The document discusses doctrine migration in 7 parts. It describes generating migration classes from schema changes, how the migration classes update the database through multiple versions, and the process of connecting to the database and generating and running migrations. It provides links to documentation on doctrine migrations and presentations about using migrations with doctrine.
PHPUnit is an automated unit testing framework for PHP. It allows developers to write tests for their code in PHP and run those tests to determine if the code is working as expected. Some key aspects of PHPUnit include writing tests in classes that extend the PHPUnit test case class, using assertions to validate expected outcomes, and the ability to test databases and output using PHPUnit extensions. PHPUnit is widely used for test-driven development in PHP projects.
Lightning Talk #9: How UX and Data Storytelling Can Shape Policy by Mika Aldabaux singapore
How can we take UX and Data Storytelling out of the tech context and use them to change the way government behaves?
Showcasing the truth is the highest goal of data storytelling. Because the design of a chart can affect the interpretation of data in a major way, one must wield visual tools with care and deliberation. Using quantitative facts to evoke an emotional response is best achieved with the combination of UX and data storytelling.
The document discusses how personalization and dynamic content are becoming increasingly important on websites. It notes that 52% of marketers see content personalization as critical and 75% of consumers like it when brands personalize their content. However, personalization can create issues for search engine optimization as dynamic URLs and content are more difficult for search engines to index than static pages. The document provides tips for SEOs to help address these personalization and SEO challenges, such as using static URLs when possible and submitting accurate sitemaps.
This document summarizes a study of CEO succession events among the largest 100 U.S. corporations between 2005-2015. The study analyzed executives who were passed over for the CEO role ("succession losers") and their subsequent careers. It found that 74% of passed over executives left their companies, with 30% eventually becoming CEOs elsewhere. However, companies led by succession losers saw average stock price declines of 13% over 3 years, compared to gains for companies whose CEO selections remained unchanged. The findings suggest that boards generally identify the most qualified CEO candidates, though differences between internal and external hires complicate comparisons.
PHP Coding Standard and 50+ Programming SkillsHo Kim
1. How and Why to write good code?
2. Coding standard based on ZendFramework and real world practise.
3. PHP programming skills from daily coding.
4. Some security tips
5. Some optimization tips
22. 鸭子“When I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck.”James Whitcomb Riley (1849 – 1916)(Duck typing)