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Defects in existing
Most buildings are old
 Most buildings have
Topics covered

 Defects due to water damage
 Defects due to biological agents
 Defects due to mechanical damage

Why is water a problem?

 Water is everywhere, you cannot
  keep it out
 Universal solvent
 Water is required for biological
 Water expands when it freezes

Black Spot Mould damage

                                        Dissolving of

                Dry rot fungal damage
 Damage to finishes                                        College
                                        Frost damage
 Rising damp
  (ground water)
  damp (rain)
 Wet services

Rising damp: remedial work
 Solutions to rising
  damp problems:
    Internal tanking, placing
     an impervious layer
     between the wet wall and
     the interior.
    Inject a chemical DPC
     but these can be
     ineffective in some
    Insert porous tubes, open
     to the outside to ventilate
     the interior of the wall
    Cut out a course of bricks
     and insert a full DPC.             Royal
     Expensive and disruptive.     Agricultural
     But it works                     College
Cavity wall: rain exclusion
penetrating damp
 Cavity construction: the
  cavity is there to drain
  away penetrating water.
 Impermeable rain shield
  wall covering, such as
  metal or plastic sheeting                rain shield
 Complete DPC systems                     often glass or
                                           sheet metal
  around all sides of all
 Good detailing                                                 Royal
 Good maintenance                                             College
Remedial work
 Fix any damage to         soaks up rain
  roofs and openings.
 Apply a breathable
  render, the over coat
 DONT apply
  waterproof paints or
  coatings. This is will
  not work

                            Moisture dries        Royal
                            out in dry       Agricultural
Water damage from services

 Many problems caused by water are due to
  leaks from water and central heating pipes
 Check that what appears to be a leak in a
  cold pipe or tank is not in fact condensation
  on the outside of a perfectly sound fitting.
                              Cold water

                              Cold tank

                              Condensation drips   Agricultural
 The air holds water vapour as a dry gas.
 The quantity it can hold depends on the air
 When the maximum amount is held for the
  prevailing temperature, the air is saturated
  (100% relative humidity).
 The temperature at which air becomes saturated
  by the amount of water it holds is called the dew
 If further water vapour is added to saturated
  air, or if the temperature falls, the excess water
  vapour condenses out as liquid water.
Surface condensation

 Surface condensation occurs when the
  temperature of an internal surface falls
  below the local dew point temperature.
  Liquid water condenses out on the surface.
 Risk of surface condensation is high when
   internal temperatures drop
   water vapour increases (in a shower room or
    kitchen during cooking)

Boundary layer of still air
              The few mm of air adjacent to
              the surface is held still by
              friction and acts as an
              insulating layer.

              This is more pronounced on
              the internal surface than on the
              external, where wind blows the
              boundary layer away

Outside       Inside                                  Royal
Temperature gradient
             through a wall

                            20属 C in
                            body of

                        10属 C on surface

5属 C outside            Air temp drops
                        sharply in
                        boundary layer
                        on a cold wall
        Outside                                 Royal
                       Inside              Agricultural
Low dew point scenario
    Air is holding only a small amount of water
    (low relative humidity) and so the dew point is
    low, say 4属 C

                                      20属 C inside air

                                     10属 C on surface

5属 C outside

Outside                                     Inside       Agricultural
Low dew point scenario
    Air is holding only a small amount of water
    (low relative humidity) and so the dew point is
    low, say 4属 C

                                      20属 C inside air

                                     10属 C on surface
                                       Dew point 4属C
5属 C outside
                                Low risk of surface
Outside                                     Inside       Agricultural
High dew point scenario
     Air is holding a large amount of water (high
     relative humidity) and so the dew point is high,
     say 12属 C

                                     20属 C inside air

                                     10属 C on surface

5属 C outside

Outside                              Inside                College
High dew point scenario
     Air is holding a large amount of water (high
     relative humidity) and so the dew point is high,
     say 12属 C

                                   20属 C inside air
                             Dew point 12属C
                                     10属 C on surface

5属 C outside
                              High risk of surface
Outside                              Inside                College
Remedies for surface
 Reducing water vapour content in the
  internal air
   Cut down on water generating activities
   Air conditioning
 Keeping surfaces warm (i.e above the
  dew point temperature), but theres a
  problem                                         Royal
Internal insulation can cause
   interstitial condensation
   Internal insulation

                         20属 C inside air
 Thermal gradient        temp
 through wall

5属 C outside                Inside
air temp                    dew point 12属C

 dew point 4属C                                    Royal
Internal insulation can cause
         interstitial condensation
        Internal insulation

                              20属 C inside air
       Thermal gradient       temp
       through wall
Dew point
     5属 C outside                Inside
     air temp                    dew point 12属C

      dew point 4属C                                    Royal
Internal insulation can cause
         interstitial condensation
        Internal insulation

                              20属 C inside air
       Thermal gradient       temp
       through wall
Dew point
     5属 C outside                Inside
     air temp                    dew point 12属C

      Outside                   condensation
      dew point 4属C             could occur in         Royal
                                this zone         Agricultural
Solution: Vapour barrier on
       warm side of insulation
                        20属 C inside air

                        Dew point 12属C

5属 C outside
air temp
                         Layer impermeable
     Dew point 4属C       to water vapour
                         added on warm side:
                         plastic or aluminium
                         foil                        Royal
Internal insulation can cause
     other unexpected problems
                          20属 C inside
During freezing weather   air temp
   gradient without

        Wall surface
        temp 2属C
External air
Temp -4属C

Internal insulation can cause
     other unexpected problems
                           20属 C inside
During freezing weather    air temp
   gradient without
                          Temperature gradient
                          with insulation
        Wall surface
        temp 2属C
External air
Temp -4属C

Internal insulation can cause
       other unexpected problems
                                20属 C inside
 During freezing weather        air temp
     gradient without
                               Temperature gradient
                               with insulation
          Wall surface
          temp 2属C
  External air
  Temp -4属C

The wall is below freezing.                           Agricultural
If it is wet, it could break

 Liquid water is the damaging agent
 Determining the source of liquid
  water is vital to avoid ineffective
  remedial action
 The most difficult problems usually
  result from uncontrolled


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Water caused defects_buildings

  • 1. Defects in existing buildings Most buildings are old Most buildings have defects Royal Agricultural College
  • 2. Topics covered Defects due to water damage Defects due to biological agents Defects due to mechanical damage Royal Agricultural College
  • 3. Why is water a problem? Water is everywhere, you cannot keep it out Universal solvent Water is required for biological activity Water expands when it freezes Royal Agricultural College
  • 4. Rust, corrosion Black Spot Mould damage Dissolving of materials Dry rot fungal damage Royal Agricultural Damage to finishes College Frost damage
  • 5. Rising damp (ground water) Penetrating damp (rain) Wet services (leaks) Condensation (humidity/dew point) Royal Agricultural College
  • 6. Rising damp: remedial work Solutions to rising damp problems: Internal tanking, placing an impervious layer between the wet wall and the interior. Inject a chemical DPC but these can be ineffective in some situations Insert porous tubes, open to the outside to ventilate the interior of the wall Cut out a course of bricks and insert a full DPC. Royal Expensive and disruptive. Agricultural But it works College
  • 7. Cavity wall: rain exclusion Preventing penetrating damp Cavity construction: the cavity is there to drain away penetrating water. Impermeable rain shield wall covering, such as metal or plastic sheeting rain shield Complete DPC systems often glass or sheet metal around all sides of all openings Good detailing Royal Agricultural Good maintenance College
  • 8. Remedial work Overcoat Fix any damage to soaks up rain roofs and openings. Apply a breathable render, the over coat principle DONT apply waterproof paints or coatings. This is will not work Moisture dries Royal out in dry Agricultural College periods
  • 9. Water damage from services Many problems caused by water are due to leaks from water and central heating pipes Check that what appears to be a leak in a cold pipe or tank is not in fact condensation on the outside of a perfectly sound fitting. Cold water Cold tank Royal Condensation drips Agricultural College
  • 10. Condensation The air holds water vapour as a dry gas. The quantity it can hold depends on the air temperature. When the maximum amount is held for the prevailing temperature, the air is saturated (100% relative humidity). The temperature at which air becomes saturated by the amount of water it holds is called the dew point If further water vapour is added to saturated air, or if the temperature falls, the excess water vapour condenses out as liquid water. Royal Agricultural College
  • 11. Surface condensation Surface condensation occurs when the temperature of an internal surface falls below the local dew point temperature. Liquid water condenses out on the surface. Risk of surface condensation is high when internal temperatures drop water vapour increases (in a shower room or kitchen during cooking) Royal Agricultural College
  • 12. Boundary layer of still air The few mm of air adjacent to the surface is held still by friction and acts as an insulating layer. This is more pronounced on the internal surface than on the external, where wind blows the boundary layer away Outside Inside Royal Agricultural College
  • 13. Temperature gradient through a wall 20属 C in body of room 10属 C on surface 5属 C outside Air temp drops sharply in boundary layer on a cold wall Outside Royal Inside Agricultural College
  • 14. Low dew point scenario Air is holding only a small amount of water (low relative humidity) and so the dew point is low, say 4属 C 20属 C inside air 10属 C on surface 5属 C outside Royal Outside Inside Agricultural College
  • 15. Low dew point scenario Air is holding only a small amount of water (low relative humidity) and so the dew point is low, say 4属 C 20属 C inside air 10属 C on surface Dew point 4属C 5属 C outside Low risk of surface condensation Royal Outside Inside Agricultural College
  • 16. High dew point scenario Air is holding a large amount of water (high relative humidity) and so the dew point is high, say 12属 C 20属 C inside air 10属 C on surface 5属 C outside Royal Agricultural Outside Inside College
  • 17. High dew point scenario Air is holding a large amount of water (high relative humidity) and so the dew point is high, say 12属 C 20属 C inside air Dew point 12属C 10属 C on surface 5属 C outside High risk of surface condensation Royal Agricultural Outside Inside College
  • 18. Remedies for surface condensation Reducing water vapour content in the internal air Ventilation Cut down on water generating activities Air conditioning Keeping surfaces warm (i.e above the dew point temperature), but theres a problem Royal Agricultural College
  • 19. Internal insulation can cause interstitial condensation Internal insulation 20属 C inside air Thermal gradient temp through wall 5属 C outside Inside air temp dew point 12属C Outside dew point 4属C Royal Agricultural College
  • 20. Internal insulation can cause interstitial condensation Internal insulation 20属 C inside air Thermal gradient temp through wall Dew point gradient 5属 C outside Inside air temp dew point 12属C Outside dew point 4属C Royal Agricultural College
  • 21. Internal insulation can cause interstitial condensation Internal insulation 20属 C inside air Thermal gradient temp through wall Dew point gradient 5属 C outside Inside air temp dew point 12属C Interstitial Outside condensation dew point 4属C could occur in Royal this zone Agricultural College
  • 22. Solution: Vapour barrier on warm side of insulation 20属 C inside air temp Dew point 12属C 5属 C outside air temp Layer impermeable Dew point 4属C to water vapour added on warm side: plastic or aluminium foil Royal Agricultural College
  • 23. Internal insulation can cause other unexpected problems 20属 C inside During freezing weather air temp Temperature gradient without insulation Wall surface temp 2属C 0属 External air Temp -4属C Royal Agricultural College
  • 24. Internal insulation can cause other unexpected problems 20属 C inside During freezing weather air temp Temperature gradient without insulation Temperature gradient with insulation Wall surface temp 2属C 0属 External air Temp -4属C Royal Agricultural College
  • 25. Internal insulation can cause other unexpected problems 20属 C inside During freezing weather air temp Temperature gradient without insulation Temperature gradient with insulation Wall surface temp 2属C 0属 External air Temp -4属C Royal The wall is below freezing. Agricultural College If it is wet, it could break
  • 26. Summary Liquid water is the damaging agent Determining the source of liquid water is vital to avoid ineffective remedial action The most difficult problems usually result from uncontrolled condensation Royal Agricultural College