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-The bleak winter of 1886 in Berlin was Rizals darkest winter because no money arrived
from Calamba and he was flat broke. The diamond ring which his sister, Saturnina, gave him was in the
pawnshop. It was memorable in the life of Rizal for two reasons (1) it was a painful episode for he was
hungry, sick and despondent in a strange city (2) it brought him great joy after enduring s
o much sufferings, because his first novel, Noli Me Tangere came off the press in March, 1887
揃 Harriet Beecher Stowes Uncle Toms Cabin- inspired Dr. Rizal to prepare a novel that would depict the
miseries of his people under the lash of Spanish tyrants
揃 January 2, 1884- in a reunion of Filipinos in the Paterno residence in Madrid, Rizal proposed the writings
of a novel about the Philippines by a group of Filipinos
揃 Toward the end of 1884, Rizal began writing the novel in Madrid and finished about one-half of it
揃 When Rizal went to Paris, in 1885, after completing his studies in the Central University of Madrid, he
continued writing the novel, finishing one half of the second half
揃 Rizal finished the last fourth of the novel in Germany. He wrote the last few chapters of the Noli in
Wilhelmsfeld in April-June, 1886
揃 In Berlin during the winter days of February, 1886, Rizal made the final revisions on the manuscript of
the Noli
揃 Maximo Viola- Rizals friend from Bulacan, arrived in Berlin at the height of Rizal despondency and
loaned him the needed funds to publish the novel; savior of Noli
揃 After the Christmas season , Rizal put the finishing touches on his novel. To save printing expenses, he
deleted certain passages in his manuscript, including a whole chapterElias and Salome
揃 February 21, 1887- the Noli was finally finished and ready for printing
揃 Berliner Buchdruckrei-Action-Gesselschaft- a printing shop which charged the lowest rate, that is,
300 pesos for 2,00 copies of the novel
揃 March 21, 1887- the Noli Me Tangere came off the press
揃 March 29, 1887- Rizal, in token of his appreciation and gratitude, gave Viola the galley proofs of the Noli
carefully rolled around the pen that he used in writing it and a complimentary copy, with the following
inscription: To my dear friend, Maximo Viola, the first to read and appreciate my workJose Rizal
揃 The title Noli Me Tangere is a Latin phrase which means Touch Me Not. It is not originally conceived
by Rizal, for he admitted taking it from the Bible
揃 Rizal, writing to Felix Hidalgo in French on March 5, 1887, said: Noli Me Tangere, words taken from the
Gospel of St. Luke, signify do not touch me but Rizal made a mistake, it should be
the Gospel of St. John (Chapter 20 Verses 13 to 17)
揃 Rizal dedicated his Noli Me Tangere to the PhilippinesTo My Fatherland
揃 The cover of Noli Me Tangere was designed by Rizal. It is a ketch of explicit symbols. A womans head
atop a Maria Clara bodice represents the nation and the women, victims of the
social cancer. One of the causes of the cancer is symbolized in the friars feet, outsized in relation to the
womans head. The other aggravating causes of oppression and discrimination are
shown in the guards helmet and the iron chains, the teachers whip and the alferezs scourge. A slight
cluster of bamboo stands at the backdrop; these are the people, forever in the background of their own
countrys history. There are a cross, a maze, flowers and thorny plants, a flame; these are
indicative of the religious policy, the misdirected ardor, the people strangled as a result of these all
揃 The novel Noli Me Tangere contains 63 chapters and an epilogue
揃 Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor- Filipino patriot and lawyer who had been exiled due to his complicity in the
Cavite Mutiny of 1872, read avidly the Noli and was very much impressed by its author
揃 The Noli Me Tangere was a true story of the Philippine conditions during the last decades of Spanish
揃 Maria Clara-was Leonor Rivera, although in real life she became unfaithful and married an Englishman
揃 Ibarra and Elias- represented Rizal himself
揃 Tasio-the philosopher was Rizals elder brother Paciano
揃 Padre Salvi-was identified by Rizalists as Padre Antonio Piernavieja, the hated Augustinian friar in
Cavite who was killed by the patriots during the Revolution
揃 Capitan Tiago-was Captain Hilario Sunico of San Nicolas
揃 Do単a Victorina- was Do単a Agustina Medel
揃 Basilio and Crispin- were the Crisostomo brothers of Hagonoy
揃 Padre Damaso- typical of a domineering friar during the days of Rizal, who was arrogant, immoral and
Publication of Noli Me Tangere in Berlin (1887)
Source: Jose Rizal: Life, Works, and Writings of a Genius, Writer, Scientist, and National Hero By: Gregorio F.
Zaide, Sonia M. Zaide
Inspiration for Noli Me Tangere
While a student in the Central University of Madrid, Rizalread Harriet Beecher Stowes Uncle Toms Cabin which
portrays the brutalities of American slave-owners and the pathetic conditions of the Negroslaves. He was deeply
mov ed by the story and decided towritea novelthat would depict the miserable condition of his countrymen under
the Spanish tyrants.
In a reunion among Filipinos in the Paternoresidence in Madrid on January 2,1884,Rizal proposed the writing of a
nov el about the Philippines by a groupof Filipinos, a proposal which was unanimously approved by allthose present:
Pedro, Maximoand AntonioPaterno; GracianoLopezJaena, EvaristoAguirre,Eduardode Lete, JulioLlorente,
MelecioFigueroa, and Valentin Venture.
Unfortunately,Rizals project did not materialize. Those supposed tobe collaborators did not write anything as they
were preoccupied with other frivolous matters likegambling or flirting with Spanish women. Disgusted but
undaunted,Rizal embarked on writing the novel alone.
The writing of the Noli
Toward theend of 1 884,Rizalbegan writing the novel and finishedabout one-half of it. When he went toParis after
his studies in Madrid,he continued writing and completed thepart of the second-half and continued writing while in
Germany. He wrote the last few chapters in Wilhelmsfeld in April-June 1886.
In Berlin, sickand penniless, Rizal lost hope of publishing the novel. In themidst of this despondency,Rizal received
a telegram from his good friend,Dr.MaximoViola, a scion of a wealthy family from San Miguel,Bulacan,whowas
coming toBerlin. Shortly beforeChristmas day, 1887,Viola arrived andwas shocked tofind Rizal living in poverty
and sick due tolack of proper nourishment.
Viola immediately agreed tofinancethe printing cost of the novel. He alsoloaned Rizalmoney for his living
expenses. Rizal and Viola celebrated that Christmas 1886 in Berlin with a sumptuous feast.
After Christmas,Rizal immediately put the finishing touches tohis novel. Tosave on printing expenses,he deleted
certain passages in the manuscript,including a whole chapter -Elias and Salome.
Rizal went todifferent printing shops tosurvey the cost and finally settled w ith theprinter BerlinerBuchdruckrei-
Action-Gesselschaft which charged the lowest rate,that is, 300pesos for 2,000 copies.
Rizal suspected as a French Spy
During theprinting of the novel, Rizalwas accused as a French spy. One morning, thechief of police of Berlin
v isited Rizal at his boarding house demanding tosee his passport. Rizalhad none  it was customary during that
time totravel without a passport. Thechief of police then toldhim tosecure a passport within four days, or face
Rizal, along with Viola,went tothe Spanish Ambassador,the Count of Benomar,whopromised toget him one. But
the ambassador had nopower toissue the required passport. Rizal went tothe police chief tofind out why hewas
being singled out for deportation. Thepolice chief informed him that there wereintelligence reports that Rizal made
frequent visits tovillages and little towns in ruralareas,thereby arousing German suspicion that he was a French spy.
He entered Germany from Paris, resided in Paris for some years,love France and spoke the language very well.
Rizal whowas alsofluent in German explained that he was not a spy but a Filipinophysician and scientist,
particularly,an ethnologist. As an ethnologist hewas interested toobserve the customs andlife-styles of the German
simple inhabitants.
The police chief,impressed by Rizals explanation,his mastery of the German language,and his personalcharisma,
allowed him tostay freely in Germany.
The printing of the Noli
After the deportation incident, Rizalwith thehelpof Viola supervised the printing of Noli and on March 21, 1887,Noli
Me Tangere came off the press. He immediately sent copies tohis close friends,among them,Blumentritt. In a letter
enclosing the book, Rizal saidthat this was his first book although he had written much more beforeit and had
received some prizes in literary compositions. He described the book as the first impartial and bold book on the life of
the Tagalogs which describedthe Filipinohistory in a much different way from other writers. He further said that the
gov ernment and friars would probably attack the workand refute his arguments but he put his trust in the God of
truth and the persons whohave witnessed thesufferings at close range. With the book, Rizal hoped that he can
answer all the concepts which hadbeen fabricated tomalign the Filipinonation.
Inspiration for the Title
Noli Me Tangere is a Latin phrase which means Touch Me Not. This is not originally conceived by Rizal but he
admitted taking it from theBible. In his letter in French toFelix R. Hidalgodated March 5, 1887,he wrote that the
words Noli Me Tangere were taken from the Gospel of St. Luke which said donot touch me. Rizal made a mistake
in citing the Biblical reference. It should be theGospel of St. John (Chapter 20, Verses 13 to17)referring toSt. Mary
Magdalene, our Lord Jesus, just risen from thedead,said:
Touch me not; Iam not yet ascended tomy Father,but gotomy brethren,and say untothem,Iascend unto
my Father, and your Father;andtomy God and your God.
Rizal dedicated his NoliMe Tangere tothePhilippines  ToMy Fatherland. In his dedication,he compared
human sufferings toa malignant cancer that causes much pain at the slightest touch. He is calling on the Fatherland,
to come forth and expose this social cancer andtofind remedy. Tothis end, Rizalwilldohis best toexpose the
deplorableconditions,even vanity itself, truthfully. He, as a son of the Fatherland, suffers from the samedefects and
weaknesses as well.
Unlike many works of fiction,Noli was a true story of Philippine conditions during the last decade of the Spanish
rule. Theplaces,the characters,and the situations really existed. Rizal wrote  Thefacts Inarratethere are alltrue
and have happened; Ican prove them.

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Noli me tangere published in berlin

  • 1. NOLI ME TANGERE PUBLISHED IN BERLIN (1887) 9:05 AM No comments -The bleak winter of 1886 in Berlin was Rizals darkest winter because no money arrived from Calamba and he was flat broke. The diamond ring which his sister, Saturnina, gave him was in the pawnshop. It was memorable in the life of Rizal for two reasons (1) it was a painful episode for he was hungry, sick and despondent in a strange city (2) it brought him great joy after enduring s o much sufferings, because his first novel, Noli Me Tangere came off the press in March, 1887 揃 Harriet Beecher Stowes Uncle Toms Cabin- inspired Dr. Rizal to prepare a novel that would depict the miseries of his people under the lash of Spanish tyrants 揃 January 2, 1884- in a reunion of Filipinos in the Paterno residence in Madrid, Rizal proposed the writings of a novel about the Philippines by a group of Filipinos 揃 Toward the end of 1884, Rizal began writing the novel in Madrid and finished about one-half of it 揃 When Rizal went to Paris, in 1885, after completing his studies in the Central University of Madrid, he continued writing the novel, finishing one half of the second half 揃 Rizal finished the last fourth of the novel in Germany. He wrote the last few chapters of the Noli in Wilhelmsfeld in April-June, 1886 揃 In Berlin during the winter days of February, 1886, Rizal made the final revisions on the manuscript of the Noli 揃 Maximo Viola- Rizals friend from Bulacan, arrived in Berlin at the height of Rizal despondency and loaned him the needed funds to publish the novel; savior of Noli 揃 After the Christmas season , Rizal put the finishing touches on his novel. To save printing expenses, he deleted certain passages in his manuscript, including a whole chapterElias and Salome 揃 February 21, 1887- the Noli was finally finished and ready for printing
  • 2. 揃 Berliner Buchdruckrei-Action-Gesselschaft- a printing shop which charged the lowest rate, that is, 300 pesos for 2,00 copies of the novel 揃 March 21, 1887- the Noli Me Tangere came off the press 揃 March 29, 1887- Rizal, in token of his appreciation and gratitude, gave Viola the galley proofs of the Noli carefully rolled around the pen that he used in writing it and a complimentary copy, with the following inscription: To my dear friend, Maximo Viola, the first to read and appreciate my workJose Rizal 揃 The title Noli Me Tangere is a Latin phrase which means Touch Me Not. It is not originally conceived by Rizal, for he admitted taking it from the Bible 揃 Rizal, writing to Felix Hidalgo in French on March 5, 1887, said: Noli Me Tangere, words taken from the Gospel of St. Luke, signify do not touch me but Rizal made a mistake, it should be the Gospel of St. John (Chapter 20 Verses 13 to 17) 揃 Rizal dedicated his Noli Me Tangere to the PhilippinesTo My Fatherland 揃 The cover of Noli Me Tangere was designed by Rizal. It is a ketch of explicit symbols. A womans head atop a Maria Clara bodice represents the nation and the women, victims of the social cancer. One of the causes of the cancer is symbolized in the friars feet, outsized in relation to the womans head. The other aggravating causes of oppression and discrimination are shown in the guards helmet and the iron chains, the teachers whip and the alferezs scourge. A slight cluster of bamboo stands at the backdrop; these are the people, forever in the background of their own countrys history. There are a cross, a maze, flowers and thorny plants, a flame; these are indicative of the religious policy, the misdirected ardor, the people strangled as a result of these all 揃 The novel Noli Me Tangere contains 63 chapters and an epilogue 揃 Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor- Filipino patriot and lawyer who had been exiled due to his complicity in the Cavite Mutiny of 1872, read avidly the Noli and was very much impressed by its author CHARACTERS OF NOLI 揃 The Noli Me Tangere was a true story of the Philippine conditions during the last decades of Spanish rule 揃 Maria Clara-was Leonor Rivera, although in real life she became unfaithful and married an Englishman 揃 Ibarra and Elias- represented Rizal himself 揃 Tasio-the philosopher was Rizals elder brother Paciano 揃 Padre Salvi-was identified by Rizalists as Padre Antonio Piernavieja, the hated Augustinian friar in Cavite who was killed by the patriots during the Revolution 揃 Capitan Tiago-was Captain Hilario Sunico of San Nicolas 揃 Do単a Victorina- was Do単a Agustina Medel 揃 Basilio and Crispin- were the Crisostomo brothers of Hagonoy 揃 Padre Damaso- typical of a domineering friar during the days of Rizal, who was arrogant, immoral and anti-Filipino
  • 3. Publication of Noli Me Tangere in Berlin (1887) Source: Jose Rizal: Life, Works, and Writings of a Genius, Writer, Scientist, and National Hero By: Gregorio F. Zaide, Sonia M. Zaide Inspiration for Noli Me Tangere While a student in the Central University of Madrid, Rizalread Harriet Beecher Stowes Uncle Toms Cabin which portrays the brutalities of American slave-owners and the pathetic conditions of the Negroslaves. He was deeply mov ed by the story and decided towritea novelthat would depict the miserable condition of his countrymen under the Spanish tyrants. In a reunion among Filipinos in the Paternoresidence in Madrid on January 2,1884,Rizal proposed the writing of a nov el about the Philippines by a groupof Filipinos, a proposal which was unanimously approved by allthose present: Pedro, Maximoand AntonioPaterno; GracianoLopezJaena, EvaristoAguirre,Eduardode Lete, JulioLlorente, MelecioFigueroa, and Valentin Venture. Unfortunately,Rizals project did not materialize. Those supposed tobe collaborators did not write anything as they were preoccupied with other frivolous matters likegambling or flirting with Spanish women. Disgusted but undaunted,Rizal embarked on writing the novel alone. The writing of the Noli Toward theend of 1 884,Rizalbegan writing the novel and finishedabout one-half of it. When he went toParis after his studies in Madrid,he continued writing and completed thepart of the second-half and continued writing while in Germany. He wrote the last few chapters in Wilhelmsfeld in April-June 1886. In Berlin, sickand penniless, Rizal lost hope of publishing the novel. In themidst of this despondency,Rizal received a telegram from his good friend,Dr.MaximoViola, a scion of a wealthy family from San Miguel,Bulacan,whowas coming toBerlin. Shortly beforeChristmas day, 1887,Viola arrived andwas shocked tofind Rizal living in poverty and sick due tolack of proper nourishment. Viola immediately agreed tofinancethe printing cost of the novel. He alsoloaned Rizalmoney for his living expenses. Rizal and Viola celebrated that Christmas 1886 in Berlin with a sumptuous feast. After Christmas,Rizal immediately put the finishing touches tohis novel. Tosave on printing expenses,he deleted certain passages in the manuscript,including a whole chapter -Elias and Salome. Rizal went todifferent printing shops tosurvey the cost and finally settled w ith theprinter BerlinerBuchdruckrei- Action-Gesselschaft which charged the lowest rate,that is, 300pesos for 2,000 copies. Rizal suspected as a French Spy
  • 4. During theprinting of the novel, Rizalwas accused as a French spy. One morning, thechief of police of Berlin v isited Rizal at his boarding house demanding tosee his passport. Rizalhad none it was customary during that time totravel without a passport. Thechief of police then toldhim tosecure a passport within four days, or face deportation. Rizal, along with Viola,went tothe Spanish Ambassador,the Count of Benomar,whopromised toget him one. But the ambassador had nopower toissue the required passport. Rizal went tothe police chief tofind out why hewas being singled out for deportation. Thepolice chief informed him that there wereintelligence reports that Rizal made frequent visits tovillages and little towns in ruralareas,thereby arousing German suspicion that he was a French spy. He entered Germany from Paris, resided in Paris for some years,love France and spoke the language very well. Rizal whowas alsofluent in German explained that he was not a spy but a Filipinophysician and scientist, particularly,an ethnologist. As an ethnologist hewas interested toobserve the customs andlife-styles of the German simple inhabitants. The police chief,impressed by Rizals explanation,his mastery of the German language,and his personalcharisma, allowed him tostay freely in Germany. The printing of the Noli After the deportation incident, Rizalwith thehelpof Viola supervised the printing of Noli and on March 21, 1887,Noli Me Tangere came off the press. He immediately sent copies tohis close friends,among them,Blumentritt. In a letter enclosing the book, Rizal saidthat this was his first book although he had written much more beforeit and had received some prizes in literary compositions. He described the book as the first impartial and bold book on the life of the Tagalogs which describedthe Filipinohistory in a much different way from other writers. He further said that the gov ernment and friars would probably attack the workand refute his arguments but he put his trust in the God of truth and the persons whohave witnessed thesufferings at close range. With the book, Rizal hoped that he can answer all the concepts which hadbeen fabricated tomalign the Filipinonation. Inspiration for the Title Noli Me Tangere is a Latin phrase which means Touch Me Not. This is not originally conceived by Rizal but he admitted taking it from theBible. In his letter in French toFelix R. Hidalgodated March 5, 1887,he wrote that the words Noli Me Tangere were taken from the Gospel of St. Luke which said donot touch me. Rizal made a mistake in citing the Biblical reference. It should be theGospel of St. John (Chapter 20, Verses 13 to17)referring toSt. Mary Magdalene, our Lord Jesus, just risen from thedead,said: Touch me not; Iam not yet ascended tomy Father,but gotomy brethren,and say untothem,Iascend unto my Father, and your Father;andtomy God and your God. Rizal dedicated his NoliMe Tangere tothePhilippines ToMy Fatherland. In his dedication,he compared human sufferings toa malignant cancer that causes much pain at the slightest touch. He is calling on the Fatherland,
  • 5. to come forth and expose this social cancer andtofind remedy. Tothis end, Rizalwilldohis best toexpose the deplorableconditions,even vanity itself, truthfully. He, as a son of the Fatherland, suffers from the samedefects and weaknesses as well. Unlike many works of fiction,Noli was a true story of Philippine conditions during the last decade of the Spanish rule. Theplaces,the characters,and the situations really existed. Rizal wrote Thefacts Inarratethere are alltrue and have happened; Ican prove them.