To get coverage in The Crimson White (CW), organizations should email details about their news or events to the appropriate desk - News, Lifestyles, or Sports. The CW offers articles, news briefs, and calendar listings. Organizations should provide contact information for at least one person and be available to answer follow-up questions from reporters. Other options for publicity include submitting to UA News, the Crimson Calendar, or The SOURCE calendar.
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Contacting the Crimson White
1. How to reach out to The Crimson White
Tips on the best policies and practices for getting your
organizations news in the CW
Who do I talk to?
The CW has various editorial desks. If you want to increase the chance
your news or event will be published, make sure you send it to the right
desk. A desk, in newspaper jargon, means the group that handles a
specific segment of news. The CW has the following desks:
News: This is a large desk that incorporates most student news on- and off-campus.
Editor: Will Tucker; Assistant Editors: Patty Vaughn,
Hannah Mask
Lifestyles: This includes arts, entertainment, nightlife, music and cultural news.
Editor: Kelsey Stein (
Sports: Anything sports related. This includes intramural, club, and varsity sports.
Editor: Jason Galloway
Many times individual reporters will have their email addresses listed with their articles in
the CW. If youve noticed that a specific reporter has written articles similar to your
organizations news, you may consider emailing them personally. But remember, CW
reporters are students too. They get several emails every day, so directing your news to
the correct place will increase your chances of getting a reply.
Not everything your Types of coverage you can
organization does will get in the CW:
be newsworthy Article: This is a full-fledged article. It
will generally be 500-800 words and include
Is your news weird or interesting?
quotes from 3 different sources
Doing something new and unique to
News Brief: This is shorter than an article
and requires fewer sources. If you dont
Is it timely? Are you holding an
think you have enough information for a
event? Is it time-sensitive? Is it
full article, this may be a better option.
relevant to things going on around
campus, the state or the country?
Calendar event/Announcement: The CW
regularly runs tidbits about organizations
Is it relevant to a lot of people, or
upcoming or ongoing events. We can also
just a few? Does it hit home?
add it to one of our online or print calendars.
2. What we need from you: Deadlines and contact info:
Your full name, year in school and major Let us know about your story at least 1-2 weeks in
At least 1 working cell phone number
Email the appropriate editor, and follow up a couple
An email addressThat you check regularly! of days later.
Optional, but helpful: Names and contact informa- Remember to provide all of the basic details about
tion of other people that might be useful sources for your event, as well as the name, emails, and phone
the reporter numbers for anyone else involved.
Important info about availability:
We regularly receive emails from student organiza-
tions about upcoming events. Many times when we
do attempt to cover them, we cant get in touch with
anyone in the organization. When you send an email
to the CW, include the Who, What, When, Where, Why
and How of your story or event. If you dont include
this info, an editor or reporter is unlikely to follow up
with you.
Online articles
The Crimson White also runs online-exclusive stories, especially if the article has pictures or video.
We have a limited amount of space we can fill with articles, and online articles are just as helpful as
print ones. We have several thousand unique visitors to the CW website daily. Dont feel turned off or
cheated if this is the case with your news, and be sure to send the link out to your friends and mem-
bers of your organization.
Other publicity options:
UA News: UA News is sent out weekly to students. It is run through the Office of University Relations.
To submit your information to UA Student News, use this link:
Crimson Calendar: You can submit your own events to the Crimson Calendar (
Click the link and follow the instructions on the site for submitting an event to the calendar.
Lots of reporters check the student news and Crimson Calendar for news ideas/stories.
The SOURCE Calendar: Contact Alex Karagas at The SOURCE to learn how to add your
event to The SOURCE calendar.