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What kind of media institution might
distribution your product and why?
The production of my product would go
through a production and publication
journey which takes five main stages.

1.   Thinking up ideas, what will the
     product based on, who will it be for
     e.g. age, gender and social class of
     the target audience.

2.   Researching into similar successful
     products, evaluating them and
     gathering primary research and
     secondary research into what the
     audience likes and dislikes and what
     they want in the product.

3.    Producing flat plans as an idea of
     what you want the finished product to
     look like this is useful as a guide
     during the production stages.

4.   Constructing the magazine on
     Photoshop and in design then merging
     them together for the final product

5.   Finally distributing the products to
     shops and newsagent to be purchased
     by the consumer
 As my magazines target is aimed at 15-35 year olds
 my audience is very similar to those of Q. Bauer
 media group is highly successful distributor

 Although my magazine is more niche in terms of
 genre and social group to Q its distribution will be
 mainstream and available to a larger target audience
 maximizing the products profits

 My product would likely to be produced by
 companies like Bauer media group as well as Q.
 Bauer media group also publish similar highly
 successful magazines like Kerrang and Empire

 Such products are sold at large retails such as
 supermarkets like Tesco or Asda high street shops
 like WHSmiths as well as local newsagents.
 A company like Bauer media group would produce
 my magazine. They are horizontally integrated as
 they already a range of other music magazine such
 as Q, Kerrang and Mojo.

 Producing a similar magazine wouldn't be too risky
 as it would contribute further to a diverse range of
 product to its audiences

 This allows the company to produce products that
 they know will sell as they know the target audience
 and know how to satisfy. This will therefore mean
 they will bring in higher revenue which they can
 reinvest into the production.
 Bauer media group is synergized because they are a conglomerate.
  As well as distributing magazines they also own radio stations and
  also television channels, 4music for example.

 The radio station promotes the television which advertises the
  magazine which has a page with an advert for the radio station and
  vice versa.

 As of the rise of web 2.0 there are other ways of advertising to a
  larger and mainstream audience

 Magazines such as Q are also advertised on social networking sites
  like Facebook and Twitter because it is an effective way of reaching
  the target audience because they are usually found through their
  hobbies and interests

 Young people regularly use these sites because these sites are the
  most popular way of communicating. Also Facebook and Twitter are
  often free to advertise.

 I would also apply for my magazine to be advertised commercially
  preferable on a music channel like Kiss.
 I would distribute my magazine to mainstream
  stores like .. In order to distribute to a larger main
  stream audience

 In my construction I produced a subscription offer
  within my contents page where fans loyal to the
  magazine can apply online for a multiple package
  deal which can be delivered straight to the
  readers door through a postal service. This being
  more convenient for the reader than having to buy
  there issue from a retail every month

 Due to the rise of web 2.0 It is easier for my
  product to be distributed or advertised online.
  Again I could advertise them on Facebook or
  Twitter, alternately I could pay Indie music and
  clothes stores to add them along side there web

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Media Evaluation Question 3

  • 1. What kind of media institution might distribution your product and why?
  • 2. The production of my product would go through a production and publication journey which takes five main stages. 1. Thinking up ideas, what will the product based on, who will it be for e.g. age, gender and social class of the target audience. 2. Researching into similar successful products, evaluating them and gathering primary research and secondary research into what the audience likes and dislikes and what they want in the product. 3. Producing flat plans as an idea of what you want the finished product to look like this is useful as a guide during the production stages. 4. Constructing the magazine on Photoshop and in design then merging them together for the final product 5. Finally distributing the products to shops and newsagent to be purchased by the consumer
  • 3. As my magazines target is aimed at 15-35 year olds my audience is very similar to those of Q. Bauer media group is highly successful distributor Although my magazine is more niche in terms of genre and social group to Q its distribution will be mainstream and available to a larger target audience maximizing the products profits My product would likely to be produced by companies like Bauer media group as well as Q. Bauer media group also publish similar highly successful magazines like Kerrang and Empire Such products are sold at large retails such as supermarkets like Tesco or Asda high street shops like WHSmiths as well as local newsagents.
  • 4. A company like Bauer media group would produce my magazine. They are horizontally integrated as they already a range of other music magazine such as Q, Kerrang and Mojo. Producing a similar magazine wouldn't be too risky as it would contribute further to a diverse range of product to its audiences This allows the company to produce products that they know will sell as they know the target audience and know how to satisfy. This will therefore mean they will bring in higher revenue which they can reinvest into the production.
  • 5. Bauer media group is synergized because they are a conglomerate. As well as distributing magazines they also own radio stations and also television channels, 4music for example. The radio station promotes the television which advertises the magazine which has a page with an advert for the radio station and vice versa. As of the rise of web 2.0 there are other ways of advertising to a larger and mainstream audience Magazines such as Q are also advertised on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter because it is an effective way of reaching the target audience because they are usually found through their hobbies and interests Young people regularly use these sites because these sites are the most popular way of communicating. Also Facebook and Twitter are often free to advertise. I would also apply for my magazine to be advertised commercially preferable on a music channel like Kiss.
  • 6. I would distribute my magazine to mainstream stores like .. In order to distribute to a larger main stream audience In my construction I produced a subscription offer within my contents page where fans loyal to the magazine can apply online for a multiple package deal which can be delivered straight to the readers door through a postal service. This being more convenient for the reader than having to buy there issue from a retail every month Due to the rise of web 2.0 It is easier for my product to be distributed or advertised online. Again I could advertise them on Facebook or Twitter, alternately I could pay Indie music and clothes stores to add them along side there web pages.