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Question 3: What kind of media
institution might distribute your
     media product and why
             Jessica Miller
Production process

My product would have o go though a series of stages which is known as the production and
publication phase. There are 5 main stages which are:

   The idea process, thinking what will the magazine look like, who is it for, content and genre.

   Researching into current products on the market and how are they similar to my own media
    product. Are they successful/how. Who is the audience. What is appealing layout/design

   Produce flat plans, to be used as visual aids to what the product will like like.

   Construct product on a industrial size

   Distribute the product. Depending on target audience to either niche or large audience.
As my target audience is indie/alternative young adults. My audience is very
similar to the likes of Q magazine and MoJo , although this type of magazine is also
targeted at older generations as well. Both these magazines are distributed to a wide
target audience and are mainstream. Both magazines are distributed by large
companies such as Beaur Media Group, who also have magazines such as Kerrang!
and Empire. They may be reluctant to distribute my magazine as it is very similar to
products they already distribute.
Most of their products are mainstream and are for large target audiences. However
they are still niche in terms of the age and stereotypes. The products are distributed
to retailers like music store HMV, large supermarkets and retailers such as WHSmith.
Distribution: who would distribute.
    Beaur media group have many indie magazines which they publish, such as kerrang! Magazine. However
     they also have its radio station which is aimed at a young indie target audience. Along with this they
     have MoJo and Q magazine. As they have a vast select of interactive media along with online social
     networking sites. They are able to reach all target audiences. They are familiar with what each of their
     audiences want and are able to meet their needs. This knowledge allows the producers to produce
     products they know will sell as they satisfy readers needs. This then allows them to increase revenue and
     invest in continuing production.
     My product is very similar Q magazine. It follows the forms and conventions of the music genre and
     shares similar target audiences. This would make it easier for Beaur to be able to sell my product because
     they know what the readers want and would be able to use the same techniques which they already use
     to sell Q.

    Beaur own at lot of other genres, not just music, they are magazines in the fashion genre. This makes
     them very successful as they have knowledge in most genres of magazines. Knowing the audience that my
     magazine is for would benefit my magazine hugely as it would be able to get to the standard which the
     audience of a music magazine are interested in, and gradually become successful, ensuring sales and the
     popularity of my magazine. However they may be reluctant to take on my magazines because they
     already have very successful magazines in the genre and they may think that there is no room in the
     market for my own.
Advertising my own product.
   Products which are already on the market, such as MoJo and Q are
    advertised through corresponding online websites, social networking
    sites. Theses are used to attract the right audience, which is seen as
    an effective way as the internet is very popular with their target
    audience. Most young people now own a device which allows them to
    search the internet. This allows MoJo and Q to be pushed on to the
    young and mainstream audiences.

   For my own product the audience is also young and mainstream.
    Therefore I will also use theses advertises techniques, as they are easy
    to use and could easily be adopted to fit the advertising needs of my
    If I used sites such as facebook and twitter, It would attract many of
    my intended audiences, this is because they are both the two main
    social networks used by many. It would also be good if I tried to reach
    my advertising to other media platforms such as radio, BBC radio 1
    would be good for advertising my product because their audiences
    are similar to the audiences for my magazine.
Distributing my product
As I would be distributing my product to a large mainstream
audience. It would be sensible to distribute to retailers like
magazines which are already on the market. Retailers such as:
WHSmith, large supermarkets like Asda Tesco and Sainsburys. it is
important that I also distribute my product to stores such a HMV as
this a music store so my target audience are more likely to find it
attract if it can be bought here.
By allowing a subscription to my own magazine, it would allow
those readers who read very issue to have it delivered to their own
home. However this may come at a higher cost for the customer as
postage and packaging would have to be accounted for.
 The emergence of web 2.0 it is now a lot easier for my product to
be distributed and advertised. The use of online advertising
agencies that can use add ons to websites and pages of
indie/alternative stores such as clothing or accessories. This brings
my products to the large audience of music genre.

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Question 3

  • 1. Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why Jessica Miller
  • 2. Production process My product would have o go though a series of stages which is known as the production and publication phase. There are 5 main stages which are: The idea process, thinking what will the magazine look like, who is it for, content and genre. Researching into current products on the market and how are they similar to my own media product. Are they successful/how. Who is the audience. What is appealing layout/design Produce flat plans, to be used as visual aids to what the product will like like. Construct product on a industrial size Distribute the product. Depending on target audience to either niche or large audience.
  • 3. Publishing As my target audience is indie/alternative young adults. My audience is very similar to the likes of Q magazine and MoJo , although this type of magazine is also targeted at older generations as well. Both these magazines are distributed to a wide target audience and are mainstream. Both magazines are distributed by large companies such as Beaur Media Group, who also have magazines such as Kerrang! and Empire. They may be reluctant to distribute my magazine as it is very similar to products they already distribute. Most of their products are mainstream and are for large target audiences. However they are still niche in terms of the age and stereotypes. The products are distributed to retailers like music store HMV, large supermarkets and retailers such as WHSmith.
  • 4. Distribution: who would distribute. Beaur media group have many indie magazines which they publish, such as kerrang! Magazine. However they also have its radio station which is aimed at a young indie target audience. Along with this they have MoJo and Q magazine. As they have a vast select of interactive media along with online social networking sites. They are able to reach all target audiences. They are familiar with what each of their audiences want and are able to meet their needs. This knowledge allows the producers to produce products they know will sell as they satisfy readers needs. This then allows them to increase revenue and invest in continuing production. My product is very similar Q magazine. It follows the forms and conventions of the music genre and shares similar target audiences. This would make it easier for Beaur to be able to sell my product because they know what the readers want and would be able to use the same techniques which they already use to sell Q. Beaur own at lot of other genres, not just music, they are magazines in the fashion genre. This makes them very successful as they have knowledge in most genres of magazines. Knowing the audience that my magazine is for would benefit my magazine hugely as it would be able to get to the standard which the audience of a music magazine are interested in, and gradually become successful, ensuring sales and the popularity of my magazine. However they may be reluctant to take on my magazines because they already have very successful magazines in the genre and they may think that there is no room in the market for my own.
  • 5. Advertising my own product. Products which are already on the market, such as MoJo and Q are advertised through corresponding online websites, social networking sites. Theses are used to attract the right audience, which is seen as an effective way as the internet is very popular with their target audience. Most young people now own a device which allows them to search the internet. This allows MoJo and Q to be pushed on to the young and mainstream audiences. For my own product the audience is also young and mainstream. Therefore I will also use theses advertises techniques, as they are easy to use and could easily be adopted to fit the advertising needs of my product. If I used sites such as facebook and twitter, It would attract many of my intended audiences, this is because they are both the two main social networks used by many. It would also be good if I tried to reach my advertising to other media platforms such as radio, BBC radio 1 would be good for advertising my product because their audiences are similar to the audiences for my magazine.
  • 6. Distributing my product As I would be distributing my product to a large mainstream audience. It would be sensible to distribute to retailers like magazines which are already on the market. Retailers such as: WHSmith, large supermarkets like Asda Tesco and Sainsburys. it is important that I also distribute my product to stores such a HMV as this a music store so my target audience are more likely to find it attract if it can be bought here. By allowing a subscription to my own magazine, it would allow those readers who read very issue to have it delivered to their own home. However this may come at a higher cost for the customer as postage and packaging would have to be accounted for. The emergence of web 2.0 it is now a lot easier for my product to be distributed and advertised. The use of online advertising agencies that can use add ons to websites and pages of indie/alternative stores such as clothing or accessories. This brings my products to the large audience of music genre.