Hori iugonet-poster-for-data-intensive-scientific-discovery-sep10-2012Iugo Net
The Inter-university Upper Atmosphere Global Observation NETwork (IUGONET) is a six-year Japanese project running from 2009 to 2014 involving five universities to build a metadata database for ground-based upper atmosphere observations. The database will facilitate finding and accessing these diverse data sources and enable new multi-disciplinary analyses of the upper atmosphere. The project is also developing analysis software to download, visualize, and analyze the data.
This document discusses the IUGONET plug-in software UDAS for the TDAS data analysis system. UDAS provides load procedures for various ground-based observational upper atmospheric data from institutions participating in the IUGONET project. Products released so far include a metadata database containing over 1.68 million records and the UDAS data analysis software. Future plans include incorporating UDAS into TDAS and releasing an executable version that can run on IDL Virtual Machine environments without an IDL license. The goal of IUGONET and these products is to effectively distribute, analyze and promote comprehensive studies using upper atmospheric data from the past 50+ years.
The Inter-university Upper Atmosphere Global Observation NETwork (IUGONET) is a six-year Japanese project running from 2009-2014 involving five universities to build a metadata database of ground-based observational data of the upper atmosphere. The database will provide researchers access to various radar, magnetometer, and other observational data collected across different institutions to facilitate new cross-disciplinary analysis. The project is also developing data analysis software to help researchers download, visualize, and analyze the data.
Inter-university Upper atmosphere Global Observation NETworkIugo Net
The IUGONET project builds a metadata database of ground-based upper atmospheric observations from multiple Japanese universities. This database will help researchers efficiently find and access observational data. IUGONET has developed analysis software to download, visualize, and analyze the data. The database currently contains metadata for over 6 million data files from various radars, magnetometers, and other instruments.
超高層大気長期変動の全球地上ネットワーク観測?研究(IUGONET) プロジェクトの進捗と超高層?太陽?気象データ登録状況Iugo Net
The IUGONET project aims to build a metadata database of upper atmospheric observational data from ground-based instruments across Japan. The database will facilitate finding and using atmospheric data from radars, magnetometers, and other sensors. It will promote new interdisciplinary research by enabling efficient access to diverse data sources. The project has developed software to download, visualize, and analyze atmospheric data provided through the IUGONET database.
The IUGONET project and its international cooperation on development of metad...Iugo Net
This document discusses the IUGONET project and its international cooperation on developing a metadata database for upper atmospheric study. It notes that IUGONET has developed infrastructures and tools like a metadata database and data analysis software to facilitate distribution and use of ground-based upper atmospheric data. IUGONET is in discussion with other international projects like SPASE and ESPAS to collaborate on their metadata databases. The metadata database currently includes data from IUGONET institutions as well as other Japanese organizations conducting upper atmospheric research.
Inter-university Upper atmosphere Global Observation NETwork (IUGONET) Iugo Net
IUGONET is a 6-year project from 2009-2014 involving multiple Japanese universities and research institutes. The project aims to investigate long-term changes in the upper atmosphere by developing a metadata database of upper atmosphere observation data collected over 50 years by Japanese institutions. The metadata database will facilitate efficient use of the data and comprehensive multi-disciplinary studies. Currently, the metadata database system is being developed using DSpace and metadata will be in SPASE format. Data analysis software is also being developed using IDL and will be provided to the scientific community.