The document provides instructions for students to explore a museum website about bugs, answering questions to learn about their senses, body parts, and mobility. Students are asked to pay special attention to four main areas of the site and answer questions about bugs' sense of smell, eyes, taste, legs, hearing abilities, and whether all bugs can fly. Finally, students are prompted to creatively present what they've learned through a written report, presentation, or video to share on a class webpage.
This document provides step-by-step instructions for creating a mouse maze in PowerPoint. It explains how to use a transparent rectangle and rollover hyperlinks to link slides and create the path and failure conditions. Key steps include setting the transparent rectangle to link to a failure slide, creating the path and start/end markers, and linking the end marker to advance to the next level slide. The goal is for the user to navigate their mouse along the path from start to end without touching obstacles.
The eKids Science Initiative aims to enhance science learning opportunities for students in rural schools through digital learning approaches. It involves teachers from multiple rural schools collaborating online to develop and deliver science curriculum. In 2011, the program will involve up to 10 schools and 100-140 students undertaking science units online with support from their teachers. The initiative also provides professional development for teachers to learn skills in online learning and pedagogy. Interested rural schools are invited to have their teachers attend an information session in December 2010 to learn more about participating in the 2011 program.
The document discusses various topics related to investing and the economy in Malaysia. It provides information on the current interest and inflation rates, basic ways to invest money like putting it in the bank or buying stocks, and reasons for not investing in shares. It also describes an investment challenge for students to gain experience trading stocks without risk of losses. The challenge offers internship and cash prizes for top performers.
Uma pessoa descreveu mudan?as em seu rosto e cabelo após um evento desconhecido, sugerindo que seu cabelo cresceu ou ficou mais espesso. Eles também perguntaram sobre pelos faciais.
The Back Country Horsemen of Washington partners with organizations committed to keeping wilderness areas open and safe for outdoor recreation. Volunteer hours and donations are needed to support advocacy, education, land acquisition, legislation, and recreation efforts that benefit all state residents and preserve open and safe trails for future generations. Companies can help by becoming corporate sponsors, creating employee matching gift programs, or having employees join as members to provide legislative strength for keeping trails open and safe.
The document discusses risk factors for cardiovascular disease, including lifestyle, nutrition, fat intake, and obesity. It notes that saturated fat intake raises cholesterol levels and rates of coronary heart disease, while unsaturated fats lower cholesterol. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish also lower heart disease risk. Dietary interventions that reduce total fat intake and replace saturated fats with unsaturated fats can significantly lower cholesterol and reduce the progression of heart disease.
Taste radio e062813 rhianna from winebowJodi Fritch
The document summarizes an upcoming radio show on Taste Radio hosted by Jodi Fritch and Larry Tirrell. Today's guest will be Rhianna Brandt from Winebow. Winebow is committed to bringing premium wines, spirits, and sakes from around the world to market. Their mission is to be the premier U.S. importer and distributor of an international portfolio of fine wine, spirits, and sake with an emphasis on education.
The document outlines the structure of sample self-paced and facilitated courses. For self-paced courses, it describes the home page, course menu, course overview and resources, announcements, and forums. For facilitated courses, it discusses the home page, communication tools, discussion boards, offline downloads, and tutorials.
`Managing service quality diwakar kumarDIWAKAR KUMAR
This document discusses managing service quality. It defines service quality and outlines the key factors that determine it, including reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibles. It presents a service quality model that identifies five gaps that can cause unsuccessful service delivery. It also discusses best practices for managing service quality, such as having a strategic customer-focused concept, strong top management commitment to quality standards, using self-service technologies, monitoring systems, and ensuring customer and employee satisfaction. The conclusion emphasizes that companies must understand customer expectations and the impact of each customer interaction on perceptions of service quality.
Ce slide reprend les recommandations essentielles à appliquer avant la conception d'une newsletter, une infolettre. Objectifs, article de loi, ergonomie, contraintes techniques.
CASAtelier de méthologie sur l'organisation d'un événement. Contenu réalisé par CASACO et basé sur l'expérience de plus de 300 événements organisés depuis l'ouverture de notre tiers-lieu.
Peu d’annonceurs du marché de l’automédication prennent la parole sur le digital, et pourtant, une véritable révolution s’apprête à bouleverser l’industrie. De nouveaux acteurs inattendus entrent en scène : Apple, Google, Cdiscount et bien d’autres. Les évolutions technologiques, les habitudes des consommateurs ou l’apparition de nouveaux métiers modifient le paysage de l’automédication.
Notre étude aborde les tendances du marché, et traite également des enjeux et des opportunités pour les acteurs de l’automédication à prendre la parole.
Quelle stratégie adopter ? Comment aborder les réseaux sociaux ? Quels contenus seront efficaces ? Quel intérêt à protéger ma marque ?
A travers de nombreux exemples, Vanksen vous explique pourquoi s’installer sur le digital et comment y développer une stratégie performante et différenciante.
Este documento describe el método de riego por gravedad, donde el agua se distribuye por la superficie del suelo utilizando la gravedad. Explica que existen diferentes métodos como el riego a manta por tablares, el riego por escorrentía en tablares o fajas, el riego por surcos, y el riego en alcorques. También describe las cuatro fases del riego por gravedad: fase de avance, fase de almacenamiento, fase de vaciado y fase de recepción.
The document discusses various topics related to investing and the economy in Malaysia. It provides information on the current interest and inflation rates, basic ways to invest money like putting it in the bank or buying stocks, and reasons for not investing in shares. It also describes an investment challenge for students to gain experience trading stocks without risk of losses. The challenge offers internship and cash prizes for top performers.
Uma pessoa descreveu mudan?as em seu rosto e cabelo após um evento desconhecido, sugerindo que seu cabelo cresceu ou ficou mais espesso. Eles também perguntaram sobre pelos faciais.
The Back Country Horsemen of Washington partners with organizations committed to keeping wilderness areas open and safe for outdoor recreation. Volunteer hours and donations are needed to support advocacy, education, land acquisition, legislation, and recreation efforts that benefit all state residents and preserve open and safe trails for future generations. Companies can help by becoming corporate sponsors, creating employee matching gift programs, or having employees join as members to provide legislative strength for keeping trails open and safe.
The document discusses risk factors for cardiovascular disease, including lifestyle, nutrition, fat intake, and obesity. It notes that saturated fat intake raises cholesterol levels and rates of coronary heart disease, while unsaturated fats lower cholesterol. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish also lower heart disease risk. Dietary interventions that reduce total fat intake and replace saturated fats with unsaturated fats can significantly lower cholesterol and reduce the progression of heart disease.
Taste radio e062813 rhianna from winebowJodi Fritch
The document summarizes an upcoming radio show on Taste Radio hosted by Jodi Fritch and Larry Tirrell. Today's guest will be Rhianna Brandt from Winebow. Winebow is committed to bringing premium wines, spirits, and sakes from around the world to market. Their mission is to be the premier U.S. importer and distributor of an international portfolio of fine wine, spirits, and sake with an emphasis on education.
The document outlines the structure of sample self-paced and facilitated courses. For self-paced courses, it describes the home page, course menu, course overview and resources, announcements, and forums. For facilitated courses, it discusses the home page, communication tools, discussion boards, offline downloads, and tutorials.
`Managing service quality diwakar kumarDIWAKAR KUMAR
This document discusses managing service quality. It defines service quality and outlines the key factors that determine it, including reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibles. It presents a service quality model that identifies five gaps that can cause unsuccessful service delivery. It also discusses best practices for managing service quality, such as having a strategic customer-focused concept, strong top management commitment to quality standards, using self-service technologies, monitoring systems, and ensuring customer and employee satisfaction. The conclusion emphasizes that companies must understand customer expectations and the impact of each customer interaction on perceptions of service quality.
Ce slide reprend les recommandations essentielles à appliquer avant la conception d'une newsletter, une infolettre. Objectifs, article de loi, ergonomie, contraintes techniques.
CASAtelier de méthologie sur l'organisation d'un événement. Contenu réalisé par CASACO et basé sur l'expérience de plus de 300 événements organisés depuis l'ouverture de notre tiers-lieu.
Peu d’annonceurs du marché de l’automédication prennent la parole sur le digital, et pourtant, une véritable révolution s’apprête à bouleverser l’industrie. De nouveaux acteurs inattendus entrent en scène : Apple, Google, Cdiscount et bien d’autres. Les évolutions technologiques, les habitudes des consommateurs ou l’apparition de nouveaux métiers modifient le paysage de l’automédication.
Notre étude aborde les tendances du marché, et traite également des enjeux et des opportunités pour les acteurs de l’automédication à prendre la parole.
Quelle stratégie adopter ? Comment aborder les réseaux sociaux ? Quels contenus seront efficaces ? Quel intérêt à protéger ma marque ?
A travers de nombreux exemples, Vanksen vous explique pourquoi s’installer sur le digital et comment y développer une stratégie performante et différenciante.
Este documento describe el método de riego por gravedad, donde el agua se distribuye por la superficie del suelo utilizando la gravedad. Explica que existen diferentes métodos como el riego a manta por tablares, el riego por escorrentía en tablares o fajas, el riego por surcos, y el riego en alcorques. También describe las cuatro fases del riego por gravedad: fase de avance, fase de almacenamiento, fase de vaciado y fase de recepción.