Y Combinator の考え方を中心にした技術系スタートアップの資金調達 & ピッチ入門のドキュメントです。
ネットで検索すると「良いピッチのスライド構成」や「資金調達の仕組みの解説」などは色々出てくるのですが、「起業家側がどういうタイミングで、どうやれば資金調達の交渉がうまく進むのか」みたいな記事はあまりなかったので、まああってもいいのかなと思って書きました。Y Combinator や Paul Graham の考え方が中心です。
スタートアップの初期は Y Combinator 的に言うところの Do things that don’t scale (スケールしないことをしよう)をはじめとした明確なフォーカスポイントがあると思います。ただ次第に自分たちでフォーカスポイントを決めなければいけなくなってきて、そのときにどのようにフォーカス先を意思決定すれば良いのか、どうすれば良い意思決定ができるのか、という問いが出てきて、その際に方法論の必要性が生じます。
そこで意思決定の方法論を検討するのですが、スタートアップのような情報不足や資源の制約下では、ゲーム理論をはじめとしたいわゆる規範的な normative 意思決定理論よりは、行動経済学や認知心理学の記述的な descriptive 意思決定からのアプローチが良いのかなと思い、Kahneman をはじめとした行動経済学の研究成果をベースにしています。
Y Combinator 風の3分ピッチテンプレートです。初期のスタートアップには以下の構成をお勧めしています。
1. Problem
2. Solution
3. Market Size
4. Traction
5. Unique Insight
6. Business Model
7. Team
UTokyo 500k 用のテンプレートとして作成しました。
2/23 にピッチの練習にお付き合いさせていただくことになったので、その準備用資料です。
どのようなピッチが一般的に良いとされるのか、様々な見方があるとは思いますが、今回は例によって Y Combinator のやり方 (How to Start a Startup: CS183B) を踏襲しています。また Paul Graham のエッセイなども参照しています。
スタートアップの初期は Y Combinator 的に言うところの Do things that don’t scale (スケールしないことをしよう)をはじめとした明確なフォーカスポイントがあると思います。ただ次第に自分たちでフォーカスポイントを決めなければいけなくなってきて、そのときにどのようにフォーカス先を意思決定すれば良いのか、どうすれば良い意思決定ができるのか、という問いが出てきて、その際に方法論の必要性が生じます。
そこで意思決定の方法論を検討するのですが、スタートアップのような情報不足や資源の制約下では、ゲーム理論をはじめとしたいわゆる規範的な normative 意思決定理論よりは、行動経済学や認知心理学の記述的な descriptive 意思決定からのアプローチが良いのかなと思い、Kahneman をはじめとした行動経済学の研究成果をベースにしています。
Y Combinator 風の3分ピッチテンプレートです。初期のスタートアップには以下の構成をお勧めしています。
1. Problem
2. Solution
3. Market Size
4. Traction
5. Unique Insight
6. Business Model
7. Team
UTokyo 500k 用のテンプレートとして作成しました。
2/23 にピッチの練習にお付き合いさせていただくことになったので、その準備用資料です。
どのようなピッチが一般的に良いとされるのか、様々な見方があるとは思いますが、今回は例によって Y Combinator のやり方 (How to Start a Startup: CS183B) を踏襲しています。また Paul Graham のエッセイなども参照しています。
This document provides an overview of Kazuaki Oda's presentation on problem and customer definition for the Hult Prize Hokkaido University competition in 2022. The presentation covers various topics including definitions of innovation, business opportunities, products and customers, and pitch presentations. It emphasizes thinking with numbers, finding opportunities in problems, understanding customers, and the importance of funding, product design, and marketing for innovations. Mathematics questions are also used as examples. The overall message is that innovations are not as difficult as they seem and are waiting to be discovered.
How to find business opportunities at NUSKazuaki ODA
This document provides biographical and professional information about Kazuaki Oda. It lists his roles as CEO of K Consulting Co., Ltd, visiting professor at Nagoya University, co-founder and executive fellow of SLOGAN Inc., and guest lecturer at various universities. It also outlines some of his areas of expertise including serial entrepreneurship, investing, public speaking, and mathematics. The document is copyrighted by K Consulting All Rights Reserved.
Tips and typical pitfalls of startups at Hokkaido univ.pdfKazuaki ODA
This document provides a summary of tips and common pitfalls for startups based on a presentation by Kazuaki Oda. It discusses key challenges startups may face such as lacking a business model, funding, experience, team, or customers. The document emphasizes the importance of product/market fit, fundraising to build a team and product, and cash flow management. It also outlines typical company growth stages and valuation curves over time. The overall message is that selecting shareholders, ensuring positive cash flow even in worst cases, and understanding company valuation are important considerations for startups.
This document summarizes a presentation about creating new businesses and systems to solve social issues. It discusses approaches to identifying business opportunities, such as using imagination, brainstorming, analogy and copying existing ideas. It also emphasizes the importance of defining the target market by answering questions about who pays, what they are paying for, and how much they will pay. Throughout, it encourages people to think outside the box and provide examples of innovative ideas and technologies that have solved problems.
Problem and Customer Definition at Hult Prize Hokkaido univ.Kazuaki ODA
This document provides an overview of a presentation by Kazuaki Oda on problem and customer definition for innovation opportunities. The presentation covers several topics: definitions of innovation based on historical examples, business opportunities that can arise from addressing social issues and pain points, approaches to identifying opportunities through imagination and brainstorming, and the importance of understanding the target market and designing products for customers. The key messages are that innovations are often closer than we think if we look for opportunities to solve problems, and that defining the right product-market fit is as important as the invention itself.
How do we solve big social issues for the futureKazuaki ODA
This document contains details about Kazuaki Oda's career and lectures. It discusses some of the challenges with innovation in large organizations and how science and business can be disconnected. It also talks about how to make innovations by coordinating a good diverse team, creating projects with defined standards and milestones, and having a strong strategy focused on strengths. Key factors for innovations discussed include team, funding, marketing, and choosing a location that facilitates recruitment, access to markets, and inspiration.
This document contains the agenda and presentation slides for a talk on "Strategy and Finance for Startups" given by Kazuaki Oda at the Indian Institute of Science on May 21, 2022. The presentation covers topics such as a company's business lifecycle, fundraising stages from seed to IPO, types of investors, common reasons for startup failures related to finances, and tips for startups. 狠狠撸s include examples, case studies, and typical pitfalls to avoid at different stages of a company's growth.
This document provides information about Kazuaki Oda, including his background and positions. It lists that he is the CEO of K Consulting Co., Ltd. and a visiting professor at Nagoya University. It also notes some of the other companies and organizations he has worked with. The document includes sample math problems and their solutions related to probability and discusses various technology topics like artificial intelligence and electric vehicles. It also discusses business and finance topics such as a company's lifecycle, fundraising, and the importance of cash flow management for startups.
This document provides information about a presentation given by Kazuaki Oda on creating new systems. It includes details about Oda's background and experience as an entrepreneur, professor and consultant. The presentation discusses the need for new systems to address ongoing issues in the world. It introduces concepts like the Sustainable Development Goals and how technology and innovation can help solve problems and create business opportunities. The document also provides tips for defining a business model and pitching an idea in three key messages.
FUSIONDRIVER, INC.による経営視点×AI 6ヶ月パッケージのご案内:短期集中型AIコンサルティングFUSIONDRIVER, INC.
1. CONFIDENCIALCopyright ? Slogan, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 1
Copyright ? Slogan, Inc All Rights
21. 学生向けセミナーLectures and Seminars in the world(1/2) SLOGAN
Potential Incubation
Tokyo University
Kyoto UniversityBeijing University
University of Indonesia
Shanghai Jiao Tong
National University of
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Binus University
Tokyo Institute of
22. Lectures and Seminars in the world(2/2) SLOGAN
Potential Incubation
Kyushu University
Tsinghua University
University of Hong KongKeio University Universiti Malaya
Indian Institute of Management
Stanford University
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific
UniversityNagoya University