Presentation on how the Innovation funnel was introduced in Televic through a creative campagn. Presented at Vlerick, in the series Creativity Talks on Feb 21, 2007
Este documento contiene una colecci┏n de calaveras, poemas cortos tradicionales mexicanos escritos para el D┴a de Muertos. Las calaveras describen interacciones humor┴sticas entre la Parca o la Calaca (la personificaci┏n de la muerte) y varias personas mientras la Calaca las lleva al m│s all│. Algunas calaveras describen a la Calaca sorprendiendo a personas bailando, comiendo o gritando y llev│ndoselas lejos. Otras calaveras muestran a la Calaca buscando espec┴ficamente
This document is a thesis on actuarial analysis in social security. It acknowledges contributions from various experts who helped with the research. The thesis contains 5 chapters that discuss the role of actuaries in social security, how macroeconomic factors influence calculations, financial aspects of social security systems, an analysis of Turkey's social security system, and some actuarial calculations regarding Azerbaijan's pension system. The conclusion restates that actuaries must analyze complex interacting demographic, economic, financial and legal factors when assessing social security schemes.
In 2009, McKinley began our relationship with the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), a $40 million medical professional society with more than 50,000 members, by conducting a comprehensive member needs assessment to understand members¨ perceptions, motivations and needs. Since then, we have continued to work together to grow membership through effective marketing strategy and support.
The research we continually conduct for ASA informs the development of our membership marketing plans and helps to better articulate the value ASA delivers.
El documento discute el perfil del ingeniero de sistemas del futuro y actual. Se argumenta que debe ser global, con habilidades de comunicaci┏n multiling┨e y trabajo en equipo. Tambi└n debe tener una visi┏n hol┴stica e involucrarse en la adopci┏n de nuevas tecnolog┴as. Para el ambiente actual de negocios, se requiere conocimiento de organizaciones y habilidades gerenciales de proyectos. En los pr┏ximos 5 a?os, se define al ingeniero como un profesional con formaci┏n integral, └tica, autonom┴a, pensamiento cr┴tico y conocimientos
The World Bank was established in 1945 to provide loans to developing countries for advanced economic and social growth. It finances infrastructure development projects like roads, railways, ports, power, and more. The World Bank Group consists of 5 institutions that provide financial and technical assistance to further economic development and reduce poverty. The World Bank gets its funding from capital contributions from member countries as well as bond issuances. It aims to promote long-term balanced growth and development.
The document describes various features of a dating application, including:
1) Features that allow users to view and filter matches, send messages and invites, and search for best matches.
2) Profile editing and validation tools, as well as status updates on dates.
3) Private messaging and rooms, gifts, and video uploading for marketing profiles.
4) Match history, blocking, and speed dating options to facilitate dating.
El poema anima al lector a no sentirse vencido ni esclavizado, y a luchar valientemente sin llorar por debilidad o cobard┴a, confiando en que Dios premiar│ sus esfuerzos.
Speed Global Networking offers an online speed dating platform called FNATO that allows users to rapidly meet potential partners through 3 minute conversations. FNATO aims to improve on traditional online dating sites by generating multiple real-time dates within a short period of time based on the concept of speed dating. The platform offers various features like match suggestions, anonymous profiles, gifts, and private chat rooms to enhance the user experience. Speed Global Networking markets FNATO as a partnership opportunity for companies wanting to launch their own customized and localized speed dating sites.
The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) is a non-profit membership organization formed in 1974 that currently represents over 200,000 small businesses in the UK. It provides numerous legal, financial, and business benefits and protections for its members, including employment law advice, tax and legal helplines, insurance discounts, banking services, and business support. The FSB also advocates on behalf of small businesses and keeps members informed through magazines and events.
Este documento presenta el C┏digo Nacional de Tr│nsito Terrestre de Colombia. Define los principios rectores del c┏digo como la seguridad de los usuarios, calidad, oportunidad, cubrimiento, libertad de acceso, plena identificaci┏n, libre circulaci┏n, educaci┏n y descentralizaci┏n. Tambi└n define m│s de 50 t└rminos relacionados con el tr│nsito como acera, accidente de tr│nsito, alcoholemia, autom┏vil, autopista, bicicleta, bus, carretera, casco y conductor, entre otros.
Wenjing Huang presented an orientation for EBALDC's digital literacy course volunteers. EBALDC is a community development corporation that provides affordable housing and services in Asian and Pacific Islander communities. The presentation covered EBALDC's history and properties, the goals of the resident services program, guidelines for volunteers, an overview of the digital literacy course, and responsibilities of the instructor and students.
The Evolving Role of the Independent Reppembaserves
Never have reps been more needed in the outdoor industry. If retailers are to be the cultural ambassadors and flesh-and-blood connections to real consumers, reps must be the grand wizards, the witch-doctors, the story-tellers. For our vendors, we¨re the ear-to-the-rails, boots-on-the-ground force that is otherwise lacking in an increasingly digital world transformed by social media and market disruption.
Reps need to have huge skill-sets to do what we do. We're rare, and valuable.
Meanwhile, reps have three main jobs: We sell, we service, and we market. We also have three work stations: The phone, the computer, and the steering wheel (sometimes even at the same time, with a cup of coffee and a burrito in our laps for good measure.) Juggling our job duties while transitioning from one work-station to another - and often from one time-zone to another - is beyond challenging: It's not sustainable, nor scalable.
It's time to look at the model we've been using and figure out what's next. What is next? We'll discuss this while looking at how new technologies and media habits can broaden our reach and effectiveness while conserving our most valuable resource: Our time and attention.
Werntz, founder of Pemba Serves, Inc, a sales agency that has been servicing the upper Midwest for almost twenty years, has over thirty years of experience in the outdoor industry. Pemba Serves was a finalist for the OIA Industry Innovator award in 2007; Brad was recognized in 2009 as one of the ten inaugural SNEWS? Power Players.
This document discusses how open data can be utilized commercially. Open data about housing, energy usage, public spending, and other areas can help businesses target customers and develop new applications. Sharing medical and scientific data more openly allows problems to be solved faster. Some businesses like newspapers are already openly sharing some of their data to develop public trust. Consultancy is offered on how open data and Web 3.0 technologies can help other businesses in unexpected ways. The value of open data is in how it can be reused in new and innovative applications.
BCI Eurobib Schulz Speyer Information Counter CatalogBCIEurobib
The document describes a modular counter system called INFORM. It can be customized with different elements like rectangular, corner, or circular segment counters. The counters are height-adjustable and come with accessories like shelves, trays, and screens. INFORM is designed for modern libraries to provide an adaptable and functional workspace for staff and patrons.
Este documento contiene una colecci┏n de calaveras, poemas cortos tradicionales mexicanos escritos para el D┴a de Muertos. Las calaveras describen interacciones humor┴sticas entre varias personas y la Calaca, una representaci┏n esquel└tica de la muerte, quien se lleva a los personajes mencionados a su reino.
El documento discute el perfil del ingeniero de sistemas del futuro y actual. Se argumenta que debe ser global, con habilidades de comunicaci┏n multiling┨e y trabajo en equipo. Tambi└n debe tener una visi┏n hol┴stica e involucrarse en la adopci┏n de nuevas tecnolog┴as. Para el ambiente actual de negocios, se requiere conocimiento de organizaciones y habilidades gerenciales de proyectos. En los pr┏ximos 5 a?os, se define al ingeniero como un profesional con formaci┏n integral, └tica, autonom┴a, pensamiento cr┴tico y conocimientos
The World Bank was established in 1945 to provide loans to developing countries for advanced economic and social growth. It finances infrastructure development projects like roads, railways, ports, power, and more. The World Bank Group consists of 5 institutions that provide financial and technical assistance to further economic development and reduce poverty. The World Bank gets its funding from capital contributions from member countries as well as bond issuances. It aims to promote long-term balanced growth and development.
The document describes various features of a dating application, including:
1) Features that allow users to view and filter matches, send messages and invites, and search for best matches.
2) Profile editing and validation tools, as well as status updates on dates.
3) Private messaging and rooms, gifts, and video uploading for marketing profiles.
4) Match history, blocking, and speed dating options to facilitate dating.
El poema anima al lector a no sentirse vencido ni esclavizado, y a luchar valientemente sin llorar por debilidad o cobard┴a, confiando en que Dios premiar│ sus esfuerzos.
Speed Global Networking offers an online speed dating platform called FNATO that allows users to rapidly meet potential partners through 3 minute conversations. FNATO aims to improve on traditional online dating sites by generating multiple real-time dates within a short period of time based on the concept of speed dating. The platform offers various features like match suggestions, anonymous profiles, gifts, and private chat rooms to enhance the user experience. Speed Global Networking markets FNATO as a partnership opportunity for companies wanting to launch their own customized and localized speed dating sites.
The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) is a non-profit membership organization formed in 1974 that currently represents over 200,000 small businesses in the UK. It provides numerous legal, financial, and business benefits and protections for its members, including employment law advice, tax and legal helplines, insurance discounts, banking services, and business support. The FSB also advocates on behalf of small businesses and keeps members informed through magazines and events.
Este documento presenta el C┏digo Nacional de Tr│nsito Terrestre de Colombia. Define los principios rectores del c┏digo como la seguridad de los usuarios, calidad, oportunidad, cubrimiento, libertad de acceso, plena identificaci┏n, libre circulaci┏n, educaci┏n y descentralizaci┏n. Tambi└n define m│s de 50 t└rminos relacionados con el tr│nsito como acera, accidente de tr│nsito, alcoholemia, autom┏vil, autopista, bicicleta, bus, carretera, casco y conductor, entre otros.
Wenjing Huang presented an orientation for EBALDC's digital literacy course volunteers. EBALDC is a community development corporation that provides affordable housing and services in Asian and Pacific Islander communities. The presentation covered EBALDC's history and properties, the goals of the resident services program, guidelines for volunteers, an overview of the digital literacy course, and responsibilities of the instructor and students.
The Evolving Role of the Independent Reppembaserves
Never have reps been more needed in the outdoor industry. If retailers are to be the cultural ambassadors and flesh-and-blood connections to real consumers, reps must be the grand wizards, the witch-doctors, the story-tellers. For our vendors, we¨re the ear-to-the-rails, boots-on-the-ground force that is otherwise lacking in an increasingly digital world transformed by social media and market disruption.
Reps need to have huge skill-sets to do what we do. We're rare, and valuable.
Meanwhile, reps have three main jobs: We sell, we service, and we market. We also have three work stations: The phone, the computer, and the steering wheel (sometimes even at the same time, with a cup of coffee and a burrito in our laps for good measure.) Juggling our job duties while transitioning from one work-station to another - and often from one time-zone to another - is beyond challenging: It's not sustainable, nor scalable.
It's time to look at the model we've been using and figure out what's next. What is next? We'll discuss this while looking at how new technologies and media habits can broaden our reach and effectiveness while conserving our most valuable resource: Our time and attention.
Werntz, founder of Pemba Serves, Inc, a sales agency that has been servicing the upper Midwest for almost twenty years, has over thirty years of experience in the outdoor industry. Pemba Serves was a finalist for the OIA Industry Innovator award in 2007; Brad was recognized in 2009 as one of the ten inaugural SNEWS? Power Players.
This document discusses how open data can be utilized commercially. Open data about housing, energy usage, public spending, and other areas can help businesses target customers and develop new applications. Sharing medical and scientific data more openly allows problems to be solved faster. Some businesses like newspapers are already openly sharing some of their data to develop public trust. Consultancy is offered on how open data and Web 3.0 technologies can help other businesses in unexpected ways. The value of open data is in how it can be reused in new and innovative applications.
BCI Eurobib Schulz Speyer Information Counter CatalogBCIEurobib
The document describes a modular counter system called INFORM. It can be customized with different elements like rectangular, corner, or circular segment counters. The counters are height-adjustable and come with accessories like shelves, trays, and screens. INFORM is designed for modern libraries to provide an adaptable and functional workspace for staff and patrons.
Este documento contiene una colecci┏n de calaveras, poemas cortos tradicionales mexicanos escritos para el D┴a de Muertos. Las calaveras describen interacciones humor┴sticas entre varias personas y la Calaca, una representaci┏n esquel└tica de la muerte, quien se lleva a los personajes mencionados a su reino.
3. ??????? Combo14 List16 Frame18
Sisaket Rajabhat University 1
Chaiyaphum Rajabhat 14
Kalasin Rajabhat University 2
Roi-et Rajabhat University 3
Rajanagarindra Rajabhat 7
Thepsatri Rajabhat
Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya 3
Rajabhat University
Valaylongkorn Rajabhat 8
Rambhaibarni Rajabhat 14
loei Rajabhat University 7
Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat 18
Udon thani Rajabhat 13
Rajabhat Maha sarakham 8
Nakhon Ratchasima 11
Rajabhat University
Buriram Rajabhat University 11
Surindra Rajabhat University 13
Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat 13
Ramkhamhaeng University
Open University
Sukhothaihammathirat 7
Open University