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East of Eden
This book is full of   You may find yourself
                         Hell no!
                         Oh, no she didnt
 Good and evil
 Family drama
Agree or Disagree
As human beings, we are born
 with certain qualities that make
 us good or bad, honorable or
 evil, responsible or lazy. In other
 words, we are who we are from
Agree or Disagree
As human beings, we are
 influence and shaped by our
 environment. In other words, we
 become who we are through life
 experiences and interactions
 with other people.
Agree or Disagree
We are a composite of both
 nature and nurture. As human
 beings we are born with a
 personality and qualities that
 make us unique but those
 qualities are shaped and shifted
 as we grow and are influenced
 by life.
Journal 4/16
Are we who we are from birth?
 Or are we a product of our
 environment? Or a
Explain your response and think
 of an example from your own life
 or the lives of others.
Homework: Due tomorrow
 Illustrate a passage as it is described in the book.
   The illustration must clearly depict key elements of the description.
   Do not choose this option unless you are artistic or creative. This is an
    opportunity for the visual learners of the class not the slackers.

 Mimic Steinbecks language and describe your own
  neighborhood, hometown, or region.
     5-6 descriptive sentences in length.
     Must use imagerysights, sounds, smells, sensations, etc.

 Compose a descriptive poem about your own neighborhood, hometown,
  or region.

   12 lines in length minimum

   Must use imagerysights, sounds, smells, sensations, etc.
Journal 4/23
 Refer to the passage at the beginning of Ch. 8:

 Summarize the main idea

 What is Steinbecks message about good and

 After reading about Cathy, do you believe she
  was born evil or choose to be that way?
Journal 4/30
 List every evil action that Cathy has taken or
  impulse she has had since the beginning of the
Journal 5/1
 How does ____________ perceive Cathy?
  Adam (ch. 16)
  Samuel (ch. 16)
  Liza (ch. 16)
  Lee (ch. 17)
Reading check ch. 17
1. Describe the birth scene.
  How is Cathy described?
  What happens while Samuel is attempting to help
   with delivery?
  Who is born?
  What is the interaction like between Samuel and
   Cathy post-birth?

2. Describe the last scene of the chapter.
  What does Cathy tell Adam?
  How does she leave the house?
  What shocking event occurs?
Steinbecks style
 How would you describe Steinbecks style of
  writing thus far? Consider:
  How the chapters are divided
  What is the subject matter of each chapter and
   each division?
  What does he write about and when?
  Is he descriptive? Stark?
  Does he remind you of any other authors we have
   read? Twain? Hemingway? Fitzgerald?
  Do his sentences have a specific quality to them?
Cathy predictions
 What else is in store for Cathy?

 She has successfully pulled off just about every
  evil deed imaginablewhat is left?

 Can she redeem herself? How?
Final Exam practice:
Short answer response
1. Although Steinbeck portrays Cathy as a near-
   inhuman creature of seemingly inherent evil
   (thus far), he also implies that she has the
   power to choose her own path. Is Cathy born a
   moral monster, or does she become one of her
   own accord? What elements of Cathys
   character or episodes from the novel lead you
   to your conclusion?
      For the sake of our writing practice, lets pretend
       the novel ends at our current place and we
       have to evaluate Cathy on her current
       characteristics, choices, and actions.
  Do thou
  You have no choice but to do it
 Thou shalt
    Why would you?

 Thou mayest
  YOU MAY CHOOSE TO DO GOOD and, likewise, you
   may CHOOSE to do evil. It is up to you.
Timshel Journal 5/9
 Thou mayest! Why, that makes a man great,
  that gives him stature with the gods, for in his
  weakness and his filth and his murder of his
  brother he has still the great choice. He can
  choose his course and fight it through and win

 Why does this interpretation of timshel have such
  a powerful meaning? What are the other
  interpretations and how are they different? What
  does timshel mean to you?
Get those writing juices
1. Focus in on one of the main
   themes in the novel

2. Brainstorm a story based on       3. Which symbol or symbols do you plan
   that theme                           to incorporate into the story? How will
   Perhaps its a story about          they appear or be referenced?
    good and evilnow what              Maybe your someone will have the
    kind of story do you want to         mark of Cain? Perhaps youll use
    tell to demonstrate this             light an dark imagery to denote
    struggle?                            good and evil
   Perhaps its a story about the
                                     4. Which characters or familiar elements
    idea of timshelnow what
                                        of EoEwill you be referencing in your
    kind of story do you want to
    tell to demonstrate this idea
    of choice?                          Do you have a Samuel figure? A
                                         Cathy-like character?

                                     5. Start mapping out the beginning,
                                        middle, and end of the story before
                                        thinking about dialogue.

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East of eden journals and notes

  • 1. East of Eden This book is full of You may find yourself saying.. Sex Hell no! Betrayal Oh, no she didnt Good and evil (Gasp) Prostitution Murder Family drama Deceit
  • 2. Agree or Disagree As human beings, we are born with certain qualities that make us good or bad, honorable or evil, responsible or lazy. In other words, we are who we are from birth.
  • 3. Agree or Disagree As human beings, we are influence and shaped by our environment. In other words, we become who we are through life experiences and interactions with other people.
  • 4. Agree or Disagree We are a composite of both nature and nurture. As human beings we are born with a personality and qualities that make us unique but those qualities are shaped and shifted as we grow and are influenced by life.
  • 5. Journal 4/16 Are we who we are from birth? Or are we a product of our environment? Or a combination? Explain your response and think of an example from your own life or the lives of others.
  • 6. Homework: Due tomorrow Illustrate a passage as it is described in the book. The illustration must clearly depict key elements of the description. Do not choose this option unless you are artistic or creative. This is an opportunity for the visual learners of the class not the slackers. Mimic Steinbecks language and describe your own neighborhood, hometown, or region. 5-6 descriptive sentences in length. Must use imagerysights, sounds, smells, sensations, etc. Compose a descriptive poem about your own neighborhood, hometown, or region. 12 lines in length minimum Must use imagerysights, sounds, smells, sensations, etc.
  • 7. Journal 4/23 Refer to the passage at the beginning of Ch. 8: Summarize the main idea What is Steinbecks message about good and evil? After reading about Cathy, do you believe she was born evil or choose to be that way?
  • 8. Journal 4/30 List every evil action that Cathy has taken or impulse she has had since the beginning of the story.
  • 9. Journal 5/1 How does ____________ perceive Cathy? Adam (ch. 16) Samuel (ch. 16) Liza (ch. 16) Lee (ch. 17)
  • 10. Reading check ch. 17 1. Describe the birth scene. How is Cathy described? What happens while Samuel is attempting to help with delivery? Who is born? What is the interaction like between Samuel and Cathy post-birth? 2. Describe the last scene of the chapter. What does Cathy tell Adam? How does she leave the house? What shocking event occurs?
  • 11. Steinbecks style How would you describe Steinbecks style of writing thus far? Consider: How the chapters are divided What is the subject matter of each chapter and each division? What does he write about and when? Is he descriptive? Stark? Does he remind you of any other authors we have read? Twain? Hemingway? Fitzgerald? Do his sentences have a specific quality to them?
  • 12. Cathy predictions What else is in store for Cathy? She has successfully pulled off just about every evil deed imaginablewhat is left? Can she redeem herself? How?
  • 13. Final Exam practice: Short answer response 1. Although Steinbeck portrays Cathy as a near- inhuman creature of seemingly inherent evil (thus far), he also implies that she has the power to choose her own path. Is Cathy born a moral monster, or does she become one of her own accord? What elements of Cathys character or episodes from the novel lead you to your conclusion? For the sake of our writing practice, lets pretend the novel ends at our current place and we have to evaluate Cathy on her current characteristics, choices, and actions.
  • 14. Timshel Do thou YOU MUST NOT DO BAD THINGS You have no choice but to do it Thou shalt YOU SURELY WILL NOT DO BAD THINGS Why would you? Thou mayest YOU MAY CHOOSE TO DO GOOD and, likewise, you may CHOOSE to do evil. It is up to you.
  • 15. Timshel Journal 5/9 Thou mayest! Why, that makes a man great, that gives him stature with the gods, for in his weakness and his filth and his murder of his brother he has still the great choice. He can choose his course and fight it through and win (303). Why does this interpretation of timshel have such a powerful meaning? What are the other interpretations and how are they different? What does timshel mean to you?
  • 16. Get those writing juices flowing... 1. Focus in on one of the main themes in the novel 2. Brainstorm a story based on 3. Which symbol or symbols do you plan that theme to incorporate into the story? How will Perhaps its a story about they appear or be referenced? good and evilnow what Maybe your someone will have the kind of story do you want to mark of Cain? Perhaps youll use tell to demonstrate this light an dark imagery to denote struggle? good and evil Perhaps its a story about the 4. Which characters or familiar elements idea of timshelnow what of EoEwill you be referencing in your kind of story do you want to story? tell to demonstrate this idea of choice? Do you have a Samuel figure? A Cathy-like character? 5. Start mapping out the beginning, middle, and end of the story before thinking about dialogue.