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Promotion and Distribution

  Of Artists through Music Videos
From the 1950s
   The music industry moved from a radio based medium to a
    visual medium  as television became mainstream.
   Only artists signed to major record labels could afford the
    costs associated with shooting then distributing music videos
    in the 1960s (The Beatles, Serge Gainsbourg, The Animals.)
   In the late 1970s / early 80s bands signed to independent
    record labels started to go mainstream and shoot music
    videos. Virgin Records/ Rough Trade/ 4AD /Factory Records.
    Enabling them to gain a wider audience ( if shown on
   Many independent record labels like Virgin gained major label
    distribution deals which enabled them to grow considerably.
    Another example (80s) - Ruthless Records with EMI (N.W.A)
   Many independent labels would become successful and sell
    either part or all of the label to a major. Virgin to EMI  1992.
    SubPop to Warner in 1995 (The label that first signed
Major Vs Independent / Self
             Produced Artists
   Promotion - Mainstream Artists now use alternative approaches to self
    promotion through blogs and alternative websites like Pitchfork. Major record
    labels pay so called taste makers to promote new artists. The lines between
    who is independent and mainstream are now blurred (deliberately.) For
    example Skrillex BigBeat (label started as indie now owned by a major -
    Warner Music.) Artists like Lady Gaga, Kanye West use cutting edge video
    directors to make them appear cool and independent of the corporate
    culture associated with major record labels.
   Extension of Income / outlets -         broadcast and online music video
    channels. Advertising. Downloads. Music Royalties. Merchandise. Live
    Performance. Endorsements. (The demise of CD / DVD.)
   Synergy -      Conglomerate reach of major labels  film / tv production i.e.
    link into soundtracks. Merchandise. Performance. Good e.gs - Time
    Warner / Disney.
   Technological Convergence - Mobile phones / Computers / Games
    Consoles / ipad etc.
   Research one mainstream and one independent /
    self produced artist.
(For eg The Arcade Fire are signed to an independent label but have major
   distribution / publishing which helps them gain a wide audience and extends
   their income. They are still classed asIndie.)
   Explain (with examples) how they use music
    videos to promote themselves.
   How can this lead to the artist extending their
   How does their record label employ forms of
   Technological convergence - what role does this
    play in the promotion and distribution of their
    music videos?

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Music Video - LO2 - Purposes

  • 1. Promotion and Distribution Of Artists through Music Videos
  • 2. From the 1950s The music industry moved from a radio based medium to a visual medium as television became mainstream. Only artists signed to major record labels could afford the costs associated with shooting then distributing music videos in the 1960s (The Beatles, Serge Gainsbourg, The Animals.) In the late 1970s / early 80s bands signed to independent record labels started to go mainstream and shoot music videos. Virgin Records/ Rough Trade/ 4AD /Factory Records. Enabling them to gain a wider audience ( if shown on television.) Many independent record labels like Virgin gained major label distribution deals which enabled them to grow considerably. Another example (80s) - Ruthless Records with EMI (N.W.A) Many independent labels would become successful and sell either part or all of the label to a major. Virgin to EMI 1992. SubPop to Warner in 1995 (The label that first signed Nirvana.)
  • 3. Major Vs Independent / Self Produced Artists Promotion - Mainstream Artists now use alternative approaches to self promotion through blogs and alternative websites like Pitchfork. Major record labels pay so called taste makers to promote new artists. The lines between who is independent and mainstream are now blurred (deliberately.) For example Skrillex BigBeat (label started as indie now owned by a major - Warner Music.) Artists like Lady Gaga, Kanye West use cutting edge video directors to make them appear cool and independent of the corporate culture associated with major record labels. Extension of Income / outlets - broadcast and online music video channels. Advertising. Downloads. Music Royalties. Merchandise. Live Performance. Endorsements. (The demise of CD / DVD.) Synergy - Conglomerate reach of major labels film / tv production i.e. link into soundtracks. Merchandise. Performance. Good e.gs - Time Warner / Disney. Technological Convergence - Mobile phones / Computers / Games Consoles / ipad etc.
  • 4. TASK Research one mainstream and one independent / self produced artist. (For eg The Arcade Fire are signed to an independent label but have major distribution / publishing which helps them gain a wide audience and extends their income. They are still classed asIndie.) http://www.newyorker.com/arts/critics/musical/2010/08/16/100816crmu_music_frerejones Explain (with examples) how they use music videos to promote themselves. How can this lead to the artist extending their income? How does their record label employ forms of synergy? Technological convergence - what role does this play in the promotion and distribution of their music videos?