Bonian Knit Fashions Ltd.Md. Moniruzzaman ShetuBonian Knit Fashions Ltd. is a Bangladeshi garment manufacturer established in 2007. It specializes in knit t-shirts, polos, vests and other knitwear for men, women, and children. The company exports to customers in Europe and other regions. It has over 700 employees and a factory with machinery for cutting, sewing, finishing and quality control. The document provides details on the company's vision, products, customers, certifications and management team.
Ute la estrategia en los emprendimientos sociales la cultura organizacional e...PriscillaUteEl documento trata sobre la estrategia y la cultura organizacional en los emprendimientos sociales. Explica que la estrategia en estos emprendimientos implica alinear la creación de valor social con la creación de valor económico a través de la reconfiguración de recursos para satisfacer las necesidades de los mercados y las expectativas de los grupos de interés. También señala que la cultura organizacional en los emprendimientos sociales está influenciada por factores como los valores del líder, el contexto nacional, los procesos de gestión y comunic
In Vitro Characterization of a Novel Cis-acting Element (NCE) in the Cd4 Locus Yordan PenevWe have characterized a novel cis-acting regulatory element (NCE) in the Cd4 locus that exhibits developmental stage specificity in murine T cell lines. NCE functions as an enhancer in cell lines representing the intermediate and single positive developmental stages, but not in double positive stage cell lines. Transcription factor expression levels in the cell lines match expected developmental profiles, except for ThPok in one cell line. Initial experiments found no correlation between T cell receptor stimulation and NCE function. We are working to define the minimum functional sequence of NCE and identify transcription factors that bind it to understand how it regulates increasing Cd4 expression as thymocytes mature.
Unidad 1. elementos de la comunicacion. (anita)valerialaprincesitaEl documento presenta los elementos fundamentales de la comunicación, incluyendo el emisor, receptor, mensaje, códigos y canales. También describe los requisitos para que un mensaje sea eficaz como la claridad, concisión y convicción. Además, explica conceptos como escucha activa y crítica constructiva.
Bluestem Award BooktalkFranklin Middle SchoolThe document provides information about the 2010-11 Bluestem Award, which recognizes the top book selected by Illinois students in grades 3 through 5. It lists 20 nominated books and encourages students to read at least 4 books to be eligible to vote for their favorite title. It also explains the meaning behind the award's name and provides summaries for 5 of the nominated books: Sky Boys, Kenny and the Dragon, How to Steal a Dog, The BFG, and No Talking.
Resume ally gutea_guteAlly Gutekunst is a senior at Hatboro-Horsham High School who is set to graduate in June 2013. She has work experience as a lifeguard at the YMCA and as a camp counselor, lifeguard, and swim instructor at Elbow Lane Day Camp. Her extracurricular activities include playing soccer and running track for her high school as well as volunteering as a soccer camp counselor.
Proyecto final 122058-509cgelvisEste proyecto propone la construcción de un vivero en Guadua para la siembra de plantas con el fin de promover el cuidado del medio ambiente y su preservación en las ciudades de Colombia. El vivero se ubicaría en las Sabanas de Bogotá para producir y comercializar de manera asequible árboles que ayuden a la reforestación de zonas urbanas. El estudio de mercado muestra una demanda anual de $306 millones y el estudio técnico detalla los requerimientos de recursos humanos, maquinaria,
BSL Presentation-1-ilovepdf-compressed-1Md. Moniruzzaman ShetuThis document is a product catalogue from Bonian Sourcing Ltd. that lists over 30 items of clothing including men's and women's t-shirts, polo shirts, sweaters, pants, dresses and more. For each item, it provides information on the fabric composition, weight, treatments, and styles. The items are for men, women, boys, girls and babies and include tops, bottoms, swimwear and more made from fabrics like cotton, polyester, viscose and blends in weights ranging from 130 to 280 GSM.
Resumechristianrodemich95Christian Rodemich is a student at Hatboro-Horsham High School who will graduate in June 2013. He has taken several film, television, and photography courses where he has learned skills like shot composition, film production, television studio equipment, and editing software like Adobe Premier and Photoshop. In his free time he enjoys making videos and composing music.
Funciones del lenguaje. unidad 2valerialaprincesitaEste documento describe las tres funciones principales del lenguaje: la función persuasiva, la función expresiva y la función referencial o informativa. Explica que la función persuasiva se usa para convencer al lector de un punto de vista, la función expresiva permite comunicar estados de ánimo y sentimientos, y la función referencial tiene el propósito de informar sobre hechos y datos de la realidad de manera objetiva.
Ervin_Resume21Ervin DulfoThis document is a resume for Ervin Batula Dulfo summarizing his objective, work experience, technical skills, education, and training. His objective is to apply and develop his skills as a future professional in his chosen field. He has worked as a Deskside Support Engineer and Technical Support Engineer, providing technical assistance to customers. He is knowledgeable in various computer programs, networking, and troubleshooting hardware and software issues. He has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from Adamson University and has participated in several seminars on topics such as Cisco certification, cloud computing, and new IT trends.
7. tabla aplicaciones googleMitch LopezEste documento presenta 18 propuestas de uso de software educativo en el aula preescolar. Cada propuesta incluye el nombre del software, sus características, el campo formativo al que aplica, aspectos a trabajar, modelo de equipamiento recomendado y una breve propuesta didáctica. Los software se enfocan principalmente en desarrollo del lenguaje, matemáticas, expresión artística y motricidad.
Kindergarten Read-Aloud LessonFranklin Middle SchoolThis document provides a lesson plan for teaching kindergarten students about the author Tedd Arnold. The purpose is to reinforce poetry elements they have been learning during National Poetry Month and to introduce another of Arnold's books in preparation for his upcoming visit to the school. During the lesson, the teacher will read Arnold's book "Catalina Magdalena Hoopensteiner" and check for student understanding. Afterwards, the students will listen to a song version of the book. The goal is for students to become familiar with Arnold's work and make connections between rhyme and meter in different media.
Recetario ricosaludablepaticomparanEste documento presenta cuatro recetas de ensaladas y bocadillos saludables: brochetas de frutas marinadas, ensalada de berros, kiwi y hongos con aderezo de vinagre y aceite de oliva, ceviche de pepino con jugo de limón y salsa de tomate, y ensalada tricolor con lechuga, naranja, kiwi y col morada bañada con un aderezo de mango y vinagre de manzana. Cada receta incluye una lista de ingredientes y pasos sencillos para su prepar
CME Ayurvedic gynaecologyRemya KrishnanThis document announces an upcoming CME on evidence-based assessment and management of PCOS and DUB. It discusses how the CMEs in the SBEBA Wisdom series focus on applying evidence-based Ayurvedic science and techniques. The CME will explore the fundamentals of Ayurvedic gynecology and present clinical practice guidelines for PCOS and DUB that were developed using scientifically agreed Ayurvedic methods and a body of evidence to guide practice. Attendees will learn the AADTE framework for assessing patients, appraising evidence, making evidence-based decisions, translating evidence into care plans, and evaluating outcomes.
Bluestem Award BooktalkFranklin Middle SchoolThe document provides information about the 2010-11 Bluestem Award, which recognizes the top book selected by Illinois students in grades 3 through 5. It lists 20 nominated books and encourages students to read at least 4 books to be eligible to vote for their favorite title. It also explains the meaning behind the award's name and provides summaries for 5 of the nominated books: Sky Boys, Kenny and the Dragon, How to Steal a Dog, The BFG, and No Talking.
Resume ally gutea_guteAlly Gutekunst is a senior at Hatboro-Horsham High School who is set to graduate in June 2013. She has work experience as a lifeguard at the YMCA and as a camp counselor, lifeguard, and swim instructor at Elbow Lane Day Camp. Her extracurricular activities include playing soccer and running track for her high school as well as volunteering as a soccer camp counselor.
Proyecto final 122058-509cgelvisEste proyecto propone la construcción de un vivero en Guadua para la siembra de plantas con el fin de promover el cuidado del medio ambiente y su preservación en las ciudades de Colombia. El vivero se ubicaría en las Sabanas de Bogotá para producir y comercializar de manera asequible árboles que ayuden a la reforestación de zonas urbanas. El estudio de mercado muestra una demanda anual de $306 millones y el estudio técnico detalla los requerimientos de recursos humanos, maquinaria,
BSL Presentation-1-ilovepdf-compressed-1Md. Moniruzzaman ShetuThis document is a product catalogue from Bonian Sourcing Ltd. that lists over 30 items of clothing including men's and women's t-shirts, polo shirts, sweaters, pants, dresses and more. For each item, it provides information on the fabric composition, weight, treatments, and styles. The items are for men, women, boys, girls and babies and include tops, bottoms, swimwear and more made from fabrics like cotton, polyester, viscose and blends in weights ranging from 130 to 280 GSM.
Resumechristianrodemich95Christian Rodemich is a student at Hatboro-Horsham High School who will graduate in June 2013. He has taken several film, television, and photography courses where he has learned skills like shot composition, film production, television studio equipment, and editing software like Adobe Premier and Photoshop. In his free time he enjoys making videos and composing music.
Funciones del lenguaje. unidad 2valerialaprincesitaEste documento describe las tres funciones principales del lenguaje: la función persuasiva, la función expresiva y la función referencial o informativa. Explica que la función persuasiva se usa para convencer al lector de un punto de vista, la función expresiva permite comunicar estados de ánimo y sentimientos, y la función referencial tiene el propósito de informar sobre hechos y datos de la realidad de manera objetiva.
Ervin_Resume21Ervin DulfoThis document is a resume for Ervin Batula Dulfo summarizing his objective, work experience, technical skills, education, and training. His objective is to apply and develop his skills as a future professional in his chosen field. He has worked as a Deskside Support Engineer and Technical Support Engineer, providing technical assistance to customers. He is knowledgeable in various computer programs, networking, and troubleshooting hardware and software issues. He has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from Adamson University and has participated in several seminars on topics such as Cisco certification, cloud computing, and new IT trends.
7. tabla aplicaciones googleMitch LopezEste documento presenta 18 propuestas de uso de software educativo en el aula preescolar. Cada propuesta incluye el nombre del software, sus características, el campo formativo al que aplica, aspectos a trabajar, modelo de equipamiento recomendado y una breve propuesta didáctica. Los software se enfocan principalmente en desarrollo del lenguaje, matemáticas, expresión artística y motricidad.
Kindergarten Read-Aloud LessonFranklin Middle SchoolThis document provides a lesson plan for teaching kindergarten students about the author Tedd Arnold. The purpose is to reinforce poetry elements they have been learning during National Poetry Month and to introduce another of Arnold's books in preparation for his upcoming visit to the school. During the lesson, the teacher will read Arnold's book "Catalina Magdalena Hoopensteiner" and check for student understanding. Afterwards, the students will listen to a song version of the book. The goal is for students to become familiar with Arnold's work and make connections between rhyme and meter in different media.
Recetario ricosaludablepaticomparanEste documento presenta cuatro recetas de ensaladas y bocadillos saludables: brochetas de frutas marinadas, ensalada de berros, kiwi y hongos con aderezo de vinagre y aceite de oliva, ceviche de pepino con jugo de limón y salsa de tomate, y ensalada tricolor con lechuga, naranja, kiwi y col morada bañada con un aderezo de mango y vinagre de manzana. Cada receta incluye una lista de ingredientes y pasos sencillos para su prepar
CME Ayurvedic gynaecologyRemya KrishnanThis document announces an upcoming CME on evidence-based assessment and management of PCOS and DUB. It discusses how the CMEs in the SBEBA Wisdom series focus on applying evidence-based Ayurvedic science and techniques. The CME will explore the fundamentals of Ayurvedic gynecology and present clinical practice guidelines for PCOS and DUB that were developed using scientifically agreed Ayurvedic methods and a body of evidence to guide practice. Attendees will learn the AADTE framework for assessing patients, appraising evidence, making evidence-based decisions, translating evidence into care plans, and evaluating outcomes.
4. 1. Clavijero.
2. Ceja (también “cejuela” o “puente superior”).
3. Clavija.
4. Trastes.
5. Tensor del mástil o "Alma".
6. Marcadores de posición.
7. Diapasón.
8. Mástil.
9. Cuerpo.
10. Cápsulas o Pastillas.
11. Perillas o controles de volumen y tono.
12. Puente.
13. Protector o golpeador.
7. L’inventor va ser el guitarrista Paul
Tutmarc, de Seattle. Era un fabricant de
guitarres, que intentava afegir pastilles
al contrabaix per amplificar-lo, ja que la
funció del baix elèctric era efectuada
pel contrabaix, aquest s'encarregava de
fer les línies de baix en els conjunts de
Jazz. Fins que al 1950 s'inventà el baix
elèctric, que tenia trast i estava
Aquest era mes fàcil de tocar i
transportar que el contrabaix.
9. El teclat es un instrumet que
utilitza un teclat per
interprentar-lo, el teclat
musical esta basat en la
afinació oriental, es a dir les
notes naturals de escala son
(do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si)