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Business Communications Skills
3 Steps to Creating a Message
By Mai Nguyen
Step 1: Panning
 Think about these questions before you start:
 What is the main idea?
 Is it to persuade? Inform? Report? Positive? Negative?

 Who are the audiences?
 Potential or current clients/ customers, specific
age/gender/ specialty?

 How will the audience take the message?
 Positive way  Direct approach (audience is receptive to message)
 Negative way  Indirect approach (audience is skeptical to message)
Step 1: Planning cont.
 Crafting an Outline Together
 Use bullets, headlines, etc.
 Which ever organization skills/ tools that best fits writer

 Use AIDA model

A: AttentionGrab/ take audiences attention
I: Interests Whats interesting/ new/ or stands out?
D: DesireMake the audience desire the selling point
A: Action  Give the audience a way they can
accomplish/ satisfy their desire.
Step 2: Writing the Message
 Write the message
 Be professional
 Be aware of
 Tone of voice
 Building a relationship with audience
 Choosing powerful words

 Be clear and concise
Step 3: Completing the Message
 After writing the message
 Proofread it
 Edit it
 Review it

Is it clear? Is it concise?
Is it understandable?
Does it pass the overall message?
Is everything supported with evidence?
 These 3 steps are crucial to writing any business
messages such as

Negative messages
Persuasive messages
Reports and proposals
Resumes and cover letters

 Once youve got these steps covered, youre
more than half way through to being successful at
writing formal business messages.

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Exercise 9 b

  • 1. Business Communications Skills 3 Steps to Creating a Message By Mai Nguyen
  • 2. Step 1: Panning Think about these questions before you start: What is the main idea? Is it to persuade? Inform? Report? Positive? Negative? Who are the audiences? Potential or current clients/ customers, specific age/gender/ specialty? How will the audience take the message? Positive way Direct approach (audience is receptive to message) Negative way Indirect approach (audience is skeptical to message)
  • 3. Step 1: Planning cont. Crafting an Outline Together Use bullets, headlines, etc. Which ever organization skills/ tools that best fits writer Use AIDA model A: AttentionGrab/ take audiences attention I: Interests Whats interesting/ new/ or stands out? D: DesireMake the audience desire the selling point A: Action Give the audience a way they can accomplish/ satisfy their desire.
  • 4. Step 2: Writing the Message Write the message Be professional Be aware of Tone of voice Building a relationship with audience Choosing powerful words Be clear and concise
  • 5. Step 3: Completing the Message After writing the message Proofread it Edit it Review it Is it clear? Is it concise? Is it understandable? Does it pass the overall message? Is everything supported with evidence?
  • 6. Conclusion These 3 steps are crucial to writing any business messages such as Negative messages Persuasive messages Reports and proposals Resumes and cover letters Once youve got these steps covered, youre more than half way through to being successful at writing formal business messages.