magistrados, boul辿 y ekklesia eran instituciones pol鱈ticas griegas. Helenismo, peplo y metecos est叩n relacionados con la cultura griega posterior a Alejandro Magno.
Sardar Hassan is seeking a career opportunity where he can utilize his skills and become a valuable member of the organization. He has over 20 years of experience in finance, accounting, and business operations. Most recently, he worked at UBL designing MIS systems to monitor fuel expenses and vendor payments. Previously, he helped establish the accounting system for a FMCG startup in Pakistan and created Excel reports for strategic planning at the UK parent company.
Primer informe de gobierno Gloria Rend坦n Garc鱈a, presidente municipal de Pina...jos辿 juan Dur叩n caballero
Primer informe de gobierno Gloria Rend坦n Garc鱈a, presidente municipal de Pinal de Amoles, Quer辿taro, Administraci坦n 2015-2018.
La estudiante concluye que la seguridad inform叩tica es compleja porque cuanta m叩s seguridad se utiliza, m叩s lenta ser叩 la computadora. Para tener mayor seguridad, se deben tener m叩s cuidados al usar la computadora para protegerse de amenazas como virus que pueden da単ar la informaci坦n al ingresar a p叩ginas web o descargar archivos. Por ello, es importante tener un antivirus instalado y copiar regularmente los datos en una unidad de almacenamiento externa para que la informaci坦n est辿 segura.
This document provides a summary of a senior IT professional with over 11 years of experience in roles such as IT support, people management, strategy planning, and vendor management. The professional is proficient in areas such as troubleshooting, call/email support, and resource management. They have experience leading teams and delivering technical support to global clients. Currently they work as a lead engineer at SureWaves Mediatech Pvt. Ltd. where they supervise a team and are responsible for tasks like network setup and remote monitoring.
1. Happy Birthday Singapore
Well, this might be a little late but late is better than never.
Not too sure what to put as my first post, but I thought I blog about Singapore. Having gained
independence 49 years ago, my home country has pulled off an economic miracle from a third world
country to a first world city.
May many safe and prosperous years be ahead and
may we stay relevant throughout the generations to
And all the different races stay together in harmony.