Crazy catch presentation 2008 [autosaved]Rich BeghinCrazy Catch 5 hour presentation- is all about the unique Crazy Catch rebound nets can be used withing schools programmes to help with achieving the goals of Sport England and getting the modern day child more active. This presentation is useful for PE teachers, PDMs, SSCOs and anyone involved in school sport.
StadiumNissanofSeattle.org_AAA Aggressive Driving Research UpdateStadiumNissan ofSeattleThe AAA Foundation was established in 1947 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit research affiliate of AAA/CAA with a North American focus. Its mission is to identify traffic safety problems, foster research for solutions, and disseminate information and education. Surveys have found that aggressive driving is a serious concern, with 32% of respondents in 2005 viewing it as the top threat and 78% in 2008 viewing it as a serious problem. However, nearly half admitted speeding over 15 mph in the past 30 days. The AAA Foundation's analysis of the NHTSA Fatality Analysis Reporting System database from 2003-2007 found that as many as 56% of fatal crashes involved unsafe driving behaviors associated with aggressive driving such as speed
Ucjsum10 presentationNoneOkanogan County is the largest county in Washington state located in the north central region. It has a population of 40,552 people spread across its 5,268 square miles. The county faces several challenges including poverty, limited access to healthcare, and drug and alcohol related deaths. The top priority health issue identified is alcohol and drug related deaths. A proposed community intervention is to decrease alcohol outlet density in the county with the goal of reducing excessive alcohol use by 5-10% over three years. Evidence suggests reducing outlet density can decrease alcohol consumption and related harms such as assaults and child abuse. Questions are raised about the feasibility and effectiveness of this proposed strategy given the county's barriers.
Burning moneyandrewkeeleyThe document criticizes the fiscal policies of the Australian governments led by Kevin Rudd, Wayne Swan, and Julia Gillard from 2008 to present. It claims that the previous Liberal Party government had accumulated $20 billion in savings, earning $1.2 billion in annual interest income. However, within three years of Labor taking office, Australia had accumulated so much debt paying $5 billion annually in interest costs. At this rate of increased spending and debt, the document argues the Labor governments are effectively "burning down" thousands of houses each year and risk bankrupting the country unless voting patterns change.
Perfect two..finalmariacarmela653This document is a poem dedicated to the author's friends expressing how much they mean to her. It uses many metaphors comparing the friendship to things like peanut butter and jelly, butterflies in the belly, and being each other's other half. It reiterates that the friends complete each other and are "the perfect two." The author expresses how much she treasures their friendship and encouragement, and that she will always be there for them through calls, texts, or messages.
StadiumNissanofSeattle.org_AAA Traffic Safety IndexStadiumNissan ofSeattleThe 2009 Traffic Safety Culture Index Survey was conducted by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety to investigate the public's traffic safety knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and experiences. The survey was a random telephone sample of over 2,500 U.S. residents that found a majority of drivers feel less safe than 5 years ago, often citing distracted driving. Specifically, texting was seen as the second most serious threat after drinking, and over half viewed talking on a cell phone as a serious threat despite many admitting to doing so themselves.
Burning moneyandrewkeeleyThe document criticizes the spending of the Australian governments led by Kevin Rudd, Wayne Swan, and Julia Gillard. It claims that within 3 years, Australia has accumulated so much debt from their spending and now pays $5 billion per year in interest, increasing by $100 million per day. At this rate of spending, it is as if the governments are burning down 7,000 houses per year or three houses every hour. Unless voters stop supporting these governments, the document warns that Australia faces a looming financial disaster.
StadiumNissanofSeattle.org_AAA Cell Phones and Driving Research updateStadiumNissan ofSeattleThe AAA Foundation conducted two surveys in 2008 to study cell phone use while driving. The surveys found that over half of drivers admit to talking on a cell phone while driving at least occasionally, with 16-17% doing so regularly. Younger drivers aged 25-34 reported the highest rates of cell phone use while driving. Both surveys also found that around 15% of drivers admit to reading or sending text messages while driving occasionally, with 3% doing so regularly. However, most drivers incorrectly believe that using hands-free phones is safer than hand-held, despite studies finding no safety difference. The AAA Foundation aims to increase awareness of the dangers of cell phone use while driving.
TUNCHI .MAURICIO HUERTASThe document introduces using indigenous knowledge from Aboriginal communities to teach linguistic principles in English, French, and Spanish. It aims to show a different environmental perspective from Aboriginal communities and foster dialectical thinking among students by introducing opposing views. The document suggests introducing an Aboriginal tale called "Tunchis' story" to students, having them identify vocabulary related to the environment and tale, then creating a comic depicting important aspects of the story.
Manual para el Reciclaje 2016 fernandamonterrosoLa regla de las tres erres (reducir, reutilizar, reciclar) es una estrategia para manejar residuos de forma más sustentable. Reducir significa disminuir el consumo de bienes y energía. Reutilizar da una segunda vida útil a los objetos. Reciclar convierte los materiales de desecho en nueva materia prima para no contaminar.
StadiumNissanofSeattle.org_AAA Aggressive Driving Research UpdateStadiumNissan ofSeattleThe AAA Foundation was established in 1947 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit research affiliate of AAA/CAA with a North American focus. Its mission is to identify traffic safety problems, foster research for solutions, and disseminate information and education. Surveys have found that aggressive driving is a serious concern, with 32% of respondents in 2005 viewing it as the top threat and 78% in 2008 viewing it as a serious problem. However, nearly half admitted speeding over 15 mph in the past 30 days. The AAA Foundation's analysis of the NHTSA Fatality Analysis Reporting System database from 2003-2007 found that as many as 56% of fatal crashes involved unsafe driving behaviors associated with aggressive driving such as speed
Ucjsum10 presentationNoneOkanogan County is the largest county in Washington state located in the north central region. It has a population of 40,552 people spread across its 5,268 square miles. The county faces several challenges including poverty, limited access to healthcare, and drug and alcohol related deaths. The top priority health issue identified is alcohol and drug related deaths. A proposed community intervention is to decrease alcohol outlet density in the county with the goal of reducing excessive alcohol use by 5-10% over three years. Evidence suggests reducing outlet density can decrease alcohol consumption and related harms such as assaults and child abuse. Questions are raised about the feasibility and effectiveness of this proposed strategy given the county's barriers.
Burning moneyandrewkeeleyThe document criticizes the fiscal policies of the Australian governments led by Kevin Rudd, Wayne Swan, and Julia Gillard from 2008 to present. It claims that the previous Liberal Party government had accumulated $20 billion in savings, earning $1.2 billion in annual interest income. However, within three years of Labor taking office, Australia had accumulated so much debt paying $5 billion annually in interest costs. At this rate of increased spending and debt, the document argues the Labor governments are effectively "burning down" thousands of houses each year and risk bankrupting the country unless voting patterns change.
Perfect two..finalmariacarmela653This document is a poem dedicated to the author's friends expressing how much they mean to her. It uses many metaphors comparing the friendship to things like peanut butter and jelly, butterflies in the belly, and being each other's other half. It reiterates that the friends complete each other and are "the perfect two." The author expresses how much she treasures their friendship and encouragement, and that she will always be there for them through calls, texts, or messages.
StadiumNissanofSeattle.org_AAA Traffic Safety IndexStadiumNissan ofSeattleThe 2009 Traffic Safety Culture Index Survey was conducted by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety to investigate the public's traffic safety knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and experiences. The survey was a random telephone sample of over 2,500 U.S. residents that found a majority of drivers feel less safe than 5 years ago, often citing distracted driving. Specifically, texting was seen as the second most serious threat after drinking, and over half viewed talking on a cell phone as a serious threat despite many admitting to doing so themselves.
Burning moneyandrewkeeleyThe document criticizes the spending of the Australian governments led by Kevin Rudd, Wayne Swan, and Julia Gillard. It claims that within 3 years, Australia has accumulated so much debt from their spending and now pays $5 billion per year in interest, increasing by $100 million per day. At this rate of spending, it is as if the governments are burning down 7,000 houses per year or three houses every hour. Unless voters stop supporting these governments, the document warns that Australia faces a looming financial disaster.
StadiumNissanofSeattle.org_AAA Cell Phones and Driving Research updateStadiumNissan ofSeattleThe AAA Foundation conducted two surveys in 2008 to study cell phone use while driving. The surveys found that over half of drivers admit to talking on a cell phone while driving at least occasionally, with 16-17% doing so regularly. Younger drivers aged 25-34 reported the highest rates of cell phone use while driving. Both surveys also found that around 15% of drivers admit to reading or sending text messages while driving occasionally, with 3% doing so regularly. However, most drivers incorrectly believe that using hands-free phones is safer than hand-held, despite studies finding no safety difference. The AAA Foundation aims to increase awareness of the dangers of cell phone use while driving.
TUNCHI .MAURICIO HUERTASThe document introduces using indigenous knowledge from Aboriginal communities to teach linguistic principles in English, French, and Spanish. It aims to show a different environmental perspective from Aboriginal communities and foster dialectical thinking among students by introducing opposing views. The document suggests introducing an Aboriginal tale called "Tunchis' story" to students, having them identify vocabulary related to the environment and tale, then creating a comic depicting important aspects of the story.
Manual para el Reciclaje 2016 fernandamonterrosoLa regla de las tres erres (reducir, reutilizar, reciclar) es una estrategia para manejar residuos de forma más sustentable. Reducir significa disminuir el consumo de bienes y energía. Reutilizar da una segunda vida útil a los objetos. Reciclar convierte los materiales de desecho en nueva materia prima para no contaminar.