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25, Deerbourne Drive St. Albert Alberta, T8N 6E1
jtosky@shaw.ca 780.569.2929 780.405-7553
OBJECTIVE: To ensure success of turnarounds in a safe, cost effective, labor efficient,
properly managed time sensitive event. Utilizing my extensive experience in planning,
supervision and craft time on tools to bring the required attention to detail that make
milestones achievable.
AUGUST 2014  MAY 2015 Senior Mechanical Planner EPCM-PSP
Shell Scotford Refining & Manufacturing
 Development & assembly of concise work packages for Management, scheduling,
materials, direct and indirect labor for field execution.
 Daily interaction with scheduling to make sure logic was linked and tied for
manpower leveling
 Constant field verification with all primary and sub contractors to maximize
equipment utilization avoiding bottleneck.
 Liaise with Engineering Management and vendors to maintain proper preservation
of equipment when required.
Interpretation of Engineering work request compiling detail scope (step list) Identifying
and marking all pertinent drawings and pictures for positive and mechanical isolations (TA
and Operations). Identifying errors and making necessary corrections to avoid cost
overrun during execution. Detail analysis of vendors and redline drawings and P&IDS,
preparing flange management reference and document lists (line destination). Reviewing
sub contractor quotes and operating procedures. Ordering of materials with inventory
follow up, verifying shelf/warehouse location.
MAY 2013  NOVEMBER 2013 Mechanical Planner Phoenix Industrial
Nexen Kinosis K1A (SAGD New Construction)
 Lead Planners cross shift role encompassed management of project controls
 Development of FIWP (Field Insulation work package) For construction,
commissioning and start up  turnover ready
 Progression planning  plans were used as the backbone for additions and
upgrades and the reference for Nexens maintenance and asset management
 Developed the rotating equipment installation travel sheet that is now a part of
Nexens Major Project Synthetic Oil standard
Daily use of Vendor FTP sites. Creation and maintenance of hard copy library as
engineering progressed. Updating packages and red line drawings daily. Field verification
for placement and survey of modules and static equipment. DIWP signoff/travel sheet
contained: Crew size and type, interdisciplinary constraints, equipment requirements,
heavy lift/critical life requirements, IFC drawings, markups, redline, material requests,
scaffold/modification requests, FIWP tool/equipment requests, safety awareness
documents, quality requirements, FIWP scorecard, third party inspections if required and
NOVEMBER 2008  OCTOBER 2011 various positions held, Superintendent, General
Foreman & Foreman. Contractors; Jacobs, TIC, Ganotec West, KBR, Reppesco, Babcock &
Wilcox, Gauthier Mechanical, Edmonton Exchanger, Transfield Services.
 Execution of various turnarounds from Medicine Hat to plants north of Fort
McMurray, Alberta
 Bulk of work was for traditional spring & fall shutdowns
 Pre and post work included setup of tooling  staging as per planned footwork
 Ordering of craft, coordinating of orientation fine tuning of manpower loading
FEBRUARY 2007  OCTOBER 2008 Mechanical Planner Jacobs & FT Services Suncor Tar
 Assembly of work packages for T/A then to field as coordinator for execution phase
 Reporting and updating the 36 hour look ahead
 Progress meetings
 Craft and resource coordinating
 Ensuring proper timed delivery of material
 Removing obstacles or impairments to keep work progressing
10 years previous Boilermaker/Welder Local 146 Edmonton
5 years as Process Operator Esso-Imperial Oil
 Detailed understanding of Permitting/Procedures in live plant and shut down
Professional Development  Project Management in P6  Oracle University, Red Seal 4th
Class Power Engineer, Red Seal Welder, Boilermaker 20+ years, Transfield Asset
Management Leaders of teams, Jacobs Industrial frontline leader Level 4, Supervisor
Training Boilermaker 146 * Frontline Leader Supervisor * Demands of job * Critical
conversations * Industrial Realities * Building effective work teams. IAO Certificate Fire
Prevention & Building Construction, CSTS  09, OSSA Fall Arrest, OSSA confined space,
OSSA Permit receiver, Touchback AWP, TDG, Class 3DL with Air, Government certified to
operate bulldozer, excavator and skid steer.
Technical: Primavera 6, MS Office, Outlook, Excel, Windows 7, Vista, Pro, Adobe Standard
X, Adobe Professional XI, SharePoint, Live link, Project wise, GSAP, Aims, Maximo.

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  • 1. JOEL TOSKY 25, Deerbourne Drive St. Albert Alberta, T8N 6E1 jtosky@shaw.ca 780.569.2929 780.405-7553 OBJECTIVE: To ensure success of turnarounds in a safe, cost effective, labor efficient, properly managed time sensitive event. Utilizing my extensive experience in planning, supervision and craft time on tools to bring the required attention to detail that make milestones achievable. AUGUST 2014 MAY 2015 Senior Mechanical Planner EPCM-PSP Shell Scotford Refining & Manufacturing Development & assembly of concise work packages for Management, scheduling, materials, direct and indirect labor for field execution. Daily interaction with scheduling to make sure logic was linked and tied for manpower leveling Constant field verification with all primary and sub contractors to maximize equipment utilization avoiding bottleneck. Liaise with Engineering Management and vendors to maintain proper preservation of equipment when required. Interpretation of Engineering work request compiling detail scope (step list) Identifying and marking all pertinent drawings and pictures for positive and mechanical isolations (TA and Operations). Identifying errors and making necessary corrections to avoid cost overrun during execution. Detail analysis of vendors and redline drawings and P&IDS, preparing flange management reference and document lists (line destination). Reviewing sub contractor quotes and operating procedures. Ordering of materials with inventory follow up, verifying shelf/warehouse location. MAY 2013 NOVEMBER 2013 Mechanical Planner Phoenix Industrial Nexen Kinosis K1A (SAGD New Construction) Lead Planners cross shift role encompassed management of project controls Development of FIWP (Field Insulation work package) For construction, commissioning and start up turnover ready Progression planning plans were used as the backbone for additions and upgrades and the reference for Nexens maintenance and asset management programs Developed the rotating equipment installation travel sheet that is now a part of Nexens Major Project Synthetic Oil standard
  • 2. Daily use of Vendor FTP sites. Creation and maintenance of hard copy library as engineering progressed. Updating packages and red line drawings daily. Field verification for placement and survey of modules and static equipment. DIWP signoff/travel sheet contained: Crew size and type, interdisciplinary constraints, equipment requirements, heavy lift/critical life requirements, IFC drawings, markups, redline, material requests, scaffold/modification requests, FIWP tool/equipment requests, safety awareness documents, quality requirements, FIWP scorecard, third party inspections if required and preservation. NOVEMBER 2008 OCTOBER 2011 various positions held, Superintendent, General Foreman & Foreman. Contractors; Jacobs, TIC, Ganotec West, KBR, Reppesco, Babcock & Wilcox, Gauthier Mechanical, Edmonton Exchanger, Transfield Services. Execution of various turnarounds from Medicine Hat to plants north of Fort McMurray, Alberta Bulk of work was for traditional spring & fall shutdowns Pre and post work included setup of tooling staging as per planned footwork Ordering of craft, coordinating of orientation fine tuning of manpower loading FEBRUARY 2007 OCTOBER 2008 Mechanical Planner Jacobs & FT Services Suncor Tar Island Assembly of work packages for T/A then to field as coordinator for execution phase Reporting and updating the 36 hour look ahead Progress meetings Craft and resource coordinating Ensuring proper timed delivery of material Removing obstacles or impairments to keep work progressing 10 years previous Boilermaker/Welder Local 146 Edmonton 5 years as Process Operator Esso-Imperial Oil Detailed understanding of Permitting/Procedures in live plant and shut down conditions
  • 3. Professional Development Project Management in P6 Oracle University, Red Seal 4th Class Power Engineer, Red Seal Welder, Boilermaker 20+ years, Transfield Asset Management Leaders of teams, Jacobs Industrial frontline leader Level 4, Supervisor Training Boilermaker 146 * Frontline Leader Supervisor * Demands of job * Critical conversations * Industrial Realities * Building effective work teams. IAO Certificate Fire Prevention & Building Construction, CSTS 09, OSSA Fall Arrest, OSSA confined space, OSSA Permit receiver, Touchback AWP, TDG, Class 3DL with Air, Government certified to operate bulldozer, excavator and skid steer. Technical: Primavera 6, MS Office, Outlook, Excel, Windows 7, Vista, Pro, Adobe Standard X, Adobe Professional XI, SharePoint, Live link, Project wise, GSAP, Aims, Maximo.